Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rewind 1 ❯ Preparations ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The blazing sun of Yango had finally set and the temperature had dropped dramatically. Suddenly, Marik and Ryou's company was enjoying a fresh nocturnal breeze rather than the drowning heat.

They had been following Tea for quite some time and Marik was getting impatient. He would occasionally turn to Ryou and openly wonder whether or not they had made the right choice.

The streets of Virna were still teeming with people. Now that the unbearable sun had left, all kinds of neon lights and lanterns adorned the alleyways. The panic and anxiety for the `Match of the Millennium' was growing in intensity, and now everyone was talking animatedly about what kind of reality game the finals would be about.

Sometimes the company saw players who had lost from Yugi and Peg. Most of them said that Yugi is unbeatable. This raised Marik's morale, of course: if they could make a deal with Yugi, it would be best to make sure Yugi would win.

The night sky of Yango was deep blue and lit with thousands of stars- but no moon. Ryou focused his attention on Tea. She was strolling briskly in the direction of a secluded alleyway. Where did this Yugi live anyway? They had been walking for more than half an hour.

Ryou turned to his right, where Marik was walking quietly.

"Marik…" Ryou started "You know we're still dressed in these pathetic outfits…"

Marik looked a bit indignant at his camouflage being called `pathetic' but overrode it nevertheless. On second thought, Ryou WAS right. The artificial dark skin and make-up were slowly dissipating and one could clearly recognize Ryou's natural creamy skin under the layers of paint.

Marik just nodded, motioning for Ryou to continue.

"Well…Look at that girl, Tea. She's pale…will it be really THAT weird if we show ourselves?"

Marik contemplated this for a moment. "We'll attract attention. Haven't you noticed the way everyone keeps staring at this girl? It's best if we renew your camouflage."

Ryou sighed and nodded in understanding. Tea was now leading them down a deserted, dark street with a blue spotlight on the side. Eerie fog covered the whole way and Serenity was becoming more nervous by the second.

She really felt like grabbing on to Ryou for comfort, but decided against it when she saw him talking to Marik. That brown wig on Ryou's head was really getting on her nerves. She wanted to see the sparkle of his silver hair flicker with gentle sways again!

Serenity quickly turned around and found what she was looking for. The tall, ominous tower was now behind them, the pictures on the huge screen shone bright in the night.

As they walked, Ryou kept noting that the atmosphere was getting colder and colder. This place really was like the desert- hot during the day and freezing at night.

Curiously, Marik didn't seem the least bit phased by this rapid change of climate. Ryou just watched as the handsome boy took one feathery step after another in his usual, immaculate way.

Ryou turned towards Rishid, the blue-cloaked man who walked protectively a few feet beside Marik. Rishid' s face was hidden by his hood and his head seemed to be constantly turned at Marik's direction.

Ryou was sure that there was something more between Marik and Rishid apart from what Marik let on. Nevertheless, Ryou wasn't the one to pry in other people's affairs, so he decided to wait and observe the upcoming course of events.

It came as a bit of a shock when Tea stopped suddenly. She pointed towards a small hut, which looked like a deserted shack. Ryou and Marik stared in disbelief beside the sweet blue-eyed girl.

"That's it?" Marik questioned somewhat surprised. He was expecting the popular finalist Yugi to live in a better place.

" Famous Yugi lives here?" Ryou asked thoughtfully, echoing Marik's thoughts.

Tea spun around sweetly and blinked. "There's more to Yugi than fame…Follow me." She finished and walked to the house's door.

Marik slowly turned to Ryou and the innocent boy shrugged. `Let's wait and see.' Ryou's eyes told the handsome blond boy.

Marik nodded and walked up to Tea with Rishid and Ryou by his sides. Serenity, Lena and Rika walked after them. Kenji had been left at Rishid' s house to take care of Taichi.

Tea stood next to the door and everyone waited for her to make some kind of move. When Ryou understood she wasn't about to do anything, he eyed her questioningly.

She just winked cheerfully and turned to the door. "Dark Magician" she simply said. A sudden creak was heard from the seemingly wooden doors.

Everyone watched, aghast, as the `wooden' doors of the shack slid open. Marik and company realized a little too late that the door was actually metallic, painted wooden. Ryou and Marik exchanged wary glances.

"Okaaay…" Marik murmured and refocused his gaze on the now open doors.

Tea rushed inside "Quick! Before anyone sees us!" she urged.

Everyone hurried inside and the door shut automatically behind them. Tea strolled quickly down a silver-metallic corridor. Wasn't this place a shack? Apparently not…

To the sides of the slim corridor were stuck all kinds of things. They were mostly torn magazine pictures of spaceships or metallic parts from pods.

Ryou glanced at Serenity, who looked completely lost. Everything around them featured spacecrafts. This person was apparently obsessed, although no one could figure out why. Rika and Lena stayed completely silent for a change and they just observed the surroundings silently.

They finally reached a metallic door, which slid open when Tea stood in front of it. She motioned for everyone to enter.

What they saw next was beyond human imagination. It was a gigantic room- truly humungous. The ceiling was so low that everyone could touch it if they stretched their hands, but the feeling of grandiose surpassed everything else.

On the walls were drawn entire paintings of spaceships. Someone had actually used paint to cover each and every spot of the wall. The floor was littered with ship parts and in the middle of the huge hall lay a stack of dirty engine parts.

Computers that rivaled the technology of KaibaCorp could be found at various places and in the middle of all this mayhem, sitting on a shaggy armchair was a boy.

Everyone looked at the boy's form curiously. They couldn't see his face properly because a Visualizer helmet covered his head. A couple of platinum-blonde locks could be seen under the helmet.

Tea cheerfully skipped to the laying boy. Very warily and hesitantly she tapped a button at the back of his helmet. His shoulders shook a bit and his hands jerked around.

He raised his arms and removed the helmet, revealing two smiling, innocent ruby orbs. He stood up slowly and shook his head to recover from the game grogginess.

