Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Everybody Hates Leon ❯ The Party in Japan ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 15

A/N: This chapter will also be heavily based on the show. Can anyone think of something I can improve in this fic? I need some polite constructive criticism! I've been experimenting with starting a new line every time someone speaks. I hope it'll work out okay!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Bet that statement came out of left field! XD

February 1996

Frau von Schroeder acted like nothing had happened. What a shocker! Life just continued as usual.

Zigfried, however, was growing up. One day I caught him sneaking dirty magazines into his room. I immediately confiscated them, much to his annoyance. Thankfully, Leon wasn't at that stage yet. He did sneak a look at the magazines, but just complained that there were too many pictures and not enough words!

After that, I started making secret raids of Zigfried's room. I found more of those magazines every time. I did mention this to Frau von Schroeder, but she said something along the lines of, "You must be mistaken. Zigfried is much too cultured to do that!" Gesina couldn't convince her anymore than I could.

One day, I was making yet another raid when who should I see but Herr von Schroeder! I hadn't seen him in ages. I knew what he was capable of, so I was very wary.

He shouted (did his voice have any other volumes?) that I was to pack my things, because we were going to Japan! He then stomped away. Naturally, I was extremely confused.

Thankfully, Gesina saved the day as usual. She explained that Herr von Schroeder would be attending a party hosted by a Japanese business rival. Leon was allowed to come too, but he would have to play the role of my son again. I was to pose as Zigfried's nurse. Gesina had even packed our suitcases for us! I wished that she would go with us so I wouldn't make a fool of myself. However, Gesina still had her overseeing duties to attend to.


The plane ride was luckily as uneventful as a plane ride can be. Zigfried was apparently reading a book for school, but I strongly suspected that he was holding a magazine between the covers of the book. Leon actually WAS reading a book. Lately he had started reading a lot of fairy tales.

Leon and I were allowed to ride first class, but Frau von Schroeder kept giving us dirty looks over her shoulder.

After we arrived in Tokyo, I just wanted to sleep off my jet lag. However, the party was in four hours. After we arrived at our hotel, we barely had time to get ready.

I knew that Frau von Schroeder would want me to wear something simple, so I wouldn't take any attention from her. I chose a knee-length blue wool dress. Its only decoration was a floppy black velvet bow on the collar.


< /div>I had not thought that mansions could get any bigger than the von Schroeder house. I was wrong. The place where the party was must have been twice as big as the von Schroeder estate!

My jet lag was killing me, so I just slumped in a chair at the edge of the ballroom. Thankfully, Leon found a little boy his age to play with.

I was so out of it that I didn't notice the person beside me for the longest time. When I finally opened my eyes, I was very surprised. A young boy about Zigfried's age glared at me for interrupting his thoughts.

I started to say hello to him before I realized that he was most likely Japanese and not able to understand me. I was startled when he answered in nearly perfect English.

I asked him, "How do you know so much English? You're what, twelve?"

"I was eleven last October. And English isn't that hard. I been studying it almost two years." he answered.

"I'VE been studying", I corrected automatically. Then I realized what I had said and apologized.

"Don't say sorry. My teachers correct me all the time, even though I probably know more than them. They say things wrong, too. But I'm not allowed to say they are wrong!"

I couldn't think of anything to say. What a strange kid this was!

Now the boy almost seemed to be talking to himself. "I hate my life. Why can't it be like it was? Even the orphanage was better than this!"

Once again, I could think of nothing to say.

I was about to get up and leave when a person came up and spoke to the kid. The kid turned to me and said, "I must go meet someone. It was nice talking to you."

I was now completely weirded out! I went off to look for Leon. He was happily having a mock swordfight with the nice little boy he met, so I went back to my chair. I fell asleep almost immediately.


Much later, I was shaken awake by Leon.

"The party's over!" he stated. "Zigfried is in a bad mood because he had to talk to that businessman guy and his son. I think he's reading the magazines again!"

"I don't doubt it." I mumbled. I followed Leon to the taxi waiting outside.