Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro no Maho: Magic of the Heart ❯ Chapter 6: Confrontations, Part 2 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kurama no Miko2003: I'm so happy! Thank you everyone! Over 100 visits! Thank you! I'm so glad you like it! I've had so much fun writing it! So, without further ado, here's my buddy Kaze no Uta! For those of you who don't know, he's going to do the disclaimer!

Kaze no Uta: Kurama no Miko2003 does not own Yu-Gi-Oh. She'd be out with Yami or Ryou if she did.

Kurama no Miko2003: Thank you. Here's your coffee.

Kaze no Uta: *sips coffee* Coffee good . . . (^_^)

Kurama no Miko2003: I think that's normal . . . *sweatdrop* Anyway, I'm going to look for Ryou or Yami now.

Chapter 6 ~ Confrontations, Part 2

"So please . . . forgive me," Yami says, slowly sinking to his knees. His tears roll down his face, gently soaking Yami Sonomi's hair.

"Y-Yami-sama . . ." Yami Sonomi begins, shocked. "I- I don't know what to say." Her tears flow even faster than before, soaking through Yami's skintight shirt as she clung to him.

"You don't have to," Yami replies, "your tears tell me the truth. Now, dry those tears. They don't fit a beautiful angel like you." She looks up at him, a small smile dancing on her lips.

"You first," she says, half teasingly. She hands him her handkerchief. Yami takes it and wipes his eyes, then hers. "Arigato, Yami-sama."

"Can I keep this?" Yami asks, referring to the handkerchief. She nods, and then motions him to sit down next to her. He does, and she wraps her arms tightly around him, placing her head on his chest. "You really missed me, didn't you?"

"Hai, aishiteru, Yami-sama," she says, closing her eyes. I wish this moment could last forever. I never thought I could forgive him . . . but I have.

"Me too . . . I think it's time for us to get off," Yami says as he sees Sonomi and Yuugi get out of their cart. "Should we tell the others?"

"Not yet; I want to tell my hikari first before we go and announce it to the others," she replies. The door opens, and the two get out. Anzu, oblivious to the events on the Ferris wheel, walks up to Yami, determination lining her features.

"Yami, may I have a word with you . . . in private?" Anzu asks, glaring at Yami Sonomi, who was standing behind Yami.

"Sure," Yami replies. "Yuugi, Anzu wants to talk to me about something. You can go on ahead if you want."

"Okay," Yuugi replies. "Let's go to the Teacups!"

"Sure!" everyone else replies. They all run towards the teacups, hoping for a short line.

"Anzu, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" Yami gently asks once the others were out of earshot.

"Yami . . . I," Anzu begins. I can't say it! What if he really doesn't love me in return? But what if he does? What do I have to lose? Not much . . . She takes in a deep breath, closes her eyes, and shouts, "Yami ga daisuki yo!"

"A-Anzu," Yami begins, stunned. "I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way about you . . . my heart . . . belongs to another."

"It's her, isn't it?" Anzu softly asks, barely audible over the music and the crowd. Tears begin to well up in her eyes. "You still love her. Tell me this, at least. Did you ever love me as anything more than a friend?"

"No," Yami replies, knowing full well he could break her heart with that simple answer.


"Yes, Anzu; I never considered you more than a friend."

"But what about the times you've saved me?" Anzu asks. "What were they for?"

"That was Yuugi's doing. All those times were because of Yuugi. He couldn't do anything on his own, but I could. So I did," Yami replies, looking away. I'm sorry, Anzu. I truly am. But perhaps you'll turn your heart towards Yuugi. He's the one that has feelings for you.

"I-I think we better catch up to the others," Anzu quietly says. This isn't fair . . . she rejected him! He shouldn't be hanging onto her! I'll make him fall for me. I'll show him I'm the one!

"Good idea," Yami replies, walking ahead. // Aibou? Where are you? //

/ We're in line for the teacups! Come on! You can sit in one with me, Sonomi, and her yami! /

Yami smiles; he always knew his hikari was childlike. Yuugi was like the little brother he never had. // All right, Yuugi. Anzu and I are coming. // "They're at the teacups."