Serenity watched his lithe, snake-slim body shift under an unusual outfit. Leather black pants spread under a no-sleeved, scarlet shirt. Multiple leather bracelets were wrapped around his lower and upper arms and spiky biker belts were hanging around his hips. This kid was a complete addict! He even had chains tied around his legs!

The boy's spiky black hair was the most peculiar thing about him. The edges had been painted violet, and the few bangs that framed his face where completely blond. Everyone recognized his face as the one they had seen on the big-screen. It was Yugi Mutou, the finalist.

Yugi smiled at Tea and his whole essence seemed to smile through his big, expressive eyes. He was exactly as tall as Tea (for my fic) and seemed to be about eighteen years old.

Tea smiled brightly back at Yugi and glanced pointedly towards the others. The boy turned his glance to Marik and his friends.

Suddenly, his gaze turned a tad wary. He obviously turned to Tea for an explanation.

"These people know how to drive a ship! I thought you'd like to talk to them…" she said in an exultant fashion.

Yugi' s cute ruby eyes widened. "Y-You know how to drive ships?" he asked Marik excitedly, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

Marik glanced at Ryou promptly. "Not me, personally…but my friends do." He answered.

Yugi smiled so brightly that Marik thought a little sun was shining in the room.

The boy's huge eyes smiled. "I'm Yugi Mutou." He stated extending a hand towards Marik. "Call me Yugi."

Marik shook the boy's hand "My name's Marik" he motioned to Ryou "and this is Ryou."

Yugi extended a handshake to Ryou and noticed the boy's…disheveled appearance. He caught a glimpse of white under Ryou's brown hair and became a bit confused.

Ryou, on the other hand, had noticed where Yugi' s other hand was. He was holding something that looked like a golden locket that was around his neck. It was surely gold and it had the shape of a small pyramid.

When Yugi noticed where Ryou was staring, he quickly let go of the golden pyramid. Ryou's eyes widened considerably and he suddenly held Yugi' s handshake with a tight grasp.

When Ryou took a better look at Yugi' s locket, he noticed that something was carved on it….It looked like an eye. It was the same eye that was drawn on his golden ring- the ring that brought Bakura…

/Can you see it?/ Ryou questioned Bakura /Yami, it's the same as your ring!/


Ryou sensed Bakura's power spark in the ring. The ring that was shoved inside Ryou's clothes glowed suddenly and Ryou's eyes changed. A fierce, red-amber shine sparkled inside them. Bakura had taken over.

He warily let go of the oblivious Yugi' s hand and eyed the boy with a death-glare.

"What's that around your neck?" he asked Yugi gruffly and the young boy's eyes widened in surprise. Marik, who had instantly noticed the change in Ryou was now holding Bakura's shoulder in alert.

"Umm…" Yugi started "I…I got it from somewhere!"

"Is that so…"

Bakura looked ready to continue the rude interrogation. He locked glances with Marik, who was shaking his shoulder.

"What?" Bakura asked the handsome boy.

"Forget Yugi' s locket…RYOU…we can talk about that later…" Marik said in a sly, persuasive voice.

Bakura blinked at the command. He really wanted to bite Marik's head off and tell him that no one tells Bakura what to do, but suddenly, a strange pain in the back of his head broke his willpower.

Bakura tried to oppose Marik's order, he really did. Every time he thought about disobeying Marik, though, a tremendous pain broke his mind.

"F...Fine." he croaked finally, and granted Marik a promising glare. Marik promised himself he'd mend his social problems with Bakura later.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the ring glowed faintly in Ryou's pocket and the boy's eyes returned to a kind, innocent gaze. He suddenly stared at Yugi with a panicked gaze.

"I'm really sorry for being so rude! I-I don' t know what got into me!"

Yugi looked thoroughly confused. There was something different about this Ryou boy…something he couldn't pinpoint but knew was there.

"It's okay…don't worry." Yugi answered with a smile and moved towards the girls in order to introduce himself.

While Yugi was shaking hands with Serenity, who looked a bit alerted after Ryou's character change, Marik was throwing wary glances at Ryou. Thankfully, Tea and the other girls hadn't really noticed Ryou's problem. But what would Yugi think?

`Damn it, Bakura!' Marik thought `Your anger is just uncontrollable. But…why did you actually listen to my will?' Marik grabbed his head with both hands. This was getting too confusing for him after all…

Ryou himself was having similar thoughts.

/Yami, what were you thinking?/

Bakura huffed //That Yugi kid has a weird aura. There's more to him than it seems…//

/Do you realize the consequences of your actions?/ Ryou shouted desperately.

Bakura sounded enraged //Do you realize that the Yugi brat may be the key to finding out what happened to me in the past?!//

Ryou' s thoughts froze. Was that really possible? Was there a connection? /Look Yami…/ Ryou said in an understanding tone /I promise I'll find out as much as I can about Yugi…but please swear that you'll never jump out in front of everyone again! Especially Serena!/

Bakura just smirked and Ryou indignantly shouted. /Promise!/

//Fine, fine…I promise. Happy now, Brightside?//


Bakura smirked again and Ryou continued /I'll find out about Yugi for sure!/

Bakura shut their link there and grinned lightly. Ryou could be so unnaturally kind, sometimes… even to a mean, irate spirit who had destroyed his life. That's why Bakura loved Ryou so much- because he understood him. Ryou could never know that, of course.

Back to the outside world, Yugi had offered everyone a seat on a dusty old couch. Marik glanced around suspiciously.

"So Yugi…" Marik started "How come this technological wonder like your house is blossoming in a place like Yango?"

Yugi chuckled lightly "Well, Marik…How come a bunch of locals know how to drive spaceships?"

Marik blinked and realized Yugi thought of them all as Yango residents. He smiled slyly "Well, Yugi…I'll tell you a little secret if you tell me one."

