Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Drove All Night ❯ I Drove All Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello!! How are you? I hope you like this story….
Standard disclaimers apply
I Drove All Night
I had to escape
The city was sticky and cruel
I couldn't take it anymore, everything was getting to be too much, I needed to get away and now, I had to see you, touch you. Shoving myself up off the couch I hit the power button silencing the TV as I headed for the door grabbing my keys and wallet on the way out. In the hall I can hear people partying and having fun while I feel utterly miserable due to the fact that you're not here, it's almost pathetic. Not even bothering to try the elevator I hit the stairs and go down the seven flights quickly, my impatience to see you almost giving me wings.
Outside in the thick humid air that seemed to choke the very life out of your body I shoved my bangs out of my eyes and hurried toward the parking garage that housed my car. There weren't many pedestrians due to the fact that it was so hot; most of them were likely hiding in their air-conditioned homes or in front of a fan on its highest level.
“It has to be at least a hundred degrees out!” Some girl whined loudly fanning herself as she walked by.
“It's one hundred three degrees with high humidity,” her friend told her just as someone slammed into me sending me flying to the ground from the force of the hit.
“Watch where you're going punk!” The guy snarled and I barely held onto my temper as I picked myself off the ground and continued to where my car was. The sounds of the city were pressing in on me making me itch to get away as fast as possible. A few minutes later I found myself next to my sleek black sports car slightly out of breath from the hike up the stairs. Yanking my keys from my front pocket I unlocked my car and slid in banging the door closed behind me before jamming the key into the ignition and brought it to life before roaring off.
Maybe I should have called you first
But I was dying to get to you
I knew that calling ahead of time to see if you would be there might be a good idea but my cell phone was back in my apartment and I had no desire to go back and get it or stop and use a pay phone. Even though the AC was on high I was still burning up but not from the slowly dying rays of sun but from the thought of soon being with you, from wanting you so badly.
Could taste your sweet kisses I was dreaming while I drove
The long straight road ahead
Your arms open wide
This fever for you is just burning me up inside
The black pavement stretched on, seemingly endless as I navigated the still busy highway fueled on by my need to see you, night had fallen and my thoughts were stuck on you. The way your lips move over mine, how wonderful your skin feels pressed against mine; passion clouded cerulean blue eyes, were some of the things that were buzzing around in my mind. If I were to close my eyes I am sure it would be like you were right there but I can't do that without endangering many people who I don't know. As I switched lanes preparing to pass the slow poke in front of me, I mentally began to plan out my strategy; I wasn't going to screw this up.
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right
I drove all night
I had three hundred and sixty miles to travel approximately to get to you at your seven-day conference, seeing you was right now as important as breathing. Estimating it would take about six hours to get there meant I would arrive and finally see you at about twelve am, a whole night of driving. I don't know if you will be able to understand the obvious lack of method to my madness. Fumbling with the radio I finally manage to get it on and found myself listening to Celine Dion's `I Drove All Night.'
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
When I reached you I knew the first thing I was going to do whether you were awake working on your laptop or sound asleep, I was going to kiss your perfect lips. I would press my mouth to yours and drink in the taste of you like a fine wine. The next thing I would do was love every single inch of you, slowly torturing you for leaving me alone for so long on business.
Is that all right
I drove all night
Would you be angry with me? Should I turn around right now? Will you think me immature for coming all this way because I missed you so badly? Or will you think it romantic that I drove through the night to get to you?
What in this world
Keeps us from falling apart
No matter where I go I hear
The beating of our one heart
As I keep on driving onward I continue to think about us. None of my friends could believe that I even liked you in the slightest due to all of our spats and ongoing rivalry. In the beginning of our relationship it seemed like it would be just a normal one or two month thing but slowly it changed. It started out with both of us just coming together to sate physical desires but somehow it became so much deeper. In the debut of our “dating” a single rumor could have destroyed us and we kept many secrets from each other. Now nothing can make us doubt one another, the trust between us is so strong. It's the scariest thing when I sometimes look into the future and think of the possibility of not being with you, not hearing your voice or seeing your face. I feel like a sap when I realize that I would rather die than lose you and that I love you more than anything else.
At times when we're together and I lay my head over your heart I swear that our hearts are beating together. When we're like that I wish that the moment would never end.
I think about you
When the night is cold and dark
No one can move me
The way that you do
Nothing erases the feeling between you and me
Every moment of the day you are on my mind but when I'm alone in the darkness of my room with blankets wrapped around me you are my one solace. It's only you who understands my fear of the pitch black. You accept the fact that it reminds me too much of the time when I was locked in that hellhole. When I feel like I can't handle it any more, you appear and wrap your arms around me and take me away from it all. There is no one who can do that. Nothing can change the strange chemistry between us, at least on my end.
