Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kages of the Pharaoh-Noah,Seth, and Ka ❯ Chappy 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kage's* of the Pharaoh-Noah, Seth, and Ka

In a time long ago there lived three boys: Noah, Seth and Ka. The difference among the three? Their attitudes and their strengths. Noah, a master at sneaking past the guards of the castles, Seth the high priest, and Ka, best friend of the brother of the Queen. These three together made up one of the best teams until one girl entered the scene. Her name Shaina*, her objective to steal the Millennium Rod and maybe something else in the process. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh so please don't sue. I only own Ka and Shaina.

Chapter 1- The New Pharaoh

" The Pharaoh is dead," whispered Noah as he reported back to his two brothers. They nodded to the blue-green haired boy.

" So now the young Prince Yami will take his father's throne," said Seth as he spun his rod. Noah nodded as Ka appeared.

" Big brother, you were just appointed High Priest get out there!" exclaimed Ka as Seth's eyes flew open.

" That means, that whoever killed the Pharaoh also killed the whole court with him," said Seth quietly. Ka and Noah nodded as Seth ran off.

" Noah, you know who did this?" asked Ka. Noah nodded slowly and shook his head in disgust.

" Same person who tried to assassinate Prince Yami two months ago," said Noah in disgust. " The new Pharaohs younger twin Zetzu." Seth appeared with a look of shock on his young 15 year old face.

" Seth what is wrong?" asked Ka to his older brother. Seth shook his head and slumped down onto the ground next to his younger twin.

" You know Sei?" asked Seth. Ka and Noah nodded quietly as Seth sighed. " You know his sister?" They again nod and Seth sighed again.

" High Magician and Queen."

" What!" exclaimed Ka as a boy with blue hair walked into the house.

" Hiya Ka, long time no see," said the boy. Ka hurriedly bowed at the boys feet. All the boy did was laugh and pick the boy up off the ground.

" Hey Ka, no sweat. Ya don't need ta bow at my feet." Ka blinked at the boy who smiled and then slunk down next to Seth.

" Sei is it true that you're High Magician?" asked Ka. Sei nodded sadly as another figure entered the house. " Queen Nayama*!" The figure nodded quietly and let her white cape fall off her shoulders to reveal a slightly tanned girl with brown and purple hair with deep purple eyes.

" Hello Lord Ka," said Queen Nayama as she bowed and knelt down and let her eyes travel around the house. " Nice home." Ka nodded as Queen Nayama stood up and exited the house. " Don't want to take up to much of your time."

" Wow, but wasn't Nayama the High Magician?" asked Noah. Sei nodded as he turned to leave.

" I advise you three to watch your backs. Prince Zetzu is planning something and with my sister being off the magician group we might have a problem," said Sei.

" Wait High Magician Sei, Ka is a good magician. Not as good as Nayama or you mind me, but my little brother is very good," said Seth. Sei nodded slightly to his friends and walked away.

" I will think on it High Priest Seth. Just for now watch your backs. The thieves are back in town. And it's rumored that they're after the 7 Millennium items. They already have 1 of them," said Sei as he left.

" What!" exclaimed Noah. " The thieves are back. I thought Nayama and her sister Namara banished them." The other two boys sighed as Noah growled. " There are how many thieves?"

" 4, I think," said Seth. Ka shook his head though.

" There are 5- the white haired master thief, his blond haired friend, the two girls, and a new person," said Ka. Noah growled and spun around.

" We got to protect Pharaoh Yami and Queen Nayama at all costs!"

" I know that Ka! But what do you expect me to do?" asked Seth. " I'm High Priest, not the leader of the army." Suddenly a girl with brown hair ran into the room and grabbed Ka's sleeve.

" Lord Ka, Pharaoh Yami needs you immediately," rushed the girl.

" Hold on Lady Namara, you're talking to fast. Speak slowly," said Ka.

" Pharaoh Yami needs you immediately," said Namara and as Ka caught the full meaning of the words he ran off. " Grief."

With Ka

" Pharaoh Yami, Lady Namara said you needed me," said Ka as he rushed into the throne room. A boy just slightly smaller then Ka turned around his red, yellow, and black-haired head nodding.

" Yes, Lord Ka, I hear that you are a good magician. How would you and your younger brother Noah like to be the leaders of my army?" asked Pharaoh Yami. Ka's eyes flew open in wonder and he stuttered slightly.

" My Pharaoh, I am only a simple servant boy. I don't know a thing about fighting," said Ka quietly. Pharaoh Yami walked up to the boy and rested his hand on the boy's shoulder.

" I know Lord Ka, but I never said you had to fight. Your magician powers would be most useful to me here. The thieves that tried to steal my Millennium Puzzle last year are back and now are after your twin brother Seth's Rod and after Queen Nayama's Exodia Diamond," said Pharaoh Yami. Ka nodded slightly as a smile appeared on his young face.

