Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kages of the Pharaoh-Noah,Seth, and Ka ❯ Chappy 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kages of the Pharaoh- Noah, Seth, and Ka

; Well here is the sixth chapter. I don't know how much longer this story is going to go on. I mean working on this, Trial By Cards, A Rose to Show My Love, and other assorted projects at once? I'm liable to go crazy. I credit this chapter to. . .to. . .to oh who cares. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh ( If I did. . .I'd be rich) so please don't sue.

� 160; ; Chapter 6- Dragons Memory

& #160;  0; " Ka?" asked Noah as he rolled over and looked at his brother. Ka blinked as he looked at the green haired boy next to him.

� 160; " What?" asked Ka sleepily as he looked at Seth asleep next to him.

" Why did you give Seth and me your other two blue eyes?" asked Noah. Ka smiled sleepily as he looked at his younger brother.

&#822 0; Because Noah. . .a dragons memory," said Ka quietly. Noah blinked slightly and Ka smiled. " A dragon is a powerful creature and no one can forget it. If I die or am killed. . .use a dragon. . .to avenge my death. . .one of my dragons. The most powerful dragon in the game other then the Egyptian Gods, is the Blue Eyes White Dragon. My memory. . .a dragons memory."

� 160; " Of course Seth and I would avenge your death Ka. We'd use your dragons," said Noah. Ka smiled slightly and nodded his head as if to signal that he understood.

" That's good to know Noah," said Ka as he kissed the smaller boy. " Cause if the people I love wouldn't avenge me then who would?" Noah blinked as Ka stood up and turned around. " You promise me Noah?" Noah nodded and Ka smiled slightly. " Good. . .I'll be back later on."

" What does he mean?" thought Seth as he lay in the bed his eyes closed pretending he was asleep. " What does he know that we don't?"

Seth shook his head and sighed as he fell back asleep. " Well it can't be important. . .he'd tell us if it was important."

� 160;" I'm not going to live much longer," whispered Ka as he looked out over the city. " I can tell. . .my body. . .my very essence knows something is wrong. Seth and Noah. . .you better not go crazy if I die." Ka sighed as he sat down on the ledge and looked out. He heard footsteps behind him and spun around his saber drawn.

� 160;" Hello Ka," whispered a voice as he jumped up next to the boy.

" So you know. . .I'll watch your brothers for you. . .that's what she would have wanted." Ka blinked as he turned and starred into the face of a black haired boy close to his age. " I'm Kuroi. . .Shaina's brother." Ka blinked as the boy looked at him. " I'm called Kuroi. . .because I'm a shadow. . .I'm not darkness just black. . .like the night. I'm sort of like a ghost." Ka went pale when Kuroi mentioned he was a ghost. " Yeah. . .I'm dead. . .not nice. . .can't kick a Tomb Robbers butt." Ka blinked as the boy let out what seemed to be a mixture of a sigh and a cry. " How could she? She said she'd never become one of them. . .but just like that she turned into a Tomb Robber. . .stupid sister." Ka blinked as he noticed tears rolling down the younger boys face.

� 160; " Kuroi. . .are you alright?" asked Ka. Kuroi nodded as he calmed down and looked at the General next to him.

� 160; " Yeah. . .you are too right?" asked Kuroi. Ka nodded and the boy smiled and jumped off of the ledge.

� 160; " What are you doing?" asked Ka. Kuroi floated up and touched Ka's hand.

" I'm a ghost. . .I can fly," said Kuroi and smiled and looked at the boy. " Now you can too. . .it's a gift of mine. . .the gift of someone who couldn't help in the past." Ka smiled as he floated into the air slightly. " No. . .no. . .don't come with me. . .you'll have plenty of time to do that later. . .but now. . .make the small amount of time you have left count. You've always been living on borrowed time. . .now that time is running out. Be careful. . .I'll come for you when it's time." With that Kuroi disappeared from sight. Ka collapsed onto the floor as tears rolled down his face.

