Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rewind 1 ❯ The Millenium Match ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
  DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Sailor Moon, Yugioh, or Lord of the Rings. Please don’t sue me. No flames allowed!     IMPORTANT   Okay, I’d like to inform you all that I don’t watch Sailor Moon, so there might be some mistakes…Plz bare with me! Secondly, you must know that even if you don’t watch Sailor Moon, this plot will be very easy to follow…so don’t worry. I recently realized that when I use double /, it doesn’t show on FF.net…So, when Yami Bakura and Ryou telepathically speak to each other, I’ll just use:   - Yami Bakura -   / Ryou /                 The crowd was cheering wildly, and the group of friends had long since joined in. The only ones who stayed silent and observant were Ryou and Marik. What was the goal of this game, anyway? Not everything had been explained…   As if on cue, the loud voice erupted from the speakers of the tower once again.   “Ladies and Gentlemen, our champions are now entering the game!” everyone noticed the glowing screen. “The game is now loading!! Meanwhile, I’ll try to explain to you the rules of this game!!”   Marik’s attention sparked at that…Finally!   “In contrast to what most people think, the fight between two people in a virtual reality game is not a battle of power!! It is a battle of mind-strength and knowledge! The winner of the Match of the Millennium will be the man who understands machines the best!!”   Ryou’s eyes narrowed in contemplation.   “Let me explain to you, Ladies and Gentlemen…This game, is a game of willpower! In the Sailor Moon virtual reality, there are more than 30 different characters. Twenty-eight of these characters will be AI- Artificial Intelligence computer generated characters. The other two characters will be our two finalists…The sole purpose of the players will be to recognize each other inside that mayhem of characters! Whoever recognizes his opponent first, will be considered the man who understands computers the best…After all, Ladies and Gents, if a man understands virtual games, he can surely distinguish them from a human!!”   Ryou and Marik exchanged incredulous glances. No way! It could take hours for the two players to recognize each other in there!! Not to mention it would be extremely difficult for Yugi to do this…   Tea and Serenity seemed to be having the same thoughts as the announcer continued.   “Moreover, I must inform you that the two finalists do not know what their goal is. They do not know that their goal is to recognize each other in there! There is a time limit, however. The time limit of three hours! The first man to recognize his opponent in three hours time, is the winner. If neither of them find each other by then, then the finalists will be considered inappropriate for the title of ‘KING OF GAMES!!’ Ladies and Gents, the game begins!!”   Serenity turned a panicked glance to Ryou “What if Yugi loses? Ryou!”   Ryou stayed silent and narrowed his eyes in thought. “I believe in Yugi. I believe he can make it.” he finally said. Tea turned to him.   “And I believe in Yugi too! Go, Yugi! Find that Peg and come back to us!!!! We believe in you!!”   In the chaos of voices and lost cheers, Tea’s voice stood out. ‘We believe in you.’   The monotonous glow of the screen suddenly sparked with life and the crowd fell to silence. Marik’s lilac stare was pierced on the screen, as though willing to penetrate the virtual world. ‘He has to win.’ The blonde boy thought. ‘He HAS to. It’s his destiny to help us…’   In the screen, everyone could see the image of fluffy white clouds on a blue sky. On the bottom of the screen ignited a countdown clock. Now it read 2h: 58min: 23sec…The game had begun.   Suddenly, the voice of the announcer broke the silence “We are now watching from a general camera! We don’t know who Yugi and Pegasus are…We’re just observing the game sequence from afar!”   Serenity turned to Marik and Ryou in panic. “We don’t know who Yugi is?!!! What does this mean?”   Both boys looked distressed as they turned stoic glances at Serenity. The beautiful girl had now covered her mouth with her hand, and her eyes were brimming with tears “Yugi is lost in there!!”   Ryou gently placed a hand under her face and raised her chin up slowly. His kind eyes sparkled at her “Believe in him Serena. Yugi WILL win.”   Marik nodded from behind Ryou. “Yes, he will.” The blonde boy reassured. ‘It’s his destiny to help us now.’ He added in his thoughts.   Everyone’s attention was back on the screen, where the camera had just descended to show a landscape of a green forest and a small shrine. Most people in the audience were fascinated because of this, since they had never seen such things for real. Ryou felt immensely sorry for them.   Back to the screen, in front of the shrine, standing next to a stone gate was a girl. She had long black hair, which cascaded down her back and she was wearing old-fashioned Japanese clothes. A red and white kimono adorned her body, while her ebony black eyes sparkled quizzically.   “HEY!! Get back here!!” she yelled in a ruff voice.   No one understood who she was talking to, until the camera zoomed out. Everyone was greeted with sight of a blonde girl running away from the shrine. The girl had a most peculiar haircut with two ordangos and long ponytails. Her face seemed to be forming a pained expression as she heard the black-haired girl shout.   The blonde one turned around and started sulking. “What is it NOW Rei? Let me go!”   The black haired priestess seemed angered. “Don’t you dare use that tone of voice to me meatball-head!! You might be our ‘fearless leader’ but that doesn’t mean you can order us around.”   The blonde girl huffed “I bet you think you’re better than me, eh?”   Rei snorted “Of course I believe I am more fit to be a leader than you, Usagi. With your wimpy, pushover personality, who wouldn’t?”   Suddenly, a girl with short blue hair showed up and spoke in a soothing tone “Now, now, girls…Rei, try to understand …Usagi has problems as well…she’s not all powerful, you know.”   Rei huffed and sighed “Sure, sure…make up any excuse you want…” then she turned around and walked into the shrine. Her muttering echoed around “Why did it have to be me to get surrounded by all these uncool people?”   Suddenly, the audience covered their ears as wails and cries broke out from Usagi’ s  shaking form.   “WHY CAN’T ANYBODY UNDERSTAND ME? WHY?”   The blue-haired gentle girl beside Usagi bent down to collect her trembling body. “Forget Rei…She can’t accept you yet…Just forget about it, everyone has problems…”   Usagi was still sulking after that unusual outburst and the other girl helped her stand up. They were soon walking down an old-fashioned, 20th century street.   The only thing that kept happening during the next fifteen minutes was Usagi’s occasional muttering. The crowd of Yango was getting impatient. This wasn’t what they had hoped for…Where was Yugi and Peg? Where were the energy beams and the terrifying battles? All they could see was a girl!!!   Marik seemed thoughtful as he watched the screen. He turned to speak to Ryou. “Keep a careful watch, Ryou…You never know who Yugi and Peg can be!”   Ryou nodded and refocused his attention on the game. Suddenly, something seemed to happen and the blond girl started running again, with the blue-haired one hot on her trail.   Usagi finally stopped at some point and bent down. A boy’s form was lying in front of her and he seemed to be unconscious.   “Mamoru!! Oh my God, Mamoru!!!” the blonde girl started shaking the boy’s shoulders.   The blue-haired friend helped make Mamoru sit up, and the black haired boy’s eyes finally seemed to flutter open.   “MAMORU!” Usagi screamed and jumped on his tired body immediately. “YOU’RE OK!!”   Mamoru was very surprised to find a crazed girl hugging him… and no one could really blame him. His eyes widened as he realized the commotion and tried to pry Usagi’s hands off of him.   Then, Mamoru said something very peculiar but very significant at the same time.   “Who are you?” he asked simply, with a sincerely puzzled stare.   Usagi obviously thought he was joking, because she laughed and nudged his sides playfully.   “Oh, come on Mamoru…What’s wrong?”   Mamoru shoved her off unexpectedly and shot upward, standing up.   “Why are you calling me ‘Mamoru’?” he asked “Where the heck IS everyone?”   Usagi seemed thunderstruck and turned to her friend who looked equally surprised.   “Umm…” Usagi started “I’m calling you Mamoru because that is your name…And as for your other question…um…what are you talking about?”   Mamoru seemed to notice his surroundings for the first time. His eyes narrowed immediately as he took in the old-fashioned environment. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.   “Oh shit!” he exclaimed “It’s the game!”   Usagi and her friend were observing his antics and were becoming more confused by the second. Meanwhile, in the audience, Marik, Ryou and company were gawking with wide eyes.   ‘Could this be Yugi?’ they all thought. ‘It would only be logical!’   Mamoru turned to Usagi seriously. “I’m sorry…” he finally said “I don’t remember a thing…Who am I? What is here? Who are you people?”   Usagi looked thunderstruck and grasped at her friend for support.   “Ami!” Usagi told her friend “Not again! I can’t believe Mamoru has amnesia AGAIN!”   Ami started patting Usagi’ s back for support while she looked at Mamoru. “You really can’t remember us…? You can’t remember a thing? ” Ami asked him.   Mamoru looked very regretful and sighed. “I’m sorry…I can’t remember anything.”   Ami nodded and her eyes seemed to fill with tears as she tried to support the now sobbing Usagi.   “Well…” Ami started saying “I don’t know how this happened, but I can assure you we are your friends. I’m Ami and this is your girlfriend, Usagi.”   Mamoru seemed to pale considerably “M-My girlfriend? But I already have a- ”   “Yes!” Ami interrupted “Usagi is your girlfriend and your name is Mamoru…I think it’s best if you follow us…Maybe we can help.”   Mamoru nodded warily and started to walk behind the girls. Usagi’s heart-wrenching sobs were intensifying regularly. Mamoru seemed desperate to stop her.   “Please…” he started “Please don’t cry…I don’t mean to burden you…” Usagi sighed miserably and tried to restrain her sobs. Soon, her wails were reduced to silent tears.   Mamoru, however, seemed preoccupied. He kept glancing around as they walked and he seemed to be a bit jumpy.   “This is definitely one of the two players…The question is…Is it Yugi or Pegasus?” Marik murmured. He checked the clock on the bottom of the screen and his eyes widened. It had already been thirty minutes. Time was passing and nothing had happened. Mamoru was simply walking with the girls…   Abruptly, things seemed to come to life again, when Mamoru gasped. He pointed at a park, where a lone figure stood solemnly. It looked like a little girl.   “Hey! What’s wrong with her?” Mamoru asked. This attracted the other girls’ attention and Usagi turned just in time to see her boyfriend run to the park. She motioned for Ami to follow and soon they were all located in the park.   “I hope the poor little girl is okay. She seems miserable.” Mamoru said and Ami seemed to agree. Usagi, however, was fuming in jealousy at the attention Mamoru was giving to somebody other than herself.   Back in the audience, Marik was watching intently. Yugi always was kind and helpful –qualities that were both possessed by Mamoru…Thus, Mamoru had to be Yugi…right?   In the game, Mamoru approached the little girl who was sitting on a swing. Her little body was being racked in sobs periodically.   “Hey little girl?” Mamoru started, followed closely by Usagi “Are you okay?”   The girl abruptly stopped crying and hopped on her feet. She turned towards Mamoru and eyed him with big tearful eyes. Everyone noticed she had pink hair pulled up in otangos much like Usagi’s. The little girl generally resembled Usagi, actually.   The little girl eyed Mamoru up and down. “Who are you?” the little girl asked.   “My name is Mamoru…This is Ami and Usagi. What’s your name?”   The little girl looked distraught for a moment. In the audience, Marik gasped. Could it be that this girl…   The pink-haired little girl was seemingly struggling for an answer when a loud voice interrupted the silence.   “Well, Mamoru…” Usagi’s jealous voice boomed “I believe she’s fine…now let’s go!”   “No, Usagi I-” Mamoru started. But suddenly, Ami said something.   “Chibi-Usa” Ami stated. Mamoru and Usagi turned to her quizzically.   “What was that? Come again?” Mamoru asked.   “Well” Ami started “I just came up with it…Since she looks like Usagi so much, I thought: Why not call her ChibiUsa -which means ‘Little Usagi’…? That would be fun, right?”   Usagi huffed “Yeah…thanks a lot. Ami”   Mamoru, on the other hand, seemed satisfied. “All right then…Chibiusa it is.” He turned to the little girl who smiled innocently up at him.   “My name is not Chibiusa.” She started.   “Oh?” Mamoru asked, interested. “What is it then?”   “It’s not Chibiusa.” Came the answer and for a moment, the little girl’s eyes sparkled with irony. Mamoru shook the feeling off before Usagi interrupted the conversation yet again.   “Whatever, Chibiusa…C’ mon Mamoru, let’s go!” she said as she tugged on Mamoru’s sleeve.   “Umm…” Chibiusa started saying shyly “can I come with you guys…I’ve lost Mommy and Daddy…”   Ami and Mamoru’s eyes softened while Usagi seemed completely aggravated.   “Sure you can…” Ami started “We’ll all going to Usagi’s home…Mamoru needs to sort some things out.”   “Ok!” Chibiusa happily started. The small company started walking again, Chibiusa a few feet behind the teenagers.   The camera focused on the little girl’s face, while she murmured something “Just you wait, Yugi …If you are who I think you are…Just you wait…” the little girl said and her lips turned up to form the trademark ironic grin.   In the audience, Serenity had managed a steel grasp on Ryou’s hand. “It’s him!” she said “I can’t believe it! It’s Pegasus!!”   Ryou was at a lack for words. At this rate, things would be extra difficult for Yugi/Mamoru. He already seemed to trust Chibiusa/Pegasus, and would not easily recognize him. However, Tea’s voice shook Ryou from his trance.   “I thought the announcer said that the contestants didn’t know what they were supposed to be doing in the game…But Peg already knows that he has to find Yugi!!!!”   “That son of a-“ Taichi started.   “He’s cheating!!!!” Lena burst out.   Marik and Ryou stayed silent…hoping, believing…The fact that they had to watch Pegasus bring Yugi down while they themselves were unable to stop it was the most torturous of all the possible outcomes…   A full hour had now passed, and only two hours remained for Yugi to recognize Peg. Mamoru and company had finally reached Usagi’s home, and now the audience was admiring the incredible surroundings of a 20th century environment. Ryou felt strangely comforted at seeing a ‘normal house’ again.   Usagi had given up trying to impress Mamoru by cooking and now Ami was the one preparing lunch.   Meanwhile, the camera was focused in the living room, where Chibiusa, Mamoru and Usagi were discussing.   “So, Chibiusa…” Mamoru started “Tell us what happened? Why were you alone in the park?”   Chibiusa seemed to get increasingly frustrated at the interrogation, seeing as she obviously didn’t have any answers…In the audience, Marik wished for Yugi to pick up the clues of Chibiusa’s strange behavior.   Seeing Chibiusa’ s irritation, Usagi probed further “Yes, Chibiusa…Tell us about yourself. After all, it’s only natural we’d like to know more about you…”   Mamoru nodded and Chibiusa smiled suddenly. “I’m really sorry…But I’m a bit tired…Could I take a nap first and talk later…?”   Mamoru smiled, much to Marik’s chagrin. “Of course! Suit yourself.” In a flash, Chibiusa had rushed out of the room and Usagi snorted.   “Forget about her Mamoru, she’s just trying to avoid your questions…”Usagi said and at that moment, Marik really thought she was meant to help Yugi out or something. If only he could pick up the clues.   “Well, Mamoru…now it’s only you…and me…” Usagi was saying as she leaned dangerously close to Mamoru, who backed away on the couch.   “Um, Y-you know U-Usagi I can’t really…um…I mean w-we can’t…”   Usagi smiled seductively and jumped Mamoru literally. Tea was blowing a fuse in the audience, as she watched the blonde-haired Usagi try to grope Yugi/Mamoru.   “She’ll pay for this!!” Tea shouted indignantly. Back in the screen, Mamoru suddenly stood up thus making Usagi end up lying on the floor.   “Um…I gotta go talk to Ami!!!” Mamoru said and ran into the kitchen. Usagi was left to sulk alone on the couch.   Meanwhile, the camera changed locations. Now we were watching the interior of the kitchen. Mamoru approached Ami and observed her cooking habits. The girl turned to him and smiled amiably.   “What’s the matter Mamoru? You look as though you’ve never seen someone cook before…”   He smiled “Actually, I haven’t. Nobody uses his hands to cook where I come from…”   Ami sighed miserably “Mamoru…I wanted to talk to you about that…Are you sure you’re all right? Have you really lost your memory? Don’t you remember anything? What DO you remember?”   Mamoru smiled “Actually, I think I should search for someone…I should search for someone who came here with me…Then we’ll probably end up fighting. Does that make any sense to you?”   Ami smiled “Nope. But keep going…What else did you dream of? Did you have a name at that daydream of yours?”   Mamoru snorted. “Sure I did…My name was-”   “HEY MAMORU!!!” Usagi’s voice boomed “Com’ here I have to show you something!!!”   Mamoru turned to Ami and rolled his eyes. “I have to go.” He told her and walked towards the door.   “Tell me some other time, then!” Ami urged as she turned back to her cooking.   Mamoru nodded distractedly as he exited the kitchen. Unfortunately for him, he came face to face with a peculiar drawing. It turns out Usagi had been drawing scenes from their lives all this time, hoping to remind him of something.   “Look at this picture, Mamoru! Look!” she urged as she shoved a picture of a wedding in his face. “Look! That’s you and me in our past lives! I used to be the Princess of the Moon –Serenity- and you used to be the Prince of Earth –Endymion- and…”   “Usagi-”   “and we fell in love and…”   “Usagi!”   “And  then I became Sailor Moon and you became…”   “USAGI!!!” he finally shouted. Usagi bit her tongue and stopped talking.   “Listen to me, Usagi…I’m sorry but this isn’t helping. Listen: I know for a fact that I will remember everything once…”   “Once?”   “I will remember everything once I find a man named Pegasus! Do you know this man?”   Usagi looked completely confused “Mamoru what are you talking about? Of course I don’t know such a man! I would surely tell you if I did, because I’d give anything for you to have your memory back!”   Mamoru sighed dejectedly “I’m sorry…I just need to find this man and defeat him…”   “Defeat him? You mean by transforming into the warrior with roses, Tuxedo Mask?” Usagi hopefully asked. Mamoru seemed dumbfounded.   “Umm…No Usagi…I don’t know what you’re talking about. I only know that I must find Pegasus and defeat him in some way.”   In the audience, Marik was panicking. What if Chibiusa/Pegasus heard this? Was Yugi crazy? What is someone understood? Now, there was only one and a half hours left!!   In the game, a voice interrupted Mamoru’s musings. To Marik’s horror, it was Chibiusa.   “Really, Mamoru? You need to find Pegasus?”   Mamoru turned to Chibiusa hopefully. “Yes! Do you know him?”   Chibiusa had a strange Pegasus-like smile plastered on her face. “I think I met him earlier today… He took me to the park…Why do you want to see him anyway?”   At this moment, Marik was sure Yugi’ s cover would be blown. Chibiusa would officially state that Mamoru was Yugi, and then what? They would all be lost to the mercy of Kaiba!!!   At that moment, the moment of truth, the Ami girl came in the living room to save the day.   “Our muffins are ready!” she exclaimed and Usagi cheered. Chibiusa’s cat-like gaze smiled quizzically at Mamoru, who also picked up a muffin.   Ami sat on the couch and smiled. “Daydreaming again, Mamoru? What is it this time? People turning into tigers?”   Mamoru chuckled good-naturedly and turned his attention back to Chibiusa.   “Listen,” he told the girl “I need to find Pegasus and fight with him in a battle of some sort! I have to beat him in a battle so…”   “Really?” Chibiusa asked dreamily, with what Marik purely recognized as ironic mocking eyes. “What kind of battle? I thought Usagi said you couldn’t remember anything.”   ‘Oh shit.’ Marik thought ‘This is it! This is the end!’ Curiously, Mamoru/Yugi himself seemed oblivious and unperturbed.   “Actually” Mamoru started kindly “It’s true that I can’t remember a thing of Mamoru’s life...But that’s because I’m not Mamoru. If I told you that I’m a host who’s temporarily taken over your boyfriend’s body, what would you say, Usagi?”   Usagi was surprised at being asked to speak. “Umm…” she started “With all the darkness lurking in the Dark Kingdom and with everything I have faced as Sailor Moon…I’d say I believe you.”   Mamoru smiled “Thanks! This is just temporary. I only need to defeat Pegasus and then your boyfriend can come back to you!” he told her.   Marik was desperate. Pegasus/Chibiusa had probably recognized Yugi by now! This was the end! They would never get that prize!!   As predicted, Chibiusa bucked up in her seat.   “So you’re searching for Pegasus in order to defeat him!! I knew it! You’re the one!!!”   Mamoru eyed her in a confused manner “What one?”   Marik just wanted to close his eyes and scream.   Chibiusa smiled ironically. “You’re Yugi!!!!”   Everyone in the crowd gasped at this. Was it the end? Pegasus had successfully recognized Yugi! It was over!   The audience watched intently. Was it the end? They waited…and waited…   But nothing happened. All they could see was Mamoru’s thunderstruck face.   “Where? Where did you hear that name, Chibiusa?” Mamoru croaked out. Marik was transfixed, his whole tanned, lithe body was struggling with intensity. Wasn’t this the end? There were only 55 minutes left!! Pegasus had recognized Yugi!   Chibiusa seemed to chuckle evilly. “Haha! I know it because I AM Pegasus, Yugi! Now you have lost the game! All I had to do was recognize you amongst the characters of the virtual reality! Whoever found his opponent first wins!!”   Mamoru looked confused. “Wha-What are you talking about? Is this for real? Have I lost?”   Suddenly, a light soothing voice was heard above all. It was Ami. “Mamoru…So there is a spirit living inside of you…What is your true name? Is it really Yugi? What is it?”   Mamoru was frozen on the spot.   “What is your true name, spirit that lies inside Mamoru?” Ami asked again. Usagi was obviously too confused to realize what was going on.   Mamoru shook his head to clear his thoughts “If...If I’ve already lost the game…then what am I doing here?”   Usagi slowly placed an arm on Mamoru’s shoulder.   “Darling…Forgive me for saying this but…are you feeling all right? Maybe this is just a phase you’re going through…”   “I’m not crazy!!” Mamoru shouted as he darted up. “This is a virtual game and I need to find my opponent, Pegasus! I have no idea what you people want, but leave me alone!!”   Marik was staring, aghast. What was going on? Wasn’t Yugi supposed to have lost? Hadn’t Pegasus successfully recognized him? What was going on here?   Back in the game, Mamoru shut the door to Usagi’s apartment and started running away. Immediately, the door opened and Usagi ran after him, followed closely by Ami. Chibiusa was just standing in the doorway and grinning with that stereotyped ironic smirk. After a while, she too started runninf after the three teens as well.   “Mamoru!! Mamoru stop! Wait!” Usagi shouted. After a long time of running, Mamoru finally stopped.   Marik frantically looked at the clock and noticed that they only had fifteen minutes left. Fifteen minutes, to decide their fate…   In the screen Mamoru turned around. “I can’t give up.” He said “I need that prize…so I can’t give up…I’ll never give up.”   “Give up now, Yugi! Give up now…you have no choice. Admit your defeat.” Chibiusa said.   “Stop it, Chibiusa! Just stop it!” Usagi urged, followed by Ami.   “My name is not ‘Chibi-Usa’! My name is Pegasus.”   “Then why don’t you fight me? What is your first name?” Mamoru asked the little girl, but was once again interrupted, this time by Ami.   “You never did tell us your story Mamoru…Tell us everything and we might be able to help you! Tell us who you are and where you came from.”   Suddenly, Mamoru’s eyes snapped in attention. He looked at Ami…and grinned lightly.   “It’s okay…I don’t need your help any more…” he aimed a threatening finger at Chibiusa “Pegasus!” he started “I know who you are…”   Chibiusa just smirked ironically at Mamoru’s wise face.   “Pegasus! You are…” he turned his finger at the innocent, kind blue-haired girl. “Ami.”   Marik froze and stopped breathing. Tea choked on her saliva. Ryou inhaled sharply. The crowd watched, transfixed, as the countdown clock stopped. “00h: 10min: 25sec” it read.   Everyone slowly turned back at the screen.   “It took me a while to realize…” Mamoru said as he turned to Ami. “But all this time, you’ve been asking about my real name…Why would you be so anxious to find out if you weren’t really…Pegasus!”   Then, came the simplest phrase the audience had ever heard…So simple…yet so promising.   “I win.” Mamoru said.   Suddenly the screen blasted in a multi-colored glow. The voice of the announcer broke out in the tower speakers.   “And the winner of Virna Virtual Reality Game Tournament iiiis…Mutou Yugi!!!”   Unbelievable cheers broke out from the crowd as teams of girls and boys screamed for Yugi…Marik’s group was one of them. Ryou, Serenity and Marik, were frozen, however. How did this happen? How? Why? Pegasus had obviously recognized Yugi all along? How did Yugi win?   