Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Pharaoh Yami ❯ Seto Kaiba and ????? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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Chapter Three- Seto Kaiba and Yami?

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Yugi's POV

I stood there in the elegantly decorated room. Staring at my hands at if they were the only things in the room at the moment. I knew that when I glanced up I would see the unnerving stare from my Yami, the pharaoh of Egypt. I was still wandering as to how I got back into this time period. I knew that it could not be a dream because my real Yami would have popped in by now.

" I am sorry for disturbing you Pharaoh Yami." The lady said, as she appeared to mock bow to Yami.

" Fine I will take him in as a servant. However, if he messes up once it is you that I am going after." He said as he glared at the lady. She left the room quickly. I stared at my Yami, well future Yami as he glared at me.

" You will answer me as master, slave. In addition, you will obey me and only me, so if I told you to go jump into a duel during a duel you will. Is that understood?" He said at a demanding voice. I nodded as I dropped my head when there came a loud knock on the door to entrance of the chambers.

" You may enter." The pharaoh said to the person knocking on the door. It surprised me when the person that walked in was Seto Kaiba. Well he was not exactly Seto because I was in Egypt, in the past. However there was no mistaking that this guy was Seto Kaiba. Because he still had that arrogant air about him, still had those sapphire blue eyes, and that attractive chestnut hair. However, his outward appearance surprised me, for he had only the white linen kilt thingy, a funky hat, many gold and silver bracelets adorning his arms, and a blue sapphire tiara with a blue sapphire teardrop in the middle of his forehead with a matching stone on his necklace that was silver instead of gold. Wait did I just call Seto Kaiba attractive, that is impossible I am straight.

" Seto." I mumbled as I kept my head down.

" What was that slave?" Seto demanded from me.

" I said Seto." I hung my head low ready for the attack that would probably come from saying the name.

" You summoned me pharaoh." The Seto look a like said.

" You know why I summoned you, Set, you would be the only one in the world to ever know this." My Yami spoke.

" What has Pharaoh Yami needed attention for this long of a time. He could just say a word and all eyes are on him."

I lifted my head up when I felt no pain and because I heard a rather loud moan coming from where the pharaoh sat. I titled my head up and was shocked to see that Yami and Seto where in a fierce battle for dominance in a passion filled kiss. The pharaoh was now blatantly ignoring me. I was surprised at what he was doing though, for I had never thought that my Yami had ever liked Seto Kaiba, or even was gay.

I turned my eyes away from the two, as I focused on what the pharaoh kept in his chambers. I walked and looked at the furniture mindlessly ignoring the couple on the oversized bed. I stopped at the large wardrobe and began to open it; I stopped when I heard another loud moan from the couple on the bed. I walked to the doors that lead to another room, probably the washroom I guessed. My guess was proven correct when I walked into the room. It had a large pool that I guessed was the bath tub, a mirror, and a few small holes in the back covered by curtains that I guessed was the toilet.

" Slave." I jumped up at the name and ran over to Yami. Who seemed to have righted himself.

" Follow me, I have a council meeting and you need to be quiet during the meeting. Utter a word and I will make sure that you are exterminated tonight at the executions," my Yami said. I looked over at Seto who was staring at the pharaoh. I nodded as he began walking towards the doors.