Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rachel and The Duelist Kingdom ❯ Rachel and the Duelist Kingdom ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

petite_angel: Ok, this is a one time fic that I threw together! Enjoy!

Rachel and The Duelist Kingdom

A girl named Rachel at the age of 13 had gone camping in a forgotten forest on a small island where she always went with her parents, but she had know idea that this island was the one and only Duelist Kingdom. After a few hours she got bored and went to take a hike in the woods. She went deeper and deeper into the forest, until she realized it was getting late and she'd better get back to the campsite, otherwise her parents would be angry. She tried to remember what way she had came from, but through all of her struggles she was unsuccessful.

"I'm lost," Rachel cried as she leaned against a tree and wept. "I'll never get back."

Then she stopped crying suddenly, for she heard voices and they seemed oddly familiar to her.

"We should set up camp," said a girl's voice that sounded about the same age as Rachel.

"Yeah," said a guy's voice "I mean it is getting dark."

Rachel peeked around the tree she was leaning on towards the direction the voices were coming from. What she saw almost fainted her on the spot. Yugi, Joey, Tristan and Téa, all from the anime show Yu-Gi-Oh were standing around together in the middle of a clearing in the forest. Rachel watched in disbelief as she watched them build a fire and put up a tent as the moon and stars came out into the sky. Rachel slowly got tired and she fell asleep under a fallen tree.

When the fire died out, Joey left to get more firewood because he planned to stay up later than usual to work on his duel monsters deck. As he walked away from camp, he tripped over Rachel and fell humorously flat on his face in the dirt. Rachel screamed at her wild awakening, as Joey looked at her puzzled.

"Who are you?" said Joey curiously as he spat out dirt. "And why were you lying under a dead tree?"

"My name's Rachel," she said slowly as she watched Joey trying to get the dirt out of his mouth. "Sorry about that. I guess I fell asleep."

"That's ok," said Joey blushing. "It happens to me all the time. Anyway, my name's..."

"Joey," Rachel said interrupting him.

"What?" asked Joey. "How did you know my name?"

"Long story," replied Rachel. "I'll tell you later, but why did you come into the woods?"

"Firewood," said Joey pointing to the fire. "The fire went out. Do you want to help me get some?"

"All right," said Rachel willingly. "That doesn't sound so bad."

"Come this way," said Joey as he walked towards some brush. "I think there is some big branches over here."

Rachel followed him and gripped a smaller looking branch out of the brush. She started to drag it behind her to the fire, until Joey stopped her.

"Need some help?" said Joey thoughtfully as he began to grab the back end of the branch.

"Uh...I think I got it," said Rachel absentmindedly.

"Why didn't you just ask?" said Joey as he helped her carry it over to the fire.

"Thanks," said Rachel blushing as they laid the branch on the ground. "You're even kinder in person Joey."

"What?" said Joey once again as he picked up an ax.

"It's another of those tell you later things," said Rachel hastily as she sat down on a log near the fire.

"Oh," said Joey as he hammered away at the branch with the ax. "When are you going to tell me those tell you later things?"

"I want to tell you all of you," said Rachel watching him chop up the firewood. "I mean, you, Yugi, Tristan and Téa."

"How..." Joey started to ask.

"We ARE here," said Téa with Yugi and Tristan standing nearby.

"It's ok guys," said Joey putting down the ax. "This is Rachel and she wants to tell us something."

"What do you want to tell us?" asked Yugi as he looked at Rachel curiously. "And how do you know our names?"

"That's exactly what she wants to explain to us," answered Joey before Rachel could reply. "So Rachel..."

"Ok, Ok, I'm going to tell you," said Rachel interrupting Joey. "You all may think I'm crazy, but everyone basically knows you all. That's why I know your names."

"But how does everyone know who we are?" asked Tristan.

"I'm getting there," replied Rachel. "Anyway, there is a show called Yu-Gi-Oh on TV and you all are on there. It's all about you guys!"

"What?" said Téa in surprise as she sat next to Rachel. "You can't be serious."

"I am serious," answered Rachel. "I watch you guys everyday at 4:30. I know everything about all of you. Joey, you're fighting for your sister Serenity and Yugi, you're fighting to get your Grandpa's soul back. Not to mention, Joey and Tristan, hearts are broken because of you two."

"Who ever said I wasn't popular with the girls?" said Joey joyfully. "Is that true about 'hearts broken'."

"Yep, said Rachel blushing at Joey. "That's correct."

Joey glanced and blushed back at Rachel as he sat down on a nearby log. Tristan looked at Joey and laughed.

"This...is...so...funny," said Tristan between laughs. "It...looks...like...Joey's...got...a...girlfriend!"

