Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Yugioh Murder Scenario ❯ I'm NOT A Kleptomaniac! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes- Big shoutout to my first and only reviewer so far: Starzie!! Kudos and big thanks!! ^-^ I live in Columbia...two hours away from Charleston. We went there over the weekend-it was pretty fun. I will live there one day! BWAHAHA! Yessss...it's probably best to lock you door...because when you least expect it, expect it! *laughs evilly*

Now, it took me quite a while to figure out just how to have the murder happen. It's gruesome, it's cool, and it's half-not normal. So big kudos and thanks to my now 14 year old best friend, Leech!!! ^-^

Another huge shoutout to my other best friend, devil_kitsune(mediaminer)/fiddleforlife(ff.net) for editing my first chappie! She's my editor and she's really great at it! She's done the editing for all the chapters to Confidential Pain (check it out!) and also her fanfics are the best! ^-^

On with the story then?

PS- For those who don't know, Honda=Tristan, Anzu=Tea, Jou/Jounouchi=Joey, Jonathon Mutou=Grampa.


Chapter Two-I'm NOT A Kleptomaniac!

Sondra pulled open the top drawer of her bureau, rifling through the contents for the perfect bikinis to bring on the trip.

"Ah! This one should do the trick! I wonder if it still fits..." She smiled as she examined it over. It was a two piece tankini covered in shiny silver stars over red and blue swirls. "Ugh...I tie knots too tight! Ever since that knot lesson on that first grade trip, my knots have always been super tight...oh screw it! I'll have Yugi untie it for me..." She couldn't resist the smirk that met her lips at the thought of Yugi holding her tightly on the bed...in their shared suite...the only thing separating them from each other being their easily-removable bathing suits...and then he'd kiss her on her shoulder before slowly untying her top...

A ring errupted throughout the house, bringing Sondra's lustful thoughts to a sudden halt.

"Damn those inconsiderate callers!" she raged as she stormed out of her room to answer the phone.

"What?!" she screamed into the reciever, anger coursing through her veins.

"Um...hey. It's Yugi. I just wanted to make sure you were getting packed...are you alright?"

"Yugi!" She whispered upon hearing his voice-his strong sweet voice that would tell her everything she wanted to hear while they made love...

"...and then go to McDonald's or Burger King. How does that sound?"

"Oh! I'm sorry Yugi, I was somewhat...dazed you could say. Would you mind repeating what you just said? Sorry!" She silently scolded herself for tuning out like that-how annoying she must sound to Yugi!

"Yeah, it's ok! Anyway, I was saying that we-we being me and my grandfather- are coming around to pick everyone up around 5:30 since we're leaving at six. On the way we're going to stop somewhere to get breakfast, probably McDonald's or Burger King. Depends on what everyone wants. I know you're going to want one of those triple layered sundae's from Zesto's before we go!" Yugi's laughter rang out through the phone, hammering into Sondra's head.

"Yes, well that all sound great, but actually no ice cream for me." She blushed slightly, recalling Honda's beer gut insult. She didn't think there was one, but if other people saw it, there was no way she'd be on the cover!

"No ice cream? But you used to love it! Remember that time you got it all over you and then you couldn't finish the rest? It took forever for me to clean you up and then we had to go buy a new one for us to split at your insistance!" Sondra laughed, recalling this memory.

"Wow...time has flown. I remember when we were just freshmen. You used to always bring your fake gun and use me as target practice!"

"Yes, great times, great times. I haven't used my gun in a wihle-I guess ever since I started the magazine. I bet my aim is still true though!" Sondra noticed the amount of wistfulness in his voice, and she couldn't help but wish to return to those lowly freshmen days. Before when they were just innocent friends, when he didn't look at her as just a model, when she didn't look at him like he was the greatest person in the world.

"I bet it is..." She muttered softly as tears began streaming down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away before her mascara began to run and she had a huge mess to clean up. "So anyway, I better get packing. I was just picking out my swim wear--"

"Oh! Thanks for reminding me! I actually got you a bikini for the trip. I'm sure yours looks totally fabulous, but since you're going to be at the beach where tons of fans will be, I want you to wear something representing the fashion line. I just designed it yesterday and I'm about to finish it up. It's a little goth-I hope you like it!"

"Oh, Yugi! You're such a doll! I never would of thought of that! I guess it would be important to represent the magazine...draw in more buyers. I'm sure whatever you made will be perfect!"

