Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kages of the Pharaoh-Noah,Seth, and Ka ❯ Chappy 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kages of the Pharaoh - Noah, Seth, and Kanji

Well here is chapter 2 of the story. Now with Noah being mentally unstable and Kanji still being in pain it's the perfect time for the thieves to strike or is it? It appears the Queen Nayama is about to have her first child. Well that means more guards for the palace and also that they've hired a few more guards. In the mist of them now is a thief! That's right Shaina is now a guard of the palace, but what will happen if she's found out? Well this thief isn't worried about being caught. Also, at this time Prince Zetzu's wife Shiroka is about to give birth to his child. What will this mean for the palace? Who knows, but I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh so please don't sue.

Chapter 2- Thieves and Guards

" Noah calm down," said Seth as he shook his younger brother's shoulders. He was having another nightmare and he was shaking in his sleep. Lady Namara ran into the room, her hair blowing in the wind.

" High Priest Seth, what is wrong with Lord Noah?" asked Lady Namara.

" He's having a nightmare. Just go and take care of your younger sister," said Seth and Lady Namara nodded and ran off. " Come on Noah, just calm down."

" It's no use Seth he really is traumatized," said Ka quietly from his position on the balcony starring off into the desert. " Like I was when it first happened to me."


" No, let go of me. You jerk leave me alone!" shouted Ka as a guard dragged him off. " Seth, help me!" Seth came running out of the house his robe flying as he starred in shock at his younger twin. The man was at least two times as heavy as Seth, who at nine years old, was about 5 feet tall, but he only weighed about 85 pounds.

" Ka!" shouted Seth as he ran after the guard his hair falling into his eyes. Noah came running out after him, but he turned around and looked at the 7-year-old. " Stay here Noah!" Seth kept running and as he came onto the scene of his twin being raped his blue eyes turned blood red. Ka lay there his smaller 4'6 body wracked in pain and tears. Seth growled and attacked the stronger man with all his might. Suddenly four figures appeared next to him and nodded. They attacked the man with four strange items.

" We'll be seeing you Lord Seth and Lord Ka," said one girl her dark brown curly hair blowing in the wind as she disappeared.

End Flashback

" Shaina," whispered Ka quietly.

" What?" asked Seth as he looked at Ka.

" Remember the people who helped you save me?" asked Ka. Seth nodded his head quietly as Noah started to calm down.

" There were four of them. Two girls and two boys if I remember correctly. One boy with white hair, one with yellow hair, One girl with curly brown hair, and another with blackish hair," said Seth. Ka nodded quietly and looked Seth square in the eyes.

" Don't want to scare you big brother, but those kids are now Bakura, Marik, Shaina, and Ashery. Shaina is on her way," said Ka quietly as he ran his hands through his hair. Seth turned white as Bakura's hair as it was told to him.

" You mean, those four all have items?" asked Seth. Ka nodded slightly and sighed.

" Shaina and the Exodia Angel, Bakura and the Millennium Ring, Ashery and the Millennia Saber, and Marik and the Millennia Staff, which he gave to Lady Namara," said Ka quietly. " Marik is after the power of the Millennium Rod."

" What!" exclaimed Seth as he fell off his bed onto the floor. Ka sighed as he limped into the room his eyes watching Noah quietly. " Prince Zetzu's widow Shiroka is going to have her baby soon and so is Queen Nayama and Shiroka and Queen Nayama are half-sisters so their children will be like half-siblings." Seth nodded quietly as Isis walked into the room her dark hair falling around her shoulders. Ka sat down on the bed next to Noah ready to listen.

" Hello Lord Ka, High Priest Seth, Lord Noah," said Isis as she sat down next to Seth on the bed. " You do know that Queen Nayama was pregnant with Pharaoh Yami's first child 8 months before she became Queen correct?"

" Yes, Lady Isis and also Prince Zetzu's widow Shiroka is due anytime now," said Seth.

" Yes, High Priest Seth and I'm wondering why Thief Shaina neglected to kill Lady Shiroka," said Isis. Ka smiled slightly to himself and stood up.

" Because it is below Shaina to kill anyone weaker then herself. This time she made an exception, because of what Prince Zetzu did," said Ka quietly as he walked out of the room. He walked down the hall his robe blowing in the wind. The Pendant of Life hung around his neck as he knocked on the door to Princess Shiroka's room.