"Shut up!" yelled Joey glaring at Tristan. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Rachel looked on as Joey and Tristan started to attempt to rip each other's face off. She couldn't stand fighting and she wasn't going to tolerate this. She liked Joey, and all, but this was just stupid.

"Guys, I know you fight all of the time anyway, but this is getting out of hand," said Rachel annoyingly. "Stop it!"

"You're tough Rachel," said Tèa as Joey and Tristan looked up in shock.

"Well, I have to," said Rachel staring at the two of them. "I can't stand fighting."

After Tristan and Joey stopped fighting, they all sat around the fire and roasted marshmallows and chatted. It was fun for Rachel to be talking to the Yu-Gi-Oh characters that she loved so much. She was so into the moment, she almost forgot about having to get back to her parents.

"Um Joey," said Rachel quietly. "I didn't completely tell you why I was sleeping in the woods. My mom, dad and I went camping in these woods. I went hiking and I got lost, until I saw you guys. I didn't come out because I was afraid that you would chase me away. And then, I guess I fell asleep."

"Don't worry," said Joey putting a hand on Rachel's shoulder. "We'll help you get back."

"Thanks, Joey," said Rachel looking back at Joey. "You guys are amazing."

"Well!" said Yugi loudly interrupting Rachel and Joey. "I don't know about you all, but I'm going to bed now."

"Yeah, me too," said Joey taking his hand off of Rachel's shoulder.

"Me three," said Tristan looking both weary and tired.

"Rachel, do you want to you want to sleep in the tent with me?" said Tèa as Joey, Yugi, and Tristan walked away from the fire. "I don't think you want to sleep out here with these guys."

"Sure," said Rachel watching Joey lay on the ground and ball up his jacket for a pillow. "That sounds like a good idea."

"Uh..." whispered Téa to Rachel as she unzipped the tent. "Is it just me, or do you have something for Joey. I mean you stare at him all the time."

'Ok, I admit it," whispered Rachel in an even lower voice as she climbed into the tent. "He's really cute!"

"You're crazy," said Téa handing Rachel and extra sleeping bag. "But, if you like him, that's all that matters."

"Thanks Téa." said Rachel as she took the sleeping bag from her. "You seem to make everything peaceful."

"Good night," said Rachel as she climbed into the sleeping bag.

I don't know if I ever want to go home thought Rachel as she lay warm and cozy wrapped up in the sleeping bag. If I go home, I'll never be able to see Joey, Yugi, Tristan and Téa again, but if I don't go home then my mom and dad will think I'm dead. I wish I could make a simpler decision. Maybe it will work out that I can be with my mom, dad and still be able to see the group...

It was morning, as Rachel laid open her eyes in surprise that she was still here and that all that happened wasn't a dream. She could hear Joey and Yugi talking, so they must be awake. Rachel crawled out of her sleeping bag, hopped over Téa and unzipped the tent. The morning air was cool, but it was still refreshing. Rachel saw Yugi and Joey sitting on the ground practicing a duel.

"Hello," said Rachel. "Nice morning isn't it."

"Hi," said Joey thinking hard about the next move he should make because he only had 200 life points left and Yami Yugi had 400. "I play the flame swordsman in attack mode. Crush that mystical elf."

"Not so fast!" said Yami Yugi quickly with his deep voice as he flipped up a trap card. "I play the horn of heaven sacrificing my mystical elf to do so. Your swordsman is vanquished."

"Man," said Joey picking up his cards. "You beat me again."

"Sorry Joey," said Yugi as he changed back to his usual self. "I can't help that I'm good."

"That was an awesome move, Yugi," said Rachel brightly. "You were great too Joey."

"Thanks," said Yugi and Joey as they both sat next to Rachel. "Do you duel?"

"Yeah," said Rachel looking competitive. "I have a duel monsters deck. Want to duel?"

"Maybe later," said Joey and Yugi in unison.

"Ok," said Rachel. "I can't wait!"

"Um, Rachel," said Joey looking worried. "Don't you need to get home? You seemed like you really wanted to get back last night."

"I don't know if I want to go back now," said Rachel. "If I can stay with you guys that is..."

"I don't mind," said Yugi. "One more person doesn't make a difference."

"Cool," said Joey looking at Rachel. "This will be neat!"

"Let's make some breakfast," said Tristan walking over to the fire. "I'm hungry."

"Yeah," said Téa crawling out of the tent.

They cooked breakfast and Joey told Téa how Rachel was going to be staying with them for a while. They all were having a great time talking and just becoming good friends with Rachel.

Then it was time to pack up camp and move on. They all walked into the woods and to their next adventure, whatever it may be.


petite_angel: The End! ^_~ (Don't forget to review)