Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Suicide ❯ Suicide2:Yami's Quest ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*Pingpong* Back by popular demand!

*YamiPP* dun dun dun!

*Pingpong* Suicide Chappie 2!

He patrolled the streets relentlessly, his crimson eyes hard and unforgiving. He was looking for that one single clue that would lead him to her, that one little slipup that would allow him to track her. She hadn't changed, still the same old Ansatsu. She would leave him a trail just to tease him, that he knew.

In ancient Egypt her job had been to take out the most prominent persons in that world, and she was good at it. But now she was starting to target him and he didn't know why. Yami sighed. He was getting tired. Now that his hikari was gone, he didn't have the strength of two anymore. He walked down the street in his broody black leather with his head down, eyes distant as he remembered what his Hikari's last few minutes of life had been like.

/~/ He ran into the room, warned by his link with Yugi that something was wrong with the boy. When he got there, his small, gentle Hikari was lying on the floor, an ancient Pharaoh's knife on the floor next to him and his eyes were closed.

Yami then felt what it was like to feel gut-chilling fear, for he was losing his hikari, his light. He ran to Yugi, and, having nothing better to do, laid his hikari's head in his lap. Tears ran down his face as Yugi opened up his eyes in astonishment to stare at Yami. He opened his mouth, but all that came out was "Ansatsu." Then his gentle amethyst eyes closed and life fled from his lips. /~/

Yami stopped and two tiny spots appeared on the street pavement in front of him. His shoulders started to tremble as he almost gave into the pressing desire to cry. Then he heard a sigh. "Look at this, the brave Pharaoh, about to cry over the death of a mortal!" He looked up and saw the reason for his search. "But you know the drill, endless time loopy thingy? History repeating itself over and over? I kill your hikari every time you get one, Yami, it's a given. That boy was just a mortal, anyway, why bother with crying? Mortals die, that's a given too. Oh, that's a good one, I'll have to jot that one down." She smiled a cocky half smile and he growled.

But he knew he couldn't touch her, for she was a higher being than him. When he first had known her, she had worked for his father, and, later on, him, as the King's Assassin. But, with her death, she had become the Assassin of the Gods. She now was on a higher plane of existence than he was, making her immortal. To him, anyway.

Her gray eyes smiled at him as she got down from the wall she had been perched on and started to circle him, black hair shimmering in the sunlight. "You should distance yourself for the people you protect, Yami, like Kura did with the boy that he was assigned to. Though he could tone down on the holier-than-thou attitude. Can you believe he had the nerve to try and kick me out of the mortal's home? I'm not a vampire you know, I can't be shut out!"

He gave her the death glare again and growled, "Don't you have someone else to torture and drive mad?"

She gasped in mock hurt. "Yami! There's no need to be rude!" She turned and started to walk away. "If you don't want to know what is going to happen and how you shall arrive at your real death…I'm not going to stop you." Yami's eyes widened.

"What are you speaking about, Ansatsu?" Yami demanded.

Ansatsu turned and began to walk backwards. "All I can tell you is `Beware the white mage.'" Then she giggled and faded out of his line of vision.