"Oh. Okay. Let's go," Anzu says, dispirited. They start walking towards the teacups in silence. I can't take this anymore! "I-I don't feel so well. It's probably something I ate. Tell that to Yuugi and the others, okay?"

"Sure," Yami replies, continuing to walk on by himself. I'm truly sorry, Anzu. But I'm not the one for you. Yuugi is. "Be careful."

"Hn? Oh, yes. I will," Anzu replies, half dreaming. It's not fair! I'm much prettier than she is! I should be the one to get Yami!

"Indeed . . . you are, Anzu."


"Yami! There you are! Where's Anzu?" Yuugi asks, curious. Yami doesn't reply, but sends Yami Sonomi a look. / Yami? Hello? Yuugi to Yami? /

// What? Oh, Anzu said she wasn't feeling well. She said it was something she ate and that she was going home. //

/ Okay. We can pay her a visit tonight to make sure she's okay. / "Hey, guys? Yami says that Anzu went home because she ate something that didn't agree with her stomach." At that, Yami Sonomi sidles up to Yami.

"It wasn't that, was it?" she quietly asks Yami.

"No . . . how did you know?"

"Mi-chan said she thought Anzu had a bit of a crush on you. Guess she was right," she replies, her voice almost a whisper. "I take it you turned her down?"

"I did . . . she doesn't know it, but Yuugi's the one that's got a crush on her. I hope she realizes that. I'm not the one for her," Yami replies, looking at Yuugi. He reaches for Yami Sonomi's hand and gives it a tight squeeze. "I just hope I haven't done something permanent to her heart."

"Don't worry, she's still young. Her special someone's still out there in the world. I know . . . I can feel it."


"It's the power . . . of the Millennium Heart. It won't lead the possessor wrong when it comes to love. It will always guide its possessor to their lifelong loves."

"Does she know?"


"Who's she?"

"My hikari; she doesn't know yet . . . she will eventually . . . when it's her turn."

"Her turn . . . ?"

"To fall in love, Yami-sama; she will soon. I'm not telling her who it is. The shock might be a bit much for her."

"It's finally our turn!" Sonomi shouts, shaking both yamis out of their conversation. "Neechan, Yami-san, sit with Yuugi-kun and me!"

"We're coming, Mi-chan," Yami Sonomi replies, smiling. They all get in a teacup, and Jounouchi and Honda get in another of their own. It was an interesting ride; Jounouchi and Honda insisted on turning theirs super fast. The results were interesting, to say the least. It took at least half an hour before either boy was ready to ride anything else.

"So, what now?" Yuugi asks.

"How about the Hall of Mirrors?" Sonomi suggests.

"The Hall of Mirrors? What's that?" Yami Sonomi asks.

"It's a building that's a maze, but the walls are all mirrors! It's supposed to be really fun," Sonomi replies.

"Let's go!" Yuugi exclaims. "We can split up in pairs. I'll go with Sonomi!"

"And I'll go with Yami-sama!"

"Jounouchi and I will go together and we'll get through it first!"

"As if!" Sonomi retorts. "But if it's a challenge you want, it's a challenge you get!"

"Indeed. And I won't lose," Yami replies. "I am the King of Games."

"We'll see about that!" Jounouchi exclaims. "Honda, let's go!" The two run in, quickly followed by the other two pairs.

"Let's turn this way, Sonomi," Yuugi says at the first turn after Yami and Yami Sonomi went straight. "I think I feel a slight breeze in that direction."

"Are you sure it's not a vent?" Sonomi asks.

"We can try, can't we?" Yuugi brightly replies. "Who knows? It just might be the way out."

"True, then let's go!" Sonomi takes Yuugi by the hand and starts running ahead.

"Ne, Yami-sama, are you sure this is right?" Yami Sonomi asks.

"Not really, but I think it is." Suddenly, all of the mirrors in the hall shatter, sending flying glass everywhere. "Sonomi, daijobu?"

"Ha-hai," she replies. "What happened?"

