Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kages of the Pharaoh-Noah,Seth, and Ka ❯ Chappy 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kages of the Pharaoh- Noah, Seth, and Ka

By now most of you have figured out the whole plot of the story or at least you think you have. Well I'm not your normal authoress, nope not normal at all. ( Of course most of you have also figured that out.) Well here's chapter three of our story. I don't know how many chapters I will write, but I'll write until I get to the future. See I already have the future part of the story set up. So hold on tight as we take a look into the past. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, but I do own Ka/Kanji so ask before ya use him.

Chapter 3- One Mad Teen Equals a World of Trouble

" What is going on?" asked Ka as he glared at Pharaoh Yami. " I mean you don't just let thieves march in here and not do a thing about it!" Pharaoh Yami sighed as he looked at the enraged brunette who was throwing a fit.

" Come on Ka, just calm down," said Pharaoh Yami. Ka whirled around and starred at Pharaoh Yami.

" Calm down, you want me to calm down, shut-up for once Pharaoh and listen!" shouted Ka. Pharaoh Yami stepped back a bit as he looked at the boy is shock. Ka sighed as he looked at Pharaoh Yami.

" Sorry," whispered Ka and walked out of the Pharaohs chamber his head held low. " Shouldn't let my temper get the better of me." Ka shook his head as he looked out over the desert. " Bakura and Shaina. Wish none of this had ever happened." Suddenly Ka whirled around and pointed his newly owned sword at Seth who stepped back. " Oh Seth, it's just you." Seth nodded as he looked at his smaller brother.

" Yes, Ka, it's just me," said Seth with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

" Something wrong Seth?" asked Ka. He was a bit worried about Seth, since what had happened in the past week.

" No. . . no I'm fine," said Seth and smiled. Ka looked at Seth and shrugged. " I'm fine Ka, don't worry about me."

" K, Seth, I got to go help Namara out with the plans for the protection of the castle," said Ka and ran off. Seth nodded as he watched his younger brother run off.

" You're so small Ka, and you've already gone through so much," thought Seth as he sighed. " Ka, General Ka, I can't believe it little brother." A shadow watched Seth as he stood there thinking to himself. Suddenly the person attacked her saber held in the fashion of a killer. Seth spun around and blocked with his Millennium Rod. Ashery growled as she held the Millennia Saber with both hands.

" You think a little water would stop me from getting my Saber back? Guess again!" shouted Ashery as she again attacked Seth. " Unlike Shaina I don't have a connection to the people in this castle. All I am is a Tomb Robber and a killer for hire." Her black hair blew in the wind as she looked from the Saber to the Rod and then smirked. " Why don't you call your brother for help? I'm sure he'd come and help you." Seth growled and attacked her with his Rod.

" You leave my brother out of this!" shouted Seth. Ashery smiled and then noticed someone behind her. There with a look of anger and rage on his face was Ka. " Ka, stay out of this."

" Shut-up Seth," said Ka as he rushed in his sword drawn and slashed at Ashery in one fluent motion. The Tomb Robber dodged and ran off as Ka started to chase her. Seth though grabbed his smaller brother and hugged him. " Uh, Seth, what are you doing?" Seth looked at Ka with tears in his eyes and then put his shields back up.

" Ka, what were you thinking? She's a. . . Tomb Robber," said Seth coldly. Ka sighed and looked at Seth.

" You, actually think I'd let you get killed Seth? You're my brother, my twin," whispered Ka as he turned away his cape blowing in the wind. His light brown hair blew around his face as his sword hung at his side. Seth watched as his brother disappeared.

" Ka, I. . . I don't want to lose you," thought Seth as he looked after the boy. He thought back to 3 nights ago when Ka had come into his room and had mistaken Noah and him sleeping together like a couple. " I would never do something like that to Noah without his consent. He's my brother and I love him. . .but you Ka. . .you're my twin."

" Hey Seth," said Malik as he came behind the High Priest. Seth looked at the platinum blond haired boy.

" Hi Malik, what ya doing?" asked Seth. Malik just shrugged and pointed off in the direction Ka had gone.

" Ka, mad?" asked Malik. Seth shrugged as he looked at the boy.

" I don't know," said Seth and turned and walked off. Malik blinked and then sighed and shook his head.

" Ya know Seth, it's not healthy to bottle stuff up inside," said Malik quietly as he walked up behind the priest and set his hand on the taller boys shoulder. " Really Seth, ya need ta let all the fear, anger, worry, whatever it is out of your system." Seth looked at the blond haired boy who smiled at him and then ran off. " Think on it Seth!" Seth looked at his hands and then sighed. He shook his head and stood up, but just as soon as he stood up someone pulled him back down.

