Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro no Maho: Magic of the Heart ❯ Chapter 5: Confrontations, Part 1 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama no Miko2003: before I start the next chapter, I'd like to say I now have a buddy to do the disclaimer and warnings! Minna-san, say hello to Kaze no Uta! He's one of the people I've converted to the dark side of anime!

Kaze no Uta: Kurama no Miko2003 does not own Yu-Gi-Oh . . . and she never will. <In Irish accent> So shut yer yappers and go sue some other poor soul, aye! <normal> The warning is for Anzu fans out there! Kurama no Miko2003 will bash Anzu in this chapter!

Kurama no Miko2003: So now, on with the story! And as for you, Kaze no Uta, here's a nice cup of coffee for you! BTW, minna-san, Kaze no Uta's obsessed with coffee. Don't ask me why, but he seems to love the stuff.

Kaze no Uta: Coffee good . . . (*drinks coffee*) Ahhhh . . . much better.

Kurama no Miko2003: And yes, people, he really does exist! Oh, and there will be a little bit of implied shounen ai here; just a little Ryou/Bakura for you shounen ai fans. How well that will turn out is a whole other matter. It's been a while since I've attempted shounen ai.

Chapter 5 ~ Confrontations, Part 1

It had been several months since Sonomi found out she was the possessor of a Millennium Item. During those months, she divided her free time between getting to know Yuugi and his friends and getting to know her own Yami better. At the same time, her part-time job at her aunt's shop was going rather well. Yuugi's grandfather was not pleased when he first met her, since her aunt's business was a rival to his, but as time went on, he warmed up to her. But as for her Yami, well, things were not going as well.

/ Neechan, what's wrong? / Sonomi asks, half listening to the music playing on her boom box. She'd just finished homework and had some time to relax before going out with Yuugi and his friends to the amusement park.

From inside the Millennium Heart, Sonomi hears her dark half reply. // Nothing, Mi-chan. I'm just thinking. //

/ It can't be nothing; I can tell when there's something on your mind. /

Yami Sonomi inwardly smiles. She is still not used to the fact that Sonomi was extremely perceptive towards other people's emotions. // Alright, you got me. I was thinking about Yami again. //

/ You still love him, don't you? /

// I can't help it. I keep on thinking about what we had, what could have happened if Yami'd never forced me to work for Priest Seto in the first place. //

/ I see . . . / Sonomi lays there and thinks. Yami . . . Yuugi-kun's dark half. I wonder if he still loves her . . .

"Yami, are you ready yet? It's just a group trip out to the amusement park!" Yuugi shouts at a white bathroom door. "We're gonna be late!"

"Almost, Aibou, almost!" Yami replies. Even though it was just a simple outing, as Yuugi had said, it was still important to Yami that he looked his best. Sonomi was going to be there, and, naturally, that also meant that Yami Sonomi would be there as well. At least I should look my best when I go see her again . . .

Fifteen minutes later, the entire group was gathered at the front entrance of the park. Well, almost everyone; Yami and Yuugi were still nowhere to be found!

"Where's Yuugi?" Anzu asks, anxious. In truth, she was quite attracted to Yami and was hoping to go on a roller coaster with him . . . or at least the Ferris Wheel.

"Who knows?" Yami Sonomi replies. She had come out of the Millennium Heart before Sonomi left. "Knowing Yami, he probably stopped to duel someone." The entire group nods in agreement. It was common knowledge to the entire group that Yami loved to play games, and Duel Monsters was his favorite.

"Hey guys!" Yuugi shouts as he runs over, followed by Yami. "Sorry we're late. Someone," Yuugi pauses to shoot a glance at Yami, "decided to take forever to get ready this morning."

"It's alright, Yuugi. It's forgiven," Anzu quickly replies, slightly blushing. Everyone except for Sonomi missed it. No way. Don't tell me she has a crush on Yami!

// Mi-chan, did Anzu just blush? // Yami Sonomi asks via their mind-link.

/ Yep. And unless I'm mistaken, she's got a thing for Yami. /

// Lovely. //

"So, shall we go in?" Honda asks.

"Yeah, or are we just going to stand around all day? I'm getting hungry!" Jounouchi chimed in.

"Jou-kun, can't you think of anything else other than food?" Sonomi asks, sweatdropping along with everyone else.

"C'mon, let's go before Jounouchi-kun collapses," Yami Sonomi says.