That question was written all over Yugi’ s face when the boy woke up on his Visualizer chair. The camera zoomed into his puzzled face, and then to Pegasus’s own broken expression.   “How?” was all Yugi asked, and his voice echoed around Virna.   Pegasus looked reluctant to answer. “The first person who would recognize his opponent in the game would win.”   “But you recognized me first, right?”     “Wrong, Yugi-boy…I had to make you tell me your full name…That was the only way to make sure it was truly you…Mamoru might have been like Chibiusa…A fake version of Yugi. Only the true Yugi would know his full name…Did you notice that when you asked Chibiusa Pegasus’s full name…she couldn’t answer?”   “How come you knew all this and I didn’t, Peg?” Yugi’ s accusing glare reprimanded the loser. Many cheers and protests were heard from the crowd, as Pegasus looked like a mouse in a trap.   “ Unbelievable! Yugi-boy…”   “You cheated!! You knew everything whilst I didn’t! Not only did I beat you, Pegasus, but I beat you in your own game!! How sad!”   Marik grinned from the crowd as Yugi stood up from his chair. The camera followed the leather-clad boy as he excited the platform where the fallen Pegasus was standing. The camera showed Yugi enter the tower elevator and in less than a minute, he was on the floor level!   Serenity fell in Ryou’s arms as a demonstration of glee, and Tea hopped on the balls of her feet in order to see Yugi standing in front of the tower.   Marik could distinguish Yugi’s thin form standing in front of the tower entrance. A man in black robes approached him. When the man spoke, it echoed all around and Marik realized he was the announcer.   The man stood in front of Yugi.   “Ladies and Gentlemen…Our GAME KING, Yugi Mutou!!!”   The man took Yugi’s right hand and lifted it in the air as a victory gesture. Right then, a guard handed the man a sparkling golden Visualizer helmet.   “King of Games” the man said “Take your crown.”   And so Yugi placed the golden Visualizer on his head, and cheers and screams shook the very ground of the planet as his smiling face was imprinted forever in the peoples’ hearts.   “Your spaceship prize awaits you at the top of the tower, Yugi Mutou. You can come and use it any time you wish…”   Yugi nodded, his eyes sparkling with the happiness of a man who has achieved a life-time’s dream. Tears were brimming on Tea’s eyes as she cheered for him and Yugi’ s own gem-like eyes were beginning to water.   “Go now, Game King!” the announcer said “Gospeed!”   Yugi nodded and started descending the stairs of the entrance…Fans were trying to touch and fondle him, but guards kept restraining them. Yugi took off his ‘crown’ and proceeded to walk calmly down the streets, the crowd dispersing at the very sight of him. This was the person who understood the nature of machines better than anyone.    It took a moment for Ryou to realize that they would never get to talk to him this way. It was impossible to meet him in this crowd…They needed a secret meeting…   “Tea!” Ryou told the exultant girl “Call Yugi’s cell phone! Tell him to meet us in Marik’s place.”   “He doesn’t know where that is!!” Tea shouted in order to be heard over the cheers and shouts.   “Give him directions, then!!” Marik shouted as he tugged on Ryou’s arm. The small group of friends started to walk back home while the Game King’s phone started to ring suddenly.   A hologram of Tea greeted Yugi. It took only a moment for Tea to inform her friend of their plans…Yugi smiled. For once in his life…everything was going great.     ______________________________________________________ _______________         ‘I knew you’d make it Yugi, I just knew it!” the ecstatic cobalt-eyed girl exclaimed. She jumped in the Game King’s arms the moment he entered the door. “It’s because you believed in me, Tea.” Yugi told her, his eyes sparkling with childish happiness.   “Yugi’s right…our faith brought him strength. ” Ryou commented, his own face twisted in a gleeful grin. Beside him, Serenity was mirroring his expression with shining amber eyes.   “I guess you were meant to help us, Yugi.” Marik murmured lightly ‘It is your destiny’ he added in his thoughts. His right hand was patting Yugi’s shoulder while his left was leaning on the wall.   “Totally! You were great, Yugi! I could have never thought that Peg was actually Ami!? How totally lame!” Rika commented and Lena immediately agreed. The two of them started one of their long, pointless chats.   When Yugi had been ‘crowned’ as the new King of Games, he had endured an attack of fans. Naturally, he couldn’t blatantly go to Marik’s house after that. After all, Marik and Ryou were trying to hide from Kaiba, not officially show themselves in public as friends of Yugi Mutou. Since Yugi had decided to take part in this ordeal, he would also be stealthy…   Yugi had let Pegasus’s Guards escort him all the way to his home –the not-too-small hut- and he had let some time pass until the crowd around his house dispersed.   Just when the celebration was coming to an end, Yugi had contacted Tea and arranged a meeting. The Game King then silently slipped away from his hut and went to Marik’s house. For Yugi, the true celebration was only beginning. He finally had his dream come true: he could now permanently abandon the isolated planet.   Now, Tea and his new friends would be there for him, no matter what. He finally had a true chance in life!   “We had better get going…” Ryou commented as the girls were fondling Yugi and showering him with praises. Marik was the only one to catch the drift.   “You’re right…” the blonde boy started, his black cloak shifting with each of his moves “We mustn’t stall…we must go to Earth before Kaiba finds us…”   Serenity turned to the two friends and nodded in apprehension, her fragile smile threatening to break “That’s right…Remember our pod that got trashed in the desert outskirts? Do you think Kaiba found it?”   Ryou’s eyes narrowed in thought and his eyebrows furrowed cutely (AN: he does that a lot in the show) “I don’t know if he found it, but I think that now is the best time to leave.”   Yugi was already talking animatedly with Kenji and Taichi about the qualities of good spaceships. Marik sighed. Apparently, apart from games and spaceships…there was nothing else going on in Yugi’s head.   “Yugi…” Ryou started, his brown wig moving pathetically on his head “We must go. Now.”   This seemed to attract Yugi’s attention. The leather-clad boy’s huge eyes formed a determined gaze and he nodded.   “That’s right,” Marik continued his friend’s thought “As long as we stay here, we’re in danger…you never know where Kaiba is or what he’s planning…What if he already knows we’re here? He’ll murder us the day after tomorrow…Oh! And he’ll also murder you for helping us!”   Serenity and Tea both sported a horrified expression. Rika and Lena’s eyes almost watered in terror, since they remembered the deaths of Doctors Suzuki and Ayano. As for Kenji and Taichi, they just looked blank, as though expecting someone to tell them what to do next –which wasn’t far from the truth, actually.   “My spaceship prize is waiting for me in Pegasus’s tower…all I have to do is get over there and take off!” Yugi announced to everyone in general.   “All right!” Ryou started “Then get prepared! We’re leaving. Make sure to take everything!”   Marik nodded distractedly “Rishid,” he murmured just loud enough for his trusty servant to hear “You’re coming with us this time…Prepare everything…you know…”   Ryou did hear, however, and he felt a frigid angst hit him the moment he did.   /Yami? What’s wrong? /   But no response came. Bakura was as silent and as frozen as a tombstone…the only thing the spirit felt occasionally was a strange sort of anxiety…around Marik.   “Yes master.” The sturdy green-eyed servant said with a bow. He swept around with his blue cloak floating behind him and went to take whatever Marik wanted…   Ryou shook the feeling off and proceeded to gaze at Serenity. At least the peculiar heartache that SHE provoked did not revolve around blood and pain. Her’ s was more impending…like the silence before a storm. That’s the feeling Serenity’s quiet and shy attitude gave Ryou – silent heartache.   “Are you all ready? Yugi, Tea?” Serenity asked kindly. Yugi nodded.   “Yup!” he said “I don’t really have anything to take with me apart from my toothbrush…”   “And you, Tea?” Serenity asked.   Tea smiled brightly “As long as Yugi’s with me, the only other thing I need is my food. I’ve packed some clothes, anyway.” She motioned to a little sack, which was hanging nearby. Serenity smiled and nodded.   Marik then proceeded to ‘refresh’ everyone’s make-up. Even innocent Ryou had to admit Marik’s aesthetic skills were not that great…Serenity kept chuckling at Marik’s efforts to make Rika and Taichi look remotely tanned…tragic.   Rishid came out with a sack full of supplies. When everyone was ready, the group of ten finally left the house. Marik threw a last look at the living room, which Ryou recognized as a wistful glance…it was understandable, really. Who knew when Marik would be able to see his old home again? Who knew if Kaiba would end up slaughtering them all? What if they could never escape and were always doomed to hide from him?   Ryou didn’t even want to think about the possibilities, so he didn’t. Instead, he closed his eyes and searched around for Serenity’s hand. When he found it, he grasped it tightly and smiled inwardly. At least he still had a friend.   The company of friends strolled down the narrow streets towards the tall tower. It was dusk and the roads had STILL not completely cleared. People were still there from the morning mayhem…   A blue shawl had been draped around Yugi’s head in order to conceal his telltale hairstyle, thus no one could possibly recognize him and attract attention.   And so they walked silently, cautiously. Marik and Ryou were in the front, leading the way, whereas Serenity was shyly walking right behind them. Behind everyone, striding the most silently was none other than Rishid, with his ever-watchful eyes pinned protectively on the back of Marik’s head.   And so the night came and millions of stars ascended on the sky, while the atmosphere transformed from scorching to icy. The white and black-cloaked figures got closer to the tower with every step…closer to their salvation.  
    “Name and identification” the computerized voice demanded.   “Mutou Yugi, age: 18, civilian number: 7856003” the hooded figure answered. The boy’s body was covered with a dark blue robe and the fabric also concealed his spiky hair. Next to him stood a parade of men and women dressed like simple Virna citizens.   They had finally reached their destination: the tower. Now the small group of friends was waiting in front of the entrance, exposed to all kinds of suspicious stares. Naturally, Marik was close to shaking in impatience whilst Ryou Bakura seemed unperturbed. Serenity was obviously having her own internal struggle as she glanced warily around.   “Ryou…what if Kaiba is here?” she asked in anxiety, her face mere inches from diving into Ryou’s shoulder.   “Just relax…that way he won’t recognize us even if he is around…” came the stoic answer.   Serenity nodded distractedly. This, however, didn’t stop the goose bumps from climbing on her skin. She shook her head quickly and finally shoved her face in Ryou’s arm.   “I’m afraid” she voiced everyone’s feelings.   A small tug pulled Ryou’s lips into a grin “Don’t be.”   “But if Kaiba-” Serenity started again but found she couldn’t speak since Ryou had placed a hand on her mouth to silence her.   “Shhh….” Ryou’s soothing voice mesmerized her “…just don’t speak”. He drew an arm around her back and held her protectively.   Serenity found herself relaxing in Ryou’s words. The peculiar thing was that he hadn’t really said anything soothing…it was just the way he had said it. How COULD he always know what to say? Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was technically 500 years old!   “Hush!” Tea reprimanded “Yugi is trying to get us in the tower!!”   Serenity and Ryou nodded while Taichi, Kenji and the girls kept a fragile silence. Marik thought that Lena and Rika would start screaming any moment now.   “Repeat name and identification” the computer commanded.   Yugi sighed and Marik started tapping his foot on the floor. His temper was growing with each passing second. The mere thought of Kaiba lunging out of some dark alley along with a dozen goons was highly distracting.   “Mutou Yugi, age: 18, civilian number: 7856003” Yugi repeated tiredly. These security systems were starting to get on his nerves.   A low beeping sound and a glowing green light from the computer indicated it had finally ‘recognized’ Yugi.   “Voice check complete. Registered Virna citizen #7856003- Yugi Mutou. Occupation: engineer. State reason for visit.” The security system said with its annoying digitalized voice.   “These systems really make me go berserk” Lena angrily whispered to Rika.   “Totally! Remember what we had to go through in KaibaCorp?” Rika answered. A slow shudder shook Lena’s body at the mention of KaibaCorp and she decided to keep quiet after that.   “I’m here to take my spaceship.” Yugi was saying to the computer and his voice had taken a note of pride at the possessive expression he used for a spaceship. Tea grinned sweetly behind her blue-hooded friend.   The computer took a few minutes to process what it had just been told. Finally, the frosty digital voice cut through the nocturne air.   “Command #7892: Mutou Yugi and possible company are allowed to enter the P-Tower (Pegasus- Tower) in search of the Virtual Tournament Prize. Initializing…” it said. Suddenly, a small click was heard as the entrance doors parted open.     “Assess Granted. Have a nice day.” The system finally stated. After that there was only silence and the relieved sighs of the ten friends.   Marik was the first to walk in the tower, followed closely by an over-excited Yugi and a protective Rishid. Tea rushed inside with the others and Serenity and Ryou came inside last of all.   Once the metallic doors had closed behind them, darkness was all they could see. A low cracking noise was heard, and suddenly, green light illuminated all. Serenity had finally decided to use her torch-chip. It gave sufficient lighting to the surroundings and soon everyone realized they were standing in an empty platform.   The friends looked at each other in the dim light and all they could see was masks of fear and anxiety. Everyone’s sense of hearing and smelling had intensified greatly, and now ever the smallest breath or gasp echoed around.   Serenity’s heartbeat had quickened dramatically and she could now feel the very blood surge through her veins. ‘This is not good’ she simply thought as she eyed the desolate environment.   Lena and Rika had latched onto each other in desperate search for comfort, whilst Tea was tightly grasping Yugi’s hand. Ryou, on the other hand, seemed frozen on the spot…it was as if he would break if he moved… Rishid’ s snake-like eyes were skimming around the chamber walls, in search for any lurking signs of danger.     Marik was the first to actually make a move. The ruffling of clothes revealed that the blonde boy had thrown his black cloak on the floor. ‘We have to go to the top of the tower, where the spaceship is waiting for us…we need an elevator’ he thought distractedly.   “This is creepy” Kenji silently commented.   “Keep your pants on!” Taichi teased. This seemed to lighten the atmosphere a bit, since the girls started giggling and everyone felt a bit comforted in general.   “Yugi!” Marik suddenly spoke “You’ve been here before! Where is the elevator?”   The ruffling of more clothes was heard as the Game King finally removed his hood. The shawl slipped soundlessly on the floor as the spiky haired boy turned to Marik.   “Follow me!”  Yugi said, his ruby-purple eyes glinting in the darkness. Yugi grabbed Tea’s arm and tugged on it, indicating for her to follow. He suddenly broke into an unexpected sprint towards the far end of the chamber.   Marik didn’t miss a beat and started running beside Yugi instantly, but it took a while for everyone else to realize they had to follow. Rishid was the quickest and most willing of all, since he rushed behind his master like a human torpedo.   After a few moments of running they all reached what looked like a series of silver-metal doors.   “These are the elevators.” Yugi stated the obvious and Marik nodded quietly. “Just a sec.” Yugi added and turned to one of the sealed doors.   “Storage room.” He simply said. Deafening silence ensued and everyone fidgeted silently, waiting for something to happen. Finally, a loud thump startled the group and a few squeaks came from the girls.   The elevator doors parted to reveal a glass chamber, which seemed to have a perfect view on the whole Virna city.   “Umm…” Ryou started a bit shakily “I’d rather not-” he tried to say but was caught off guard when Marik grabbed his arm and shoved him in the elevator with surprising force.   “Aw, come on…you endured hovercrafts! You can’t let this silly machine bring you down!!” Marik’ s rich voice reassured.   Ryou felt a persistent tug at the back of his head.   -He’s right, Brightside, don’t be a wimp! -   /Since when did you start talking? I thought you were depressed or something! /   But no answer came whatsoever. Ryou was growing increasingly frustrated with the ancient spirit. He never talked, and if he ever DID talk, it was only to tease him!!   Before Ryou knew it, his friends had entered the elevator and the doors had closed. The white-haired boy with the brown wig was thoroughly shaken, when he had to watch the city lights flicker from underneath the transparent floor.   “The haggard is underground, not on the top of the tower....” Yugi commented in what seemed to be a blank way. He seemed totally unimpressed by the fact that he could see the city beneath his feet.   Ryou was about to comment on that if it wasn’t for the sudden feeling of sickness that grasped his stomach. He could feel his insides climb up his throat, as the elevator slid downward in lightning speed.   The brown-eyed youth couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t even scream. All he could do was watch the city lights flash all around him. Just when he thought the vertigo would kill him and he wished everything would be ok for everyone else, the pressure stopped. Ryou saw his companions fall to the ground next to him, and he felt himself do the same thing.   Everyone seemed disgruntled by these happenings, but they seemed to recover much more quickly than the formerly old man. Even Serenity didn’t seem half as frightened as Ryou felt.   “Jeez, can’t they afford a better mechanism?” Taichi commented dryly as everyone except a frozen Ryou excited the elevator.   “This is Yango, remember? People here feed on food-scraps…” Yugi answered. Marik nodded wearily. It was at this point that Ryou realized he would have to regain consciousness of his body before he got deserted and locked alone in the ‘psychotic contraption from hell’.   He ran outside with spasmodic movements, only to be greeted by a sight of superb beauty. One shock came after another for the young man, as he saw his friends standing in the middle of what looked like a cave. Stone walls and huge boulders settled all around and in the soft spotlight of the cave was placed Yugi’s spaceship.   The silver surface of the pod seemed to sparkle lightly from the green torch-light. Long, lean silver apteryxes formed the illusion of wings, while elaborate carvings could be traced all over the silvery metal. Long, delicate ‘legs’ dug into the ground and kept the ship balanced. In the back of the pod were placed gigantic generators, covered with grease so as not to get rusty. Overall, it was beautiful.   Yugi approached it, aghast. He ran his hand over what little metal he could reach from the legs of the ship. The Game King’s huge eyes almost glistened with tears as he felt the dream of a lifetime come true. Finally, he had his ship. He had his freedom.   Ryou recognized the reflection of pure want and passion in Yugi’s ruby eyes. What torture this boy had to go through all these years, Ryou didn’t know. But it must have been worth this moment. This single moment of fulfillment - this moment of truth.   No one spoke for a long time –not even Lena and Rika- since everyone respected Yugi’s desire for silence. Tea had her arm wrapped around Yugi’s as they both just stood and admired what the work of their childhoods had paid off.   Marik felt a rough tug on his chest. ‘Childhood…’ For a millisecond, a shadow of sorrow glazed the tanned boy’s eerie eyes. But with an emotionless blink, the expression had left as soon as it had come.   Naturally, even Yugi had to admit that this honorable silence would have to cease, eventually. After all, they were here for a reason.   “This is it, people.” The King of Games finally spoke. Everyone took that as a queue to start functioning again. Serenity took Ryou’s hand and led him towards the ramp that protruded from the ship. Rishid and Marik slowly followed whilst Taichi, Kenji, Rika and Lena started conversing animatedly while walking.   Wanting to be the first to walk into his well-earned spaceship, Yugi tugged on Tea’s hand and ran up the ramp. What he saw next astounded him more than anything. All the magazine pictures, and all the pirate ship-parts he had seen in his life…nothing could be compared to this.   There were halls and platforms…slim corridors and automatic mechanisms. There were cabins, engines, chambers… Shining with surreal power was everything Yugi had ever dreamt of…everything he ever wanted.   The lazy thump of footsteps echoed around as Marik, Ryou, Serenity and Rishid came inside. The walked around and explored their surroundings, while Lena, Rika and the other boys were chatting lightly.   Marik’s spirit of exploration was probing him to discover more and more about the brand new ship. Finally, when he had reached the bridge, he started memorizing the intricate corridors and paths that led to the cabins and engine rooms.   At some point, Yugi hurriedly asked Taichi and Kenji to escort him to the bridge. When they had reached the control room, Yugi finally spoke.   “We need to activate it and leave… but I don’t know how.” Yugi said a bit shyly.   “Fine.” Taichi said “This isn’t the right time to teach you, though. We’ll take off right away!”   Yugi nodded eagerly “I’ll tell the others!” he said as he rushed to where the rest of the company was standing. At the mentioning of what was going on, everyone hurried to the bridge, where Taichi and Kenji had already taken the commanders’ seats.   “How are we supposed to take off with this thing?” Lena inquired “It’s underground!!!”   Marik smirked “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Kaiba is this: don’t judge a book by it’s cover. You never know the secrets of this cave!” he said thoughtfully. Lena shivered slightly at the mentioning of the cave’s ‘secrets’.   “Exactly!” Taichi shouted and then started pressing various buttons and speaking to the machines “Computer, activate main generator.”   A loud noise erupted from the engines in the back of the ship, as lights all around the group of friends started flickering.   “Main Generator, activated” the computer voice blankly stated.   “Computer, initiate takeoff process.” Taichi ordered as Kenji and himself kept fiddling with some unknown controls.   They all heard the ramp lift away from the cave ground and close into the spaceship. Ryou and Serenity watched in interest as the shaking of the engines seemed to intensify.   “Computer!” came the next command by Kenji “Open escape hatch!”   “Escape hatch, opened.” The computer said, as loud bangs and thuds echoed around. Lena and Rika watched, surprised, as the ceiling of the humungous cave seemed to part open, revealing a long tube –wide enough for the spaceship to fit in.   “Initiate countdown!” Taichi ordered heatedly. Yugi watched with a tension like no other, as the very things he craved for occurred in front of his eyes. He absorbed all happenings like a sponge –he was more eager than any other time.   The computer started counting “10…”   Taichi and Kenji’s eyes focused in determination, as they fervently pressed more buttons.   “…9”   Kenji took hold of what looked like a stirring wheel whilst Taichi used holograms of the galaxy to set their destination.   “…8”   Marik stood rigidly in front of Rishid with his awkwardly shining eyes narrowed in anticipation.   “…7”   Rishid was stoically observing all and mainly focusing on the former Navigators’ movements.   “…6”   Ryou was anticipating the inevitable with his innocent eyes narrowed in musings.   “…5”   Serenity had her arm wrapped around Ryou’s hand in a now customary display of comfort.   “…4”   Yugi’s eyes widened in anticipation and his hand clasped tighter around Tea’s.   “…3”   The cobalt-eyed girl smiled lovingly at the back of Yugi’s spiky head.   “…2”   Lena held her breath.   “…1”   Rika shut her eyes.   “…0. IGNITION!” the computer finally said and the group felt the ground shake under them. Yugi realized in eager fascination, that the spaceship legs had folded in the main body and the ship was now lifting from the ground.   The shining new pod lifted ethereally from the ground and floated up the wide tube towards the ground surface.   It ascended faster and faster and Ryou felt his heart skip a beat as he realized they were closing on the end of the tube.   Finally, time seemed to freeze as the space ship shot out of the stone dungeon and into the icy atmosphere. Like a sparkling star, the ship ripped through the air and into the skies, creating a warp of wind and heat as it did.   Soon, all that could be seen from the crowded city of Virna was a bright star…, which kept moving further and further away.