" Let go!" shouted Seth as he spun around. There sat Ka his cape drawn around his thin shoulders. " Ka?" He touched his little brothers shoulder and then lifted his chin so he could see his eyes. " Ka, why are you crying?" Ka looked up at Seth and took a deep breathe.

" Good bye Seth," said Ka and stood up and started to walk away when Seth grabbed his shoulder.

" Ka, what is wrong?" asked Seth tears brimming his eyes. " Did someone hurt you?" Ka just shook his head and tried to get away from Seth, but the taller and stronger boy held him.

" Just let me go Seth," said Ka and again tried to leave. Seth growled and shook his head.

" Ka, tell me what is wrong," said Seth. Ka shivered and broke down into tears as he looked out over the desert.

" You'd hate me if I told you," said Ka and stood up quickly and ran off.

" Ka, come back," said Seth as Ka ran to his bedroom and locked the door. " Come on Ka, what's wrong?"

" Leave me alone!" shouted Ka. Seth looked at the door as tears brimmed his eyes.

" Come on Ka," whispered Seth as he sat down in front of the door. " I could never hate you." No noise came from the room and suddenly Seth heard a splash. " The pond." Seth ran into his room and onto the balcony, there was Ka swimming in the pond. His clothes laid neatly on the ground by the pond. He seemed oblivious to the fact that a pair of ice blue eyes were watching him. " Come on Seth it's rude to stare." Seth sighed and turned away from the scene. He then sighed and turned back to the balcony. " Might as well." Seth disrobed and jumped into the pond. Ka looked up in surprise as he saw his older brother in the pond. Ka started to blush and ran out of the pond grabbing his clothes as he did. " Come on Ka, I could never hate you." Ka turned around and looked at Seth with pleading eyes.

" You telling the truth Seth?" asked Ka. Seth nodded and then nodded his head to the side.

" Come on Ka, I could never hate you," said Seth. Ka smiled and ran into the pond dropping his clothes as he did. Seth smiled at his twin as the younger boy swam around.

" Seth, you're the best!" shouted Ka.

" I could never hate you Ka. I love you more then a brother Ka, but I don't want to break your fragile heart," thought Seth. Ka smiled as he watched Seth.

" Seth, I love you, more then a big brother, but I will never tell you," thought Ka. Suddenly the sound of feet alerted the brothers to someone else. Seth and Ka looked up and saw Shaina's robed figure. The two ducked under the water as Shaina walked on by.

" Uh, Ka, maybe we should get back to our rooms," said Seth as his hair dripped water onto his shoulders. Ka nodded as he pointed to the ladder at Seth's window. Seth nodded and the two grabbed their capes and climbed up the ladder just in time cause at that moment Shaina came walking in the area. Ka and Seth quickly dressed and then looked back out to see the girl sitting by the pond her legs in the water her Exodia Angel hanging around her neck.

" Should we get rid of her while we have a chance?" asked Ka. Seth shook his head as he watched the girl.

" No Ka, I don't think she's totally evil, but we can't be to careful," said Seth. Ka nodded as he sat down on Seth's bed.

" I don't feel safe with Bakura and Shaina loose in the palace," said Ka. Seth nodded as he looked at the smaller boy.

" Neither do I Ka, and I won't until they're gone. I'm worried about Noah and your safety. You're worried about Noah and me, but ya sure don't worry about your own well being," thought Seth. Shaina looked up toward the balcony her deep chocolate eyes catching the eyes of the High Priest for the briefest of moments. Seth blinked as she stood up her cape blowing behind her. Her deep brown curly hair blew in the wind as she disappeared. Ka looked down at the place Shaina had been sitting and his eyes widened in awe.

" Seth, look," whispered Ka as he pointed to the ground. There written in plan sight was a message from Shaina. " Watch your backs General Ka and High Priest Seth. I will not kill you, but Ashery is another matter entirely."

" She could be lying," said Seth. Ka nodded as he laid down on the bed his skirt falling to his ankles. The 15 year old general had other things on his mind.

" Seth, where's Noah?" asked Ka suddenly. Seth's eyes got big as he noticed that the youngest of the three was missing.

" Darn," said Seth under his breath as he ran out the door. He turned the corner and ran into Noah who was running. " Noah what's wrong?" Noah shook his head and grabbed Seth's hand and pulled him into the room.

" We got a problem Seth, big problem," said Noah as he shook his head.

" Anatsu and Marik, in the palace. That makes five." Ka laughed slightly as he shook his head back and forth.