Ryou looked alerted at this course of events. "Watch where you're going…" he murmured to Marik who nodded reassuringly.

Yugi looked immensely interested "Go on…"

Marik raised a slender, seductive eyebrow "Well…not everything is what it seems. We might look like locals but…we're not exactly from around here. I'll explain later."

Yugi nodded, his eyes glazed by a thoughtful gaze. "I understand…" he said and his eyes fluttered to Ryou's direction. That silver color beneath Ryou's hair was still bothering him. "So what do you want to know about me?"

Marik glanced briefly around and bent forward in a secretive way. "Why do you want someone who can drive ships?"

Yugi looked relieved that Marik had chosen to ask that. He couldn't bare another sudden question about his golden locket. "Well…" he started "I've loved space engines ever since I could walk. I've gathered all kind of junk from the local bazaars and made some machines of my own…" he glanced pointedly at all the computers and robots around "But…a place like Yango is doomed. "

Marik looked compassionate. He had lived in Yango for a long time, and knew what it felt like to be blocked in a place where you can't fulfill your dreams… "Go on…" he urged.

"I love space so much…I just hate this boring place. All I ever wanted was to have my own ship and explore the stars…like a Navigator." His eyes got a dreamy look "But…Yango has no ships and no matter how much I try to make one, I always fail…" At this, he got a resolved expression "That's why I absolutely MUST win the tournament. Gaining the spaceship prize is my only chance of having a ship and getting out of this place!"

Yugi went silent and turned to Tea with a wistful smile "Tea is my best friend…we want to escape together… We want to get out of this place together…"

He took Tea's hand in his own two and looked lovingly in her cerulean blue eyes. Serenity was sure that there was more to these two then just friendship, but she dismissed it as a trivial matter.

"But…" Yugi continued and now everyone's attention was fixed on him "No matter how much we want out…no matter how much I love ships…none of us can drive one! No one could teach us how. That's why I need someone to teach me how to drive a ship."

Marik smiled and nodded "I understand." He said and turned to Ryou in a questioning gaze. Ryou caught the implication and turned to Yugi.

"Well, Yugi…" Ryou started with a customary innocent stare "We may have an offer for you."

He glanced at Marik promptly and continued, "We absolutely need to get to Earth with no one -and I mean NO ONE- knowing where we are. If you supply the ship…and we supply the drivers…" he left the statement hanging and checked Yugi and Tea's excited expressions. "then will you give us a drive to Earth? By the time we reach Earth, both of you will have learned how to command a ship…Fair deal, isn't it?"

Yugi looked thoughtful for a moment and gazed at Tea. Her bright aquamarine eyes sparkled reassuringly. She squeezed Yugi' s hand tightly and nodded. Yugi smiled at her and then at Ryou.

"I'll take your deal." He said cheerfully "If you teach us how to drive ships, we'll use our ship to take you to Earth…But first…"

Marik focused and narrowed his eyes "Fist what?"

"First I want Ryou to take his wig off.'

Ryou, Serenity, Rishid and Marik exchanged equally surprised glances while Tea and Yugi giggled. Ryou shrugged and reached for his wig. "It was getting a little too itchy, anyway."

Yugi and Tea were stunned to see four completely different people. Ryou and Serenity were both pale, angelic figures whilst Rika and Lena were blonde and brunette, with creamy white skin. Marik and Rishid were naturally tanned.

"So…" Yugi started saying thoughtfully "Kaiba is after you and you need to lay low."

Marik nodded quietly as he spun a couple of ice-cubes around his glass of juice. "That's right. But I can't tell you why. All I can say is that we're not criminals, murderers, rapists or dangerous in any way."

Tea giggled and Marik turned his attention to her. "Aren't you and Tea a bit pale for Yango residents, anyway?" he asked Yugi lightly.

Yugi nodded kindly "We lived in Saturn when we were small. My grandpa was always fascinated with this place so we came here…He thought he might find ancient ruins buried in the desert sands… Tea's family had come with us from Saturn because her grandfather also researched ancient ruins. Me and Tea have known each other ever since!"

"So did he find anything?" Serenity asked excitedly, while removing some last bits of black paint from Ryou's face.

"No, nothing…they couldn't even research the desert with all the sandstorms." Tea sweetly answered. "When our grandfathers diseased it was too late to return to Saturn, the ships were lost…"

Everyone nodded in understanding. "So that's why you don't like this place at all…" Ryou told Yugi.

The tri-colored haired boy nodded "Yes. I wasn't really fond of coming here when I was five years old…I've been here ever since. My grandpa taught me how to work with machines before he died. Hey Marik?"

"Yes?" Marik asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We've told you everything about our past…but you hardly said anything about yourselves…"

This raised Ryou's attention and he turned warily to Marik. Marik caught his glance and grinned slyly.

"We'll tell you a lot about us when the time comes, Yugi. For now, you should focus on winning Pegasus! That's all you have to worry about…"

Yugi nodded thoughtfully but a sudden gasp interrupted them. Tea stared at her watch intently.

"It's really late, guys! Yugi must train and rest for tomorrow' s match! We must leave him."

Yugi looked as though he was about to start whining but obliged when he saw Tea's glare…

"Oh, all right…" Yugi murmured as he walked to the Visualizer and picked it up. Then he spoke to Tea "Please escort them home, Tea…I'll be training." He turned to the others "It was great meeting you guys!"

"Good luck for tomorrow! We'll be watching through the big screen!" Serenity cheerfully told Yugi.

"Do your best tomorrow! " Marik urged.

"Make us proud!" Ryou said with a grin. Yugi smiled.

"Thanks, everybody…I will."

"I'll be back soon…" Tea told Yugi cheerfully. "I'll buy something to eat, don't worry…" Yugi put the helmet on and dropped on the armchair in a dreamlike state.

Tea motioned for everyone to exit and everyone obliged.