" Come in," said Shiroka from her position on her bed. Two other ladies stood next to her.

" I'm sorry about your husband Princess Shiroka, but it was for the good of the kingdom," said Ka. Princess Shiroka smiled slightly as she nodded.

" I'm going to have my baby today Lord Ka. You're such a nice boy I heard about what happened to you last night. Send my regards to High Priest Seth and here give this to your little brother Noah. It was my husbands. It's called the Scarab of Hope. Maybe it will help him," said Princess Shiroka as she had another contraction. " Now go Lord Ka, wait no stay. I want you to name my son."

" Me!" exclaimed Ka as his eyes got big. Princess Shiroka nodded as she had another contraction. 2 hours later the cry of a new life entered the world.

" So Lord Ka what is his name?" asked Princess Shiroka as she cradled her new son. Ka smiled slightly and looked at the little boy with black and silver hair.

" How about we call him Zoin," said Ka quietly. Princess Shiroka smiled slightly and then looked at her son.

" Can I make a little change?" asked Princess Shiroka. Kanji nodded as Shiroka looked at her son. " Let's call him Zeke." Ka blinked and nodded at the new mother.

" Sure thing, he's your son. Anyways I have to get back to my brothers," said Ka and turned and ran.

" Hiya Kanji, thought we'd never see you again," said Noah sarcastically as he sat on the bed Seth's robe wrapped around his shoulders.

" I got to name Princess Shiroka's son," said Ka quietly. Noah blinked and nodded.

" Go on, what is his name?" asked Noah.

" Zeke, I thought of Zoin, but Princess Shiroka liked Zeke so his name is Zeke," said Ka.

" Lady Nayama is in labor at this moment. That's why Seth isn't here Pharaoh Yami wanted him there," said Noah. Ka nodded and hugged his little brother. Noah returned the hug and starred at Ka as the older boy handed over the Scarab of Hope to the younger boy. Noah looked at Ka and blinked.

" It was Prince Zetzu's. Princess Shiroka gave it to me and said to give it to you. It's called the Scarab of Hope," said Ka. Noah nodded and fixed the silver and blue scarab around his neck.

" Well I guess that Zeke won't be anything like his father if he grows up with Shiroka being his mom and Pharaoh Yami being his father figure," said Noah. Kanji nodded as he fixed his cape around his shoulders and turned to leave, but Noah grabbed onto him and shook his head. " Don't go out there. I have a bad feeling." Ka nodded and suddenly looked out the window and growled.

" Thanks Noah, those guards are back," said Ka. Noah nodded as he growled.

" Pharaoh Yami's getting some new guards and I sense that there's a thief among them," said Noah. Ka nodded as he sat down next to Noah.

" Yeah, there's only one thief smart and dumb enough to pull a stunt like this," said Ka.

" Shaina," said Noah and Ka at once.

" Yeah, Shaina," said Ka in disgust. Someone knocked on the door and Noah and Ka coward in fear.

" Hey pretty boys come out here," said one of the guards. Suddenly someone appeared inside the room. Her black cape hid her face, but from her stance Ka and Noah could tell it was a girl. She opened the door and kicked the guard in the groin and then took out a saber and slashed it into the man. He fell and the next thing the boys knew they were facing Master Thief Shaina. Her deep brown eyes watched them like a lion watches it's prey. She licked her lips, but suddenly Seth ran into the room and she disappeared.

" Ka, Noah are you two OK?" asked Seth. They nodded as Seth starred at the dead guard. " Uh, who did that?"

" Master Thief Shaina," said Noah simply. Seth sighed and looked at Noah.

" Hey kid you seem better," said Seth. Noah smiled and just nodded his blue-green haired head.

" So Seth did Queen Nayama have her baby?" asked Noah.

" Yes, a healthy baby girl. Her name is Aliraya, but call her Ali," said Seth and sighed. " Looks just like Pharaoh Yami just her hair isn't so spiky and it's only black and yellow." Ka nodded slightly as he fixed his cape around his slim shoulders and walked out of the room the Pendant of Life hanging protectively around his neck.

