Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shades Of Gray ❯ The Meeting ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Priestess: All I can say is you better appreciate this seven-page monstrosity…


Yu-Gi-Oh tried to assess his feelings. There was hopeful, worried, excited, foolish, and a few hundred other emotions he either couldn't name or didn't want to.


I feel like somebody on a blind date-do I look all right? What if he doesn't like me? Is he nice? I shouldn't have worn so much lipstick


He would have smiled at the last part, had he not been so nervous. He didn't have a trace of make-up.


The Pharaoh was wearing black leather boots, black wristbands, and a sleeveless black shirt tucked into black jeans. The only trace of color was the bright silver ankh-shaped clasps on his belt and collar, and of course the Millennium Puzzle. His hair and eyes contrasted to the outfit sharply, but it was a beautiful contrast.


(PS: That had nothing to do with nothing, it was just for Yu-Gi-Oh-fangirls.)


All I can say is, if this was some kind of trick, I'm going to let Yami do whatever he wants with whoever is playing it. I really want to meet this guy!


All most on cue, he heard singing.


"You don't remember me but I remember you
I lie awake and try
so hard not to think of you"


His heart skipped a beat in spite of himself. He was not likely to forget that voice for a long time…that heavenly voice that he knew he had heard before.


"But who can decide what they dream
dream I do"




"I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you"


His steps quickened, running in the direction of the voice.


"I have to be with you
To live, to breathe
You're taking over me"


I can't believe I'm really going to meet him! But no one else can imitate a voice like that, not even if they're the god of music


"Have you forgotten all I know
all we had?"


He was getting closer now, he could tell. The voice was closer as well, so beautiful and familiar it made his heart ache for reasons he couldn't think of.


"You saw me mourning my love for you
touched my hand
I knew you
loved me then"


He was now almost certain that the trees were becoming less dense. He was really going to meet Bakura-he really was!


"I believe in you
I'll give up everything just to find you"


Once again, he felt like somebody going on a blind date. A million questions filled his mind, so fast he could hardly tell which one was which.


"I have to be with you
To live,
to breathe
You're taking over


And what if it was Necrophadisu, not Bakura? What if it was a trick?


"I look in the mirror and see your face
If I
look deep enough"


So, he thought, trying to think like Necrophadisu. That fool Pharaoh wants to meet with Bakura, does he? Now, what should I bringah yes, the steak knives, chainsaw, handcuffs, and a screwdriver just for kicks.


"So many things inside
That's just
like you are
over me"


All right Yu-Gi-Oh, just calm down. If it is Necrophadisu, he is not one hundred percent likely to destroy you on sight. No, first he must gloat, and brag, and only thenwill he destroy you. Giving you time to duel him. He can never resist dueling you. He's likea Kaiba with murderous tendencies.


"I believe in you
I'll give up
everything just to find you"


The trees were almost gone, he was in the middle of a small clearing. In front of him was a small pool, and sitting at the edge of it was a familiar pale-haired figure singing softly to himself and skipping stones over the surface of the water.

I have to be with you
To live,
to breathe
You're taking over


Yu-Gi-Oh could have gone on listening to him sing forever and been happy, but at that moment the song ended and Bakura looked up from the water.


Yu-Gi-Oh didn't speak as he stood up, feeling idiotic but not caring because he was finally staring at the man he had wanted to see for weeks now.


Had it really only been a few weeks? It felt like so much longer…


He did look similar to Ryou Bakura, but not identical. In fact, Yu-Gi-Oh thought he was much more attractive.


Same white hair-soft and silky, not spiked like Necrophadisu. Similar features, but made more beautiful by a certain serenity and wisdom. Same slim, well-formed body; but again more beautiful, because-though he didn't have the obvious arrogance of Necrophadisu-he did seem to move with a graceful confidence. A couple inches taller-or was that just his posture? His eyes were definitely not Ryou Bakura's, and there was something Yu-Gi-Oh noticed about them.


They were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.


They were the shape of Necrophadisu's, but not crazed or frightening. They were sad and haunted, but also deep and wise. And they were blue-the brightest, clearest blue he had ever seen, like a flawlessly cloudless sky but even lovelier. And those eyelashes!


Yu-Gi-Oh knew almost immediately that any female human-or in this case male Spirit-would fall in love with those eyelashes.


"What are you staring at?"


