Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Holiday in the Sun ❯ When the Sun Goes Down ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gandalf: Hey Players, what is hip happening?

Sauruman: Not your hair do.

Gandalf: 0_o…

God, the Grand(e): *waves* I feel like putting a disclaimer on this chapter, so I am going to!!!!

Gandalf: *ahem* Nope, God does NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh, or The Bahamas!

Greebo, the Dragon: Now, on with the show!


Ch. 7 When the sun Goes Down


Bakura's Point of View

I try to move my leg, then I realize, I am trapped. I look down to find a sleeping, and very adorable Ryou attached to my leg, like it's about to fall off or something. His face keeps digging and nuzzling into it. I begin to smile at the sight, but then it changes into a scowl because I have just come to realize it's cutting off my circulation.

"Ryou!" I exclaim, trying my best to shake him off. He makes a squealing sound and holds it tighter.

"Ra, please just let go!" I beg. He doesn't shift. I grumble and reach down and try to pry him off. He struggles and screams. Damn, you'd think I was killing him or something.

"Ryou!" I holler. His long, flirty eyelashes flutter open tediously. He then glances to where his hands are tightly woven, screeches and let's go.

"How did I get down here?" He voices groggily. I rub my leg.

"Sh, it's ok sweetie your going to be just fine." I coo to it. I think it likes that because it hasn't fallen off yet. Ryou stares at me funny and rubs his adorable fudge colored peepers.

"Well, anyways, morning Kura!" He chirps happily. I give him a half smile and go back to nursing my leg.

"Sorry." He mutters, giggling.

"It's ok, he forgives you!" I inform him happily. He gives me a great big beam and runs off to the bathroom.


Ryou's Point of View

I waltz out of the bathroom to find Bakura still petting his leg. It's kind of cute, but in a very psychotic kind of way.

"Are you ready to go boating today?" I ask excitingly. He stares at me cluelessly.

"Do we have to wear sailor outfits?"

"Bakura, why would we have to wear one of those?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion. He shrugs and looks for some clothes.

I can't keep my eyes off of him when he looks that good; wearing shady blue shorts, and a tight fitted black-tee. I just stare in aw at my handsome Yami. I can't help but admire him as he puts on his eyeliner. I want to be with him so bad. I swear we would look so good together, him holding me; us cuddling under the stars. I sigh and go into daydreaming.

"Heya Ryou!" Marik shrieks as he saunters in the door with a pissed off Winthrop, and an exhausted looking Malik. Wow, I didn't even see them walk in the door. I jump.

"Oh, uh, hi Malik." I reply hesitantly, blushing slightly. He gives me a big grin and pats me on the cheek. Then I look up and realize what he is wearing. Why on earth did Malik let him out of the room! He has on glittery short-shorts, showing off his smooth, tanned legs, and this tight, midriff bearing long sleeved shirt that has pink and black stripes.

"You look like a man whore." Bakura remarks.

"Wow! Oh my gosh Kura, how do your legs breath in those? They are so long!" Marik gawks starring at Bakura's shorts.

"Funny, I could've sworn you were the one who looked funny." Malik grumbles. Winthrop and he look about ready to pass out.

"Long night?" I ask them softly. Malik and Winthrop groan and nod their heads wildly.

"Oh Hikari, you are just jealous because I didn't get you a matching pair!" Marik replies.

"Oh, you got me there." Malik retorts.

"Why are you guys here anyways?" Bakura asks in his usual harsh tone.

"Oh bless my virgin eyes! I almost forgot!" Marik squeals.

"Virgin… right…" Winthrop mocks.

"Yugi told us to come get you so we can go rent that boaty thing! Gosh, I just can't wait to show off my hot bod, I already know Yami will just drown in drool!" Marik said proudly, jingling his many bracelets.

"Are you guys ready then?" Malik asks.

"Yeah, I just need my backpack and we're out!" I reply joyously.

"Sick and tired of hearing all these people talk about, what's the deal with this pop life and when is it gonna fade out? Think you got to realize what we're doin is not a trend!" Marik belts out happily as we walk down the Lucaya Resort Hallways to the lobby. Everyone is starring at us funny; especially when Marik gets to the chorus.

"This must be Pop!" He chirps, ballet dancing along. Malik looks like he is about to murder his look-alike.


************************************************ **************

Malik's Point of View

"MARIK!" I screech.

"Hikari, don't be mad. I won't steal the show, you can sing with me too!" Marik tells me happily. Oh mother fucking joy, let's all rejoice and sing 'Joy to the World.'

"Could you just shut up for a second!" I command. He just saunters around, spreading glitter everywhere like some gay fairy, giggling like crazy.

"What in the hell is up with him today! Did you forget to give him his A.D.D. meds?" Bakura snaps.

"Fine, you try staying in the exact same room with him for a night and you see how you come out in the morning, because trust me, you sure as hell won't sleep!" I holler.

"It's not my fault the neighbors kept waking you and Winny up every twenty minutes." Marik says in defense.