" Yes, my Pharaoh I would be glad to protect you and your whole household from the thieves," said Ka. Pharaoh Yami nodded and handed the boy a heart-shaped pendant.

" The Pendant of Life, it will help to protect you," said Pharaoh Yami as Ka bowed and left the room. Ka walked back to his house in a daze.

" Noah, we're head of the army," whispered Ka as he sat down next to his younger brother. Noah's eyes went wide as he fainted. Ka sighed and looked at Seth as he walked back into the room.

" Come on you two. Pharaoh Yami is moving us to the palace," said Seth. Noah woke up and started grabbing his things which included a huge gold platted stick that he had stolen from the thieves last year. Ka ran and grabbed his box of monster tablets. He searched through them till he found his Blue Eyes White Dragon tablets.

" Seth and Noah come here," said Ka quietly he handed each of his brothers one of his most prized tablets.

" But Ka these are your . . . " said Seth as he trailed off.

" You might need them someday," said Ka quietly. The other two nodded as they picked up some of their possessions and carried them to the palace. Two slaves met them and took the items from Seth and Noah, but Ka shook his head and carried his own items.

" Please Lord Ka it is our job," said one of the slaves. Her black hair fell into her eyes, but Ka just shook his head.

" No, Ms. didn't you hear Pharaoh Yami's decree that there would not be so many slaves if any as long as he reigned," said Ka. The girl bowed and followed him.

" I am Zenda, I am Prince Zetzu's pleasure slave," said Zenda quietly. Ka tensed and turned the corner and ran smack dab into Queen Nayama.

" Pardon me Queen Nayama," said Ka. Queen Nayama just smiled and looked at Zenda.

" Lord Ka, thank you for finding my friend for me," said Queen Nayama as she looked at Zenda who blinked and nodded.

" Your...your friend?" asked Ka?

" Yes, Lady Zenda, is my friend. She's been promoted from pleasure slave to Head Healer," said Queen Nayama in a matter-of-fact way. Zenda and her walked off as the other slave kept following them.

" Here, my lords these will be your rooms," said the slave as he opened three doors for Noah, Seth, and Ka. They nodded and went into their own separate rooms.

" Thank you," said Ka as he nodded and closed the door to his room. As soon as he entered his room Ka used the power of his Pendant of Life to transform the room into his likings. White curtains hung over the window and made a door. A fancy bed with a canopy appeared covered in gold. A table covered in silver was placed next to his bed. He placed his cloths in a small closet and sat down on his bed and took off his leather sandles.

With Seth

As Seth entered his room he smiled and nodded quietly. " Very nice," said Seth and started transforming his room. He covered his bed with black sheets and turned everything black. " Much nicer." Seth finished and laid down onto his bed and fell asleep.

With Noah

Noah walked into his room and sat down on his bed and looked around and put his stuff around the room in no certain order and went back to the bed and fell asleep.

Somewhere in the Desert

" So they know that we are back," said Bakura. The 3 other people in the room nodded and Bakura slammed his fist onto the table. " How did this happen?"

" We don't know," said Ashery as a saber glittered at her side. Another girl with blue and silver hair stood next to her. A dagger glittered at her side.

" How about you Anatsu, do you know?" asked Bakura. Anatsu shook her head as Marik appeared his platinum hair looking out of place and a huge smile on his face. " Marik where in the heck were you?" Marik just ignored Bakura and sat down.

" Pardon me Bakura, but I think he's either drunk or had well a really good night," said a girl with curly brown hair as she walked into the room her black cape hiding her face.

" Shaina, where have you been?" asked Bakura. Shaina smiled slightly as she flipped her hair casually. " I asked you where have you been?"

" Doing my job," said Shaina and held out a sword to Bakura. " Tomorrow Bakura, they will find Prince Zetzu dead." Everyone gasped as Shaina smiled slightly and let her cape fall to the floor. Her deep brown eyes looked slightly sad. " An eye for an eye. He poisoned my mother and killed my father."

" Shaina how do you know no one saw you?" asked Bakura. Shaina smiled slightly and shrugged.

" No one saw me Bakura. I snuck in through his bedroom window and stole his Exodia Angel," said Shaina as she held the twinkling angel pendant in her right hand. " Now we just have to get Marik his Rod."

" Yeah and considering Zetzu killed all the old court it won't be to hard," said Marik, but Shaina shook her head.

" Lord Ka and Lord Noah are Heads of the Army, Seth is now High Priest Seth, Lady Nayama is Queen Nayama, Lord Sei is now High Magician Sei, and the Zenda slave is Head Healer Zenda. She helped me kill Zetzu, but she won't tell on me, but she's not just going to let us kill High Priest Seth," said Shaina. The others growled and started to ponder how to get into the castle.