" Calm down Noah, our first thief, Shaina has flown the palace," said Ka as his Pendant of Life dimmed slightly. " It has been glittering brilliantly for the past couple of days, cause of the closeness of the Exodia Angel, but now it has dimmed. It is both a magic sensor and a powerful weapon." Noah sighed in relief as he sat down next to his older brothers.

" Good, this is really rattling my nerves," said the 13 year old blue-green haired boy. " Of course we still have Ashery, Bakura, Anatsu, and Marik in the palace." Ka nodded slightly as he looked from Seth to Noa. His deep blue eyes followed the curves of the room and came to rest on Seth's face.

" Ka what are you doing?" asked Seth. Ka sighed and laid down on the bed his long brown hair falling over his shoulders. Held in a ponytail his hair fell to his mid back held at the base of neck with a fancy leather tie.

" Nothing Seth," said Ka as he sat up his ears detecting feet running down the hall. " Marik and Anatsu." Seth and Noah nodded as the brunette jumped up and ran out the door. He ran the opposite direction toward the throne room. " Pharaoh Yami and Queen Nayama we got trouble!" The two nodded as they stood up as one.

" We know General Ka. Anatsu and Marik are in the palace," said Pharaoh Yami. Ka nodded as he looked at Aliraya in Queen Nayama's arms.

" Queen Nayama be very careful. Unlike Shaina, Ashery does not have a sense of honor. She'll be the killer of the bunch. Anatsu, Marik, and Bakura are just thieves, but Ashery has always been a killer for hire." Queen Nayama nodded as she looked toward the guards in the room.

" Don't worry General Ka. I will be fine, I wasn't High Magician for nothing," said Nayama as she pointed her pole toward the door. " I just want you and your brothers to stay safe. I can protect myself and I know you can also, but you have to remember, no one is invincible." Ka nodded to Queen Nayama as she held Ali close to her. " I don't know how long it will be until Marik tries to steal your brothers Rod, but I sense that we have trouble." Ka bowed and turned and ran out of the Throne room clutching his Pendant of Life to his chest.

" Ka," whispered Noah as he looked up at Ka. Ka nodded as he ran in and locked the door. " We going to be OK?" Ka nodded to his brother who got up and ran and hugged Ka. " I'm scared Ka."

" I know Noah, I'm scared too," said Ka as he wiped the tears out of his brothers eyes. " Now don't cry Noah, we'll be fine."

" Hey let me in!" shouted Seth as he pounded on the door. Noah and Ka broke into a fit of laughter as they hurried to let the oldest and tallest of the group in. " What is the meaning of locking me out of my own room?" Ka and Noah laughed as Seth stood before them hands on his hips glaring.

" Well, we didn't want any of the thieves getting in," said Ka. Seth sighed and sat down on the bed.

" Well, fine, but at least give me the key next time," said Seth as he pointed to the metal key around Ka's neck. Ka nodded and handed Seth the key. " Lady Namara and Lady Isis have been recruited to protect against the thieves and also Princess Neferti has joined in."

" Princess Neferti? You mean King Yami's half-sister correct?" asked Noah. Seth nodded as a thin blue haired girl walked down the hall. Her long silver dress swept the ground as her blue hair fell down her back in waves. A few strands of silver graced her bangs as she turned a corner and entered the Throne room. She was followed closely by two other people. One was a silver haired boy dressed in a white robe, the other a ivory haired girl dressed in a pale blue dress. " Lady Asio and Lord Alias." Seth and Ka nodded as the two siblings walked down the hall.

" They're Princess Neferti's servants, right?" asked Ka. Seth nodded as the two people walked into the Throne room. " Yes, but aren't they also her brother and sister?"

" Half-brother and sister, Lady Asio and Lord Alias are twins, but their mother is not of royal blood," said Seth. Ka nodded as he remembered the two. " Also they are complete opposites of each other. Lady Asio is a spit fire and a fighter while her brother Lord Alias is a calm collected boy."

" They're 12 years old," said Noah quietly as he sat on the bed resting his head. " This is one dangerous kingdom." Ka and Seth laughed at the younger boy who shrugged and closed his eyes. " Yes, one dangerous kingdom." Ka and Seth sighed as they looked at their younger brother and nodded. Ka slowly drifted off to sleep and slowly so did Seth.

Ka's Dream

" Quiet Ka, don't cry," whispered Seth as he held his brother in his arms. Long bloody cuts ran down the younger boys back in a crisscross of lines. " Father, I don't believe he did this to you Ka." Ka nodded as he looked at Seth through tear filled eyes. Seth slowly took out a rag and wiped the blood away from Ka's cut back and wrapped some clean rags around the smaller boys upper chest and body. Then he helped Ka slip back into his robe.