"We should all be fresh for tomorrow." Tea said quietly as she led everyone out of Yugi' s home and in the now dark and deserted alleyways of Virna. "Yugi will fight Peg on the tower roof tomorrow at 12 p.m. We can all watch from the huge screen..." she turned to Rishid. "Should I come to your house tomorrow morning, Mister Rishid? Then we can all watch it together…"

Rishid spoke for the first time that night. "You should ask Master Marik" he simply answered and Tea looked puzzled. She turned to Marik and asked him the same question. Marik nodded in agreement and Tea stayed silent after that.

Marik was glad that the roads had emptied. Their exposed white skin would not attract attention. They covered as much of it as they could, of course, but still…

When they finally reached Rishid' s little hut with the blue fungus outside, Tea winked at them and cheerfully left. Everyone entered the house and Serenity kept noticing that all these pathetic little huts looked much smaller than they actually were.

As they walked inside, Marik couldn't help but notice the way Ryou carried himself lately. He was gaining a fiery leader spirit. Marik liked him so much better this way. No longer the helpless, innocent specimen of a KaibaCorp experiment…now he was more like a grown man. A man to match Marik's own powerful character and need for exploration.

Ryou noticed the handsome boy's insistent gaze on him and turned to blink innocently. Marik slyly smiled back.

"Rishid!" he commanded suddenly and the tall man bowed down to him.

"Yes, Master?"

Marik turned to his friend and servant "Lead everyone to guestrooms. The girls can share a room, I suppose…"

A nod from Serenity verified that.

"That will be all." Marik finished and Rishid mutely stood up. He took the girls and led them to their room. Taichi, Kenji and Ryou would also share a guestroom. Marik said he'd stay in his old bedroom and so did Rishid.

After a brief goodnight and a little conversation, everyone wearily walked to their rooms. It had been a long day and they needed rest. Tomorrow was the big day…the day when their whole destiny would be ordained. Tomorrow was the day. That was everyone's last thought before they fell to deep sleep.

Two catlike vermilion pupils shone in the middle of fiery amber eyes. Long silver strands swept over the mattress. Two soft thumps were heard and then the cracking of a bed.

Then, a tall, lean boy was standing near the door of the guestroom. Normally, Ryou Bakura's eyes were deep mahogany, filled with honesty and kindness…but now, his eyes sparkled with a florid red glow, moving around as though demonic.

The dark spirit of Ryou's golden ring had taken over yet again. Bakura smirked lightly as he looked around the dark room.

Kenji and Taichi were fast asleep on their beds. Ryou's own bed was next to the window, bathed in the soft white starlight that came from the Yango night sky- but of course `Ryou' wasn't in bed...

Bakura really considered eviscerating Kenji and Taichi right there and then, since these macho types really DID get on his nerves. The mere thought of Taichi' s hot, scarlet blood tumbling on the floor was enough to drive him insane with hunger.

He composed himself, however, and remembered their plan. They needed Kenji and Taichi because they were the ones who could drive spaceships…too bad- the feast would have to wait…

Bakura had taken over Ryou's body while Ryou's mind was sleeping. Now there would be no one in Bakura's mind to distract him. He had all the time in the world to think.

His lithe body slipped out of the bedroom and into the corridor. He realized that the small huts of this planet were actually larger than they seemed.

The slim corridor was completely dark and Bakura had to squint his eyes in order to make sure he didn't bump on the golden ornaments that hung from the walls.

He noticed distantly that the smell of wood and cinnamon was everywhere. It was great to be able to smell with Ryou's body. Bakura didn't have the chance to feel or smell things when he wasn't in control of Ryou.

He had thought he was free of feelings of remorse and pain…but he was wrong. He had believed that being untouchable and invisible gave him absolute freedom. No one could control him. How ironic…

Suddenly, Bakura had found himself in a great predicament. How could Marik control his mind? Could Marik do that with other people too? Why did it hurt every time he tried not to follow Marik's orders?

Bakura was becoming increasingly frustrated. No one could tell him what to do. No one. Not only did he have to bare the burden of eternal suffering, but he had to follow orders as well? No way!

Although…Marik did seem helpful…he did seem to understand Bakura's problems…Nah…that was just acting. Marik would probably leave too, as long as he got the chance…He was just using the ancient spirit as well, just like the ones who locket him in the ring.

`Marik will leave too…along with Ryou. Then I'll have nobody.' Bakura glared at the darkness.

The spirit in Ryou's body continued down the corridor until he reached a corner. Normally, Bakura would have casually strolled around the corner and continue to walk down the corridor.

However, a soft yellow light was coming from around the corner. Bakura narrowed his eyes. What now? Another ninja trying to kill them?

Bakura was famous for his abilities of stealth. Thus, he glued his body on the wall- extremely carefully so as not to make the ornaments cling- and peeked around the corner.

What he saw was better from what he'd expected.

In the end of the corridor was a half open door. It wasn't metallic like most doors around. This was wooden and was open only a little.

The soft yellow glow that came from the room behind the door made all the golden chains on the walls sparkle romantically. Bakura slid away from the wall and turned entirely to face the wooden door.

No one had noticed that room earlier that day…why was the door wooden, anyway?

Bakura huffed. Just when he wanted some quiet time to think, he had to stumble upon an alluring mystery.

Being the kind of person who couldn't let anything go unexplored, Bakura approached the door with light footsteps. As he walked, a sudden clinging sound was heard on his right.

He winced and slowly turned around. His stupid t-shirt had caught on a chain.

"Damn it!" he thought. `What does Marik do with all this stuff, anyway? I thought this planet was completely poor! How did he get all this gold?'

With small, composed movements, Bakura managed to disentangle his clothing from the chain. After sighing and cursing a little in his mind, he resumed his previous activities.

He had come so close to the door that he could vaguely see the interior of the room behind it. He approached even more and stuck his eye in the open gap.