" Shaina I know you're here and if you try to harm Princess Ali or newborn Lord Zeke you will be begging at my feet for mercy," said Ka. A growl from the shadows alerted Ka of Shaina just before she attacked. Her deep brown eyes showed hatred as he stepped back just avoiding being cut by the 3 foot long saber that Shaina expertly wielded.

" Little boy's shouldn't play with weapons," said Shaina as she again tried to attack Ka. He stepped back, but tripped and Shaina was about to kill him when Seth jumped into the fight and took the hit himself.

" Seth!" shouted Ka as he saw the blood flowing from a cut in Seth's chest. Shaina looked stricken as she starred at the saber in her hand and turned and ran off.

" Hey Ka, you OK?" asked Seth as he looked at his little brother.

" Of course I am you fool. You're the one who's bleeding," said Ka as he starred at the blood stained robe Seth was wearing. Suddenly Malik appeared at Ka's side.

" Here Lord Ka give me your Pendant," said Malik. Ka nodded and Malik started chanting and the cut on Seth's chest started to heal. Ka's eyes got big as he stared at Malik. " Hey it's nothing Lord Ka, Lady Zenda taught me some healing spells." Ka nodded as Malik handed him back the Pendant and turned and walked away.

" Thanks Malik!" shouted Ka as Malik nodded and walked away. He turned around the corner and ran into his evil counterpart. Malik's eyes went wide as he starred at Marik.

" Hello," said Marik and then disappeared as he noticed a boy with whitish hair walking toward them.

" Hiya Malik what ya doing?" asked the other boy.

" Oh nothing Ryou, nothing important," said Malik. Ryou nodded and kept on walking. He ran smack dab into Ka who looked up at the white haired boy and smiled.

" I'm so sorry Lord Ka. Let me help you," said Ryou and extended his hand to the other boy who smiled.

" Thank you Ryou, now I got to go and make sure Noah is safe," said Ka and turned and ran off. Ryou smiled and then the ring around his neck glowed and Bakura appeared.

" What that boy doesn't know is that there isn't a Ryou. That's just a figure that I put on to fool others unlike Marik," said Bakura as he disappeared.

Next Morning

" Seth, darn it wake up!" shouted Ka into Seth's ears. Seth blinked and woke up. He stared at Ka for a second and then sighed.

" What time is it?" asked Seth tiredly.

" 10 a.m. Seth we should have been at Ali's coronation ceremony 10 minutes ago!" shouted Ka as he hurriedly got dressed. Seth blinked and it suddenly dawned on him.

" Grief, and where is Noah?" asked Seth.

" He's already at the coronation ceremony," said Ka in disgust as he finished getting dressed and ran out the door. Seth quickly followed, but was stopped by a guard. He growled and pointed his rod at the guard. Suddenly Ka turned around and focused the energy of the Pendant of Life and froze the guard. " Come on Seth!" Seth nodded and followed Ka as the younger boy turned the corner and entered the throne room his deep blue robe with a silver eye holding his new purple cape on his shoulders. He ran behind the corner and took his seat next to Noah who was dressed in a similar outfit just green robe with a blue cape. All of court and many commoners were on the ground underneath the huge balcony.

" My people we are here today to commemorate the birth of my daughter Aliraya," said Pharaoh Yami as he stood on the balcony his dark purple cape blowing out behind him. Queen Nayama stood in a likewise outfit with Princess Shiroka dressed in a silver dress at her side with little Zeke in her arms. Pharaoh Yami took Aliraya out of Queen Nayama's arms and held her up before the whole congregation. They all cheered and shouted and then Pharaoh Yami turned to Princess Shiroka who nodded and handed Zeke over to Pharaoh Yami. " You all know that my brother Zetzu was killed a couple of nights ago. Well this is his son Prince Zeke." Everyone cheered and made a lot of noise as the Millennium Puzzle glittered in the sun and so did the Diamond.

" Long Live Pharaoh Yami, long live Queen Nayama, long live Princess Aliraya, and long live Prince Zeke," shouted the whole congregation.

" I also have a decree to be made today," said Pharaoh Yami. " A couple nights ago my new Heads of the Army had wrong done to them. I unlike my father will not abide for this kind of behavior among the guards. If I find anyone being cruel to anyone of my court including my servants, you will live to regret it," said Pharaoh Yami. Suddenly Queen Nayama stood up and starred out over the group of people.

