Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Gokura Chronicles – Ancient Egypt ❯ Dealing with psychos ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Snaky: Well here's quite a short chapter but here we go.
Tea: Wait, Can I be in this one please
Snaky: No for many reasons mostly this is ancient Egypt though your past-life will be in this one.
Tea/Anzu: Yea
Everyone else (Mostly Atem&Bakura): Noooooooooo!!!!
Bakura: Don't worry guys I have a plan Snaky: We can't kill her, on a better note, here's the disclaimer. You no Sue SVS.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh or anyone except Snaky, Lupin and Sakura.
Warning: Extreme OOC Bakura. Also EXTREME Anzu (Tea) bashing.
Person: talking. {Thoughts}(Authors notes & other random notes)
The Gokura Chronicles - Dealing with psychos
Egypt (We know that) - The palace
Atem was on the edge today and very jumpy. He had heard that Princess Anzu (Spoiled Witch) was coming to Egypt and she was quite possessive (of him, Makes Yubel seem normal). She followed him like his shadow (Who he didn't mind following him) and that was very creepy, she also hated Mana and Sakura just because they were chummy with HER Atem as she put it.
Atem: {I should warn them if I find them before….}
He was so busy worrying about Anzu coming he ran straight into Snaky and Bakura. (This moment is familiar)
All 3: Oww.
Bakura: This is happening too often, what's wrong this time.
Snaky: Come on, tell us, we're your friends.
Atem: Well Anzu is………
Anzu: Ateeeemmm.
Atem: {Ohh C***, she's here already!!. I know…..}(Hides behind Bakura and Snaky.
Snaky&Bakura :{ Anzu!! Oh no} {The ***** is back, Back again.}
Anzu: Atem, Atem where'd you go? (She's not that bright)
Bakura: Uhh He went, That way.(Points towards Seto's room)
Anzu: OK (Walks off to annoy Seto)
Atem then comes out from behind his friends relieved.
Atem: Well that was easier than I though.
Snaky; Yea, She's not very smart.
Bakura: True, Atem we aren't going to leave you with her unless we have too.
Atem: That's almost comforting.
Anzu: Hi LOVE!!!
Snaky: How did she get back so fast?
Anzu: Seto said you were here and told me to go to hell!
Then a scream came from the other side of the Palace
The 3 guys: {Mana!}
Anzu: Hm.
Snaky and Bakura left at that moment, both to help Mana and get away from Anzu. Unfortunately that left Atem with her
Atem: Um, Anzu I need to leave and help Mana. (Anzu goes from insanely cheerful to extremely angry)
Anzu: Mana, Mana, Mana. What about ME? About US?
Atem: Uhh….. Bye then. (Runs off ditching Anzu) {Yey I got away}
When Atem got there Mana and Sakura were being chased by a wolf-like creature.
Atem: There aren't any wolves in Egypt, this is odd. {Where did Bakura and Snaky go?}
Snaky and Bakura appear with a sheep.(Don't ask where)
Atem: You have got to be joking, oh well if this doesn't work it's to the shadow realm it goes.
Snaky: Here Wolfe. (Throws sheep at wolf)
Wolf: (Jumps on sheep and starts eating.)
Bakura: It worked?
Snaky: I know what I'm doing Bakura. Lupine exigon Homos acsept.
The wolf disappears and Lupin appears beside Atem. Mana and Sakura walk back to the 4 of them. Anzu walks out behind Atem.
Lupin: Those 2 should learn to stay out of my room.
Sakura&Mana: Sorry.
Mana: Atem….
Atem: Yes
Anzu: ATEM!!!!!
Atem: {Not again}
Anzu: See, these POOR girls have no respect for her superiors or their possessions! (She has that High Royals, Lowly everyone else view of the world)
Mana: {That ***** thinks she's so high and mighty. I'll show her one day.}(Spoiler kinda)
Bakura: That's my SISTER and Mana your talking about.{Spoiled Princess thinks she's so great. One day it will come back and bite her in the butt}
Anzu: OK, seeing as I'm staying for a while, I'll find a place to sleep. Unless, (Walks over to Atem, putting her hand on his cheek) you let me stay with you?
Atem: (Shivering) Lupin can you find Anzu somewhere to stay (To just Lupin) as far away from my room as physically possible.
Lupin: Yes Prince Atem. (Looking at Bakura and Snaky) You two spanners keep an eye on him. (Leads Anzu away quickly)
Mana: Why does she have to stay her Temmy?
Snaky: She's got a point there. Send her somewhere else like Kul Elna. (Gets glared at by Bakura and Sakura) Kidding, well the Kul Elna part.
Atem: I can't, she's royal and that seems to mean they have to stay with other royals. We can only avoid and wait for her to leave.
Snaky: (To Bakura) This is going to be a long wait
Bakura: (Back to him) Yea but there are always Accidents!! (Holding up a dagger)
Snaky: True
They all walk in and start avoiding and waiting.
Snaky: Well there we go. That was fun and creepy. Bye Please review this and read future chapters and/or fics.