Bakura couldn't distinguish much. He noticed that the walls of the room looked rocky and had the color of brick. He could see a big bed, covered with silky dark purple covers. Next to the bed was a small table.

Bakura couldn't really see what was on the table. His curiosity had now peaked, however, and he wasn't about to abandon the mission so fast.

He gingerly touched the wooden doors and started to push ever so slowly. Wooden doors were the worst that could happen to him because they creaked. No matter…that wasn't about to stop the great Bakura.

He pushed slowly and felt the inevitable creak come from the door. He clenched his jaws and a muscle pumped on Ryou's immaculate cheeks.

Bakura narrowed his eyes in concentration. The next attempt was much more fortunate. No sound came from the door whatsoever. He let out a breath he never knew he had been holding and inwardly patted himself on the back.

He had done it. Now he could see much more. On the bed stand were placed two candles that glowed softly and from the cryptic walls of the room were hanging shining torches. The yellow flames spread their lights all around.

Bakura refocused his fiery, excited gaze on the table. Next to the candles was placed something that looked like a small bottle of perfume. Next to it was a little vase of black paint with a brush inside it and something that resembled a long, metallic stick.

Bakura tried to look further into the room but suddenly froze. He watched, transfixed, as a hand with dark skin and long, bony digits stretched upon the bed stand.

The hand's fingers wrapped around the metal stick and lifted it up. Bakura dared to pop his head further into the room.

There, standing by the nightstand, dressed in a long purple tunic was none other than the blonde god, Marik.

Bakura's eyes widened as he watched, entranced. Marik's long robes swept the floor as he moved towards the wall. With every little step he made, the golden chains that hung from the front of his tunic clung melodically. Marik didn't notice Bakura at all. He seemed completely devoted to whatever he was doing.

He walked with the iron stick in his hand and slowly -somewhat ceremoniously- approached the closest torch on the wall.

Bakura realized Marik had also picked up the perfume from the nightstand. The robe-clad boy was now looking skeptically at the burning torch.

He took the stick and did something to the flames. Then he took out the bottle of perfume and opened it. His usually lavender eyes were now glowing with a rainbow lilac shade.

Bakura blinked and swallowed in actual nervousness. Marik's golden jewelry shone brightly along with the chains on his robes.

The blonde boy slowly emptied the bottle on the flame. Drop by drop; he waited until all of it was finished.

Instantly, the lighting changed and Bakura now saw the flame turn blue from yellow. This was getting more `interesting' by the second. Cyan fire?

The blue flame brought with it a heavy odor. Bakura wanted to sigh in bliss as the whole room and corridor started to smell of rosemary and jasmine.

Marik sighed heavily and started to slowly walk back to the bed. Bakura was tensely watching when the unexpected took place.

Suddenly, Marik stopped dead in his lazy, tired tracks. He raised his long fingers and ran them over the golden chains of his tunic. Bakura couldn't see everything because Marik's back was turned to him.

He just heard a little click and knew that the chain of the robes had been released. Bakura took this as his queue to leave. He didn't want to see a striptease.

He started to slowly retreat from his inquisitive place, but suddenly froze.

Marik's cloak had slid down soundlessly, stopping when it reached the golden chain around his hips. Bakura's mouth went dry with anxiety.

Stretched in front of him was Marik's bare back, bones and muscles outlining the slim form. But that wasn't the problem.

Filled with blank ink, carved deep inside his flesh were marks, scars. They were embossed across his whole back and it was obvious that it wasn't a tattoo. These were scars, made by a dagger.

The carvings glowed like black rivers on the boy's back, making the lean tanned surface wavy. The scars were filled with black paint -like Rishid' s. Marik obviously used paint for it to look like a tattoo…

Bakura flinched. Not even HE was accustomed at watching such scars. Who knew that this beautiful boy held such a vulgar thing on his body?

Marik shook his hands lightly, making the muscles on his back shift with each move, and the scars move with them. Bakura didn't really know what the words that were carved on his back meant.

They were very different from Rishid' s scars and they looked like written signals from the Mores code- but not exactly. Bakura could distinguish a few numbers like `4, 5, 8' beneath the carvings, but he couldn't understand anything else.

He was shaken back to reality by Marik's voice. It was more melodic and more enchanting than Bakura had ever heard.

"Come Rishid. Fast…" Marik said. Just then, Bakura heard footsteps and realized Marik wasn't the only occupant of the room. Bakura quickly tried to shift in order not to be seen.

Fortunately, Rishid slowly walked behind Marik. When he stopped and simply stood, it was like everything had frozen. Then, slowly and with trepidation, he raised his hand and revealed he was holding a bottle of some sort.

Bakura narrowed his eyes. What was that? He heard Marik's breathing become loud and raspy.

"Now, Rishid!" Marik suddenly said with a choked howl.

Rishid obviously obliged. He emptied the fluid in the bottle on Marik's back. It was all hidden from Bakura's view but he could hear very well.

He heard Marik's breathing choke and he heard the sound of his knees hit the floor. Rishid slowly retreated and walked away from Bakura's view, leaving behind him a fallen and panting Marik.

Bakura's bloodthirsty eyes widened at what he saw. The black paint was dripping down Marik's back and the scars were sizzling with acid. The once glowing black carvings were now burning red, oozing with a combination of acid and black paint.

Marik's whole form was shaking, but no words or cries came from his lips, nevertheless. The black dripping paint resembled falling blood and for once, Bakura didn't feel the least bit excited at that. He actually felt something tighten around his chest painfully as he looked at Marik's trembling form.

Just then, Rishid' s gruff voice was heard "I'm sorry, Master…but you know you must protect yourself from infections…"

Bakura saw Marik's head, which was shoved in his hands desperately, nod affirmatively. Just then, Bakura saw the blonde boy reach out a shaking hand towards the nightstand. Rishid rushed to the boy and gave him a glass of water.

Marik nodded gratefully and put the cool essence on his lips. Bakura watched in utter trepidation.