With Ka(dreaming)

" Mommy, mom, what's wrong?" asked a little girl. She shook her mom, but to no avail. Tears ran down her face and she turned and ran away. A boy maybe a year or two older then her watched as she ran off.

" Ms. Kage," asked the boy. The girl didn't even turn around .She just kept running.

End Dream

" It's Shaina!" exclaimed Ka as he shot up in bed and ran out of his room dressed in only his skirt without his necklace, shoes, coat or anything. " Seth open the door. I know who the fifth thief is!" Seth opened the door and Ka fell in.

" Who is it?" asked Seth sleepily.

" You know Zori Kage?" asked Ka. Seth sleepily nodded and then his eyes shot open in realization.

" You mean it's Shaina!" exclaimed Seth.

" Yeah, and she's coming," said Ka quietly.

" But I thought you loved her," said Seth quietly.

" I did Seth, but she's a thief and I'm Head of the Army. We're from two totally different worlds now," said Ka. Seth nodded and hugged his little twin brother and pulled him into his room. " What is it Seth?"

Seth looked at his younger twin and walked over to the balcony and pointed out toward the city.

" Tomorrow Ka, there will be much mourning in this city. But there will be no mourning in the palace," said Seth. Ka blinked at his older brother who smirked slightly. " I heard the screams of Prince Zetzu. He was slain."

" Hey Seth, come back to bed," whispered a voice in the bed. " It's getting cold here." Ka blinked and looked at Seth who was blushing.

" Uh, Seth you're High Priest now. You really shouldn't be well doing this...but I won't tell anyone," said Ka as he attempted to leave the room.

" Hey Ka, it's just Noah," said Seth quietly. Ka whirled around and starred at Seth in shock.

" Just Noah! Noah's our half brother you dunce," said Ka and stormed out of the room. Seth ran after him and grabbed him.

" Ka, one of the guards attacked Noah when he went out to get a drink. He came into my room in tears. We didn't do anything. Sure we were in the same bed, he was scared just like when we were younger and we'd sleep in the same bed cause of dad," said Seth almost in tears. Ka blinked and slowly grabbed Seth's head in his hands and looked him square in the eyes.

" I'm scared Seth and not just of the thieves. Remember when I was little and that guard well..." said Ka tears in his deep blue eyes.

" Come on Ka, they won't bother you anymore. I'll tell Pharaoh Yami and Queen Nayama," said Seth as he picked his 5'6 tall brother up in his arms and carried him into his room.

" So it's a slumber party is it?" asked Noah as he moved over slightly and fell off the bed. Seth put Ka on his bed and picked Noa up covers and all and put him on the bed.

" Come on Noah, don't make so much noise or we'll get in trouble," said Seth as he snapped his fingers and the covers were all over them.

" Lady Namara going to get a talking to tomorrow," said Ka quietly.

" Why is that?" asked Seth. Ka smirked and just nodded and Seth just nodded slightly. " I understand."

" What I don't understand," said Noah. Ka and Seth laughed and Seth whispered it in Noah's ear and he blushed and rested his head on the pillow.

" Yeah, and you know with who she did this?" asked Noah. Seth and Ka's eyes bugged out as Noah smiled slightly.

" It was the thief Marik," said Noah as he fell asleep. Seth and Ka blinked and shrugged and went to sleep leaning against each other.

" There he is," said Bakura as he sat on the windowsill watching the three brothers. " Lady Namara is asleep and so are the other two Heads of the Army so this will be easy." He snuck into the room and was about to steal the Rod when Queen Nayama burst into the room followed by her best friends Isis and Zenda.

" Get out of here Bakura," hissed Queen Nayama as she focused her eyes onto the thief.

" Hello Yama, it has been a while," said Bakura as Queen Nayama's eyes softened slightly.

" Sorry Bakura, but you got to go. We know about Marik and Shaina and we're not in the mood to play cat and mouse with you," said Queen Nayama. Bakura smirked slightly and licked his lips.

" Guess you do enjoy your new position. Sorry for breaking you out of your party," said Bakura and disappeared.

" That pervert," hissed Queen Nayama. " He has no business knowing what Pharaoh Yami and I do behind closed doors." Seth twitched in his sleep as he tried to grab more of the blanket away from Ka. With his momentum he pulled all three of the boys off of the bed. Queen Nayama, Zenda, and Isis ran out of the room as he woke up.

" Grief Seth, did ya have to grab so hard?" asked Noah as he stood up rubbing his head. Ka stood up and then sunk back to the ground whimpering. Seth stood up and picked up his little brother.

" Come on Noah, I think Ka broke his leg," said Seth as his younger brother nodded and ran after him. Seth ran down the corridors of the palace and was suddenly blocked by a guard.

