Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kages of the Pharaoh-Noah,Seth, and Ka ❯ Chappy 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kages of the Pharaoh- Noah, Seth, and Ka

Well here is the 5th chapter of this. If more people review I'll write more chapters. Tempers are short and Ka is on edge. Is there something else wrong with our young General. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh so please don't sue.

Chapter 5- A Life, A Heart, A Tear

" I don't know," whispered Ka as he sat on the balcony of the room. He looked at the moon and smiles sadly. " I don't know what to do anymore." He held the pendant of Life in his hands as he felt the hot desert wind whip his hair.

" Hey Ka. . .what are you doing out here?" asked Seth as he sat down next to his twin. Ka turned and looked and Seth and smiled slightly.

" Seth what would you do if you had something to say, but didn't know how to say it?" asked Ka. Seth blinked as he looked deep into his brothers eyes.

" I'm not the person to ask that question Ka. You know better then anyone that I'm not good with touchy emotional stuff," said Seth as he stood up to leave. Ka looked at Seth and smiled slightly. " But personally. . .I'd bottle it up inside. . .but lets see how would Nayama put this? Just spit it out if that's what you feel." Ka nodded slightly as he continued to sit on the balcony.

" Spit it out?" asked Ka quietly as a star shoot through the sky. " I know I should. . .but I'm afraid." Ka sighed as he looked out and let his hair blow behind him. " What did you mean Telsis. . .Mirror. . .what did you mean?" Ka sighed as he fell asleep leaning against the wall of the palace. Seth smiled as he walked out and looked at Ka. He slowly knelt down and brushed his lips against his brothers ever so gently. He smiled slightly as he picked Ka up and carried him into the room and laid him on the bed.

" Ka. . .you sure do have a way of falling asleep in the strangest places," whispered Seth as he smoothed Ka's hair out of his eyes and smiled. " Sleep well Ka. . .sleep well." Seth smiled as he walked out of the room and toward the throne room. His ears detected movement and turned around and came face to face with Marik. The gold haired thief smiled crazily and tried to grab the Rod out of Seth's hands. The angry priest glared at the other boy and unsheathed the Rod. He pointed it at Marik who shrugged slightly and a sword appeared in his hands.

" So Seth. . .how does it feel being on the receiving end?" asked Marik as he attacked. Seth growled and jumped out of the other teens way and tripped him. Marik growled and again tried to cut Seth. Suddenly out of no where a throwing knife appeared in Marik's shoulder. There behind the gold haired thief was Ka. A black cape blew around him in the wind as Seth starred in amazement.

" Don't be so surprised Seth," said Ka as another throwing knife appeared in his hand. " I practice. . .everyday. . .just so happens that he was in the way of my target." Ka smiles and points to a stone pillar only inches from Seth's head. Nayama suddenly appeared behind Ka and Seth's Rod started to glow.

" If you don't mind Seth," said Nayama as Marik disappeared. " No more trouble from him." Seth growled as he walked back toward his room. Ka walked behind him as his throwing knives disappeared.

" Seth?" asked Ka as Seth sat down on the bed. Noah blinked as he woke up. " Are you ok?" Seth slowly looked up at his two brothers and shook his head back and forth.

" No Ka. . .I need to tell someone something, but I don't know how to tell them," said Seth quietly as tears started to trail down his face. Ka slowly walked up to Seth and knelt down in front of him. " I mean if I tell him he might hate me." Ka smiled slightly as Seth looked down at him.

" If they hate you. . .you always have Noah and me," said Ka quietly. Seth blinked as Ka slowly looked up into his eyes. " And we'll always love you Seth." Seth nodded slightly as something passed through Ka's eyes for a split second. He wondered what it could be and suddenly his question was answered as Ka stood up suddenly and kissed him ever so quickly on the lips. Seth sat in shock as Noah looked at the two and smiled slightly. Ka blushed as Seth looked at him and slowly touched his lips with his hand ever so lightly. Seth let out something between a growl and a purr and fell back onto the bed. Ka sighed and turned to leave. Seth started to laugh and looked at him. Ka blinked and turned and ran out of the room.

" Now you've done it Seth," said Noah as he shook his head. Seth blinked and suddenly a look of shook passed across his face. " He loves you Seth. . .but he's still naive. He doesn't understand that you were laughing in joy." Seth stood upright, but Noah shook his head silently.