"Rishid…" Marik whispered pathetically "Take the paint…start fixing it."

Rishid obeyed and took the black paint form the nightstand. Bakura realized that he was about to start repainting the cleaned scars.

One last look at Marik's form which was trying to grab on the wall with white knuckles was all Bakura needed.

The demonic albino turned around hoarsely, not caring about the creaking of the wooden doors or the sound of footsteps. He leaned his head on the corridor walls and shut his eyes quickly.

Slowly, pants and tortured gasps echoed around the corridor. Bakura shut his eyes tighter. Shouldn't he be extremely happy at seeing someone get hurt? Shouldn't the pained breathing excite him?

Then why did his chest hurt with pity? Why did it hurt to see the blonde beautiful boy fall to the floor pathetically? Wasn't he the merciless spirit any more?

Bakura reopened his eyes and watched the blue-yellow light flicker from the room. The stealthy silver-haired boy staggered away from the wall and stared stiffly at the half-open door.

`Should I go inside? Should I ask Marik what this is all about? Should I…help?' Bakura grabbed his head in his hands.

"Shit…what's going on?" he whispered. Losing no more time at hearing the tortured boy's pants, he strode down the corridor and quickly got in the boys' bedroom.

`Am I turning soft now? What the heck is wrong…?' he thought desperately, his glaring red eyes lost in the dark room `There is more to Marik…after all, no body knows his past. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can't deny his wishes…Maybe…'

Bakura desperately glared at the sleeping Kenji's form…

`Maybe…Maybe Marik…' just then, another image of the tortured Marik entered his mind `Damn it, Marik! Why did I have to see that!'

With that last thought, the furious spirit left Ryou's body and retreated in the dark corners of an unknown abyss.

Ryou' s sleeping mind came back in his own body and the white-haired boy fell lifelessly on the ground, curiously not waking up. The rest of the night went by peacefully for the residents of the hut.

It was peaceful for everyone except a restless spirit and a young man in pain.

"C'mon, man! Get up! YO! Get up!"


"Damn…I know he's ancient and all…but did people sleep on the floor in his age?"


"Yo! Ryou! Wake up man! Why are you on the floor?

Two mahogany slits appeared on the pale boy's face. His eyelids fluttered and his eyes opened to reveal two precious amber jewels.

Ryou curiously felt very stiff. He thought his mattress had been really soft, but now he was sure it was rock hard. He groaned in spite of himself and took a better look around.

He noticed that two forms were towering over his lying form. It was Kenji and Taichi, his roommates. Taichi was finally healed and ready for action. Ryou raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"Guys, what are you doing here?" he asked, thinking he was lying on his bed.

Kenji smirked. "I think the question is what are YOU doing here?"

Taichi chuckled at Ryou's completely oblivious expression. The silver haired god's eyes narrowed. He decided that leaving the uncomfortable stiff position he was in was imperative at this point.

With a swift, unexpected movement he sat up. The surprise had been great when Ryou finally noticed he wasn't on his soft mattress. He was on the cold cabin floor.

"How on earth did I get here?" Ryou vaguely wondered as he got up and started rubbing dirt off his clothes.

"How the hell should we know? We just got up and found you sleeping on the floor! Is that a custom of the 15th century or something?"

Ryou glanced lightly at the other man. The handsome albino was never the one to get angry at someone's comments, but the morning gruffness was not making him very cooperative.

"Actually, it's 21st century and no, it's not a custom." He patiently and softly answered, the sweetness never leaving his voice.

"Oh, ok…well, whatever, I'll go get breakfast." Taichi dismissively said and started to walk to the door.

"Wait for me!" Ryou heard Kenji shout after his friend. Instantly, the two men had left the room.

This was perfect for Ryou, who wanted some time to talk with his Darkside. Ryou did have a vague idea about how he mysteriously ended up sleeping on the floor. Panic was starting to raise inside him. What if his Yami had done something psychotic and someone saw him? Would they think he's crazy again? And what about Serenity? Would she-

Ryou's eyes widened in anxiety. He absolutely had to talk to his Yami!

/Yami! Get out! We need to talk! What did you do last night?/ Ryou frantically shouted in his mind.

For the first time in many years, Ryou didn't feel the spirit's anger or blood fetish through their connection. Ryou just felt something unexplainable. It wasn't really a feeling…it was just…silence.

Yami Bakura was not answering and no matter how many times Ryou pleaded and shouted for answers, only silence would greet them.

/Yami please answer me! Can you hear me?! Yami!/

Ryou reached in his t-shirt and grabbed his golden ring. He took it out and stared at it. No response, no glow. Nothing.

`Maybe he just doesn't want to come out…' Ryou mused `But I can't feel the darkness stir inside me. I can't feel his feelings.'

Ryou was about to set all his willpower and ultimately order the spirit to come out. He knew that Bakura could never disobey a direct order coming from his host.

The white-haired angel was about to utter the words when he heard an unexpected shout come from somewhere in the house.

"RYOU! COME ON! BREAKFAST IS SERVED!" Serenity's melodic voice chimed. Ryou sighed dejectedly. His little tête-à -tête with Yami would have to wait.

The boy shoved the ring back in his clothes and proceeded to walk out of the door. He found himself in the familiar slim corridor, which was decorated by ornaments of all sorts.

Ryou hadn't really learned where the kitchen was, so he directed himself down the corridor and around a corner. Just then, he came face to face with a wooden door.

Wait! A WOODEN door? Ryou had learnt that this was rare in the 25th century. He shook his head lightly. It was just a room that he hadn't noticed…nothing serious.

Suddenly, as he observed the delicate door, a cold shiver ran down his spine. He felt unexplainably cold and afraid, all of a sudden.

Ryou froze and stiffened instantly. /Yami?/

But no response came.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Ryou turned around and walked back in the direction he came. He turned around the corner and walked back down the corridor. The whole time and as he observed all the vaguely familiar objects, goose bumps were crawling under his skin.

