Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Falling From Grace ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Falling from Grace
Chapter 2.
Tea was walking by herself on her way to dance class. As she did, she was passing by the museum and looked towards it. `Hmm......I wonder if Ishizu is still doing those displays at the museum', she thought to herself. `Oh well. It doesn't matter.....I better go before I'm late to my class!'
Tea began to walk away from the museum, but she stopped and looked back over at it, once again. Even though she felt she was going to be late if she went there, she had the unusual urge to go see her. It was the part of her that was absolutely fed up with Kaiba. She was totally humiliated from him in class today, and it wasn't the first time, either. She was tired of his stuck-up 'I'm great' attitude all the time, and if there was any way to get back at him......
`.....well, Ishizu `was' a holder of that necklace, right?', she thought. `She probably can't do anything, anyway. I'll just ask, then quickly leave.....that's all. Yugi wouldn't have to know about it.'
Tea headed to the museum, and inside. She wandered around for a bit, looking at the various items before finally finding the unauthorized pathway she and Yugi followed the last time they were there. `Well.....she shouldn't be too angry if I head down here, I think. Afterall, I was all ready there before with Yugi', she thought, and headed down.
She went downstairs, through the door, and into the room with the ancient Egyptian stone slabs. `There it is', she thought, and headed closer.....looking it over. On the one side of the 1st stone slab was an depiction of Yugi as the pharaoh. Then on the other side was the picture of the high priest battling him. “Kaiba”, she muttered with disdain.
Tea began to fume again just thinking about him, and rambled out, “What a jerk! As if it's not bad enough, he even has to be the reincarnation of some powerful cool guy from the past! Why is he always supposed to be so important! It's not fair!!”
“Is that what troubles you, Tea?”, a woman's voice asked behind her.
She whirled around, gasping in surprise to see Ishizu literally right behind her. “Oh, uh.....hi. Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I was just.....looking” Tea lowered her head, feeling kind of awkward blurting out things like that, with Ishizu listening.
“It is not wise allowing hate to control you, Tea. Surely, you have witnessed what happens from my own brother, when hate begins to rule a person”, Ishizu said, in a way trying to warn her.
Tea began to get angry hearing this, snapping, “I'm not letting hate rule me! That's crazy! I have great friends, and love them all.....and we share a strong bond that I don't think any other person could ever trully experience. I'm not hateful!”
When Ishizu didn't answer, Tea turned away, as she began to ramble, “It's just.....it's just so not fair that Kaiba can wander around with his `I'm better than everyone else' attitude, and step on people like......like, like my friends!”
“You mean like you?”, Ishizu asked.
“Yes! I mean, no! I mean.......” Tea looked confused now, saying, “I don't know what I mean. I just wish.....I wish there was something I could do to make him pay for being so cold and cruel all the time. Maybe, make him......I dunno, `feel' somehow!”
“Like towards you?”, Ishizu asked.
“Yeah! Then after he was on his hands and knees to me, I could just snub `my' nose at him for a change! Ha! Yeah, take that, Kaiba! See how you like it!”, Tea said, thinking about it, out loud.
“That sounds cruel”, Ishizu said.
Tea turned around to face Ishizu now, snapping, “It's nothing any different than how he treats us!”
“Two wrongs don't make a right”, Ishizu stated.
“But how's he ever gonna learn, if he's always getting away with it!”, Tea retorted. She then hesitated, and asked, “You......you can do something to help me, can't you?”
Ishizu hesitated, then turned away. “After the tournament, neither Millennium Item worked anymore for me or my brother, Tea. We no longer have those powers. I'm afraid I can't help you.....”
This made Tea down-trodden. She was about to nod and walk away, when a voice called out, “That's not entirely true, sister.......why don't you tell her the truth?”
Both looked over, as the male figure approached. “Marik”, Ishizu called out. “This does not concern you, brother.”
“Doesn't it? Tea asked for our help.....the least we could do is help her”, Marik said, turning to Tea.
Tea looked uncertain, staring almost fearfully at Marik. He smiled, saying to her, “I know you and your friends probably still don't trust me, after all I have done. I understand.....I don't blame you in the least, Tea. You have every right to hate me.”
“Oh, no....I don't hate you”, Tea said, though still looking uncertain.
Marik smiled nicely at her, saying, “How about I make it up to you? Helping you is the least I could do, after all I have done. You said you want to seek out revenge against Seto Kaiba.....make him feel the harsh pain of humiliation and rejection. I can do that for you, if that's what you want.”
“Brother, no! The risks involved......nothing good could come of it!”, Ishizu warned him.
“I don't understand......what is it? What can you do?”, Tea asked.
“It's a simple thing, really. Though we can no longer summon powerful magic's, we can still create certain potions. One of those would be.......a love potion”, Marik told her.
It took a good minute for the information to absorb into Tea. But as it did, Tea suddenly cheered out, “Yeah!!”
Ishizu was only all the more wary of this, as she watched Tea's reaction. `Nothing good could come of this, at all.....'
Narr's note: For me, I had to admit it was kind of strange having the storyline so focused on Tea in the beginning (I normally have Kaiba as the main character in almost all the stories I write). When I originally decided to write this fic, I decided to make a story show the readers the type of person I thought 'friendship girl's' true colors really were. I always saw her outward attitude as so fake, it makes you ill just listening to it. So, I guess it kind of starts out with her as the main focus. But as the fic continues along, Kaiba and Joey will start to become a lot more strongly involved in it. But to be honest, Tea actually is the main character for this story.
Another first for 'me' for this particular story, is that Marik is shown a lot more in this fic. Normally, I never mention Marik......you'd be lucky to find him in one of my fics at all. So, for those Marik fans out there, you'll be pleased to see him in this story. And I tried to keep him as true to form as I could. Many people write Marik as an outward psycho, which is understandable.....I think he is, too. But since he came out claiming to be this 'reformed good guy' (after Yugi defeated him), I decided Marik is more now like......a closet psycho. His true colors are still there, but he atleast 'pretends' to be nicer than he did before.