" Let me restate what my husband said incase some of you are hard of hearing. Anyone found being cruel to anyone that lives, works, or spends time in the Palace will live to regret it of course you might not live long if High Priest Seth, General Ka or General Noah finds out," said Queen Nayama. " Anyways I also know that we have a thief in the palace that made an attempt on General Ka's life yesterday. The thief better watch themselves." With that Nayama turned on her heels and disappeared into the palace.

" Pharaoh Yami may I speak?" asked Ka quietly.

" Of course Lord Ka," said Pharaoh Yami and moved. Ka nodded gratefully.

" Because of Prince Zetzu's death Princess Shiroka is a widow and if I find anyone has harmed her in anyway they will suffer a not to nice end," said Ka. Everyone fell silent as they looked from Princess Shiroka to Lord Ka. A few of them attempted to slink off, but out of no where a Blue Eyes White Dragon appeared. " See what I mean?" Ka left the floor and led Princess Shiroka away. " Don't worry Princess Shiroka as long as I live I will not let anyone harm you." Princess Shiroka nodded and went back to her room.

" Pharaoh Yami, I really need to speak," said Seth to the smaller Pharaoh. Yami nodded and Seth smiled and got onto the stage. " It has come to my attention that some people out in the crowd find it funny to tease my brothers and I by calling us pretty boys and things like that. Well do be ware that us 'Pretty Boys' have the powers to send you to the Shadow Realm if it comes to that. Raping Ka and Noah was not a smart move considering that Ka can bring up a Blue Eyes and Noah can pretty much chase you all over the castle with his big gold stick." Seth smirked and looked at a white-haired boy in the crowd triumphantly.

" He knows we're here," said Bakura angrily. Marik smiled slightly and just shrugged. " Yeah, and whose stick did Noah steal? I can't remember." Bakura looked at Marik who just pointed over to Anatsu whose fist was shaking in anger.

" Darn, brat stole my golden stick. I never knew what happened to the thing," said Anatsu in anger. Bakura and Marik laughed as the party started. The royal family was no where in sight so Bakura and Marik drank up on wine. Ashery and Anatsu just shook their heads in disgrace.

Suddenly a huge lion appeared and started chasing Bakura and Marik, who were by now drunk, around. Ashery and Anatsu started laughing at the two boys predicament. Pharaoh Yami came out to see what all the noise was about. He looked a bit drunk himself. Suddenly Bakura and Marik started chasing Pharaoh Yami who screamed and started running.

" What in the...?" asked Ka as he poked his head out of Seth's room. He never finished as he caught on. " Hey Seth, the thieves are drunk...I think cause otherwise they wouldn't be chasing Pharaoh Yami and I doubt Anubis would be chasing them." Seth poked his head out and sighed.

" Better go save him, to much wine," said Seth as he grabbed his robe.

" Go get Mirror, Telsis, Isis, and Queen Nayama." Ka nodded and knocked on the room of the throne room.

" What is it?" asked Queen Nayama.

" Thieves, Pharaoh Yami, Anubis, way too much to drink," said Ka. The four girls caught on quick and ran out their hair flying. On the next round of the palace Nayama stuck out her foot and tripped Pharaoh Yami. The four girls pulled him in and slammed the doors.

" How long till those two thieves stop running?" asked Isis.

" A while, they can sure drink," said Queen Nayama. Ka laughed and walked back to his room. There sat Noah looking funny with the blankets wrapped all around him.

" Hey Noah trying to be a mummy?" asked Ka. Noah smiled slightly and laughed.

" Yeah, I'm a mummy," said Noah his green-blue hair falling into his eyes.

" Who ever heard of a funny mummy or one that's black?" asked Ka. Noah smiled and tried to unmummify himself. Ka laughed as Noah rolled off the bed.

" Hey Ka ya could give me a hand," said Noah. Ka smiled and started clapping. " Very funny. Now help me out!"

" Calm down," said Ka and helped unwrap Noah from the black sheets. Seth walked in and smiled slightly.

" Hey you two what did Noah do now?" asked Seth. Ka smiled as he just shrugged and looked at Seth.

" Got himself tangled in the sheets," said Ka simply as he laid down on the bed and sighed. " How long do you think until the thieves make an attempt on your life Seth?"