`What is this feeling?' Ryou thought `These are my Darkside's feelings…'

He finally reached the final alcove of the corridor. He walked through it and into the living room, where the furniture sat lifeless and quiet.

When Ryou heard voices coming from his right, he presumed that the metallic doors near his right led to the kitchen. He lunged toward the doors eagerly, not wanting to feel alone and peculiarly cold any more.

As he walked rather quickly, he suddenly tripped and lost his balance.

Ryou closed his eyes tightly and waited for the inevitable collision, but it never came. Instead, a feeling of scorching warmth and disgusting cold penetrated his hand at the same time.

Ryou's mahogany orbs snapped open and glanced upwards.

Standing there, bathed in all his glory was none other than Marik. He was wearing a blood-red shirt in combination with black pants and army boots. The golden jewelry that sparkled along with the man's blonde hair gave Ryou an eerie feeling.

And there was something about Marik's eyes…something about those eyes made Ryou really uncomfortable. The awkwardly light purple jewels that formed Marik's eyes were smiling down at him, but Ryou was feeling something choke his heart and rip it violently out of his chest.

`Why am I feeling like this?' Ryou thought frantically `my friend just caught me from falling! Why am I afraid?'

Ryou kept feeling the burning and yet cold feeling of Marik's flesh holding his hand and preventing him from slipping. Ryou's eyes widened and involuntarily, his heartbeat quickened noticeably.

"Having a bad day?" Marik's deep voice asked. The usually seductive, tropical voice suddenly sounded very much like a tortured howl to Ryou. Tortured howl? Where was this coming from?

"I-I…" Ryou stuttered and instinctively pulled his hand away from Marik's grasp and backed away a few steps.

Marik raised a sly eyebrow and granted his friend a smile. To Ryou, it seemed like a man was screaming in pain. Each gesture Marik did, each move the exotic boy made, it reminded Ryou of pain.

And he was afraid of it. He could feel the Darkside inside him thump on his heart. These were Bakura's feelings, not Ryou's. Whenever Bakura saw Marik, he saw pain. And it didn't excite him like other times. Ryou could feel the skin-crawling, sickening feeling that Bakura was silently transmitting.

When the albino boy turned his attention back to the present, he noticed that Marik was still grinning and waiting for an answer of some sort.

"Thanks…for catching me." He said warily.

Marik waved his hand in a dismissive, casual manner. Ryou instantly saw images of Marik's hands form into fists and grip something with white knuckles. He felt screams of agony echo in the distance.

/Yami stop it! Stop!/ Ryou cried desperately, and suddenly, everything went back to place.

Marik was standing right in front of him and he wasn't feeling anything. Ryou sighed gratefully. At least his Darkside had calmed down.

Just then, Marik pointed towards the door. He obviously meant going for breakfast. Taking the initiative, the blonde, handsome boy turned his back to Ryou and started to walk to the door carelessly.

He didn't notice that behind him, Ryou was frozen. The albino boy was gripping his head with both hands as he watched Marik's back move further and further away.

Marik's back.

All the feelings of anguish that had been removed from inside him had now returned, and they were ten times stronger.

Ryou watched Marik's back move slowly, and incomprehensible images entered his mind. He wanted to choke, he wanted to scream, he wanted to cry…but nothing came out.

The albino's innocent mahogany eyes flashed cruel red for only a moment. Images of hands turning into fists and gripping a purple fabric tightly came into mind. Images of tanned fingers running over dripping scarlet liquid....flashes of white fabric being dyed red.

Pictures of Marik's handsome face twisted in a monstrous scream, his shining bleach-blonde hair dipped in blood and his lavender eyes reduced in a desperate blue. Marik's deep sensual voice suddenly sounded like a skin-crawling siren…And Ryou was cold…so cold…

And then, Marik turned around.

"Ryou, are you okay?"

Ryou's pained eyes flashed red and then deep brown. It was gone as fast as it came. Ryou removed his head form his hands and avoided Marik's eyes.

"I'm fine. Let's go." Ryou said in a low, pained voice. Marik raised an eyebrow at his friend's peculiar actions, but decided not to question any further. Ryou walked a bit limply beside Marik and into the kitchen.

Marik followed suit and immediately heard everyone's excited voices greet him good morning. A flash of shining green eyes and Marik had exchanged meaningful glances with his faithful Rishid.

Ryou shakily stepped to the table and accepted a seat next to Serena. She always had a soothing affect at these cases.

Marik slowly and ethereally sat on his own chair and engaged in conversation with Taichi immediately. Marik was now explaining to Taichi and Kenji about their deal with Yugi.

When they were done eating breakfast, they would have to take care of their disguise. That was the only way they could walk outside and watch Yugi' s Millennium match.

While everyone seemed refreshed and ready for action, Ryou felt extremely worn and far from calm.

`Why did Yami feel like this today?' Ryou thought. He rejoiced at the fact that the sudden fear and anxiety had worn off. Now, Ryou was feeling comfortable around Marik again. Yet, the images of suffering and blood were now stuck in his mind- nothing could change that.

Ryou didn't even know what had put them there in the first place. Could it be that Bakura tortured Marik last night? Not logical. If so, why would Marik treat Ryou in a friendly way that morning? More warnings went out in Ryou's mind.

What if Marik was the dangerous one? What if this was a warning of the things to come? What about it?

Ryou desperately ran his hand through his long hair and pretended to listen to the conversation. He needed a long chat with Yami Bakura, and he hoped -for the sake of his sanity- that he could have it soon.

When the camouflage was finally finished and everyone was wearing the customary white robes, everyone finally settled down and waited for Tea to drop by as she had promised.

Marik was different from the others, since he was wearing a black robe. Ryou was curious about it, but preferred not to question his friend. Marik always knew what he was doing, anyway, and Ryou didn't know that much about this place or time.

