Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Potholes in Tokyo ❯ I Don't Know, Why Don't You Tell Me? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Potholes in Tokyo

Chapter Six

I present to you: a recap of chapter five! Bakura got drunk at a restaurant, found Ryou at the restaurant, and…yeah. That's basically what happened.

And now onto chapter six!






"Can we please stop this?"

"Butt out, Priest." Bakura glared at the CEO, then turned to Ryou. "Ryou, my love, I've missed you so!" He ran (AKA stumbled, seeing as he's drunk) up and hugged Ryou.

"Oh, how heartwarming."

"Didn't I tell you to keep out of this?!" He rounded on Kaiba, decidedly PO'd. Of course he'd be a mean drunk. I mean, why not?

He rushed forward, ignoring Ryou's yells of, "No, Bakura!" and proceeded to pummel the former Egyptian priest. Or, at least he tried to, but his fist was met with a metal briefcase.

"Itaiiiiiiiiiii!" He yelled, clutching his fist. "You're gonna pay for that, Set."

"Name your price."

Ryou went `Eep' and decided to separate them before anyone was maimed, killed, or otherwise given a big owie. "Don't, Bakura! It's not worth your time. He just wishes he was as strong as you."

A businessman beside Kaiba muttered, "How would you know?", but luckily for him, only the waitresses previously giggling about the threesome at table eight could hear him. The waitresses erupted into giggles again.

"Ryou, my darling…?" Bakura asked, finally calmed down enough so that the urge to trounce a brunette with blue eyes had dissipated for the most part.

"Yes, Bakura?"

"I think my hand is broken!" He whimpered.

Yami and Yuugi, who had been silent through all this, led Bakura out to the car, Yami paying the bill on the way out. He made it a point to leave a generous tip.

Ryou turned to Seto. The CEO stared down at him with icy blue eyes. "Oh, go on and take him to the hospital. I can handle this myself."

"You're sure?"

"Of course I am. Now, go. Before I start feeling less charitable."

" `Bye, Seto," Ryou called, before running out to meet his friends and love in the limo.

Yami and Yuugi piled into the front, while Ryou helped Bakura into his seat. He then sat down next to him, reminding Bakura to buckle up (safety first!).

"So, erm…Ryou?" Ryou looked over at him, to let him know that he was listening. "You really weren't going out with the Priest, were you?"

"Of course not, silly. Our relationship is strictly platonic now."

"And what was it before?" A random perverted person asked, after seeing the list of synonyms for `platonic'.

"So you haven't decided to go out with him again, or anything?"

Ryou, feeling he had already answered this question, replied, "No."

"I love you, Ryou!" Bakura yelled, hugging him.



Jounouchi Katsuya was confined to a hospital bed. Earlier that week, he had nearly died of choking. He didn't like being stuck anywhere. It made him feel like he had cabin fever. He probably did. Honda and Mai had stopped by earlier to laugh at him and cheer him up, but they had left to go eat lunch in the hospital cafeteria.

The blonde growled and flipped through the channels on his TV. Soap opera, commercial, telethon…nothing… SPONGEBOB!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" Jounouchi sang along until the old man in the bed across from him threw a pair of dentures at him. He quickly decided to stop singing, making rude gestures at the old man's back.


"NO, RYOU! DON'T LET THEM TAKE MEEEEEEEEEE!" Bakura yelled as the nurse wheeled him into the hospital.

"You'll be fine! Just don't scream too loud; you might disturb the other patients!" he yelled, grinning brightly.


Yuugi and Yami gasped. "You're so mean, Ryou," Yami teased.

"He deserves it. He doubted me. It broke my heart!"

"Hmm…" Yuugi said, as if he understood anything that had just occurred. "Let's go to the waiting room, then!" He began to lead the way to the maternity ward.

Yami sweat-dropped. "Erm…I think it might be this way."


Ryuuji Otogi, who had no idea how or why he was in the hospital, was annoyed when an innocent vending machine would not recognize his dice earrings as currency. He viciously kicked the machine, but only succeeded in hurting his leg.

Yami, who had been observing all this in revered silence (psychos are, after all, sacred… aren't they?), guessed what was about to happen and quickly covered Yuugi's ears.

"KUSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Otogi began hopping, but didn't yell anymore, so Yuugi was able to hear again.

"What was that for, Yami?" Yuugi asked, utterly puzzled.

"I…I needed some earwax. I was all out," Yami said with a straight face.

"Oh. Well, you could have just asked!" Yuugi said brightly. "I have plenty of earwax to spare!

