Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Gokura Chronicles – Ancient Egypt ❯ Overthrone ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Snaky: I'm back !
Marik: Just great. :{
Snaky: Just read the sheet then leave. Idiot!!
Marik: Grrr. Disclaimer-He doesn't own the characters except himself and his damaged family.
Warning - OOC Bakura and character death.
Gokura Chronicles - Overthrown
Mahad collapses from the blast to the head from Marik's Plasma Eel and from Lupin's Sangloupmon shadow claws. Both spirits disapear leaving Mahad bleeding on the ground.
Lupin: Time to leave! (Wafts away)
Marik: So true ( Flaming teleports)
The 4 rush over to Mahad as the crazys leave.
Atem&Mana: Mahad!!
They bring Mahad to the other room gently as Mahad's breaths bcomes less frequent. (He's doomed)
Mahad: I never though it would end like this, on Atem's bed with you 4 around, and Mana still sucking at most magic. Ha he.
Mana: Hey! I'm getting better.
Bakura: (Sniggers)
Snaky: He's right though.
Mahad: Though with those 2, there is one thing I can do to protect you. (Illusion Magician apears,Both glow then Mahad is standing there dressed like Illusion Magician)
Mahad/Dark Magician: I am the Dark Magician!!
Everyone: WOW!!
DM: I will protect you forever my Pharaoh! (He's Pharaoh now because of the events of the previous chapter. Why it's him not Aknadin we will never know)
Atem: But Mahad….
DM: Goodbye Atem.(Glows then a tablet is standing where he was)
The next few days Atem and Mana were very gloomy, Atem never spoke and Mana was in no way cheerful anymore. Bakura seemed somewhere between anger, sadness and non caringness and Snaky kept his emotions to himself so nobody knew what he was thinking. One thing they all felt was Marik and Lupin were to die for this (Even Snaky agreed even though one was his brother). For reasons nobody knew Seto decided to and became the new Pharaoh. Seto said it was because Atem was emotionally depressed and unstable. (Weird enough for Seto.)
The next day
Seto: As your new Pharaoh I would like to show you my new advisors-Marik and Lupin (They don't disapear for long those 2)
That statement broke the 3 out of there stuper, Though it took Sakura,Ryou,Isis,Karim,Shimon and Shada to stop Mana,Atem,Snaky and Bakura from killing the 3 of them.
(All 3 P*****, though may be ovious)(All 3 held back)
Bakura: You B*****!
Atem: How could you show your face after what you did?
Snaky&Mana: (Aiming Staffs at 2 psycho's heads)
Marik&Lupin: What you talking bout? (Fake halos over their heads)
Mana: You know what we're talking about, You kil….(Gets mouth covered by Bakura)
Bakura: (To Mana&Atem)If we say anything bout that it's them against us, besides we can just get them later.
Snaky: (To the 3 of them): Yea, Lets get away for now and get them tonight. (Evil grin)
Atem: Well at least nothing worse can…..
: Ateeeeeeeeeemmmmmm!! (Guess who's back)
Atem: Anzu!!
Seto: Oh, Anzu will be staying with us and by that I mean you, for a few weeks.
Snaky: He's screwed!
Mana&Sakura: {We're doomed}(Already explained in chapter 2)
Anzu: Well Atem, aren't you happy to see someone as important and good looking as you.
Atem: I see Bakura and Snaky everyday.
Snaky&Bakura: (Snigger)
Anzu: I meant ME!!!!!!!!!!!! (So much fun annoying/bashing her)
Snaky: OK. Bakura, Mana, Sakura, Ryou lets leave them on their own. (All leave)
Atem: {You B******s} Guys! Ugh bye Anzu (trys to walk off)
Anzu: (Grabs his arm) Oh no you don't.
Atem then gets dragged off with Anzu.
A few nights later.
After finaly getting rid of Anzu Atem, Mana, Bakura and Snaky (Ryou and Sakura just tagged along) walked into the throne room to find out the truth. When they got there Seto was sitting on the throne along with Lupin and Marik.
Seto: You finally ditched that ***** Anzu (Seto admits it)
Atem: Why do you have murderers for advisers?
Seto: Don't know what your talking about but you should stop making statements youcn't prove.
Bakura: {Super Bakura Idea moment} Mahad!!
Marik: (Who had Seto's Rod since Chapter 3's flashback)(Rod at Bakura's throat) That weakling suvived?
Bakura: {It worked?} See! Mahad almost stoped you that night and so you killed him and his name causes rage to build up in you and try to kill whoever says it. (Smug grin on is face)
Marik: S***
Lupin: Marik you idiot!
Seto: You just gave the game away, (Sighs) Well seeing as you knew anyway lets make sure you don't leave.
Lupin: We will bring the Dark One from the Shadow realm and destroy you all.
Marik: And rule for all eternity!!
Ryou: {We're doomed}
Atem: {We're going to need very powerful spirits to stop them. Ugh,The Egyptian GODS. They could save us, but what if Marik planed something to stop us}Mana, find the God monsters so we can stop them.
Bakura: Ryou, Sakura, go help Mana.
Seto: Oh no you don't (DiaDhank activates) Blue Eyes stop them (That move proves he's Kaiba's Past Life)
Atem: Go Dark Magician! get them out of here.
Mana, DM, Ryou and Sakura run off.Thus the shadow game then begins.
Atem: Silent Swordsman!
Snaky: Vennominon!
Marik: Plasma Eel!
Lupin: Sangloupmon!
Bakura: Diabound!
Battle went in pairs which were more or less:
Diabound/Blue Eyes
Vennominon/Plasma Eel
Silent Swordsman/Sanglopmon
Blue Eyes White Dragon only survived 1 attack from Diabound (For such a big monster he's not that powerful) Seto nearly collapsed when the blast it both his dragon and him.
The fight between Vennominon and Plasma Eel was more evenly matched (Plasma Eel may be weak but it's very fast). Unfortunately Plasma Eel got at the back of his neck and cracked it in two. Snaky got thrown back from the explosion that goes with all spirits dieing. Marik did get blasted during the fight from a venom blast that struk him not his monster.
For the pairing of fighters Atem and Lupin's Shadow Match lasted the longest, both fughting hard and dougeing just as well. It ended only when Sanglopmon let it's guard down and Silent Swordsman threw its blade through its chest, but Sanglopmon was recalled before he was destroyed (He's Lupin's KA thing like Illusion magician is to Mahad so if it was destroyed he would have died). Atem looked pleased with himself while Lupin fell to his knees clutching his chest.
Bakura: Diabound End it all now! Helicle Shockwave!!!
Diabound: (Aims blast at Marik)
Marik: Plasma Eel defe… What !
At the present moment Atems Swordsman was blocking it stoping his Eel from protecting him. Marik took the full blast head on.
Snaky: Did it work?
Bakura: Have faith in me for a change.
Atem: Well I doubt he survived. (Famous Last Words)
When the smoke cleared (Why do all big attacks behave like smoke bombs?) standing there was Marik, quite worse for wear but still standing.
Atem: What!
Bakura: WTF!!!
Marik: (Panting) This isn't over…….
One more chapter I think R&R