"Marik you idiot, that was you and your constant singing and dancing! Don't even get me started on our 'sight seeing' adventures. Honestly, I don't even know why I bother with you, you don't even care about my opinion, you selfish twit! All you love is yourself!" I roar.

"Don't forget his stupid monologues! He recited ten of them; Ten! Seven about sexual situations with Yami or Brad Pitt!" Winthrop exclaims.

"Oh please, don't hate, congratulate." My Yami sasses.

"Malik, you're just mad because in the end I get more complements! It isn't my fault I am so beautiful! I'm sorry Malik, I just don't like you that way." Like what that way? I can't stand him! He is the biggest idiot you'll ever meet. I storm off and wait outside the building for them.


Ryou, Yugi, Yami, and everyone else hurried down to the rental place down by the docks. The place they happened to be renting from was called 'Bubo's Boat Bonanza' and was owned by a huge, portly man in his mid-forties.

Yugi and Yami strolled up to the booth.

"Hello sir." Yugi said, giving the man a polite smile.

"Have you seen any aliens around here kid?" The man asked suspiciously, almost in a whisper. Yami glared at him while his Hikari shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry; I don't think I have." Yugi said truthfully.

"Well you do know that one out of every five people in the Bahamas is an alien right?"

"I did!" Marik exclaimed happily.

"Ah, well I knew there was at least one smart one." The man said, smiling at Marik.

There where a few people in line in back of Yugi's huge party that was getting quite annoyed.

"I don't have time for this!" The tall brunette with ice blue eyes hissed. There was also two younger boys with him; A blue haired one, and the younger one with raven hair that swept down his back.

Bakura pushed Yugi aside and took over.

"Can we just get the damn keys for that damn 'Lady of France' boat now?" Bakura demanded, stamping an impatient foot. The brunette then pushed everyone aside and stepped up to the booth.

"Here must be a mistake because I rented the 'Lady of France!' He exclaimed.

"Seto?" Yugi questioned.

"Great. I take a vacation to get away from you feeble minded croons and yet here you are. Thanks for ruining everything." Seto spat, placing a slender, yet muscular arm on his hip. Yugi looked offended and saddened by his remark, so casually Yami pulled Yugi into an embrace. He could do this because Winthrop was sitting on a dock with Ryou, and Serenidy. Amazingly, Duke and Tristan did NOT follow.

"Well hiya KS!" Marik squealed, before pulling Mokuba into a hug. Mokuba turned purple from lack of air. Malik whacked Marik on the head and pulled him away from Mokuba.

"Let go, your wrinkling my outfit! Do you know how much this designer shirt cost?" He hollered, brushing the imaginary dirt off his shirt. Malik rolled his eyes before sticking his hand in his pockets and walking towards where Ryou, Winthrop, and Serenidy where.

"Anyways, it's our boat!" Yami snarled, trying to intimidate Seto.

"Oh my, I've a mistake! I signed you both the same boat! I tell you, it's the abductions! They are getting to me! Damn you aliens, DAMN YOU!" He wailed, flailing his stubby arms.

"Well, I am the richest so give me the keys!" Seto barked.

"We rented it first, there ain't no way I'm about to let ol' moneybags here have at it!" Joey snapped. Seto smirked at his remark.

"This is no place for long lost mutts." Seto mocked. Joey's face turned red in anger, and he was about to punch Seto, but Mai pulled him back.

"You should really get him that rabies shot." Seto joked, fully amused at Joey's reaction. Joey looked to have fire building up in his eyes.

"Come on babe it isn't worth it." The blonde female said to her boyfriend, pulling him away. He forgot all about his anger though when she started kissing him senselessly. No one saw it, but Seto had a tinge of jealousy in his eyes. Noah smirked; correction one did see it.

"They make such a cute couple don't they Seto?" Noah chirped, knowing it would piss his older brother off. Seto growled before knocking Noah over.

"You're a waste of my time." Seto spat, turning back to the booth.

"Well, I have other boats, but that one's the biggest." The rental owner told them.

"I have over 12 people with me, we need that boat!" Yami demanded, pounding down a fist.

"Come on Seto, just let them have it." Mokuba pleaded.

"No Mokuba, someone's got to show the animals their rightful place." Seto said, eyeing Joey once more.

"What if they're birds?" Noah asked that same smirk on his lips. Seto's eyes widened in fear.

"You told them!" He whispered, staring to the skies.

"You sent them!" Seto cried, picking up Noah by his collar.

"Oh you caught me Seto." Noah mused, rolling his shiny blue orbs.

"Ok, well, we'll just share the boat!" Mokuba chirped happily. Since Seto and Noah were busy fighting there were no complaints.

"Guess what big bro? We are sharing 'Lady of France' with Yugi!" Mokuba announced to his older brother. Seto glared at him.

"What?" He hissed, dropping Noah to the ground.

"Thanks…" Noah retorted, brushing himself off.

Mokuba gave Seto his best puppy eyes and started sniffling.