        “I still don’t get it.” Yugi reiterated, while looking at some weird gauges awkwardly.   “Okay, listen one more time…” Kenji said as he started re-explaining the landing process to Yugi. The spiky- haired boy’s eyebrows furrowed in thought. Tea was observing from nearby. Her own teacher, Taichi, was having a bit more trouble teaching her.   Sitting on some other chairs in the bridge were Marik, Ryou and Serenity, who had long since engaged in serious conversation. Rishid was standing stiffly a couple of feet beside them.   “But how can it be he didn’t notice us go? This is probably the only spaceship which has left Yango in years!” Serenity commented anxiously.   “True…” Marik stated cryptically, his luxurious voice dripping with confidence “But the radars clearly show that no one is following us. Even if Kaiba noticed the spaceship leave Yango, he would have no reason to come after Yugi, right?”   “Yes…” Ryou filled in with his ever-present thoughtful gaze “Besides, with all the commotion going on in Yango, Kaiba probably got left behind with all the excitement…He couldn’t have possibly spotted us with the camouflage and all…”   Marik grinned his sexy, lop-sided grin in reassurance. Serenity was disgruntled to realize she hadn’t been seeing a lot of those grins lately.   The hazel-eyed girl glanced around. Everyone was changing- she noticed- and she didn’t really know whether she liked it or not. Marik’s former playful attitude and suave ways had been replaced with an impending scowl, or a tired gaze. Not that the ‘new’ Marik was less persuasive or less sexy, but he was more…serious. Marik had always been somewhat mature, but this was going over the borderline. He was slowly transforming from a somewhat carefree, confident boy to a weary, troubled man. Perhaps the shadow of his unknown problems was the reason…No, Serenity had STILL not forgotten about Marik’s evasive tactics to her constant questioning…but she would definitely get to the bottom of this. She would definitely get the old Marik back.   As for Ryou…Serenity’s heart jolted violently in her chest. What about Ryou? At first, when she met him, he was a helpless and innocent young boy…but now, the pure innocence and harmlessness in his gaze had been replaced by sincerity and prudence. The albino’s eyes now permanently carried musings and wisdom from within the depths of time. He seemed…hardened. It was the same as with Marik in a way. Ryou hadn’t lost his charms, they had only changed ‘orientation’. Ryou was constantly serious now –a thing that Serenity didn’t enjoy all that much.   Together Ryou and Marik formed the alpha and the omega of leadership. Ryou had the wisdom and honesty…he was gifted with rigid ethics and angelic presence. He could bring the fiery Marik back to logic when needed. Ryou was the silent and thoughtful, the one to reach conclusions. Marik, on the other hand, was the link Ryou needed to become a real leader. Marik was impatient and vivid. He liked to explore, to move, to hunt…He was the one to take action and he was also the one to give orders. Marik was endowed with unbelievable charm, doubled by the fact that he knew how to use it when needed.   Serenity realized that the leaders of this small expedition had already started to shine. She guessed there would be more changes in Marik and Ryou than they already were, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to know about it just yet. Everyone had changed. Even Rika and Lena had grown more serious. Even herself…   Serenity used to be a perfect little actress. She used to be constantly polite and a fake sweet smile was always plastered on her face. But now, after she had confessed to Ryou all the darkness of her past, she felt she didn’t have to act any more. Thus was born a more real Serenity than the individual everyone used to know. Her new self seemed more realistic, Serenity realized. She wasn’t always smiling and she wasn’t always polite either. When she was angry, she showed it, and when she was afraid, she showed it.   She laughed inwardly ‘Mother would have been terrified to know what really goes on in this head…’ she thought. ‘But Ryou…’ she paused her thoughts ‘He doesn’t seem to mind…He probably saw through my real self the moment he saw me…’   A sweet remembrance of the day she met the albino came to her mind. The raw exchange of feelings that occurred between these two people that day was something extraordinary. It was nothing else…just raw feeling. Not attraction, not lust…it was emotion.   “Anyway,” Marik said with his rich voice “Kaiba is not after us and that’s good to know.”   Ryou and Serenity were about to answer, but a voice interrupted their conversation.   “Tell me about it!” Lena’s cheery squeal broke out.   A slow, lazy smile fell on Marik’s lips. “I see you have finally removed my beautiful camouflage make-up…” he noted.   Rika rolled her eyes “It only took us, like, four hours!”   Lena nodded “Yeah! We were in our cabin, trying to take that pathetic eyeliner off, all this time!!! How can you keep it on without having it smudge, Marik?”   Marik smirked lightly “The lines under my eyes are natural. It’s a symbol of our race- the people of Yango…All people in Yango get these lines, eventually…Right Rishid?” Marik asked and turned to the tall man standing a few feet further.   “You’re right, Master Marik.” He simply said with his eyes turned to the ground. Marik nodded lightly as though approving of his own thoughts.   “That’s just a bunch of horse-crap, Marik!” Lena said, giggling.   “Right! Your race? What about your race?” Rika asked.   Ryou’s interest sparked towards the conversation. ‘Maybe I’ll find out more about Marik’s past…’ he thought eagerly. Suddenly, he felt something tug and squeeze his lungs and he knew that Bakura was feeling angst again. ‘But why?’ Ryou wondered.   Unfortunately, though, Marik wasn’t about to go down so easily. He didn’t take the bait and dropped the subject instead.   “Even though you removed my magnificent make-over, I see you haven’t taken off the white robes…that could put us all into serious consideration, you know…White robes symbolize lunatic-…”   But Rika and Lena’s simultaneous lunging on his chair cut him off. Marik jumped off and ran childishly around the big platform while chased by Rika, earning a few strange glances from various people. Serenity sighed. Maybe she was wrong about Marik’s change of attitude, after all. But then again, even when Marik laughed around Rika and the others, Serenity could still trace the slight scowl that touched his features. She sensed that Ryou could sense it too, because the albino never joined in the fun…   Rishid resettled on his standing pose, since the girls attacking Marik had alerted him. Sometimes he could act a little over-protective…     Thus, Serenity had nothing better to do than notice that she was now sitting alone with Ryou. The albino boy had also removed the ridiculous make-up, but like herself and the girls, he had chosen to stay in the white robes.   Serenity noticed his endless thoughtful gaze and followed it. It was settled on the window –the huge window that portrayed all the stars around them. Their course and destination had been set, of course: Earth…one more thing that Serenity didn’t need to remember. All her past was there, all her nightmares were there…And her brother? He was there too, right?   Could these thoughts be running thoughts Ryou’s mind as well? Did he have something waiting for him back on Earth? Perhaps memories of a lost love? Serenity felt her heart bulge in jealousy at that.   She watched, transfixed, as Ryou’s angelic face focused on the window. What was he so desperately thinking about all the time? It was probably about Earth…about the way he was going back to his home…and about his mysterious past.   Serenity was watching the boy’s every move, observing the way he functioned in his daily movements. So slowly…so dramatically…   “Hey, Serena…?” Ryou murmured quietly and the girl immediately turned away so as not to be caught staring at him.   He sounded extremely relaxed and comfortable. All other sounds faded out in Serenity’s mind and the only thing that she could hear was Ryou’s rhythmic breathing and his ethereal voice.   “Y-yes?” she inquired a bit shakily, but Ryou didn’t seem to notice.   “I was wondering…do you have music in the 25th century?” he innocently asked.   Serenity was caught totally off guard. What kind of question was that? Was that what he had been thinking about all this time?   “Um…Of course, Ryou. How could we live without music?” she answered. Ryou smiled slowly and somewhat wistfully.   “Back in my time…we used to dance and sing a lot. We loved it…” he answered fondly, old memories obviously flashing in front of his eyes.   Serenity felt her heart sink in the bottom of her body. ‘We’? ‘We’ loved it? So it was true…Ryou was really thinking about someone all this time…someone he had feelings for…   “…Do you dance in this century?” he asked suddenly, startling the girl and shaking her from her depression.   “…um…sure we do. Why to ask?”   Ryou smiled in a very uncharacteristic sly smile. His eyes still sparkled with honesty but overall he did look unnerving.   “…Coz I bet you people don’t know how to Tango!” he exclaimed with pure excitement, a feeling Serenity had never seen him display before.   “Tango? What’s that? Sounds suspiciously like ‘Yango’.” Serenity simply noted, drawing a chuckle from Ryou.   “Haha! I would’ve never thought of it that way, but you’re right! So…does this mean I’m right?” he asked somewhat happily “You don’t know what Tango is, do you?”   Serenity shook her head in refusal, her curiosity threatening to peak. “What is it?”   Ryou smiled as he stood up slowly and started to reminisce “Well…back in my time, it was a famous dance…My parents were part of the ‘high society’, so they wanted me to know how to dance a few waltzes or play the piano. Out of all these dances, I always preferred Tango…”   Serenity was extremely interested and eyed Ryou curiously “Really? Why is that?” she asked.   Ryou smiled lazily, a dreamy tone glazing his eyes “It was supposed to be the dance of lovers…” he started saying.   Serenity thought her whole world had crumbled. It was like Ryou had ripped her heart out of her body, turned it into ice and threw it on the wall. (yikes…) It was as though he reassured her suspicions. Ryou had someone he loved in the past. He probably danced Tango with her all the time…That’s what he was practically saying…And Serenity had no choice but to sit there and listen to it all, feeling her heart be crushed with every word Ryou’s lips uttered.   She struggled to focus on Ryou’s next words.   “…Mother always thought it was a waste of time for me to even care about it, but I always thought I’d find someone to dance with…” he reminisced.   His words were falling on deaf ears as the poor girl tried to struggle with the new bits of information added to her knowledge.   “…I remember the way every single rich girl wanted to dance with me after I became an architect…”   ‘Here it comes!!!’ Serenity thought.   “…But I danced with no one.” He finished.   Serenity let out a breath she never knew she had been holding. She blinked a bit stupidly and felt her body reassemble from ashes.   “R-Really?” was all she said, and she hardly recognized her own hoarse voice.   Ryou looked at her somewhat pointedly, but Serenity managed to miss it nonetheless.   “Really.” He stated rigidly. “I never found the special one…so, anyway…”   Serenity was frozen in place. She was practically immobilized. There was one phrase spinning around her head –weaving a web of disbelief around her brain. ‘I never found the special one…’   He didn’t? He hadn’t? There was no love? No princess of an unspoken past? No heroine for the hero? Was this some kind of sick joke, or had Serenity’s whole way of thinking been really based on a misunderstanding???   ‘I NEVER found the special one…’   Serenity’s breath caught in her throat.   ‘…Never…’   She turned to gaze at the angel beside her, and realized he looked a tad uncomfortable. Maybe this wasn’t an easy subject for him after all. Serenity was trying to speak but realized that no sound came out. Just an inaudible squeak. Thus, Ryou continued his little rant.   “…Since I used to be ‘the Master of the Dance floor’ and all, I was wondering…”   Serenity held her breath. What was he getting at? He’d been beating around the bush all this time? This man was an emotional rollercoaster. He had managed to both break and mend her heart in the last thirty minutes! Now he ‘was wondering’?? Serenity felt like pulling her hair out her skull. The tension was driving her crazy.   “Yes?” she asked too impatiently for her own good.   “Um…” Ryou turned back to the window, a gentle pink hue gracing his cheekbones “I was thinking that I have to repay you for that time you taught me all that stuff about a 25th century home, so…”   Serenity felt her knees go numb. Her treacherous eyes widened dangerously.   “…so, in exchange, I thought I’d teach you how to Tango. How about it?” He finished.   That was it. That was the end of Ryou’s little trip down memory lane. And to Serenity’s confusion, it finished with a most unlikely way…Ryou practically asking her to dance with him.   