Once they had entered the park, Jounouchi and Honda had a scuffle over which ride to go on first. Jounouchi wanted to go on the tallest roller coaster in the park, while Honda wanted to go on the Teacups. This, of course, was quickly settled by Yami, who suggested they play Janken to decide which ride to go on first. Jounouchi won, so it was off to the roller coaster they went.

"Wow, the line's long," Honda says, eyes bulging out. The line was woven all around the ride at least two times, not to mention the fact that it was also curved and turned all the way up to the platform. "See? I told you we should have gone to the Teacups!"

"Well, well, well. Look who's here. If it isn't the Pharaoh, his woman, and his hikari's wimpy friends," Bakura says, walking up to the group. A very green Ryou followed the former tomb raider.

"Watch who you're talking to, Bakura! We're not wimpy!" Anzu indignantly shouts, walking up to the larcenous Yami. Ryou slowly sidles up to his Yami, looking ready to throw up at any minute.

"Hello . . . guys." That was all Ryou managed to get out before he throws up . . . all over Anzu's shoes.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Anzu screams. "And they were new, too!"

"Daijobu da yo, Anzu-chan," Sonomi says, patting Anzu's shoulder. "We can wash them off in the bathroom." She leads her friend to the nearest bathroom.

"Sorry about my hikari. He seems to have a weak stomach," Bakura says, jerking his thumb at the still green hikari.

"Why don't I lead you to the bathroom, Ryou? You can finish throwing up there," Jounouchi offers, walking over to guide him.

"Much . . . appreciated," Ryou replies, beginning to dry-heave.

"So, Tomb Robber, what are you doing here today?" Yami asks, annoyed.

"What? Is it against some unwritten rule to spend quality time with my hikari?" Bakura replies with equal annoyance.

"Since when did you care about him?" Yami asks in reply, glaring. It was basically common knowledge that Bakura did not like Ryou the slightest bit.

"So, he's a bit of a wimp with a weak stomach. It doesn't mean he's that bad," Bakura replies, ignoring the glare.

"You haven't answered my question, larcenous bastard!" Yami shouts, acquiring a few glares from parents with young children.

"So Tomb Robber wasn't good enough?" Bakura sarcastically replies. Truth is, he'd always cared for the white haired hikari; he just never showed it in front of everyone else. They all mistook his over possessiveness for something else. "Yami, you're pathetic."

"Are you challenging me to a duel?" Yami threateningly asks, instinctively reaching for his deck.

"Nah; you're not worth my time. My time's better spent making sure my cute little Ryou hasn't turned anorexic from his little ride on the coaster." He walks towards the bathroom that Jounouchi led Ryou to.

"Bakura, get back here! You and Ryou are going to buy me a new pair of shoes!" Anzu shouts as Bakura walks away. Bakura simply continues to walk and waves goodbye without bothering to turn back.

"Sorry about the inconvenience," Ryou says as he took in a few breathes. He had stopped dry heaving a few moments ago, but they decided to stay in the bathroom just in case Anzu was feeling a bit vengeful.

"No problem; you're my friend," Jounouchi replies.

// Ryou, I'm coming . . . anyone there? //

/ Bakura! Yes; Jounouchi-kun's here. /

// Get him outta there! I want to have some fun! // Ryou blushes; Jounouchi misses it as he checks his watch.

/ You're despicable, you know that? / Out loud, he says, "Jounouchi-kun, I'll be fine. Why don't you go and catch up with Yuugi-kun?"

"You sure, Ryou?" Jounouchi uncertainly asks.

"Absolutely; just give me a few more moments and I'll be fine," Ryou replies, flashing Jounouchi a quick smile.

"Okay; you're the one who knows best," Jounouchi says, leaving. He runs and catches up with Yuugi, completely missing Bakura. Neither Bakura nor Ryou was seen again for the rest of the day; to say they were quite preoccupied would be an understatement.

"So, are we getting on that coaster or what?" Honda asks as Jounouchi runs up.

"Of course we are!" Jounouchi replies. Everyone mutters in agreement and partnered up while they waited in line. Honda and Jounouchi agreed to sit together just to make sure "the other did not back out"; Anzu immediately pounced on Yami, much to his chagrin; Yuugi was sitting with Sonomi; and Yami Sonomi sat by herself.