"So you'll wear it then? Awesome. Charleston is probably going to be hot about this time of the year, so make sure to pack some shorts and summer clothes. If you have any Phreak clothes, I'd appreciate it tons if you brought them along too! I'd really like to chat longer, but I've got Cassandra coming over in a few minutes and I have to make sure dinner is ready. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"What? Cassandra is coming over?" Sondra felt her heart clench at the thought of her Yugi being stolen by that blonde bimbo.

"Yeah, she has to pick up something I borrowed. But Kaiba's the one staying for dinner-he's staying over that way we won't have to go all the way to his mansion in the morning. So I'll talk to you later?"

"Yes! I mean, yeah, later. Bye!"

"Ja ne!"

Sondra put the phone back on the cradle with a happy bounce on her bed. So Cassandra wasn't going to steal her! And Kaiba wasn't a problem, he was just one of Yugi's guy friends. All was good, all was good...

"Now the only person in my way is that damn Honda..." She murmered as she fell into a squelchy chair to think things over. "If only there was someway to get him the hell out of the way, then I'd be the only one available to be on next month's cover. So just...get him away...how though?" She sighed, trying to think of some way to get him out the picture. "I'll sleep on it." With that she reluctantly returned to her room to finish packing.


"Do you HAVE to go?" Anzu whined, pulling off Honda's shirt, which he was struggling to put back on.

"Anzu, I love you dearly, but we have to finish packing if we want to go on the trip!"

"Do we HAVE to go on the trip?" She reluctantly freed his shirt from her grasp, only to grab one of his hands instead.

"Yes! We do!" Honda turned to face the whining Anzu.

"But WHY?"

"Because! First of all, we get to be in a suite together-"

"When we could just as easily be in here..." Honda sighed and leaned over to Anzu, who was sitting on the bed. She tilted her head up and gazed into his eyes with her sad, pleading ones.

"That's true but..." He leaned closer to her soft, pale lips to give her a momentary kiss, which was soon changed into a deeply involved passionate one by Anzu. She softly licked his lips as he forcibly pulled apart from her.

"But, I'm doing this for Yugi. He has to see that I'm the better model. I don't care what it takes, I'm going to be on next months cover and that's final."

"So you're going to be spending half your time screwing Yugi?" She asked innocently.

"Fuck no! He's NOT gay-or bi! Sheesh. The only one I'm screwing-well, anyway, I don't care what I have to do..."

"This trip will be murder for Sondra, won't it?" Anzu asked as she laced her arms around Honda's torso.

"If that's what it takes..." He once again found himself deeply involved with her mouth instead of getting dressed and leaving.

"I'll help in any way you need me to..." Anzu murmered as she pushed Honda on the bed once again.

"I love the way you're able to take over, love, but I REALLY need to be going now."

Anzu stopped in the middle of unbuttoning his pants to fling herself away from him.

"FINE! Go on, leave me here alone. Go on back to your house and pack your lousy bags. I'll see you tomorrow." Anzu turned away from him, insisting on giving him the cold shoulder unless he decided to stay. She felt warm breath on her shoulder, sending shiver down her spine. Turning to face him, she gave him a last kiss before he stood up and buttoned his pants back up.

"I'm only across the street, kitty dearest."

"Meow." She swatted at him playfully with her `paws' as he continued to get dressed.

When Honda was ready to walk out the door, Anzu had begun rifling through her wardrobe, throwing random outfits on the bed to be packed.

"I'll see you later," He called, waving goodbye to her from the from the bedroom door. She reluctantly waved back and watched him as he walked out her door. A few moments passed before she heard the thudding of the front doors closing.

"Sondra, why did you have to decide to come?" Anzu sighed as she walked over to her bureau. She carefully opened the third drawer.

"Ooooh fudge nuggets!" She screamed as the handle fell off, regardless of how careful she had been. Sighing, she looked around the room for something to fix it.

"Aha!" Her handy dandy drill was still in her room from when she was forced to fix her wardrobe door. Grabbing it, she went back to the drawer. Bending over, she lined up the screws with the screw holes and pressed the button.

"It never fails to amaze me how this thing works!" She smiled, satisfied, as she screwed in the screw the rest of the way. She closed her eyes and grimaced as she tested the drawer-hoping it wouldn't fall and hit her toes for the fifth time this month. When it opened easily and without fail, she opened her eyes to admire her work.

"Damn, I'm good at everything!" She smiled and kicked the drawer shut to resume packing.


Yu gi grabbed the handle to his grandfather's study and slowly crached the door open. Sticking his head in the room, he searched the rom for him, finally finding him at the window.

"Hey grandfather! How's it going?" Yugi smiled and walked in the room the rest of the way, waiting for his grandfather to acknoweledge him.