No! He was asking her to Tango! And he had said that it was supposed to be the dance of lovers!! But then again, he also said he simply wanted to teach her…Surely he didn’t feel anything for her…but then, maybe he did?   ‘Should I ask? Would I dare ask him?’ Serenity thought frantically. She opened her mouth to speak but thought better of it and closed it immediately. She eyed Ryou warily, observing his porcelain pale cheeks smudge with red.   And then, a sudden thought came to her head like lightning. She had voiced it before she knew what she was doing.   “But…doesn’t that require music? And you know I’m not a good dancer…” she said a tad bashfully. She should be thrilled to dance with Ryou, right? What was the problem then?   Ryou turned to her cheerfully in lightning speed “Forget the music! It’s all here in my head! My God, I haven’t danced in ages!! I was fifty-six the last time I had a good dance!”   Serenity resisted the urge to bash her head on the wall at hearing this from a handsome twenty-year-old. Ryou was a walking oxymoron. What an ‘old young man!’   But then again, it all made sense…It wasn’t like Ryou saw her as a lover…he just wanted to dance…logical, right? He just felt the need to do something he liked… it wasn’t like he was in love with her! No need to stress…Nope. Definitely not…   Then why was her heart thumping in her chest?   “Um…Ryou…” she started ‘I DO want to dance with him, don’t I? Then what’s my problem? Why am I so afraid?’   Her eyes locked gazes with his. He seemed exultant –and a cheery Ryou was a very uncommon sight, indeed.   “Uh…” she murmured “…I suck at dancing.” She finally managed to squeak in a final effort to run away.   “Aw, come on! You haven’t even tried it yet! Never draw conclusions about something if you haven’t even tried it!!” Ryou used one of his wise quotes.   Serenity was sure by now that everyone in the room could hear her crazy heartbeat. At least her own ears were deafened by it! This must have lingered in her expression, because Ryou seemed disappointed.   “Of course…” he started a bit dejectedly “You never DID tell me if you wanted to dance with me or not…”   Serenity could have died and gone to heaven at that very moment. The unbelievable expression of pain flashing across Ryou’s eyes at her possible rejection was just overwhelming. She felt like the greatest compliment had just been offered to her. She could never deny it…   “What are you talking about, Ryou? Of course I’d love to!!” she found her voice saying in an overly excited tone. Where this reaction had come from she didn’t know, but all thoughts quickly fled her mind as she noticed the change in Ryou.   His eyes flashed happily and he turned to her with a smile the size of the sun. Her world seemed to sparkle all around him and that unique smile of pure bliss really did make her knees buckle. Luckily, she was sitting down.   Ryou, however, was not, so he did the most uncharacteristic thing imaginable. He lunged towards Serenity and grabbed both her hands. In a moment –and before the poor girl realized what was happening- he had pulled her up and started tugging on her arms.   She couldn’t believe that shy and innocent Ryou Bakura hid such forceful excitement inside him! But then again, maybe he didn’t, originally. Lots of things had changed this last week, including Ryou’s adaptation to his restored youth. Ryou was now probably feeling the adrenaline of a youngster again…   Serenity distractedly realized she was being pulled and led towards the exit of the bridge. Where was he taking her? Ryou was practically running to the door in blind happiness.   “Ryou?” Serenity started with a small smile that Ryou couldn’t see “Where are we going?”   Ryou grinned and turned to the girl who was rushing behind him “Somewhere with lots of space! All we need is a spacious room and happy mood!” he shouted with another wise expression. He finally reached the doors and ran outside as they slid open.   Serenity caught a fleeting image of Taichi, Kenji and the other girls eyeing her inquisitively, whilst Marik had a suspicious eyebrow raised. That was all she managed to see before Ryou pulled her outside and into a long corridor.   “Ryou! Slow down!” Serenity chuckled kindly while struggling to follow the albino dressed in white robes.   “Haha! Time is money!!” Ryou yelled to be heard over their loud footsteps. Serenity had never heard him so carefree.   “Would you cut it out with the quotes, already!!?” she yelled back in a playful way.   “I can’t!” he shouted “I’m 600 years old, remember?!!”   Serenity huffed “Smartass!!!”   “The ones who curse obviously can’t find anything more intelligent to say!” Ryou yelled with a naughty grin, his eyes sparkling brightly.   “Haha…Quit it!” Serenity found it was very hard to laugh while running. Ryou obviously agreed since he stopped moving and waited until they were done chuckling.   They waited a moment so they could catch their breaths and Serenity spoke next.   “So where are we going?” she asked while gasping for breath.   “Um…I think that chamber would be fine!” Ryou said while pointing to a single door. Serenity nodded and followed Ryou as he approached said door.   The metal slid open and Ryou entered the grand hall. It was a very big room, indeed, and Ryou seemed to be pleased with it.   “This will do.” He stated and turned to Serenity expectantly.   Serenity suddenly felt her body go numb. ‘Oh-oh…’ she thought ‘This is it…’ her heartbeat had quickened again, but this time it wasn’t because of physical exhalation…   “So, milady… are you ready for your first Tango lesson?” Ryou asked in a comically overdone serious manner.   ‘AM I ready?’ Serenity wondered ‘of course I’m not.’ She concluded. She wanted to run, hide, act like she was dead, act like she had never agreed to this…but in the end, all she found herself saying was “Yes please.”   Ryou found himself stuck. ‘okay…what now?’ Suddenly, he couldn’t move. ‘What do I do?’ he frantically thought.   “Um…” he started “First, you have to stand over here…” he reached his barely stable hands towards her and grasped her arm firmly but gently. He pulled her towards him and let her stand in front of him limply.   He didn’t know how to react to her slightly intimidated gaze.   “Okay…” he started slowly and swallowed uneasily. “So now I have to hold you like this…”   He raised a slightly trembling palm and placed it on the left side of her waist. It couldn’t be considered a touch. It was simply a graze…but it still sent shivers down her spine.   “And…” he swallowed again, his eyes narrowing in effort to concentrate on anything else except on what he was doing “…you must put your arm… ”   He took a gentle hold of her left arm and slowly raised it. His eyes never left hers and Serenity felt lost in an ocean of amber. She didn’t even realize that he had wrapped her hand around his neck until he stopped holding it.   “…here…” he finished quite quietly as he kept his eyes fixed on her orbs of hazel-green.   The girl gulped uncomfortably as she felt her heart register the exact position she was in. Her mind had ceased all functions while her heart was beating nonstop.   The magic all broke when Ryou looked downwards. Serenity was shaken out of the trance and saw her partner take her right hand in his left.   “The steps are a bit intricate…” he said in a dazed tone, his eyes still fixed on their entwined hands “But just try to follow my lead for now…”   Serenity nodded stiffly. Her eyes flew around and suddenly, the fact that she was alone with the boy of her dreams in a dark, quiet room hit her full-force.   “Um…Ryou…” she started saying but it really came out as a strangled wail. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he was staring at her again.   “For now…” he started saying “…all you have to do…”   Serenity felt the boy’s hand move on her waist and fought the urge to squirm out of his touch. Slowly, almost tauntingly, his hand encircled her waist totally and pulled her towards him. The way his eyes were permanently glued on hers was very unnerving and Serenity wanted to punch herself for feeling frightened at the situation.   “…is hold tighter.” He finished and instantly tightened his hold on her waist thus squeezing her body closer to his. Although Serenity hadn’t really understood what he had said, she reflexively pulled her arm tighter around his neck.   Naturally, these antics brought them immensely closer and the girl realized the reason Tango was called ‘the dance of lovers’. Her lips had been brought a couple of inches apart from his.  And their eyes were still locked on each other…   Ryou seemed to be leaning towards her face unconsciously. They were so close again, and her scent was just intoxicating…How could he stop?   Serenity was following his lead, her eyes sliding closed lazily. They were just so close and holding onto each other with such a grip…   -Seriously, Brightside, couldn’t you think of a better excuse?-   Ryou’s eyes snapped open and he jerked his head back. Serenity, puzzled by her partner’s antics was now wondering whether or not she had done the right thing in leaning towards him.   /Bakura! Get out!/ Ryou frantically ordered.   -Well I’ll be damned…He prefers the damsel from his other self! -   /Get out!!/ Ryou shouted inwardly. Unseen to Serenity, the ring glowed brightly in the middle of Ryou’s chest. Bakura slid outside his human host and floated around the lovebirds –seen only by the albino.   “That was just so lame! Teach her how to Tango? My GOD!” Bakura guffawed cruelly out loud, but only Ryou could hear it. Serenity was focusing her crestfallen gaze on Ryou’s stiff expression and eyes that seemed to be focusing on something in the horizon.   /Go away, Bakura!! Shoo!!/ Ryou sent the mental message to his Darkside. Bakura smirked out loud.   “Sure, whatever! I wouldn’t want to watch your drools form a puddle, anyway…” the spirit commented.   Ryou pointedly glared at thin air and Bakura smirked once more. He walked casually towards the wall and through it, leaving the couple alone.   The kind albino shook his head dejectedly. One more lost chance… Just then, he realized Serenity had been looking at him questioningly all this time. He glanced around frantically.   “Umm….” He started “Sorry about that…” he looked at her apologetically and hoped she’d get the message, although there was really no message to get.   Serenity didn’t know what she was supposed to do in such a case, so she didn’t do anything. She just stood there, confused, desperate and hopeless. Had she done something wrong? Was he mad at her? Why was he spacing out again? But then there was that glazed look…maybe he was thinking of someone else…his long lost love or something! Oh, but he’d told her he never had one! Serenity rejoiced at that thought.   The girl’s trail of thought was broken by Ryou’s next words. “So, shall we?” he asked, obviously talking about dancing. But Serenity’s mind was far from that direction... Why had he pulled away? That was the only thing she could think about. Why?   Ryou realized that throughout the whole ‘Bakura’ ordeal, their grasp on each other had not loosened one bit. He could still feel her soft skin shift under the white robes and he could still rejoice in her tight grip around his neck.   “Just follow my steps at first, and then I’ll start counting…” Ryou commented and Serenity nodded. The magic was lost…vaporized with that simple moment.   And so Ryou took one slow step after another showing her again and again how to initiate the dance. A kind smile was permanently plastered on his face as he showed her how to twirl correctly and how to move in sync with him.   He watched their white robes flow around them as their spun and moved…he could almost imagine himself with a red rose locked between his teeth, dressed in his 20th century tuxedo. He could vision Serenity in a long blood-red dress, sensually taking the rose between her own teeth.   The fantasy was overwhelming and Ryou fought to stay in reality, where Kaiba was still hunting them and Serenity was definitely not in love with him.   Watching the dancing tryouts from afar were none other than the infamous eerie lavender eyes. Occasionally, Marik blinked and grinned at the dancers’ antics.   He was leaning on the secluded corner of the room and had been standing there unnoticed for the past hour. He had watched Serenity learn most of the steps and had watched the expressions that crossed Ryou’s face when he was challenged to try some of the more sensual dance stances with her. After all, tango seemed to be quite intricate.   “Okay, now repeat number one….” Ryou was saying as he pressed his body against Serenity’s and started walking slowly to the imaginary music.   Marik started chuckling as quietly as possible so as not to be heard. It was priceless!!   “Cheesy, huh?” a cold, icy voice inquired from behind Marik. Marik instantly bucked up and twirled around to greet the now usual sight of Bakura’s dark spirit.   “Long time no see…” Marik commented lightly, feeling a bit relieved that he’d have the chance to talk to someone that didn’t see him as a prodigy of nature for a change. The dark spirit never ceased to have an intimidating effect on the beautiful boy, but Marik had no choice but to accept it in hopes of discovering more about the dark Bakura.   It was always interesting to watch Ryou Bakura’s immaculately sweet and innocent face constrict in blind anger and hate in the hands of the dark spirit. Marik smirked at the thought. He pierced Bakura’s red eyes with his own. Something did seem different this time, however. The usual sneer had left Bakura’s face. Now he looked a bit…anxious?   “I wish it were that way, Mariku…” Bakura commented dryly and Marik was sure he detected a sense of irony in that statement.   “What do you mean? I haven’t seen you since you popped in front of Yugi and started questioning him about the necklace!” Marik was a bit angered. He didn’t really mind when other people sneered or doubted his words. But, for some reason, it really bothered him when it came from Bakura. It really got on Marik’s nerves when Bakura turned everything he said into irony or mysterious puzzles. Bakura was the only person Marik couldn’t handle. He just couldn’t. None of his charms worked on the dark spirit –it’s as if Bakura was immune to Marik’s seduction syndrome.   “Well, Marik, I see you everyday –through my Brightside.” Bakura hissed in aggravation as he walked inaudibly away from Marik. Marik didn’t catch the hidden meaning in those words, however. He couldn’t have possibly imagined exactly what Bakura had seen that bothered him so much.   Just then, a squeal came from Serenity’s direction as she slipped and fell to the floor. Ryou’s body cushioned her fall and Bakura smirked as he saw his albino host protectively wrap his hands around the girl’s waist, asking her whether she’s all right.   Marik was laughing his head off nearby. It was unbelievable the way these two always managed to end up in each other’s arms no matter what…   “It’s hilarious…” Marik heard Bakura mutter sarcastically “The excuse my Brightside used to touch that girl was so pathetically cheesy…I mean come on!! Tango???!!”   The exasperated expression on Bakura’s face was enough to send Marik into a new fit of laughter “Although I don’t know what Tango is….” Marik choked between chuckles “…I guess you’re not really fond of it, huh?”   Bakura smirked “I’m not ‘fond’ of anything except myself. And ‘myself’ includes Ryou Bakura, who is my current host. But, if I get a new host, like you for example, I’d have a hell of a time…”   Marik tried to sober up and eyed Bakura suspiciously “You mean you can change hosts?” he asked incredulously “I can’t imagine you in someone else’s body.”   Bakura’s lips formed a cruel smirk “I own the body of the one who wears the ring. If you had the ring…I’d host your body. Can you imagine that?”   Marik felt a shiver run up his spine. An image of his own handsome face constricted in maniacal laughter entered his mind’s eye and he chose to dismiss it. “I thought you liked having Ryou as your host…” Marik commented.   Bakura laughed in a barely saddened way “I do. It’s just that I’ve put the man through so much, that I don’t think I deserve him anymore…I’m not worth Ryou… But what do you know? You’re just Marik.”   Marik felt his body go numb. ‘Just Marik’? Now that was something he’d never heard before. Usually people referred to Marik as: THE Marik and not ‘just Marik’…The blonde boy took Bakura’s words as an offense.   “What do you mean by that? Of course I understand how you feel.” Marik started but realized he didn’t have the willpower to continue. He wanted to tell Bakura he knew all about the pain and the anger…but how to express oneself in front of spirit?   This is why Marik admired and hated dark Bakura so much. Bakura totally immobilized Marik’s sociality techniques.   Bakura turned two blood red orbs towards Marik, the lenses of his demonic eyes flashing fire into the blonde boy’s head. Bakura’s face twisted into a sadistic leer.   “I don’t feel, mortal.”   It was simple. It was short. But it was dramatic….and it was terrifying. The expression of pure pain and anger and feeling written over the spirit’s face was enough to tear Marik’s heart asunder.   It was ironic, how the mean words were spoken with a feeling so passionate and violent, that Marik felt it could destroy anything in its path.   “My mistake…” Marik started, his deep voice becoming rather low and desolate at the presence of Bakura. Maybe it was time to drop the subject, and file the image for later reminiscence. “So what brings you out here?” Marik asked in an attempt to calm the enraged spirit.   Bakura gave the distinguishable smirk “My host kicked me out after I interrupted his little tête-à-tête with that little wench…”   Marik chuckled “Interrupted? What did you do, take over his body?”   Bakura’s eyes lit up in sadistic pleasure “Brilliant idea, Mariku! So you are worth something after all…Well, that would’ve been a popper, but unfortunately…no. I started talking to him when he was about to kiss her…”   Marik smirked and decided to dismiss the offensive comments “Why am I not surprised?”   Bakura’s eyes glinted evilly “Perhaps because you and I both know how sappy my Brightside can be…”   Marik chuckled lightly at that “Don’t say that…I think he’s just an old man. Old people are bound to be romantic and serious.”   Bakura sneered “I’m an old man. But I’m still not romantic and cheesy. My interests revolve mainly on mass murder.”   Marik sighed dejectedly “I meant that SANE old people are usually not lustful and passionate. They are romantic instead.”   Bakura turned around and walked dangerously close to Marik. The tanned boy could feel the spirit’s frozen aura float around him. “Care to run that by me again, human?”   Marik was quite intimidated by Bakura’s irate glare. This time, however, his mind did manage to function and the gears in his brain informed him that there was nothing Bakura could directly do to harm him.   Thus, with a bold glare that rivaled Bakura’s own, Marik took a couple of quick steps forward and walked right through the spirit. It was never a pleasant feeling to experience the icy breeze that was Bakura’s body, but Marik really wanted to do that. The tall blonde boy stood with his back to the spirit.   “Buzz off.” Marik said calmly, barely managing to hide his strange anxiety.   When the spirit heard these words the first thing that ran through his mind was to inflict pain and suffering on Marik. “I’ll show you-” Bakura turned around to glare at Marik, only to be greeted by the blonde boy’s back.   Bakura froze.   Marik’s back.   Whatever he had meant to say was now long forgotten. The dark spirit’s red eyes flashed with liquid pain. Before his eyes, incomprehensible images appeared.   Blonde strands of hair dripped with blood swooped and splattered red drops on stone walls…  Purple fabric was torn and tied around a bloody body…Screams of agony echoed in the distance as the sound of a blade scratching metal surfaces was heard,…the sound of sizzling flesh being torn drowned in the distance as screams and screams covered it….And then…red…. Everything was red… red…red…   Red swirled around Bakura’s eyes and ended in the familiar bloodshot orbs. The spirit widened his eyes and let out a choked breath. He turned to stare at his transparent hands and realized there was sweat trickling down his palms and face. And for once, he felt cold. For once, Bakura FELT cold.   He turned his face upwards and saw Marik staring straight at him, his awkward eyes widened in what seemed like…worry?   ”Bakura? Are you okay? I never thought walking through you could have such an effect…” Marik was saying.   Bakura suddenly realized he had fallen on his knees with his hands clutching his head. He took another look at Marik and gasped. Those eyes…that hair…covered in blood. What was the vision trying to tell him? Why didn’t he feel thrilled at the thought of blood? He actually felt…he felt…   Bakura shook his head fervently to forget his confusing thoughts. He jerked upwards violently and ended up standing awkwardly in front of Marik. The mere sight of the blonde boy brought echoes of screams and pain.   Marik eyed the spirit worriedly but expectantly. “Bakura…?”   At the sound of the boy’s voice, Bakura took an involuntary step backwards. That voice…it was the voice of the screams…The dark spirit was furious at himself. Why did he actually feel bothered and piteous?   “I’m fine, mortal. Mind your own business.” Bakura ordered as he somewhat shakily regained his composure. He couldn’t feel the graze of the floor beneath his feet but he could feel the numbness around his ankles. ‘What the hell was that? Why again? What the heck is wrong with me?’ Bakura frantically thought.   Marik didn’t seem convinced by Bakura’s words but chose not to snoop further, anyway. He resumed his attention to the dancing Ryou and Serenity. Behind him, Bakura tried to avoid looking at Marik’s back at all costs. He settled on observing every inch on the wall that was across him.   ‘What is that glyph on Marik’s back? What is that guy’s past?! Why is he hiding that tattoo?’ Bakura shook his head wildly ‘And why on Earth do I feel so sorry for his pain?! Maybe I should tell him I’ve seen it…But then again, he might be my enemy…After all, he can control me telepathically. Damn it, I hate being controlled!! I just hate it!! As though the curse of immortality in a ring didn’t control me enough, now I have to put up with this !!! I hate it! I just hate it!! Nobody controls Bakura! Nobody!’   Bakura eyed Marik up and down slyly. ‘Maybe I’ll ask him and get it over with. I won’t mention his scar…but I’ll make it known that he has some strange power over me…’   Marik was oblivious to the spirit’s musings, lost it his own sea of contemplation. ‘What happened to Bakura? Why is he acting as though he’s afraid all of the sudden…And why does he look so shocked? Damn it! I hate being ignorant!’   “Hey, Marik…” the cruel baritone echoed, and Marik turned to look at the spirit with a questioning gaze.   “You always ask about others’ past, but you’ve hardly ever said anything about yourself. So what about it? I’d like to know if it has anything to do with the fact that it hurts when I try not to do what you tell me.”   Marik just stared, aghast. “I-I...it hurts when you…?” he started saying a bit dazedly.   “Yes, it’s like there’s this pain in the back of my head…So what about it Marik? What’s your story?”   Marik’s face was a mask of shock. Could it be that this is how Kaiba felt when Marik told him what to do? Why was the same thing happening with Bakura of all people? “I…I don’t know…The same thing happens with Kaiba, you know…I really don’t know if something is the matter with me or not…”   Marik watched heatedly, as the dark spirit’s eyes narrowed ominously “I’m not sure I believe you mortal…It may be you’re the greatest enemy of them all…Maybe you just want to use us to fulfill your plans”   Marik sighed “Feel free to believe whatever you want…”   Bakura growled “I don’t care about what you say but I do care about the way you order me around…Nobody controls me Mariku! Nobody!” Bakura looked immensely dangerous- a thing not far from the truth- “Nobody has the right to control me! So if you want me to trust you again…tell me about your past.” Bakura smirked. He really did want to question Marik about that glyph on his back, but decided that the opportune moment had not come yet.   Bakura’s eyes narrowed to slits as he watched Marik’s reaction turn from disappointed and guilty to troubled and pained. ‘Yes…’ the dark spirit thought ‘Let’s unravel the mystery of your telepathic skills…and that bloody scar on your back! I’ll be damned if I don’t find out everything there is to know about you, Mariku!’   Marik just kept a weary, pained gaze. “I’d rather not talk about it…not right now.”   Bakura was internally cursing “You’d rather risk my trust and support than tell me about it?”   “I can assure you of one thing…” came the reluctant answer “My past has nothing to do with my abilities to force you telepathically…I would use the information to reassure you if it did…”   Bakura nodded slowly and intentionally cruelly, sending goose bumps to Marik’s spine. “I’ll just pretend to buy that for now, mortal…but I WILL be waiting…”   Bakura started to move towards the dancing forms of Ryou and Serena.   “Oh! And Marik!” the spirit turned a queer glance at the blonde boy “Don’t keep bossing me around!”   Marik smirked, savoring his ability to control the only person he couldn’t possibly deal with, albeit he knew he shouldn’t.   “Really?” Marik inquired “Or what?”   Bakura smirked silently ‘Or I’ll make sure to double the scars on your body, pretty boy…And I won’t need your permission to do it…’ he thought. But on the outside, all he did was smile an eerie grin with protruding fangs.   Bakura was lost in mystical mist right after that, but for some reason, that last smile was stuck in Marik’s memory as one of the most intimidating leers he had ever been exposed to.   A sudden squeal brought Marik back to reality and he focused his attention on Serenity and Ryou. Their linen robes where now stuck on their sweaty bodies. Marik noticed Ryou’s hands had mysteriously slipped on Serenity’s hips and the girl’s hands were both wrapped around his neck.   The squeal came when Ryou performed the finishing figure. With a fluent movement, he bent down with Serenity in his arms, their faces mere inches from touching. Marik really thought they were finally going to kiss and admit they loved each other when the ship megaphones erupted in noises.   “Way to go, Serenity! Ryou! We have everything recorded since we were watching from the ship cameras all this time!!” Lena shouted as cheers and clapping noises echoed from behind.   “That’s right!” Rika shouted, “Come back to the bridge –you surely need a drink after all that exercise!! Oh! And Marik! We can see youuuu!!!!”   Marik’s face formed a sly grin “I know that, Rika…That’s why I deactivated all recording mechanisms in the spaceship” the blonde boy shouted, trying to ignore Ryou and Serena’s thunderstruck faces.   “What?” Rika’s voice cried comically “That means we won’t have a recording of you talking to yourself??!! NOO!”   “Tough luck.” Answered Marik. They had actually seen him talk with Bakura?   Meanwhile, Serenity and Ryou seemed angry and embarrassed at the same time. Angry at being interrupted once again and embarrassed at realizing people had been observing their antics for some time now.   Serenity turned to the far end of the dark room, where Marik had been standing all along. “Marik! You were there all along?!!”   Marik’s face constricted in a devious grin “I just couldn’t resist watching you bite the dust –literally speaking!!”   “I just fell once!!” Serenity whined with a pout.   “Whatever everyone!!” Tea’s voice shouted from the megaphone “Just come back to the bridge!!”    
