Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Paybacks are fun! ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5


They call the Blair Witch Project the scariest movie of the year?! This isn't scary! Fantasia is scarier then this!

"Do we HAVE to watch this?" I asked.

"No, I find it quite stupid, and stupid offends me," Sesshoumaru stated from his place on Yugi's loveseat cuddling with Becky.

"Wow, no wonder you hate Yami and his group so much Sessie," Beck said. Sess grunted in reply.

"How about House on Haunted Hill?" Yugi asked. We all agreed.

Tea's POV

The Blair Witch project is so not scary. Hmmm… maybe I'll just act like I'm scared and cuddle up to Yami!


This movie isn't scary either. This is stupid. Hmm… reminds me of that one time I was at Laura's house and we watched 13 ghosts. Wasn't scary, she used it as an excuse to get held by her boyfriend how pathetic. No honor these days. If I wanted Yugi to hold me all I would have to do is tell him so. Ha, they have no good relationships!

I cuddled up to Yugi, who chuckled lightly putting his arm around me and kissing the top of my head. Yay! I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then snuggled down closing my eyes. Nap time!

Becky's POV

This movie is stupid. Ash has the right idea. Just gotta figure out how to get him to move his arm… AHA!

"Sessie could you switch the lamp off please?" I asked. BINGO! I snuggled into his side. He smirked at me then at Yugi and ran his fingers through my hair. Yawn, I think I'm… going to fall asleep… ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yugi POV

Silly Ash. I chuckled as she cuddled into my side laying her head on my lap. I bent down and kissed the top of her head. I then continued watching the movie.

I looked down hearing small snores coming from Ash. I nearly snorted laughing as I saw she was sleeping. Hmm guess I'm stuck on the couch with her tonight… Oh well! Better then being alone… I hate being alone. Sess and Becky already left. Sess saying something about sleep. Well good night world!

Sorry it took so long to update I have had homework


Saiyan-Kitsune-Foxfire: Lol glad you like! Yes, I agree Yami is an idiot! If I were him I woulda left Yugi alone the first time he got his ass kicked!

DJ Rodriguez: Don't worry I will! I'm happy you like it!

Curtis Zidane Ziraa: LOL Bad Yami indeed! Sorry it took so long to update!

psycho crazy lady: Any other requests?