"Someone powerful . . . magically powerful powered up in here." Yami suddenly realizes something. "Our hikari!"

"They could be anywhere in this building!"

"I know . . . try the mind-link! See if you can't get a hold of your hikari!"

// Mi-chan, Mi-chan? You there, Mi-chan? // No answer. // Mi-chan! Answer me! This isn't funny! //

// Aibou? Yuugi? Can you hear me? Aibou? //

"She's not answering!" Yami Sonomi exclaims, panic coloring her voice.

"Neither is Yuugi," Yami replies. "Something must have happened." He instantly reaches for his deck and pulls out the Dark Magician. "I think I know why. I think the entire building has been taken into the Shadow Realm. That's why they're not responding; they're unconscious. We have to find them before it's too late!"

"Our monsters can be summoned from here?" Yami Sonomi asks, taking out her deck. She takes out the first monster card she saw, Mystical Sand.

"Yes. We should use them to help find our hikari," Yami replies, holding up the card. A brilliant flash of light issued from the card and the Dark Magician appears in front of Yami.

"Yami-sama," the magician says, bowing before his master.

"I need your help. Help me find Yuugi and Sonomi," Yami orders. "We're in the Shadow Realm for some reason. You know that they cannot survive here for long. We must find them before it's too late." Another monster suddenly appeared, this time a witch on a broom.

"You too, Mystical Sand; we cannot allow any harm to come to Mi-chan."

"Yes, mistress," the card replies, dismounting from her broom to bow.

"Go, you two! Be careful, someone here has the ability to take this entire place into the Shadow Realm. Alert us if you find them," Yami says before he and Yami Sonomi take off in the opposite direction.

"This must be what Ishizu tried to warn me," Yami Sonomi says, running alongside Yami. "She said something was going to happen. She said she didn't know what, but it was definitely linked to evil." A split appeared in the path. "I'll take the right path; you take the left. We'll contact each other using the cards. I'll summon one of my rarest cards if I find them. I expect you'll do the same?"

"Yes. Be careful," Yami replies. He gives her a quick kiss on the lips before running off down the left path.

"That's right . . . split up. What you don't realize is that you two are just two little mice trapped in a never ending maze." The person watching the two yamis sat back, smirking. "This should be interesting."

~ To Be Continued ~

Kurama no Miko2003: Well? What do you think? Send me some feedback!

Kurama: Thank goodness she's writing Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction! It means I'm free for the moment! *starts celebrating with the rest of the YYH cast*

Kurama no Miko2003: Whoever said I've stopped working on my Yuu Yuu Hakusho fanfiction? I'm not done with all of you, by a long shot!

Kurama: Puu . . .

Kurama no Miko2003: You're not Puu, so stop saying that!

Sonomi: Who's he?

Kurama no Miko2003: The one whose priestess I'm supposed to be. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Well, except for the fact he's my favorite bishounen in the whole wide world!

Yami: What about me?

Kurama no Miko2003: What about you?

Yami: I thought I was your favorite!

Kurama no Miko2003: You're close; you've almost beaten Hiei.

Hiei: What?! This tri-colored hair freak dares to outrank me on your favorite list?

Kurama no Miko2003: It's true . . .

Hiei: *gets angry* Hn!

Yami: *sticks out tongue*

Hiei: Do that again and I'll cut the damn thing out!

Kurama: Stop that, Hiei! It's not very nice!

Hiei: *still pissed and getting more pissed by the minute*

Kurama: *sweatdrops* Nadeshiko-chan!

Nadeshiko: Oh, Hiei-san! Don't be mean to people! She said almost, remember? You haven't completely lost yet!

Kurama no Miko2003: Keep this up, Hiei and you'll most certainly regret it. You know I can always pull a VERY angst-y fic for you and Nadeshiko-chan. Character death wouldn't be out of the question. So, behave and cooperate!

Everyone but Hiei: *sweatdrops*

Hiei: *mutters something unprintable about the absolute control fanfic authors have over the characters*

Kurama no Miko2003: That's right, Hiei-chan! Be a good boy and nothing will go wrong! *cheerfully grins*