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
To make love to you
Is that all right
I drove all night
Flicking on my turn signal I pulled onto the exit that would take me to the hotel where you were staying. A few more miles later and I was parked outside the building you were in staring up at the room you were staying in. Allowing a few more moments of indecision and doubt I stepped out of the car and headed to the hotel. A whole night of driving behind me I strode into the hotel exuding confidence as I acted like I was meant to be here. No one questioned me or tried to stop me as I pushed the up button on the panel to call and elevator. I held my breath as it came half expecting someone to be there to try and stop me, but instead the lift was empty.
Stepping into it I hit the button that would take me to the penthouse on the top floor before I hit the door close one. Smoothly the elevator shot upward leaving my stomach on the ground floor. If I turned around I knew that I would be able to watch the city through the glass window but I was too nervous. When it finally reached the top floor I stepped out and was greeted by some not too friendly looking guards.
“What are you doing here? Mr. Kaiba said nothing about a guest this late at night, he said nothing about a guest period.” One of them growled at me, irritable from lack of sleep.
“Thomas, it's ok, I know this kid,” the second guard assured his partner. “Mr. Kaiba will be happy to see him.” He turned and unlocked the door for me, giving me access to my goal. Entering the set of rooms I found myself admiring how nice they were and estimating how much money it would cost to stay in a place like this; mere pocket change for my koi. It took a few moments for me to locate the bedroom where he would most likely be either a) working or b) sleeping even though he would rather be doing option (a).
Pushing the door open to the bedroom I found Seto sleeping on a big king sized bed with dozens of pillows surrounding him. On the bed next to him was his ever-faithful laptop the screen sporting a screen saver, which two pictures, one of me, the other of Mokuba. Carefully I picked up the delicate piece of equipment and carried it over to the desk across the room and set it down. Turning around I took the opportunity to just drink in every detail of my sleeping boyfriend. Strands of chocolate brown hair fell into his face out of their usually pristine style that never changed. Perfect lips were slightly parted and thick eyelashes rested against his flawless skin. He was wearing what I assumed to be the outfit he wore to the long string of conferences that day minus the jacket and shoes. He lay on his back with one hand resting on his belly and the other on the pillow next to his face; the blankets were wrinkled beneath him but showed he had yet to get underneath them.
Quietly I made my way back to him and sank down onto the bed next to him lightly caressing his cheek with the tips of my fingers. There was nothing I would change about him in looks and attitude, he was perfect to me just the way he was. Gently I brushed his hair back before pressing a kiss to his forehead. Gazing down at his face for a moment longer I finger combed his silky hair. Untangling my hand from his hair I began to unbutton his blue silk shirt that was blocking my access to his body. Finishing I pulled the shirt open farther and trailed the tips of my fingers over his chest tracing patterns on my way down to the edge of his pants.
A light moan shattered the silence as Seto twisted in his sleep thinking that my sweet torture was only dreams. Smiling I crawled up to straddle him and firmly place my lips over his. Instantly he woke up and opened his mouth to allow my questing tongue entrance so we could battle for dominance. Our burning kiss lasted until we both had to come up for air panting from lack of oxygen.
“Damn Yami, I was having a good dream too,” Seto murmured as he reached up and traced the contours of my face.
“I missed you.” I stated firmly burying my face into the spot where his neck and shoulder met while I lowered my body the rest of the way to be fully on top of him. It was so good to finally be with him, to be able to smell him, to be able to taste him.
“I missed you too.” Seto held me close as he stroked my back before guiding me into another passionate kiss and I knew it was all right that I had come.
I taste your sweet kisses
Your arms open wide
This fever for you is just burning me up inside
“You're wearing too much.” Seto whispered in my ear as he pulled my tank top off and shrugged out of his own shirt.
“I could say the same to you.” I retorted running my hands up and down his delicious body before resting on his nipples and tweaking them causing him to gasp and arch into me. But with Seto there is no such thing as passive participation so before he could get lost in what I was doing to him he undid my pants and slid his hands in.
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Is that all right
As I lay there hours later on top of Seto I contentedly thought to myself that I guess it was all right for me to come to see him. Both of us were on the verge of sleep tangled together listening to each other breath in and out enjoying the skin-to-skin contact. It was a perfect way to end a long hard day.
I drove all night
I drove all night to get to you
Is that all right
I drove all night
Crept in your room
Woke you from your sleep
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