The doorbell finally rung and Rishid rushed to answer the door. When it opened, it revealed a blue clad, sapphire-eyed girl, who seemingly had a sweet smile stuck permanently on her face. For the first time that day, Ryou felt Bakura stir in attention inside him. Bakura's feelings of disapproval echoed and Ryou shook his head dismissively. Bakura really hated anything that had to do with sweetness and Tea was just dripping with it.

Marik smiled and stood up to greet their new visitor.

"Good morning, Tea." Marik's deep sensual voice said. Ryou was glad he could finally normally react to Marik's behavior.

"G'morning!" the young girl cheered "I see you're all ready…" she giggled at that and Ryou had to restrain Bakura's urges for punching her "Yugi has already gone to the tower, so I suggest we go watch!"

Everyone nodded and some cheered for Yugi' s luck. Thus began the procedure of getting out of the house and reaching some spot to watch the finals.

As everyone exited the seemingly little hut, they were hit by a wave of nauseating heat. Everyone had the compulsion to run back inside and stay there forever, but they held it back.

Naturally, the overly crowded streets of Yango were severing the heat. Sweaty, smelly people rubbing against each other was no one's preference, but they really had no choice. Tea, Rishid and Marik's knowledge of Virna' s Bronx helped find quicker roots.

Sometimes, when they were walking, Ryou's eyes would fall on Marik's back and a cold shiver would cross through the innocent boy's body. Ryou dismissed it, however. Soon it would be completely gone.

The company of friends was now standing in the middle of a humungous crowd that covered thousands of miles around. They all had their faces turned upwards, staring at the wide screen on the tall tower.

No one could see the top of the tower, where Yugi and Peg were actually having the game. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen - even people from the outskirts of Virna were watching intently.

Tea started cheering when the image of Yugi appeared on screen. Some people booed and others cheered.

Everyone in the group started shouting except Marik and Ryou. The two `wise ones' were silently observing…and hoping that their only choice would lead them to salvation.

The picture on the screen showed the thin and lithe Yugi walking beside a few tall guards dressed in black tunics.

Yugi was innocently glancing around, observing the environment, which seemed to be a white corridor. Yugi' s big eyes narrowed lightly when the guards led him to a big, gold-rimmed door.

Yugi nodded gratefully and entered. The camera followed him inside and everyone saw the interior of the room. It was a great platform with solid metallic floor. It took everyone a minute to realize that the room had no ceiling and it was just the cloudless sky of Yango. A glass ceiling covered them and protected them from the blazing sun. They could enjoy sunlight but without the heat.

The crowd realized that the competitors were on the top of the tower! They were on the top of the skyscraper! People started screaming and cheering for Pegasus, unconsciously believing that if they shouted loud enough, someone would hear from the tower.

In the middle of the great platform Yugi was in, were two single chairs. They had been rooted on the floor and seemed to be extremely comfortable. They had Visualizer helmets protruding from the top and Ryou guessed that these were formal Visualizer consoles or something…

Pegasus was sitting on one of the chairs. When the camera fell on him, everyone took a better look at him.

His hair was silver-gray - not as white as Ryou's- and his eyes were had a hazel shade. Unusual fair skin covered his cheekbones and his mouth was permanently plastered on an ironic grin.

He was wearing a red suit, which looked very advanced for everyone else's attire. Marik was now sure that this person had also come from another planet for business reasons, like Rishid had said. For one thing, he looked nothing like the natives - just like Yugi and Tea!

Tea shifted around uncomfortably. She was quite worried about Yugi. It still bothered her that they hadn't let her accompany him inside the tower, but she knew Yugi would still have no problem. The boy was a computer genius!

As the screen showed Yugi' s form progress towards Pegasus, a loud voice suddenly erupted from the tower.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" the voice said "Hello, and welcome to the finals of the Virna Virtual Reality Game Tournament. As you can see, finalist Yugi Mutou has finally reached the battle arena. Now, Yugi Mutou and Maximillion Pegasus will both sit down on the Visualizers and start the game! "

As if on queue, Yugi shared a meaningful glance with Pegasus.

"I won't lose to you!" the young boy suddenly shouted and his voice echoed all around. Frantic yells and shouts were heard from the crowd, and Tea was cheering desperately.

Peg simply grinned and seemed totally indifferent.

"Come now, Yugi boy…I don't have all day, you know. I have other things to do after I beat you…"

Yugi' s eyes narrowed in innocent determination and Pegasus's grin grew wider

"This tournament has helped me make our new Digimon virtual reality game famous. It's all thanks to you, Yugi boy. I couldn't have done it without you…It's just too bad that you will never take the prize…"

Yugi seemed to seethe at those words, but something stopped him from lunging on Pegasus and pulling his eyes out. Instead, the violet-eyed boy settled on crashing on the other chair next to Peg.

The speaker's voice echoed once again. "Since both finalists are ready, it is time to start the duel." Everyone screamed affirmatively at that " The finalists didn't know which game the finals would be -they must be ready for anything! Since most of the preliminaries have been Digimon games, and we thought the finalists need a real challenge…we decided that the finals will be…"

Everyone held their breath and the two duelists did the same. Curiously, Pegasus didn't seem really worried, which fazed everyone a bit.

"It will be…a Sailor Moon game!"

Their jaws dropped. Wasn't that a girl game? What would Yugi and Peg do in a girl's game?

"We will all watch the game in the tower screen, so please, pay attention." The voice said "When the Visualizers close down on our players' heads, we will be able to see what they see. We will be able to watch the game."

An ominous pause intensified the commotion of trepidation.

"And now…" the voice finished "…let the games begin!"

`Good luck, my friend…' Marik and Ryou thought at the same time. They heard the next words come from Yugi and Peg as the helmets slammed down in their skulls.

"MILLENNIUM DUEL!!" both finalists shouted simultaneously and a sparkling light came into the screen.