" Don't go to him now Seth. . .he's likely to throw a fit." Seth nodded slightly and let his head fall back onto the bed.

" I'm a fool Noah. . .I'm a fool," said Seth as he fell asleep. Noah sighed as he sat up and waited for Ka to come back. When three hours had passed and Ka hadn't come back Noah started to get worried.

" Where could he be?" asked Noah as he paced the room. Suddenly the sound of someone crying reached his ears. " Ka?" Noah ran out of the room and toward the end of the castle. There in the shadows his knees brought up to his chest sat Ka. Tears ran down his face as the pendant around his neck shimmered. " Ka?" Ka looked up at Noah and nodded slightly. " What's wrong?" Ka sighed slowly and stood up and left Noah. " Ka?"

" Just leave me alone Noah," hissed Ka as he walked away. " You and Seth don't need me. I'm unwanted." Tears ran down Ka's face and he wiped them away. " Tell Seth that. . .that. . .that I'll come back when I'm ready." With that said Ka took off toward the stables. Noah stood in shock as his green hair blew in the wind. Suddenly the scarab around his neck shimmered a strange shade of blue and blue shimmering tears rolled down his face and fell on the ground. A strange blue and gold flower sprouted at his feet and suddenly the air turned black.

" Ka! Get back here!" shouted Noah as he stomped off to find his older brother. The boys usual calm green hair spiked up in the air as he clenched his fists. " You made a covenant with me! I'm not allowing you to break it!" Noah growled as he stomped into the stables. There stood Ka petting a beautiful black horse. Ka looked up at Noah in shock.

" Noah?" asked Ka. Noah hissed as he walked up and grabbed Ka's arm. " Let go. . .let go. . .let go." Ka broke down into tears as he tried to get away from Noah. Noah softened his grip and wrapped his arms around his slightly smaller older brother. Ka cried into Noah's chest as the younger boy rubbed his back. " I want to go. . .let me go." Noah again tightened his grip on Ka's wrist. " Let go!" A note of terror entered Ka's voice and suddenly Noah let go and pinned Ka to the ground.

" Listen Ka. . .you're not going anywhere. You hear me! I know you. . .you'll just up and leave and they'll find you in the desert somewhere just a pile of whitewashed bones. How do you think Seth and I would feel then! Seth would probably go crazy and I wouldn't be much better off then him," said Noah as he held Ka to the ground. A look of terror entered Ka's eyes and suddenly Noah realized why Ka was terrified. He got off of Ka and slowly wrapped his arms around the shaking boy. " I'm sorry Ka. . .I didn't realize what I was doing." Ka took in a shallow breathe and started to cry. " Come on Ka. . .don't. . .don't cry." Ka kept crying as Noah rubbed his back. " Come on Ka." Ka just kept on crying and suddenly Noah tipped his chin up and kissed him gently. Ka blinked as he starred at the green haired boy. Ka stopped crying and Noah smiled slightly.

" What was that for?" asked Ka. Noah smiled slightly and continued to rub Ka's back with his other hand.

" I felt left out," said Noah and shrugged. " While you were asleep on the balcony Seth kissed you. . .then you kissed Seth. . .so I guess I just wanted to kiss you." Noah smiled as Ka laughed slightly and then the sentence hit him.

" Seth kissed me while I was asleep?" asked Ka. Noah nodded and smiled slightly.

" I can see why too," said Noah and smiled. " Yeah and then he was playing with your hair. He's head over heels." Ka sighed and then shook his head.

" Then why was he laughing?" asked Ka. Noah smiled and started to giggle like a crazy person.

" Cause he's Seth. . .he's crazy in love. . .and he was happy," said Noah and laughed slightly. " He'd ask you to marry him if he thought he had a hair balls chance of you saying yes." Ka smiled as he tipped Noah's chin up and kissed the other boy gently. Noah blushed and Ka shrugged slightly.

" Now I've kissed you both. . .now all we have to do is get Seth to kiss both of us. What's our chances of that?" asked Ka. Noah smiled slightly and thought slightly.

" Really good if we double team him," said Noah. Ka smiled slightly and then looked at Noah. " What?"