Otogi walked over to them, finally fed up with trying to purchase fat-filled, greasy potato chips with cubes used in Yahtzee. "Can I have some money? I will pay you back."

"Just don't curse anymore. Cursing is baaaaaaad," Yami said as he threw an unimportant amount of yen at the dice boy on mind-altering drugs.

After about half an hour, a nurse (whose name was Aunt George; she was, coincidentally, sister to Uncle Ingrid. But that's not really that important, is it?) informed them that Bakura would be able to receive a visitor. It was, of course, Ryou who went to visit his koibito, while Yami and Yuugi continued to watch Otogi as he bought strange items from the vending machines.

"Giiiiiiiive me the chiiiiiiiiiiiiiipssssssssssss…" A small pack of potato chips flew down the chute-thingy in the vending machine, out the flap, and hit Otogi on the forehead. He fell backward, taking the chips with him. "My precioussssssssss…"

"Ahem." Yami selected a random magazine from the table beside his seat, staring it without really seeing it; he just couldn't ignore Otogi as he proclaimed his love to the chip bag, AKA his `precioussssssssssssssss'. As stated before, Otogi is on mind-altering drugs. Drugs are baaaaaaaaaaad. As the family says, `crack kills!'.

Yuugi, meanwhile, had immersed himself in a `What's Wrong With This Picture?' thing from a magazine I can't currently remember the name of, and had just discovered that the clown on the left had a bigger nose than the one on the right.

Otogi, who had been opening the chip bag, somehow managed to make it explode in his face.

"It's raining chips, hallelujah, it's raining chips!" Otogi sang, doing a little jig as the chips drifted down upon him. Yami smartly decided to take Yuugi and get away from the ex-Jehovah's Witness, and fast. His obsession with chips was O.K., but singing and dancing to 80's(?) music wasn't.

Yami and Yuugi found another waiting room (it was, luckily, unoccupied and therefore devoid of other people on mind-altering drugs who sang and danced to 80's music), guessing on good faith that Ryou and Bakura would be able to find them later.

"Yami, I'm sleeeeeeepy," Yuugi said, having finally finished his `What's Wrong With This Picture?', and having finally realized that it was 10:30 P.M., and far past his usual bedtime.

"Go to sleep, then."

"O.K.!" Yuugi cried happily, and proceeded to use Yami as a pillow, curling against the other's side. " `Night!"

" `Night," Yami said, sighing as he stroked Yugi's hair.


"Ryouuuuuuuuuu, how could you let them take meeeeeeeee?" Bakura whined. His fist was bandaged, but other than that, he seemed to be all right.

"I'm sorry, Baku-chan, but doesn't your hand feel better now?"

"It's O.K., I guess…but it would be even better if you kissed it!"

The ever demure Ryou blushed hot pink, before raising Bakura's hand to his lips and kissing it.


"Bakura, did they give you any pain meds?" Ryou asked, concerned about his koi's strange behavior.

"I dunno…"

"Definitely," Ryou muttered under his breath.

"Sit with me, Ryou," Bakura said, patting an unoccupied piece of bedsheet.


Bakura grinned happily. "Guess what, Ryou?! They gave me hospital food! It tasted funny. I think I saw the noodles move…it was creepy."

"Gomen; I should have been there to save you from the moving noodles."

"It is all right, Ryou; I forgive you!"

"Of course you do! But the next time you find yourself cornered by living noodles, call my name and I'll be there to hold your hand!"

"Thank you, Ryou!" Bakura yelled, and began hugging him. "But you know what? There's this strange lump in my pocket. Could you help me?"

"H-help you?" Ryou gulped.

"Yeah, it's right there, but I can't reach my pocket!"

Ryou blinked, but decided to help anyway, seeing as Bakura seemed high on pain meds anyway, and probably couldn't get to his pocket for some reason. When aforementioned strange lump was finally unearthed, it was revealed to be a small velvet box.

"I wonder how that got in there…?" Bakura said, sounding puzzled, although he knew exactly what was in the box. "Why don't you open it?"

Ryou eased open the delicate lid, and gasped.

"Ryou, my koibito…will you marry me?"

AN: Muhahahahahah! You probably guessed that was a marriage proposal. And if you didn't… I don't know what we'll do with you. Keep you, I guess. All we can do.

Spongebob does not belong to me. He belongs to someone other than me.

The magazine I can't remember the name of does not belong to me, either, though I did have a subscription of it when I was like seven. Muhahah!

So, please read and review!