Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ To Understand Love ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To Understand Love

Chapter Two

Charity sighed as she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. A girl with lightly tanned skin and long golden blond hair stared back at her. She felt tears sting her eyes, but quickly wiped them away. "I'm pathetic," she whispered to herself as she looked away from the mirror, "Truly pathetic."

The shower had been turned on a few minutes ago and was starting to become warm.

Charity decided to stop thinking about what was on her mind and began to take off her clothes and finally her Phoenix charm necklace, which she was given by her mother. She took a last peek back at the mirror before stepping into the warm and refreshing water.

The water was very soothing to Charity and she grabbed her Sakura blossom scented shampoo. She worked up a lather and then rinsed. Once she was done washing every square inch of her body, she turned off the nozzle head and wrapped a towel around herself. After finishing with getting dressed and blowdrying her hair, she walked out of the bathroom and turned the light off.


Yami bakura walked up the stairs with the angry look still plastered on his face. He was not in the mood to be messed with by anyone. However, his attitude quickly changed when he noticed Charity walking towards her room. He felt a blush creep onto his face and found himself unable to look away.

Charity noticed that Yami Bakura was staring at her and became somewhat confused. ~First he yells at me and now he stares at me,~ she thought to herself as a light blush appeared on her face as well, ~I guess he's just in a weird mood today.~ What really freaked her out is what Yami Bakura did next. He began walking towards her! ~Oh man, he's going to kill me!~ she thought to herself.

Yami Bakura noticed that Charity looked like a deer trapped in the headlights and smirked a preditory smirk; the one that creeped her out to no end. One of his favorite things to do was freaking both Charity and Amanda out, but he would never hurt them. Even he had his limits.

Charity made a last minute decision and tried to dart into her room and lock her door before bakura's Yami could reach her, but she had no such luck and soon realised just how fast he could run. She looked up at him with nervous wide eyes. ~This is what I get for staring at him,~ she thought, ~Now he's probably going to beat me like he does Bakura!~

Yami bakura pushed his way through the door and looked at Charity. Something about the pitiful look he was recieving from her made him want to comfort her and tell her that he would never hurt her in any way, but he had no idea why. He was supposed to be cruel and heartless.

"Um...is there something that I can help you with?" said Charity nervously as she made sure there was some space between her and Yami bakura, "I really should be getting my homework done."

Yami Bakura raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. he didn't believe Charity. "It's Saturday," he stated, "Nice try."

Charity sighed. There was absolutely no use in trying to lie to Bakura's Yami and so she sat down on the bed and gave him a pathetic look. "Look," she began, "I'm not really in the mood to play your little mind games. Would you please just leave?"

Yami Bakura simply shook his head and sat down on the bed next to Charity, the smirk still on his face. "I just want to talk," he stated as he scooted closer to her, "Why do you always try running away from me? I thought we were friends..."

Charity fidgeted with her necklace nervously and then looked at Yami Bakura. "We are," she said, "I just...need some space right now. I've had a lot on my mind lately."

Yami Bakura nodded and wrapped an arm around Charity's slightly trembling shoulders. "Would you like to talk about it?" he asked softly. ~Why the hell do I care what's on her mind?!~ he asked himself, ~She means nothing to me...nothing.~

Charity quickly stood up and shook her head. "I...um...I've gotta go!" she cried as she burst out of her room with tears once more in her eyes. ~I'm such a pathetic coward!~ she yelled at herself as she ran straight back into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

Yami bakura stood up and sighed. ~Well, that didn't go as well as I had hoped,~ he thought to himself as he walked out of Charity's bedroom, ~Not that I care or anything...~ But deep down inside, he was hurting.


Amanda, having seen only half the scene, quickly ran to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Charity?" she said softly.

"Amanda?" came Charity's teary voice from the other side of the bathroom door, "Just a second." She slowly opened the door and let her younger friend walk in. She looked like a wreak.

Amanda simply wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her.

After a few minutes of sobbing, Charity's eyes became wide as if she was hit with a sudden realitization and she backed up from Amanda, her hand over her mouth. "I can't believe it," she stated softly.

Amanda was beginning to get worried. "You can't believe what?" she asked.

"I think I'm starting to fall in love with him," she stated as she shook her head, "No! I can't be! It's impossible!"

"You're starting to fall in love with who?" asked Amanda, almost dreading the answer.

Charity slowly looked up at Amanda's face and smiled sadly, two tears fell from her eyes. "Yami bakura," she answered before she fainted.

Well, that's about it for the second chapter. What do you think? Don't worry, more of the other Yugioh characters will be showing up in the next chapter.