" First thing though we have to find a way for you to kiss Seth," said Ka and smiled. " I wouldn't mind a threesome. . .how about you?" Noah smiled and shook his head to indicate that he wouldn't mind. " I think he owes you a kiss. He's asleep right now. Think he'd like to wake up to two cute brothers of his starring him in the face?" Noah giggled again and nodded. The two stood up as Ka straightened his outfit and then looked at Noah. " How does my face look." Noah shrugged and smiled slightly.

" Like you've been fighting a tomb robber," said Noah as he took a cloth out of his pocket and started to wipe dirt off of Ka's face.

" Remind me never to pin you to the ground again." Ka nodded as Noah finished as they walked toward the room. They opened the door and snuck toward the bed. They crawled onto the bed and leaned over Seth.

" Should we wake him up?"

" No reason not to," said Ka as he lowered his head to Seth's ear.

" Seth rise and shine." Seth slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. He starred at the two and rolled off the bed in shock. Ka and Noah laughed at Seth as Noah went in for the kill.

" Uh. . .Noah what are you doing?" asked Seth as Noah knelt down and looked at him. Suddenly it became very clear as Noah gently brushed his lips against Seth's. Seth looked in shock at the boy and then melted into the kiss. " Are you two trying to tell me something?" Ka smiled slightly as he knelt down so he was beside Noah. He nodded slowly as his deep blue eyes locked with Seth's cold blue ones. " I don't get the message." Ka smiled slightly and suddenly brushed his hand across Seth's bare chest. Seth shivered under the touch and suddenly he figured out what they meant.

" So Seth. . .it set in yet?" asked Ka. Seth smiled and grabbed Ka and kissed him gently and then turned to Noah and did the same. The two boys blinked and then looked at him. " So Seth. . .it okay with you?" Seth nodded slightly as he stood up and sat on the side of the bed.

" How long?" asked Seth. Ka smiled slightly as the engagement ring Seth had given to him appeared from a string around his neck. " I can't believe it you kept that old thing." Ka smiled slightly as he looked at Seth.

" I told you Seth. . .it was one of the best moments of my life," said Ka as he looked at the ring. " All my moments with you and Noah are good. . .but that one is special. So is the first time you fixed my injuries and the time you kissed me to stop me from screaming when I was eight and we were still living with dad. But of all my memories the one I enjoy the most is the time. . .that you took me to the palace and we got away from father for a month. . .that was the best. . .especially because each night you'd help fix my wounds and you taught me magic and you got Yami to give me some of his old clothes. That was also the first time you told me about the Millennium items. I remember each so clearly it seems like yesterday." Seth smiled as he looked at Noah who was smiling.

" How about you Noah?" asked Seth trying to a clear answer to how long one of them had loved him for more then a brother. Noah smiled a bit sadistically and shrugged. " Come on one of you give me a clear answer!" Noah and Ka smiled at each other knowingly and Ka slowly held the pendant of Life up to the light.

" Ten years," said Ka quietly as he let the light catch on his hair.

" Since you proposed to me and even before then." Noah smiled as he looked at the two. A wind blew through the window and he smiled and counted on his fingers.

" Seven years Seth," said Noah quietly and looked at him. " It was seven years ago. . . after my mother died and I came to live with you two. . .you took care of me, cleaned my wounds and taught me how to protect myself," said Noah and smiled slightly. " If it wasn't for you I would have died." Seth sighed and looked at the two. They looked at him questioningly and he smiled.

" Eleven long years," said Seth as he looked at the two. " Even before I really knew you Noah I had fallen for you and Ka it was hard to resist you. When I proposed it wasn't on a whim. . .it was a well thought out plan. Of course I forgot that I was only five years old." They all started to laugh and Seth smiled as he hugged them closer to himself.

" I love you." Noah and Ka smiled as they took turns in kissing him. " I guess I should have told you earlier." Noah and Ka just looked at him with a strange look on their face that pretty much said 'yes, you should have.' Seth smiled as they climbed into bed and curled up together.

" Sleep tight Seth," whispered Noah and Ka as they drowsed off to sleep. Seth smiled and nodded slightly as he drowsed off to sleep next to his two angels.

So how did you like this. This wasn't initially how I wanted this to go, but now I like it. I hope you do two.