"Your eyes," Yu-Gi-Oh replied, before realizing what he had just said and turning as red as his hair (or some of his hair). "I-I-I mean…what I mean to say is…" that I'm an idiot.


A big one.


But Bakura didn't seem derisive, as most people he knew might. He stared right back at Atemu, unreadable emotions in the cerulean depths of his magnificent eyes. After a few minutes that to Atemu felt excruciatingly long, he asked, "So what are you called in this time? Mou Hitori no Yugi is kind of a mouthful."


"Uh…" he replied stupidly. "Well, I don't know, I guess. I've been called Pharaoh and Yu-Gi-Oh, but they're more titles than names. I prefer Yu-Gi-Oh…"


"Yu-Gi-Oh," Bakura repeated, as if trying out the word on his tongue.


There was absolutely no way for Yu-Gi-Oh to salvage his dignity now. This thing was officially doomed from the start.


Yugi, it was nice being your other half. Now, let's see, I'd like a black casket with gold trimactually, silver is nice, too


While his mind continued rambling on in a delirious way, Yu-Gi-Oh managed to ask in a relatively calm voice, "Why am I the only one here? My friends all want to meet you, too. Probably not as much as I did, but they still do want to meet you."


"Yes, it must be nice to have friends," Bakura remarked, sounding more as if he were talking to himself than to Yu-Gi-Oh. "Then again, I wouldn't know…"


He gazed into the water, clear sorrow in those astounding eyes which hid nothing-and, at the same time, hid everything. "I wouldn't know…"


"Why?" Yu-Gi-Oh asked, truly bewildered. He had only just met Bakura-though it felt more like he had known him for almost all eternity-but he already didn't seem the unpopular time. "Don't you have any friends?"


"Ryou, of course. Otherwise, I haven't since I was six-well, not human ones, anyway."


The way in which he said it-as if it obviously pained him but he didn't want Yu-Gi-Oh to realize it-made Yu-Gi-Oh's heart go out to him.


"Because of Necrophadisu?"


"Well, he did me into the worst enemy of the one friend I did have. But there was also the fact that…" he sighed. "It's just that…" He ran a supple hand through his pretty white hair and held a lock in front of his eyes. "It's this."


Seeing Yu-Gi-Oh's obvious bewilderment, Bakura explained, "I had white hair in Egypt, too. And, since you obviously don't have any memories and wouldn't know anyway because everybody loves the Pharaoh no matter how he looks, I'll have to be the one you tell you…"


He scowled suddenly, startling Yu-Gi-Oh a bit. "They're superstitious idiots who aren't above stoning a child who never did them any harm, just because he looks a little strange."


"That's awful," Yu-Gi-Oh replied sincerely. "What about your family?"


"Dead. And that didn't help my cause any."


Yu-Gi-Oh had a million questions, but he didn't want to anger him-or cause him pain. He had obviously had enough of that for a few lifetimes.


After another silence as embarrassing as the…was it one or two? He couldn't remember…which had come before it, Yu-Gi-Oh managed a coherent sentence: "I liked your singing."


Really, interaction is notmy thing. Not outside of duels and Yugi.


"Thank you," Bakura replied softly, taking a step closer. "I…" they were so close to each other that Bakura could just grab and kiss him, as he had done so many times before. But he didn't want to take the risk. Yu-Gi-Oh didn't even remember him…


"Did I know you in Egypt?" What kind of question is that? Think before you speak, think before you speak, think before you speak.




Think befo-huh? Yu-Gi-Oh blinked, staring into his beautiful face. Their closeness made him want to blush, and at the same time made him want to pull Bakura's face down to his and kiss him. But you don't go kissing a guy you've just met, even if you've met before.


"Was I that one friend?" Yu-Gi-Oh asked, feeling bold. He had already fucked this up beyond any hope of redemption, why not ask his questions?


Bakura nodded. "I'd like to say more, but I'm probably going to get tortured already. Necrophadisu isn't going to be happy when he finds out about this…"


Yu-Gi-Oh felt a surge of rage at the sadness in Bakura's eyes. "We'll defeat him, Bakura. I know it'll be difficult, since I can't send him to the Shadow Realm without doing the same to you, but I swear we'll beat him and free you."


"I hope so," Bakura replied with a sigh. "I hope so."


And then he was gone, and it was truly dark out.


Poll: Who should Ryou be paired with, Yugi or Jou?