End of Dream

" Nothing new," whispered Ka in his sleep as he rolled over wrapping his arms around Seth in his sleep. The taller boy turns over in his sleep so his back was facing Ka.

Seth's Dream

" Leave Ka alone!" shouted Seth as he glared at his father. The drunken man leered toward the 11 year old boy as he tried to hurt the boy with his whip. Seth though caught the whip and pulled it out of his fathers hand. Ka who lay in a huddled ball of fear on the ground looked up as Seth used the whip on their father. It caught the much older and taller man in the back and Seth quickly maneuvered out of his fathers way and tripped the man who fell on the floor. Ka looked up at Seth as the taller boy knelt down and picked up their few belongings. He pointed to two monster tablets hanging above the mantel. Ka nodded and grabbed the two Blue Eyes tablets as the two brothers ran out of the house. They had sent Noah ahead of them to the palace. They were sure that their cousin Prince Yami would allow them to stay in the palace for a while as they tried to sort out their lives.

End Dream

Seth sighed in his sleep and grabbed the blankets away from Ka. The smaller boy growled and grabbed the blankets back. Noah blinked as he woke up and stared at his brothers. He blinked and fell back asleep.

Next Morning

" Rise and shine!" shouted Noah as he jumped off the bed. Seth blinked as he woke up. Seth turned over as he looked at Ka who was still hugging him. Seth blinked and removed Ka's arms from around his neck. " You two look so silly!" Seth blinked as he looked at Noah. He looked at Ka and sighed.

" Well I guess fantasies do come true," thought Seth as he slowly finished removing Ka's arms. Noah smiled slightly as he got dressed quickly. His hair blew into his eyes, but he just smiled and continued doing what he was doing.

" Hey Seth, you two make a cute couple," said Noah absently as he fixed his cape around his shoulder. Seth blinked as he looked at the blue-green haired general.

" Noah," growled Seth as he glared at his brother. Noah blinked and shrugged his shoulders as he walked out of the room.

" I'm just stating the obvious," said Noah. Seth sighed and looked at Ka who was still asleep.

" I really don't want to wake him," thought Seth, but shook Ka's shoulders slightly. " Come on you angel get up." Ka blinked as he woke up looking into his twins blue eyes. He blushed slightly and got out of bed.

" Guess I slept in," said Ka as he fixed his hair back in its tie and got ready to do his job.

" Yeah, and Noah left without you," said Seth slowly. Ka blinked and ran out of the room after the blue-green haired boy. " See you." Seth watched as the boy he loved ran out of his eye sight.

" Thought you'd take forever," said Noah as Ka caught up to him. Ka sighed and shook his head.

" Sorry, tired," said Ka as he straightened his clothes as he walked into the throne room. " Pharaoh Yami and Queen Nayama." The two nodded as their generals nodded and stood up. " Sorry for being late."

" It's OK General Ka," said Pharaoh Yami as the boy smiled and nodded.

" I had a bad dream last night," said Ka quietly. Queen Nayama shivered slightly and Ka nodded. Only a few people knew of the beatings he went through. Some of them he had taken for Seth when the boy was late getting home. Seth never knew of the reason for those beatings, but he always saw the end of them. It wasn't till 3 years after they had lived in the palace that then Prince Yami had told Seth of the reason for some of the beatings.

" You want to talk about it?" asked Queen Nayama. Ka shook his head as Noah looked at him questioningly. Whenever the beatings had happened Seth had kept Noah out of earshot and eyeshot of the terrible happenings.

" Nothing to worry about Noah," said Ka and Noah sighed and sat down.

With Seth

" You're an angel Ka, an angel that fell from Heaven," thought Seth as he thought of his twin. " Just an angel." Seth sighed and remembered how scarred up Ka's back was. " You took all those beatings for me."

With Ka and the others

" Well no one was killed last night so that's a good thing, but I don't know how long that will last," said Pharaoh Yami. Ka and Noah nodded as a shiver went down Ka's back. " You OK General Ka?" Ka nodded as he concentrated on the present and not the past.

" Yeah, I'm fine," said Ka. Pharaoh Yami nodded as Queen Nayama looked at the Pendant of Life holder questionably. She sighed as she made a point to talk to the boy sooner or later. She hoped it was sooner, because she didn't know what the future held.

How do you like it? I know a bit strange, but hey I like writing. Now a bit more of Ka's past has been revealed. Is there a reason that he's the holder of the Pendant of Life or is it just coincidence. Read more to find out.