"How many times..." Jonathon Mutou said softly as he turned around to face Yugi, "Have I told you to knock before you enter my study?!"

Yugi flinched at his grandfather's tone; he HAD told Yugi several times before to always knock.

"I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry!" Yugi blushed and bowed several times in apology, hoping his grandfather would forgive him.

"Hmm. You're forgiven. Now then, what do you want?" He motioned for Yugi to sit in the chair across from him.

"I-uh-well, Kaiba is c-co-oming to spend the night t-tonight..." Jonathon quirked an eyebrow at Yugi's sudden red face and stuttering manner. "And I was just wondering if you were going to join us for dinner."

"Kaiba? The one coming on the trip? Why is he coming over tonight?"

"We wanted to have some fun scr--" Yugi stopped suddenly, his face flushing a deep shade of red. "Have fun screening the photos for this months magazine!" He sighed contently at his quick recovery.

"I see. No, just tell Donte to bring dinner up to me here-and tell him to knock. Is that all?"

"Yes sir-I mean no sir! I actually wanted to tell you, Sondra is coming on the trip tomorrow too. She's the other model for-"

"WHAT?! You invited another one of your damn friends?! What the hell do you think I am, someone who just lets random people come on what started to be a road trip and pay for everything?! I don't have the money to be paying for your sex toy to just tag along!"

"SHE'S NOT MY SEX TOY!!!!" Yugi screamed furiously, surprising his grandfather.

"Don't you raise your voice to me. Now then, go down and get ready to greet Kaiba. This Sondra can come along this time, but I expect you to pay for anyone else you may invite at the last minute."

"Yes sir."

"Now get out of my sight!" Yugi scrambled out of his chair and bowed once more to his grandfather before scurrying out of the room.

"Boys will be boys..." He muttered as he watch the study doors shut. Sighing, he pushed back his chair and walked back over to the window, where he continued gazing out.


A pair of long, slender legs came out of the white limo door, soon followed by the body of the one and only Seto Kaiba. He looked at the large house before him and nervously flattened the non existant wrinkles in his outfit. Turning back to the limo, he motioned for the chauffer to get his bags and follow him.

He walked down the large, winding sidewalk, staring at the house the whole time. He wondered which room Yugi was in right now, and hoped his grandfather was in the one on the top floor. He shuddered at the thought of Yugi's grandfather-that man was scary! Kaiba hoped with all his heart that the grandfather wouldn't insist upon staying with them the whole trip. Of course, with a few calls from the all powerful Kaiba, he was sure there would be a way to lure Jonathon Mutou away from them for a while.

"Hey Kaiba!" Kaiba turned in the direction of the voice calling him to see Yugi waving and running towards him fron the front door. He broke into a smile and waved back at Yugi.

"You're early-not that I'm complaining! I see you're all packed for tomorrow?" Yugi beamed at him, then motioned for Kaiba and his chauffer to follow him in the house.

"Grandfather doesn't want to be disturbed, so I doubt he'll come out of his study all night." Yugi and Kaiba pretended to wipe sweat from their foreheads at the same time, exchanging smiles and laughs afterwards.

Once they had reached the inside of the house, Kaiba's chauffer bowed before leaving them alone.

"Let's go on up to my room, kay? I'll race you!" Yugi began dashing up the stairs, Kaiba following closely behind.

"No fair! You got a head start!"

A few minutes later, the two boys had reached the room and collapsed on the bed, trying to catch their breath.

"Oh, there's someone else coming on the trip tomorrow-last minute invite. Her name is Sondra--"

"That model in January's issue? With the--"

"Eyeshadow? Yeah, her. She's coming along. She and Honda are competing for next month's cover. I can't really decide who to put on it, so I'm thinking about putting them both on there."

"I'd pick Honda. Definatly better. I think Honda would be so mad if you picked a girl over him! Imagine his face!" Kaiba broke out in laughter imagining Honda all pissed off.

"Yeah, Honda could be better. But I'll be watching them both during the trip to see who might be better. You never know!"

Their conversation lasted a while before it was time for them to go eat dinner. When they returned to Yugi's room, Yugi pulled two bottles of beer out from his secret hiding place. They downed them quickly and were soon passed out in front of a Simpsons marathon.


Honda heard a ringing filling the room; filling his head. He groggily reached over to his alarm clock and hit the snooze button, but the ringing continued. Turning over, he looked at the clock, hitting it again.

"Shuddup you pieceacrap!" He muttered as the ringing drove into his head. Pulling the pillow out from under his head, he pushed it down on his face to try to drown out the noise. It continued. Groaning, he reached over, grabbed the alarm clock, and threw it across the room. He flinched as he hear it bang against the wall.

