Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Long way down ❯ Long way down ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"I WISH YOU WOULD TURN INTO THE WARTY OLD HAG THAT YOU ARE!" Bakura thundered, at this, Aziza felt like some one just stabbed her heart with a needle, but yet she held in all her pain, and continued to argue with Bakura as she so often did.

"I WISH YOU WOULD DIE AND GO TO HELL, THAT WAY I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SEE YOUR UGLY FACE DAY AFTER DAY!" Aziza roared back. Bakura felt his heart shatter. He turned and walked away, fists clenched. I should have died years ago. I should have died and gone to hell! No body here deserves the tourtre I put them through, ecspecially not Aziza and Ryou. It's time I let everyone be...

~Aw here you are, there's nothing left to say.
Your not supposed to be that way.
Did they push you away?
Did they throw you away?
Touch me now, and I don't care.
When ya' take me, I'm not there.
Almost chillin' but I'll never be the same.
Long way down.~

Bakura walked to a lake, he looked over the glass like water, the full moon reflected off it. Bakura pulled out a dagger, and let the moon's silvery light shine off of it. I deserve to die... Bakura thought. He rised the blade then pulled it back, letting the blade dig into his flesh, he pulled the blade across his own abdomen. Bakura removed the dagger and threw it on the ground. He looked down at his hands, covered with his own blood. He felt dizzy, and began to see double. He dropped to his knees, sickness over taking him, he blacked out. His last thought was: So, this is death... His body fell limp to the ground, blood pooling around him.

I don't think I'll make it on my own.
Long way down.
I don't wanna live in here alone.
Long way down.
I don't think I'll make it on my own.~

Ryou felt something, like a cold blade being driven into his heart.

"Something's happened to Bakura," Ryou said, "BAKURA'S BEEN WOUNDED! WE HAVE TO FIND HIM!"

A sudden panic spred over him.

"He's by a lake..." Keket said, trecking Bakura's spirt.

~I never put you down, I never pushed you away.
Your not supposed to be that way.
I'm anything you want,
There's nothin' I could say.
Is there anything to feel, is it pain that makes you real?
Carry on before it kills me.
Long way down.
I don't think I'll make it on my own.
Long way down.
I don't wanna live in here alone.
Long way down.
I don't think I'll make it on my own.~

Keket lead them to a lake, which was surounded by tall grass.

"Miyoko, Akina, you two in front, you guys have the best night vision," Keket commanded, the twins nodded. Scaning the tarran, Miyoko noticed a blue gray shape, with white hair...

"Follow me," Miyoko Growled, then sprinted off towards the shape followed by the others. She stopped and looked down at Bakura with horror, his body was laying in a pool of blood, the dagger only feet away from where he lay. "I found him..."

I never put you down.
I never pushed you away.
Take another piece of me.
Give my mind a new disease.
Hello, black and white never beats the gray.
Long way down.
I don't think I'll make it on my own.
Long way down.
I don't wanna live in here alone.
Long way down.
I don't think I'll make it on my own.~

When Bakura started to come to, he was laying in a bed, with Tea', Akina, Tori, Keket, and Jendayi attending to his self in flicted wound. His vision was blurred, so he could only see one of the girls' face, Keket's.

"Keket," Bakura wishpered, Keket looked at him and smiled gently. Knowing he got her attention, he continued. "Tell Aziza I'm sorry for being a bastard, and I love her..."

Bukura blacked out again.

~On my own,
on my own,
on my own.~

After reciving the message from Keket, Aziza went to see Bakura. She walked into the room, and over to his unconscious body. He seemed so peaceful, and defencless when he was asleep. Looking at him, laying there, helpless, he had managed to pull at her heart, even when he was awake, and not being such an ass-hole, he had managed to pull at her heart. She took out the necklace she had been given back in ancent eygpt by her father, it was a simple chain, with a star of david pendent. She opened his hand and placed the necklace on his palm. She closed his fingers around it, even though he was unconscious, he gripped the necklace with all his strangth. Aziza smiled slightly, then left the room.

~It's a long way down.~

Bakura woke up the next morning, and realized he was gripping something. He opened his hand, there was Aziza's necklace, it had left an imprint on his hand. Bakura allowed a grin to grace his face. Maybe Aziza cared as much about him, as he did about her...


Okay, this is my first song fic! NO! FLAMING! Thank you. Please forgive me if this makes no sence what so ever. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or the Goo Goo Dolls, or the song 'Long Way Down'. The other charecters are mine . M-I-N-E, mine. Got it.

Akina and Jendayi are based on my twin sis, Fred.
Tori and Keket are based on my friend, Loa.
Miyoko and Aziza are based on me. Trust me if I was/am mad enough, I would/will yell and scream.

a.k.a. Ela_aze.