    “So the blue lever is called ‘Nitro Power’ while the green one is named ‘Nitro speed’?” Tea asked wearily. Learning how to drive space ships was much harder than she had initially thought.   “No! It’s the other way round!” Taichi answered in exasperation. Wow…he had been trying to get through to his ‘student’ for the last thirty minutes! That was slow –even for Taichi! (I’m so mean…)   Yugi had long since completed all the ‘lessons of the day’ and was currently resting on a nearby armchair. He and Kenji were talking about spacecrafts, while Marik and Ryou were listening with interest.   A few feet beside them, Lena, Rika and Serenity were animatedly talking about the Tango dance, while Rishid was sitting on a chair silently.   “Hey guys!” Lena finally shouted “I have an idea! Why don’t we play a virtual game?!”   “Yeah!” Rika elaborated “Let’s play ‘Lord of the Rings’! I’ll be Arwen, Marik will be Aragorn, Ryou will be Legolas and so on and so forth…”   Yugi’s eyes seemed to sparkle with interest and Marik groaned involuntarily. How could the Game King resist a challenge in a virtual game?   “Nah…” Serenity interrupted “It takes at least nine people to play Lord of the Rings, and I’m sure not everyone here are willing to play…”   “Aw, come on…And I thought of the greatest role for Yugi! He’d be the protagonist Frodo…you know, that little short guy?!” Rika commented while pouting.   “I’m not short!” Yugi protested.   “Sure you aren’t!” Lena answered “But it’s easy to imagine you that way, right?”   Yugi sighed slowly and at this point, Marik and Ryou really did feel like plucking their hair out in exasperation.   Unexpectedly, Ryou’s attention found something worthwhile. It was Yugi’s pyramid locket, glinting sweetly in the dim light.   -It’s that necklace again. You promised you’d find out about it, Brightside…- Bakura reminded from inside Ryou’s head.   /Well, you promised you wouldn’t pop outside while Serena was present…right?/   -You’re the one who told me to go, you ungrateful little squirt!-   /How dare you? I’m older than you!/   -Not any more, you aren’t!! Now find out about that necklace!-   Ryou sighed slowly and turned to Yugi’s calm and composed form.   “Hey Yugi…” the handsome albino started saying, his sincere gaze reflecting pure innocence. Yugi turned his spiky head towards the source that called him and met the eyes of Ryou.   “Yes?” the delicate King inquired.   “Can I ask you a question of a more…personal nature?” Ryou asked a bit uncomfortably. He didn’t want Yugi to misunderstand his intentions.   Yugi’s eyebrows furrowed in thought. “It depends on the question…” he simply stated.   “Well alright…” Ryou started ‘Here goes nothing’ he thought “Could you please tell me…how you got that necklace?”   Yugi seemed a bit uneasy at the subject. He glanced around in search for Tea’s reassuring gaze. When he found it, he nodded to her lightly in mutual agreement and turned back to Ryou. Meanwhile, Marik was observing intensely.   “Well…” Yugi started “If you really must know…” he continued with a slow steady talk “This pyramid locket was a gift from Seto Kaiba himself…He gave it to me when I won another Virtual Game Tournament at the age of thirteen.”   Everyone’s attention was now solely focused on Yugi. Marik’s eyes narrowed in concentration.   “So you’ve had the thing for five years? And Kaiba gave it to you himself?” Ryou questioned in a composed way, very unlike his sudden outburst the other day when he first saw Yugi.   Yugi nodded distractedly “The golden necklace was supposed to be the top prize for the tournament…I just went there for fun, so…I ended up winning.”   “Why would Kaiba give a necklace to the winner of the tournament?” Marik voiced everyone’s thoughts.   Yugi seemed uncomfortable. “Well…there used to be a legend about this locket…They said that the spirit of a great fighter rests inside it, but the spirit has no memories…They said that the one who owns the necklace will be gifted with the ultimate fighting spirit…and become a king.”   Ryou’s eyes went blank all of a sudden, and Marik immediately knew he was having an internal conversation with Bakura. So was it true about the spirit in the pyramid? If so, did this spirit resemble Bakura in any way? And Kaiba…he had to do something with these golden items and the spirits, after all…   “So is it true?” Ryou asked.   “About what?” Yugi distantly inquired.   “About the lost spirit inside the necklace…” Ryou’s voice trailed on.   Marik took a very close look at Yugi and didn’t see anything unusual whatsoever. There was a periodical glazed gaze on his eyes but that was it…nothing out of the ordinary.   Yugi let out a somewhat natural chuckle, which did, however, have a slightly shrill edge into it “What are you talking about? Are you crazy? That’s just a legend…”   Ryou’s eyes seemed to narrow in a very uncharacteristic scowl “But you HAVE kept the necklace all these years…There was no other apparent reason for you to keep it, except if you had a relationship with Kaiba, or something!!”   At this, almost everyone laughed –even Yugi. The only ones who didn’t chuckle were Ryou himself, Marik and Serenity. Marik looked at Ryou very carefully. His eyes were deep mahogany –not red- and his pale face was innocent and pure…His speaking style, however…it was different.   Serenity had noticed it too, the way Ryou’s voice took a sharp edge when he spoke and the way he never dropped an uncomfortable subject. This could only mean one thing…it wasn’t Ryou. It was the spirit inside him.   Marik smirked. ‘You think you can fool me like this, Bakura?’ the blonde boy thought ‘Just because you fear I might force or order you to do something, you try to fool me by using Ryou’s innocent face…?’ Marik felt a small pang in his chest ‘So you really don’t trust me…do you?’   Marik eyed Ryou warily up and down. The way Bakura could mimic Ryou’s way of sitting on a chair, Ryou’s voice or Ryou’s facial expressions, was just unbelievable. The only thing that Bakura could not disguise…was his own feelings.   Yugi knew Ryou would be expecting an answer on that last statement, although it was sugarcoated enough to sound like a joke. What Yugi couldn’t understand was the reason why Ryou so desperately wanted to find out about his locket…it seemed this little group of people was a mayhem of secrets and confusion…Yugi realized he had gotten himself tangled into it a little too late…   “Well…” Yugi started saying, as ‘Ryou’s’ penetrating yet honest gaze eyed him up and down. To Yugi’s simultaneous fortune and misfortune, he was interrupted.     “INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!” the computers started shouting and alarms went off all around.   Marik caught sight of something glowing under Ryou’s white robe and he realized his assumptions had been correct. Bakura was now returning to the ring. ‘Keep believing you can fool me, Bakura…Do it if it makes you comfortable…’ Marik thought finally as he was forced to stand up by all the chaos around him.   Kenji and Taichi had rushed to the commanders’ seats while Ryou, Serenity and Rishid were observing intently. Yugi and Tea ran next to the Captains’ seats and tried to help, while Lena and Rika just hopped around the platform frantically.   “We’re under attack!!” Kenji yelled above all noises. The red flashlight and the beeping sounds were enough to drive one crazy. “There are about a dozen KaibaCorp fighters after us!!”   Marik’s eyes widened. How? Why? This wasn’t supposed to happen! Kaiba could use his fighters to fry them alive…It would be illegal, but this was Kaiba…when did he ever care about the law?   “Can’t we accelerate to Earth?!” Marik asked urgently.   “NO!” Ryou shouted as he ran up to where Marik was standing “We can’t go to Earth and give out our potential hiding place! They’ll just follow us there and then what?! We’ll have no hideout, no spacecraft and no hope!!”   “Everyone! Battle stations! Battle stations!!” Taichi yelled.   “This is no use…” Marik whispered to himself as he watched everyone run around desperately, trying to find their own place.   “Marik!!” Yugi suddenly screamed over the whole commotion “Maybe we can land on a random planet! We can change our spaceship there!!”   “We have no money, Yugi! And we can’t sell this ship to a local store either, since Kaiba will instantly trace us through the galactic network!”   “They locked us on their radar! They’ll shoot!!!!!” Taichi yelled frantically.   “Oh my God, we’re gonna die!!” was heard Serenity’s desperate shriek above all else.   Suddenly, instead of everything blowing up, all they could see was darkness. All the spaceship lights had shut down and the computer systems were dead.   “I can’t believe it!” Taichi shouted.   “What?” Ryou inquired immediately.   “The bastard threw an electrical bomb! Now all our circuits are dead! We can’t move!!” Taichi answered in the darkness. “Quick! Use a torch-chip!”   Instantly, Serenity and Marik had activated a couple of electrical flares and torch-chips. Now, the green light floated around the frightened faces of the ten friends.   “We’re gonna die…” Lena wailed pathetically and hugged her lifetime friend, Rika.   “SHHHH!!” Marik hissed at her. “Quiet!”   Everyone stayed quiet as they were told, the fear and trepidation growing with each fleeting moment. No one moved, no one spoke. The only thing that could be heard was the erratic breathing of each and every person.   Abruptly, a loud bang echoed from the distance, and the ground started to shake. Everyone jumped, startled and the girls started screaming pathetically as the shaking of the floor intensified. More thuds were heard and Yugi could practically sense his beautiful ship become a stash of ruins.     His wonderful spacecraft…the work and dream of a lifetime…trashed. All his years gone to waste, all his efforts gone in vain…with each and every thud, one day of his life was killed in distant memory.   ‘No’ Yugi thought desperately, as the familiar pressure filled his brain. “No….” he whispered inaudibly.   Ryou and Marik turned to watch, aghast, as the locket tied around Yugi’s neck started to glow brightly. Yugi shut his eyes forcefully and his hands rolled into fists. The boy’s body floated upwards and the glow from his puzzle took the shine of superb white light.   “NO…” Yugi kept murmuring again and again, each time his voice becoming louder and deeper than the one before…   And finally, to the peak of all tension, Yugi’s eyes fluttered open to reveal two hardened jewels dyed in funeral purple –not soft ruby. His stern expression formed that of an all-powerful warrior.   He spoke again, but this time his voice sounded nothing like the kind, sweet Yugi. This time, his voice had dived into a deep baritone, enhanced ten times by some unearthly echo.       “IT CANNOT BE!” Yugi screamed.                 To Be Continued           A/n: pssssstttt….That last part was so dramatic…(Sigh) oh well, this chapter was HUGE. I’m really tired now, obviously, so I’m going to bed…I’ve been meaning to make a thank-you list for my reviewers, so please review and let me know that you actually read this!! Thanks a lot!! BYE!!!