"It's our turn," Yuugi says, scooting into the far seat to allow Sonomi to sit in the near one. They all pull down the seat restraints, and the ride began several seconds later. It was quite obvious why Ryou was nauseous after riding the coaster; there were numerous loops and corkscrews; by the end of the ride, everyone was at least a little sick and silently agreed to not talk for a while.

/ What did you think, neechan? / Sonomi asks, slowly walking with everyone else.

// It was rather . . . interesting, Mi-chan. I think it would have been better had it not turned upside down so many times! //

"Should we go on the Ferris wheel next?" Anzu asks, hoping for another excuse to sit with Yami.

"Not a bad idea; at least we can let our stomachs settle before we get on anything else," Sonomi replies. The guys nod in agreement. "We can fit two people to a car, so care to sit with me again, Yuugi-kun?"

"Sure," Yuugi replies.

"My turn, Anzu," Yami Sonomi says before Anzu could open her mouth. To say Anzu was pleased with the sudden turn of events was perhaps the biggest understatement of the day. Anzu only replies with a cold glare, one that Yami Sonomi did not miss. "I don't see why you're all upset; if there's anyone here who should be allowed to complain, it's Yami-sama. But I don't hear a peep out of him."

"Jounouchi and I aren't going on that thing; we're just fine from the coaster. Besides, we have a reputation to uphold. We can't show people we can't handle a coaster!" Honda exclaims, his slightly green face betraying his words.

"I- I guess I won't go on the Ferris wheel either," Anzu slowly says, slightly depressed. "Y-you guys go have fun."

"You sure, Anzu?" Yuugi asks.

"Hai, Yuugi. I'm sure," Anzu says. Have I already lost to her? Is there no hope for me? No, no Anzu! You must not lose hope! Tell him how you feel; maybe he's just too shy to show it . . . yes! That must be it; he's just too shy to tell you! There was a short line for the Ferris wheel; in the broad daylight the view from the top was nowhere near as beautiful and spectacular as the night view. Anzu silently watches, biting back tears, as the four climb into two separate carts on the wheel.

"Wow . . . you can see so far from here!" Sonomi exclaims as she looks out the window.

"Oh, look! See that bright yellow spot there?" Yuugi asks, pointing. "That's my grandfather's game shop!"

"Really? I think I can see my aunt's gift shop from here! See that spot there? I think that's where it is!"

Things were quite different in the other cart. Yami Sonomi and Yami sat in silence, looking out at the view, but at the same time, wishing to speak to each other. Yami Sonomi, growing weary of the silence, broke the silence first. "You can see quite a ways from here, can't you?"

"Yes, you can," Yami quietly replies. It's now or never; I must explain things to her! "Sonomi . . . I- I'm sorry for what I did. I-"

"Don't you realize it's too late for apologies?!" Yami Sonomi shouts, turning to look straight at Yami. He widens his eyes in shock, seeing the unshed tears collecting on her lower eyelid. "You have no idea what that bastard of a priest put me through! Don't you even say to me that you're sorry! Not even a million apologies can convince my heart to forgive you!" She buries her face in her hands, perfectly round tears dropping to the floor.

"Please, Sonomi . . . let me explain," Yami gently replies.

"I don't care! Every time I tried to see you, you were always busy! I'm sure that bastard never told you what he was doing to me! I was supposed to cook his meals, but that Ra damned bastard made sure I'd be forced to do more, always telling me it was either me or you. He made sure it looked like he loved me to the rest of the world! He never cared for me! He just wanted me to suffer; to make sure I knew that I was his and his alone!"

"I- I never knew what was going on behind the closed doors . . . he told me that he loved you and that you were happy. All those times you came to see me told me otherwise; one look told me the truth. But . . . but I couldn't bring myself to believe that my own High Priest would lie to me. I asked him about it; he told me it was just little things, like the kitchens not having his favorite food, or that you saw a poor family and felt sorry for them. If I knew . . . had I known . . . I would have killed him." Yami stands up and puts his arms around the weeping girl, holding her tight. "You're the most precious thing to me . . . I was foolish and I didn't know what I had; I realized that during my imprisonment within the Puzzle. I love you like I love no other. I'm sorry . . . please . . . please forgive me." Yami slowly sinks to his knees, tears clouding his vision.

~ To be Continued ~

Kurama no Miko2003: Well, what do you think? Tell me!