" They tried a couple nights ago," said Seth quietly as he took off his cape and the top part of his robe which just left the bottom skirt part.

" What!" exclaimed Ka as he shot up in bed. " Who told you that?"

" Queen Nayama, Isis, and Zenda," said Seth quietly and sighed. " I guess Bakura really wants me dead."

" What it was Bakura?" asked Noah as he laid down in the middle of the bed. His robe fell around his ankles as he held the Scarab of Hope. " I knew it, Bakura didn't attack Queen Nayama even though he could have killed her. He does have a heart."

" No, he didn't kill Queen Nayama or us, because Isis and Zenda were there and also, because he was just a distraction. Don't worry about him, what we need to worry about is the rat inside the walls," said Ka. Noah and Seth nodded as Ka sighed. " Make that the two rats inside the walls."

" What?" asked Seth. Ka shrugged and pointed outside.

" You know Ryou? That's Bakura's cover up, he acts all nice and kind, but he's Bakura. You know how Malik's been all jittery lately?" asked Ka. Noah and Seth nodded and Ka shook his head sadly. " Marik's after him. We have to protect Malik, he's Isis's little brother after all." Seth and Noah nodded as Ka sat up as a strange noise broke the silence of the night.

" Someone's playing a flute Ka. Calm on down," said Seth. Ka though stood up and walked out onto the balcony. There by the pond underneath the balcony was Malik playing a reed flute. His platinum-blond hair blew in the wind.

" It's Malik, he's playing the flute," said Ka as he jumped out of the 2 story balcony and landed on the ground next to Malik who jumped. " I heard you playing Malik. I like it." Malik blushed and nodded to the brunette.

" Thank you General Ka. My mother gave it to me," said Malik as he started to play again. Suddenly a saber flew past the two boys in the dark. Malik spun around as Ka slowly stood up as Seth landed next to them.

" Oh, if you had been about 5 inches closer I would have hit my mark," said a voice in the shadows. Ka and Seth hissed as a clocked girl slunk out of the shadows. " They call me Ashery." Ka and Seth just growled as a final member joined the group. Lord Sei landed next to them his monster tablets ready. Ka grinned and threw a tablet into the air.

" I call upon the Blue Eyes White Dragon," shouted Ka as the dragon appeared. Sei nodded and threw a tablet into the air.

" The Magician of Eternal Shadows," said Sei as a pure black magician with black hair, black cloths, and a huge black staff appeared. Suddenly the familiar form of Queen Nayama appeared two stone tablets in hand with Pharaoh Yami close at her heels. " Just in time." Queen Nayama and Pharaoh Yami nodded as they held up the cards.

" Dark Magician, and Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Pharaoh Yami as the two magicians appeared.

" Light Magician and Magician of Eternal Peace!" shouted Queen Nayama as two magicians appeared. One dressed in light purple with silver and brown hair stood next to Queen Nayama her arms crossed protectively. The other with long ankle length purple hair, dressed in a silver robe with a purple cape stood next to the Magician of Eternal Shadows. Ashery laughed to herself and attacked Seth. The Blue Eyes moved in front of Seth and tried to eat Ashery. Suddenly the Scarab of Hope started to shimmer and Ashery turned and ran. Everyone turned around and looked at Noah in awe. The boy just smiled and shrugged.

" Hey I couldn't let the witch kill my friends," said Noah sarcastically. Ka nodded and looked at Malik who was starring at the saber that was still lodged in the ground 10 feet from him.

" Uh, what should we do with that?" asked Malik as he pointed at the 3 foot long saber. Ka walked over to it and pulled it out of the ground.

" Well it's Ashery's Millennia Saber. She'll be coming back for this, but she's not going to find it," said Ka and tossed the saber into the pond. " Now unless she likes getting wet she'll not be getting that Saber back for a while." With that Ka turned on his heel and walked back into the palace. Everyone else followed him as his cape blew behind him. Malik followed Sei back to his room, because the High Magician had said that he could stay with him.

So how did you like it? I put Malik in here because I thought it would fit in better with the whole play of the story. Please be kind and review. If you have any ideas or comments you can also email me at keorakaiba@netscape.net. Also if you flame me I will cook my marshmallows and hotdogs with them. Well got to go, hope you liked the story.