� 160; " Yeah. . .I don't have much time left," whispered Ka as he looked at his hands. " Isn't that right. . .someone's out to get me. They hate me. . .because I'm protecting people. . .and they're not Tomb Robbers. . .they're normal." Ka sighed as he stood up and watched as the sun rose and smiles slightly. " The sun rises on a new day. . .maybe I don't want it to rise. . .I don't want a new day to come. . .I don't want to leave this world yet."

� 160; " Ka?" asked Seth as he walked up behind the smaller boy. " Is something wrong?" Ka looked up into Seth's eyes and then turned away.

" I. . .I. . .just tell me Ka." Ka looked at Seth and then shook his head.

" Why?"

� 8220; Because Seth. . .you'll find out soon enough," said Ka as the wind caught his hair. " And you'd stop me if I told you." Seth wrapped his arms around Ka and turned him around. " I love you Seth. . .I really do. . .but I have to do what I have to do."

� 8220; Ka. . .please," whispered Seth as he knelt down and looked up into Ka's eyes. " Please." Ka shook his head and turned away as the Pendant of Life shimmered in the dawn of the morning.

� 160;" I can't Seth. . .I just can't," said Ka as he turned around as tears fell from his eyes. " Trust me on this one." With that Ka turned around and walked toward the throne room. " But Seth. . .I will tell you this. . .I love you." Seth watched as Ka disappeared around the corner of the palace.

� 8220; I love you too. . .Ka," whispered Seth as his hair blew in his eyes. Noah walked up behind Seth and wrapped his arms around the older boys shoulders. " Hi Noah."

; " Let him be Seth. . .he knows something. . .about the future. Just let him be," whispered Noah in Seth's ear. " At least for right now. . .but for ditching us he's going to get it." Seth sighed as he leaned back against Noah.

� 160; " Na. . .let him alone," whispered Seth as he turned around and tugged the smaller boy into a kiss. " We can have fun." Noah blinked and then smiled.

� 160;" You have a naughty mind Seth," purred Noah into the older boys ear. Seth smiled as he picked the smaller boy up in his arms. " I'm. . . not so sure about this. . .Seth." Seth smiled as he dipped his head and kissed the smaller boy. " Of fine." Seth smiled as he walked into the bedroom and locked the door. He walked over to the window and drew shut the curtains. He turned toward the green-haired boy on the bed and smiled slightly as he let his cape fall off which left him only in his skirt. Noah smiled as he knelt on the bed. Seth walked over and unclasped Noah's cape clasp. The smaller boy smiled as he laid back on the bed and closed his eyes.

� 160; " So Noah. . .top or bottom?" purred Seth. Noah blushed as he looked up into his half-brothers eyes.

� 160; " Bottom," whispered Noah as he felt Seth's wandering hands near his crotch. " Seth. . .you are so naughty." Seth smiled as he grasped a hold of his younger brother. Noah gasped as stars appeared in front of his eyes.

" You like that?" asked Seth as he ran his other hand down Noah's chest. The smaller boy just nodded slightly. Seth smiled as he kissed his brother as he untied the ties on his brothers skirt. Noah clumsily fiddled with Seth's skirt tie.

� 160;" Seth?" asked Noah as he looked up into the older boys eyes.

� 8220; Yes Noah?" asked Seth. Noah smiled and leaned up and caught Seth's lips in his own. " Love you too." Noah nodded as he blushed slightly. " Something wrong?" Noah shook his head as he looked into Seth's eyes. " You sure?" Noah nodded and Seth finished pulling off his skirt. Noah stood up and let his fall to the floor. He stood there darkness falling over his shoulders. Seth looked at him and smiled slightly. " You are so beautiful Noah." Noah blushed and suddenly a scream reached their ears.

� 160;" Oh no," whispered Noah as he pulled his skirt back on. Seth followed suit as the two ran toward the door.

� 160; A short chapter I know. But this story is winding down to the end. . .only one or two chapters left. R+R if you want.