The ringing stopped, and he sighed contently, putting the pillow back under his head. Just when he was about to fall asleep, the ringing started again. He gave an annoyed scream before jumping out of the bed to attack the alarm clock with his baseball bat. That's when he realized it was the phone, not the beaten and broken alarm clock that now lied in pieces.

Reaching on the wall for the phone, he looked at the clock. When he threw it, it was only 5:05 am. Who the hell was calling this early?!

"Whaddyouwant?!" He said groggily in the phone, puzzled at who was calling.

"Honda! It's about damn time! Are you ready to--"

"Easy, breezy, beautiful cover man!" A voice shouted in the background, causing both people to laugh hysterically.

"Yugi? Kaiba? What the hell!?" He shouted somewhat agrivated by now. And what was with that cover man comment?

"Sorry about that! Anyway, are you ready for us to pick you up? We need to get going."

Honda suddenly remembered that the trip was today. His gaze flickered to his halfpacked suitcase and to the broken clock.

"Er....yeah, I'm ready..."

"Great! We'll be there in five minutes then! Ja ne!" Before he could protest, the dialtone met his ears.

"Damn...knew I shouldn't have went over to Anzu's again..." He muttered as he hung the phone up and walked over to his suitcase. Surveying the floor, he picked up a heap of clothes and threw them in the suitcase. Shoving them in it so that it would close, he zipped it shut and put it on the floor.

He ran a comb through his hair and put on a pair of shoes just in time for the beeping of a car horn outside his house. Scanning his room, he looked for anything else he needed to bring.

"Bandaids!" He grabbed the box of bandages sitting on his dresser and shoved it in a pocket of his suitcase, then grabbed the suitcase and headed out the door, locking it behind him.

When he opened the door to the limo, he saw everyone else already there.

"Well, Honda, that attire is definatly what Phreak Like Me is looking for for their cover model," Sondra said in a sweet sing song voice, causing everyone else in the limo to laugh. Confused, Honda looked down at what he was wearing.

He blushed furiously at what he saw and stared daggers at Anzu.

"Of course! Haven't you read Best Of Fashion lately? This is so in!"

"Really? I haven't seen anyone besides you wearing Teletubbies boxers!" Sondra began snorting at the last part and Yugi had to take away her margarita before she spilled it.

"Well what do you want me to do about it? Oh, I see! You want me to take them off?" Honda made as if to pull off his boxers, but a screaming Sondra stopped him.

"Eeeew! No! You freak of nature! Keep them on! They're totally better than whatever you're packing in there!"

"Shut up bitch!" Anzu screamed, getting up to slap her.

"HEY! Stop it everyone! Let's all try to get along, shall we?" Yugi said calmly. Anzu reluctantly sat down, Honda sitting down next to her.

Sondra, satisfied with her comment, continued what she was doing before she was so rudely interrupted-staring at Kaiba. He wasn't as hot as Yugi, but he was a keeper. While she was drooling over him, she noticed him picking through the cupboards in the limo and discreetly slip a glass into his bag. As she continued to stare at him in confusement, the rest of the gang started to stare at him because she was staring at him.

"What? What are you staring at?!" Kaiba said, blushing slightly.

"Hey Kaiba, let's have a peek in your bag!" Anzu cried, a sudden realization hitting her. Kaiba made to grab his bag, but Yugi grabbed it first. Opening it up, he pulled out a glass, three spoons, and a fork. An audible sigh came from everyone.

"Kaiba, PLEASE keep your klepto behavior to a minimum while you're on the trip!" Honda said exasperated.

"What?! I'm so NOT a kleptomaniac!" Kaiba cried defensively.

"Oh, right. That's why your silverware drawer is made up entirely of silverware from Longhorn's and other restraunts!" Anzu said, rolling her eyes.

"And your plates are from Sticky Fingers and Applebee's!"

"Don't forget the bowls from Olive Garden--"

"And the glasses from Outback--"

"You can't forget the towels from the hotels--"

"And the mini fridge from that one suite--"

"Alright alright! I get the point! I'll TRY to keep my kleptomaniacness to a minimum, jeez!" Kaiba yelled, giving in at last.

"We're almost to the airport," Yugi said, changing the subject. "And then a loooooong flight and we'll finally be there!" The group cheered and toasted their margaritas.


A uthor's Notes- So ends the second chapter. I decided to make it a lot longer than it was going to be that way I could finally get on with the story! So we had two chappies explaining everyone and everything, next up-entering Charleston!