"What, you, you don't want to?" Seto couldn't bear to see such a cute, sad little boy so Seto growled a "fine." He then grabbed Mokuba hand and started dragging Noah towards the boat.

"Mokuba has him whipped!" Marik announced, putting an arm around Yami's waist.

"Get off!" The spiky haired spirit turned teen cried.

"But Yami, I love you!" Marik squealed, bending in to give Yami a peck on the cheek. Yami quickly ran off to join Seto.

"I know you're scared of true love Yami, but after one screw, you won't be able to live without me!" Marik wailed as he ran after said boy.


Ryou's Point of View

Bakura and I were sitting at the back of the boat, dangling our legs in the water as the boat slowly drifted along the waters.

"You guys do know sharks could get you at any second?" Malik asked us, making sure he kept his hand gun close by, just in case a shark happened to pop up. I giggled.

"Come here Malik." Bakura said a hint of mischief in his cold voice.

"What?" Malik asked, taking a small step forward.

"Closer Malik, it's a secret." Bakura said. Ok, so he's definitely up to something.

"No Bakura, I am not some stupid debutant who slaves hours and hours a day filing taxes and eating bean and cheese burritos, putting the leftovers in used condoms!" Malik shouted, pointing up a finger. Was it just me or did that sentence make no sense at all? I shrug, and go back to looking cool in my shades.

"You do know you look like a blind man in those shades right?" Marik asked me, giving me a glare. Please, no fools can touch this. ( Gandalf: We don't know either. X_x)

Bakura got up, walked towards Malik, picked him up, and ran off board with him.

"HELP!" Malik yelped, flailing in the water, his bright orange life jacket bobbing up.

"Bakura?" I questioned, scanning around for him. He was no where in sight. Then suddenly, I felt a huge tug by my legs and found myself floating along side Malik.

"Oh my god, a shark got Ryou!" Malik screeched, swimming rapidly towards the boats. I don't think what got me was a shark; I think it was a hot white haired spirit; but hey, whatever works.

"Got ya!" Bakura laughed. I scowled as I swam towards the boat. It is a good thing the water's warm though.

"Men overboard!" Marik cried, throwing a rope towards us. Malik grabbed it and pulled himself up, me next with a little help from Kura.

"Oh Marik, it was horrible! A shark was so close to getting Ryou and I saw my life flash before my beautiful lilac eyes!" Malik squealed, digging his head into Marik, who was completely miffed about the amount of water dripping on his clothing. Bakura smirked.

Winthrop grinned and threw Bakura and I towels.

"Fell in huh?" She joked. I smiled and nodded.

Bakura was currently picking through some strange looking food, dripping salty water everywhere.

"Hi Bakura, I brought you a towel." I said sweetly. He spit his food out, parts landing all over me.

"It tastes like dead seals." He said flatly. I blinked.

"Thanks." I stated, wiping the chewed particles off of me. How cool.

"You don't like it?" He said innocently. I glared at him, and threw off my dirty shirt. He starred intently for a second.

"It was wet anyways." I say shrugging, and blushing a bit. He comes closer to me; so close I can feel his breath on my face. I freeze in place, my arm hairs standing on end. He then pulls in and licks my cheek. I turn crimson, and look to him, shocked.

"You had a little seal right there." He says, pointing to a spot on his cheek. I stand there, aghast as he walks out of the cabin.


God, the Grand(e): Heya chums! Sorry it's been so long since my last update for this story, I was going to update Wednesday, but ran busy, and the same business kept thorough out until well, today! I also meant for the chapter to be longer too, but I am tired, and my brain keeps quitting.. So 11 pages is good enough for today…

Gandalf: Yep, and the next chapter should be up within a few days instead of like two weeks, so no more tears our fellow comrades!

God: Nope, just smooth sailing in the river!

Greebo, the Dragon: River dancing is fun! ^_^

God: 0_o Cool? Anyways, hiya Rowan Girl! Yeah, your lucky you never met the biting shadow monkeys… real lucky. I have so many brusies from them! Curse them I say… ^^; Meh, thanks for reviewing cool cat!

Gandalf: If I were a rich man..

Greebo: Then I'd be DemonandGoddess!

God: Aloha! Sorry swinger, but Yugi, and Ryou don't get sugar high.. But next chapter (or nine, I forget) has Marik's dancing 'fun'! o.0 Good stuff.. Now you just have to sit and wait for it! MUAH! *cough* I watched Lilo and Stitch, good movie, they had a Luau! ^^ Fun fun! Anyways, keep being cool and kudos!

Greebo: I'd kill for one of those right now..

Gandalf: ^^; *backs away from Greebo*

God: I spy with my little eye *koumori wolf*! Coolsome? Oh my goshness, that's a good word! Yay! Aw, yay, you loved it! That's Grand (e) news if I do say so my self! Thank you for reviewing and here's your update! Hope it's to your liking!

Gandalf: No kidding, and later days until next time!

Greebo: R&R please!

God: What the dragon said, and buh-bye!