Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ General Yugioh Fanfic #1781 Deluxe Edition! ❯ On The Plane Of K ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

RC: YAY! ^_^
Yugi: Why are you so happy RC?
RC: You're going to Canada!
Yugi: So?
RC: ... I live in Canada.
Yugi: So?
RC: ¬_¬ You do realize what you can do right?
Yugi: Nope!
RC: T_T Aww! Let's just start already!
Narrator: The whole gang has just boarded the plane to Canada!
Yami: ^_^
Marik: Why is he so happy?
Yugi: We're the only people on the plane and he's thinking happy thoughts.
Joey: Figures.
Tea: ... There aren't any fingers Yami.
Yami: O_O I don't have fingers! AHHHH! *runs up and down the aisle*
Bakura and Ryou: ... Well, it could get worse
Marik: I don't think you should have said that!
Mokuba: Why not?
All: AHH!
Yugi: Where did you come from?
Mokuba: The cockpit!
Yami: *gasp* There's a huge K on the side of the plane!
All except Mokuba: Oh No!
Kaiba: Welcome to my special plane fools, now what I say goes! Hahahaha!
Tea: Why are you doing this???
Kaiba: Let's say my reasons are my own!
Kaiba's Mind: That'll teach `em to witness my coat drag!
-1 hour later-
Yami: Well, what should we do to pass the time?
Kaiba: This is an announcement to all the morons who thought this flight was legit!!!
Yugi: …
Yami: Where's that voice coming from!? T_T
Kaiba: First off, there's a fun meter in front of your seats, if that needle moves the slightest bit the plane will crash!
Joey: What about you!?
Mokuba: Oh… we have parachute jet packs! ^_^
Kabia: Second of all, we only have the vegetarian meal today! MWAHAHAHA!!!
-45 mins later-
Kaiba: Lunch is served!
Tea: There's nothing to eat?
Kaiba: Remember the vegetarian meal?
All except Bakura and Tea: *eating the seats* T_T
Tea: O_O”
Bakura: *plotting evil hijacking plan*
-2 hours later-
Ryou: Why haven't we lifted off yet?
Kaiba: Oh, I didn't feel like it!
Mokuba: Come on Seto, I want to see the igloos!
(/// RC: Terrible stereotype \\\)
Plane: *lifts off*
-10 minutes later-
Kaiba: The plane is now flying at over 300 thousand feet!
Yami: Yay! ^_^
Everyone except Yami: *At the back of the airplane, scared*
(///RC: For the longest time I called the airplane a bus in the last sentence. This is a joke later in the fanfic! Just so you don't get confused…\\\)
Yami: What?
Bakura: Yami... Behind you!
Yami: What.
???: Mwa ha ha ha!
Marik: I didn't mean to! It's not my fault!
Others: *throw paper balls at Marik*
Marik: X_x Oww!
???: I'm Yami Marik, and now Yami! You're power will be MINE... and Yugi will die, even though I'm not aware of anything of him that can tick me off in some way. *Lunges at Yugi with a knife*
Yugi: Kaiba! HELP ME! O_O
Kaiba: *watching silently not doing anything and not caring*...
Joey: Help him!
Kaiba: ... NO!
Yami: Why?
Kaiba: He's related in some way to you.
Yugi: *struggling* Why can't you just be a stupid non-normal character like everyone else?
Yami Marik: ... OK! ^_^
All: Phew
Yami Marik: After your demise!!!
Yugi: O_O
Yugi: Why didn't you help me!?
Kaiba: See earlier response!
Yugi: ... *reading* HEY! THAT'S DIGRATING!
Kaiba: ... SO!
Tea: HEY! A welcome to Canada sign!
Mokuba: At 300 000 feet?
Yami: I see it too! ^_^ YAY!
RC: ^_^_^^_^_^_^__^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^__^_^_^_^_^_^^_^_^_^_^_^
YAY! I'll make a cameo soon! I hope you'll all read it!