" Oh look it's the pretty boy brothers," said the guard. Seth growled as he got ready to fight.

" Seth, Seth help me!" shouted Noah as another guard grabbed him and carried him off.

" Noah!" screamed Seth and was about to run off when he was blocked by the guard.

" Boy, you're mine," said the guard and was about to rip off Seth's robe when Seth dodged and ran off after Noah. He got there just in time to see his youngest brother being raped. A shadow appeared next to Seth and he looked up to see a boy with black hair. He jumped on the guard and sunk his sword into the mans back. Seth ran in and picked Noah up and wrapped the boy up in his cape. The other boy jumped down and extended his hand to Seth.

" Mine name is Kuroi*. I'm the brother of Master Thief Shaina," said the boy and disappeared. Another scream reached Seth's ears and he ran and came to a scene that made him even sicker to his stomach. There lay Ka being raped by the other man. Seth set Noah down and was about to attack when three figures appeared. One was Lady Namara* who brought her Millennia Staff down onto the mans back and the others were Ka's pet Canaan dogs Tsuki and Kuroi. The dogs attacked the man who ran off. Ka lay on the ground crying his eyes out. Namara chased the man as Isis and Sei joined in the chase. Seth picked up Ka and ran off carrying him to the Healing Room.

" Zenda! Ka broke his leg!" shouted Seth as he ran in. Then he ran back to where Noah lay crying his eyes out. " Noah, I'm sorry." Noah looked up and cried into Seth's chest.

" Seth, I love you big brother,"said Noah as Seth picked him up and carried him to the Healing Room. Zenda stood there healing Ka's internal and external wounds.

" Hello High Priest Seth. Lady Namara and the others caught that man. They're taking him to Pharaoh Yami at this moment. I'm sorry Ka," said Zenda as she finished healing the boy who was still crying. Seth hugged his younger twin who returned the hug and held onto Seth like he was a lifeline.

Next Morning

" Seth, thank you," whispered Ka as he tried to get up out of bed and get dressed in his new cloths. He failed miserably though because his lower back was still hurting.

" No, don't thank me Ka," said Seth as he dressed in his new High Priest outfit. He went over and picked Ka up and set him on his feet.

Noah tried to get up also, but broke into a fit of tears again.

" Seth, I really think you need to get him some psychiatric help," whispered Ka as he limped over to Seth. Seth picked up Noah and kissed the top of his little brothers head.

" Come on Noah, a hot bath might help you," said Seth as he put his little brother in the bathtub. He heated up the water as Noah relaxed, the hot water feeling good on his lower back. Seth picked Noah up and helped the younger boy get dressed.

" Thank you Seth," said Noah as he tried to stand, but started to fall. Seth caught him and carried his younger brother to the Pharaoh's throne room. Pharaoh Yami looked up at the group of three and nodded sadly.

" I'm sorry for what happened last night," said Pharaoh Yami. " Those were guards from my fathers reign. All of them have been banished now and we have set up new guards for your wing. Namely Lord Sei, Princess Akuso, Lady Hitachi, and my half sister Princess Kuki."

" Thank you Pharaoh Yami," said Seth.

" You're welcome High Priest Seth. What is wrong with Head of the Army Noah?" asked Pharaoh Yami. Seth sighed and just shook his head. He nodded to Pharaoh Yami who had someone come in. Seth handed Noah over to the person.

" He's really traumatized, I mean he is only 14 years old," said Seth quietly.

" Why isn't Lord Ka like that then?" asked Pharaoh Yami. Seth sighed quietly.

" When Ka was 9 years old he went thru the exact same thing," said Seth quietly and looked Pharaoh Yami square in the eyes. " Two of the thieves infiltrated the palace last night. One killed Prince Zetzu and the other was having his way with Lady Namara though I can tell ya she didn't resist."

" What!" exclaimed Pharaoh Yami. " Where were all the guards?"

" Well most likely half of them were drunk and at least 2 if not more of them were raping my brothers," said Seth angrily and stomped off being followed by the person carrying Noah.

" High Priest Seth? Here's your brother back," said the person. His cape hid his face. A sudden breeze caught the hood to reveal a boy about 15 years old with wild yellow hair. " I'm Malik. One of Pharaoh Yami's servants." Seth nodded as he took Noah back and went into his room and locked the doors.

* Kage's is Japanese for Shadow's

*Nayama is Yama in the future.

*Shaina is Hebrew for one of Beauty or Beautiful One.

* Kuroi is Japanese for Black.

* Lady Namara is Amara in Trial By Cards.

So how did you like it? I know a bit strange, but it is my first try at a story like this. I gave some of the translations, but not all of them. Ka in this story is Kanji from Trial By Cards in future. If you notice it is a mix of Japanese and Hebrew pretty much in the names. Please R+R.