Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Suicide ❯ Sucide1:Dilemma ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yugi sat on his bed, his purple eyes sad and distant. Yami was gone and his Grandpa was tending to the Turtle Game shop, so he was all alone. He looked down at the box that he carried in his lap and sighed, he remembered who had given it to him and what she had said. The person that he was talking about was a girl that called herself Ansatsu, after the card. The Lady Assassin. She had told him of his future. Of what he would do to his friends after Yami lost control of his memories and took Yugi over of the things that the Pharaoh would do using Yugi's body. Yugi shivered and opened the box.

He took out the tiny dagger that was clearly made for a child's hand. `The dagger of the one that will destroy the world.' Ansatsu said to him, giving him the box and vanishing. He put the lid back on the box slowly, as if time itself was stretching toward the moment that he would end the torment that was his life, that was knowing what would happen if he didn't do it. He almost put the dagger back in the box, his gut wrenching at even thinking about spilling his own blood.

Then, in a sudden flash, he saw Tea, in his arms, helpless and limp, his laughter echoing throughout the Shadow Realm. He saw Joey and Tristan slumped back to back, their bodies broken and bleeding, the life fleeing from their grasps. He saw his Grandpa, tortured to death, all those people, dead because of him, because of what lived in side of him. Just as suddenly, a warm gush of something rushed over the hands holding the dagger. He looked down in shock at the blood surging out of the wound in his stomach. Strangely, their was no great pain from the slit in his abdomen just a weird tingling as he felt his lifeblood drain from him. He started to feel light headed and sleepy.

Just then, he felt hands supporting his head. He opened his eyes with much difficulty and stared into the face of his Yami. Yami's face was torn between anguish and disbelief as he saw the damage that had been inflicted, tears running down his face in giant streams as he watched his hikari take his last breath. "Ansatsu," was all Yugi could get out before he closed his eyes, the sleepiness washing over him in giant waves, forcing him down, deeper and deeper until he was gone. Yami's face crumpled as he realized what he had just witnessed. "Ansatsu!!" He roared, the anguish too much to bear for the former Pharaoh. Then he buried his face in his hikari's hair. When his face emerged, it was as hard as stone. "I will get you for this, Ansatsu, I will get you."

And when Yugi's grandpa ran upstairs to see what was the matter, he found them like that, Hikari and Aibou.