Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Team YGO vs. Team Animasters ❯ Of relatives, warnings and unknown Yamis ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer:I have no authority over the property of Kazuki Takahashi. I'm merely requesting their use for this slice of my creation and make no profit whatsoever.
The last time, I sounded like Joey, now I sound like Kaiba. LOLZ!!! Anyway, I have another reviewer!!! Thank you N2000 for giving me a lot of reviews. But I humbly request that you don't review once per chapter. One per update, maybe that's alright.
*Last chapter Recap*
“Yami, do you remember your father and your other relatives??” DP asked calmly, ignoring Seto's outburst.
“Yes, but barely. My father was Akunamukanon (sp?), my uncle was Akunadin and his son, my cousin was his ancestor, Seth.” Yami said, glaring at Seto, who merely scoffed.
“Well, you know your family tree.” DP joked. “Well, what nobody knew was those two; your father and uncle…were my sons, making me your grandfather.”
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On with the story and the Duels!!!!!
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Everyone was shocked at this piece of information. Yami was speechless and Seto was gawking in disbelief at DP.
Sonna bakana (No way)…” Seto muttered.
“It's true. Where do you think you two got your eye colors??” DP asked, raising his eyebrows at them.
Yami was breathing heavily. He thought his family had died out, and until now, his only family (Seto) refused to acknowledge it.
Tea was breathing heavily. “Wow… Yami has a grandfather? Who would've thought?” She said in awe.
DP let out a chuckle. “I say then, I say now. She's a good choice for a girlfriend Yami.” He said, glancing between Yami and Tea, the former sill in shock and the latter blushing madly.
“But…but…why didn't father—” Yami started to ask but DP held up a hand.
“Akunamukanon barely remembered me, so he couldn't tell you. He asked Neferlana, which is my wife's name by the way, but she refused to tell, too saddened by grief.” DP explained.
“Hmph, another dose of hocus-pocus, haven't you people had enough with this??” Seto asked angrily, standing up and crossing his arms. He started out of the room, but DP replied calmly.
“If it's `hocus-pocus' as you claim, how come I know that the winning move you made against Gozaburo was a Rook to E5 cornering his king?” (Not true. Just a guess.)
Seto stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned to face DP head on, his sapphire eyes staring down bicolored ones. He's right…Seto mused as he faced DP. His eye is the same as mine…How did you know that??” He asked.
“I told you, I know everything about my family. Or do you need more proof?” DP replied simply. Seto had the strangest feeling that DP was smirking at him, although it was hard to tell since bandages were covering his mouth.
“I'm still not convinced.” Seto said flatly.
Yami stomped up to Seto and grabbed his collar, dragging Seto down so they were eye level. “What more evidence do you need, Kaiba?!? He's obviously been proven genuine!!” He shouted.
Seto wrenched Yami's grip off of his shirt, straightening his shirt and collar. “Unlike you Yami, I'm a skeptic.” Seto said proudly, as if being a skeptic was a high honor.
“Do you want me to tell everyone here why you wear a trench coat no matter what the weather??” DP asked calmly. Seto's eyes widened with the utmost fear. Realizing his mask slipped, he frowned and said bravely. “Yes.”
“It's because the scars from Gozaburo are so dark, they tend to still be visible even though you have a shirt on.” (I don't know much about Seto's past. And I call myself a fan… -_-0)
Tea gasped and Mai put her hands over her mouth at DP words.
He stepped back in shock. The reason was right on the money. He stated breathing heavily. “How…?” Seto breathed.
DP shook his head and clicked his tongue, much like a father about to scold a 5 year old boy. “Dear Seto, still stubborn I see… when will you admit it??” He said in a fatherly tone of voice.
Seto refused to look DP in the eyes. He turned his eyes to the floor as he fought with his conscience. He knows everything about me… He's real…NO! No… it's a lie, he's not real…But…how did he know these things? He's got to be real…
He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and looked directly into DP's bicolored eyes.
