Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Hikari Girls ❯ The Spell ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Inu-chan:Dun, dun, duuuuuunnn!!!
Neko-chan:*sweatdropped* Okay...
Inu:Bet you no one saw this kind of fic coming.
Neko:*raise hand* I did.
Neko:^^ We own little Annie, but we do not own any YGO characters.
Yami:Nor do you guys own any sanity.
Both girls:....
Inu:Stand back Neko. I'm gonna kill him.
Neko:*raises a hand* Stand down, Inu. *turns to Yami* I'm gonna kill this one myself.

Hikari Girls "The Spell"

"Come along, Mokuba." called Isis. The young egpytain kept on walking; greeting some of the people on the Egyptain Exhibit.

The younger Kaiba followed along, looking at the old artifacts. He seemed to be a little upset when his older brother, Seto Kaiba had hired Isis as Mokuba's babysitter when the CEO was to busy to look out for Mokuba by himself.

"Mokuba." the soothing voice called out. Mokuba looked away from a tablet with pictures on it and ran towards the career of the Millenuim Tauk.

Isis kneeled to Mokuba. "I'm goin to go to work. So, just stay in the musuem, ok?"

"But what happens if I get hungery?" Mokuba asked. "I didn't exactly bring a lunch with me." Mokuba's grey eyes stared into Isis blue ones.

Isis smiled. "I would know." her necklace gleamed. One of Isis hands gently brushed Mokuba's bangs before leaving the boy.

"And stay out of trouble." Isis warned. Mokuba nodded and sighed. He stuck his hands in his pockets; sighing as he looked around.

He watched people walk back and forth, before spotting a group of kids from another school; being led by a lady. Mokuba smiled smiled and trotted over there and followed the group of kids.

Someone of the kids glanced at Mokuba, but left him alone. Other kids had hung back just to talk to the boy.

The black hair kid smiled; liking the attention he was getting from these kids that were younger then him.

~2 hours Later~

"And here the tomb of the Great Pharaoh, King Tut." the kids gathered around a glass to look at the gold tomb.

Mokuba gave a huge yawn, but stopped in mid-yawn as he spotted a Soviner store.

'Hmm. Gifts.' Mokuba left the group and headed for the store.

No one notice he had left the group even though they had welcome him into the group and let him tag along.

"Hello." a lady greeted as Mokuba entered. "If you need any help, just ask." the lady offered.

Mokuba nodded and began to look around. 'Books about India, Ireland, Scotland....whats this?? A book of many spells???' Mokuba took a thick book off a shelf. He sort of scanned through the book. The brown leather old and dampy to the touch.

"Hmm.." Mokuba tuck the book underneath this arms and did a little window shopping as he was there. Looking at gems, stuffed toys, listening to the music, reading other books.

Isis came back to see the black hair boy on one of the benches; his nose buried into the leathary book that he had bought at the Sorviner store. Isis smiled.

"You ready, Mokuba?"

Mokuba look up and nodded; tucking his book away.

~*Kaiba's Mansion*~

"Hey big brother!!" Mokuba shouted; running towards a taller boy with brown hair and blue eyes.

Seto Kaiba turned to see his younger brother returned; he kneeled arms spread. Mokuba felt strong arms warp around him and pick him up.

Isis smiled and nodded to Seto as the boy nodded back. She turned and climbed back into her car and drove off. "So, how was you day, Mokuba?"

"Ah, it went okay. I bought this spell book from the soviner. I don't know if the spells are real, but its fun to read."

Seto nodded as one of the servants closed the door behind them.

~*Mokuba's Room*~

Mokuba laid in his bed the old leathary book spread open. His blankets turned into a tent as he had the flash light on.

The boy was flipping through the page; wondering if one of these or any of these spells do really work. Mokuba flipped to a page that he was looking at earlier.

'I wonder if I should put one of these spells to a tests.' he flipped on more page. 'How about this one.....Light Switches...sounds...intersting...'

Mokuba looked at the language. He seemed to frown a bit. 'Hm,its not english or japanese...' Mokuba held the page closer to him. 'Might as well give it a shot.'

"ergo oceanus, maritimus. ergo opacare, matutinus. ergo septentrio, meridies. ergo occidens et orientis. ergo oceanus, maritimus, opacare, matutinus, septentrio, meridies, occidens et orientis."

At those words being said. The whole book glowed a golden light. Mokuba gave a sharp yelp and flung the book off his bed as he fell of it and onto the floor.

The book fell on its back, still on the same page. The light shot out from the book and out the window; lighting up the whole room.

Mokuba jumped over his bed and crash ontop of the book; closing it shut. He sat there breathing, eyes wide.

Now he was wondering what was going to happen next and what kind of spell did he just cast.

Inu:Please review!!!!
Neko:*giggles* Looks like Mokuba is gonna be in alot of trouble!
Inu:I'll say. Especially when everyone finds out whats gonna happen.
Neko:*nods* If you wanna know what happens then review! Please!!! =^^= *pulls on Inu puppy ears* You have cute puppy ears!!!!