“Come now, son. Do you still doubt??” He asked gently. These words triggered a flashback into his past.
A 4-year old Seto was pacing along a wall of a hospital, waiting for the results of his father's injuries. The crash was devastating. His mother was sitting on a chair anxious about the result as well. Suddenly, the examination room door opened, and the doctor came out and talked to Seto's mother. Seto saw the doctor shake his head sadly and his mother bury her face in her hands. Not good. Seto sped past them and came face to face with his father in a hospital bed, the heart beat monitor beep faintly. Seto slowly approached his father, holding back his tears.
“D-d-dad?” He croaked, his throat constricted because of his held back tears. “Are you going to leave me?”
His father slowly turned his head, a small drop of blood rolled down his cheek, along with a tear.
“I may be going, but I'll never leave you.” He answered weakly.
Seto turned away. His father held his hand gently, causing Seto to turn his head suddenly and see his father smiling slightly.
“Come now, son. Why do you still doubt?” He asked. Just then the monitor read a flat line and his hand went limp.
Seto didn't realize small tears made their way to his eyes, threatening to fall. He quickly looked away, swiftly wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
DP smiled at him. Someday, son…someday you'll openly admit it. But for now, take your time… He thought to himself.
Jake then stood up. “You guys can go to bed now; it's already 9:30. Those who want to help with the investigation, you can come with us.”
“I'll go.” Yami announced, standing up.
“Same `ere.” Joey agreed.
“Thanks. If there're no others coming, you can all get to bed.” Jake said, as everyone filtered out of the lounge and went to their rooms.
*Kaiba's room, 10:30 pm*
Seto was unable to sleep, his head filled with what DP said. I can't believe it… He knows so much. But I can't admit that in front of Yugi. He'll think I've gotten soft…Well, I admit it. He had me scared. I just wish I can admit that without it leaking…
Seto stood up and headed for his bed. Perhaps a good night's sleep will help clear my head. He lay down and closed his eyes and almost instantly fell asleep.
Seto was in an unusual corridor lit with torches. He was walking along it, wondering where he was. He saw no differences in the walls, until he came across two doors. (Sound familiar??)
He wondered why there were only two doors there. Both were closed, but the one on the right was somewhat calling to him. He could almost hear a voice in his mind.
Come……………come to me…………………
Seto couldn't help it. He inched closer to the door. Up close, he saw that the door was made of a black mineral. A closer inspection showed it was made of Obsidian. (It's a mineral that's kinda like ebony stone) He grasped the knob tightly as the voice called out again.
That's it……………open it…………
Seto did what he was told; he opened the Obsidian door and pushed it open. The inside was completely empty. As he walked in his shoes echoed off the dim walls. He looked down and the floor was actually a carving. Of what he'll never know. Then he heard another voice. This voice was a male. But it wasn't anyone he knew. It was so familiar to him, yet he couldn't match a face to it. It was distant, and yet so close.
I have an urgent warning for you. It said; a hint of fear in its tone.
“What is it??” Seto asked uncertainly, looking left and right for the source of the voice.
Danger is coming your way, I cannot explain, he is nearby and might overhear…
“Who might?”
I cannot explain. All I can say is `it' will help you in your victory.
“What's `It'??”
Look down.
Seto looked at the floor as a pale light came from somewhere above his head. What he was standing on was a huge carving of the Blue eyes Ultimate dragon.
“How will this help me??”
When it comes it will see its true master in you and it will help you vanquish him. And also, when you defeat him, take his treasure and place it on your chest.
“Huh?? I don't understand!!”
I'm sorry. I must leave…
Good bye…
Seto woke up with a start, drenched in cold sweat. His eyes wide with fear. “What was that dream about??”
He glanced at his watch. 3:30 am. Just great, I really need some sleep… He pulled the covers over him and lay down as a shadow outside his window continued to stare at him.
Ouch, my hand hurts!!!!!! Anyway, the plot is thickening, isn't it??? Review so I can make it to the end!!!!!!!! C'ya!!!!!!!!!!!!