Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ True Caos ❯ Tournament Opens ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Grandpa's shop*

"Yugi, James, are your decks ready?" Grandpa worried that Yugi and James didn't have enough time to get prepared for the tournament. He himself would be in the virtual world, but he would be an eliminator. Being paid to play duel monsters was something he enjoyed. Solomon, their grandfather, had been hand picked by Noah; he felt that Solomon had to be good, for he had taught Yugi.

Kaiba had promised Mokuba that he would bring Noah back to the real world. About a year after Battle City, Noah was put into a body. This was done by none other than by Kaiba Corp. Pure luck had lead Kaiba to Noah, because Noah had his mind so well hid. Noah wanted to make sure his mind wouldn't be damaged. Once his mind was found, Kaiba had to track down a recently dead, but healthy body for Noah. Just that day, a 14 boy died that had no connection to anyone. Kaiba checked with everybody he could, just to make sure no family existed. With his last guardian's approval, Noah was placed into this healthy body. Noah was a little shaky at first, but with Mokuba's help, Noah grew to become human again. They became the best of friends. Noah even taught Mokuba how to play duel monsters on the expert level.

At first those who were trapped in cyber space with Noah, were very wary of his intentions. Despite all doubt, Kaiba was the first to accept the tournament being played in cyber space. Shortly after, others began to agree to these terms. With that, all that was needed was preparation.

Yugi shuffled through his deck, he was a little scared that he wasn't ready. "Um, Grandpa could I have a card?"

Grandpa wanted Yugi to use some of his cards, it was like part of his soul would be in Yugi's deck. "It depends on the card you want to borrow." But Solomon didn't want to give Yugi something he may need.

Yugi had to think hard to decide on what he could use, Windstorm of Etaqua seemed to fill the void in Yugi's deck. It was a trap card that changed the modes of all face-up Monsters on the Field. (ATK mode changes to
DEF mode, and DEF mode changes to ATK mode.) "I want to have this trap card."

Having no use for it, Grandpa reached into the case, snatching it up. "Sure borrow it and James you can borrow a card from me also."

James had gone over his deck a few times, he didn't need anything extra. "Nope I have all I need, c'mon Yugi head out to my car." He was confident that everything he need lie in his deck.

*Mai's apartment*

"Jou, are you ready yet?" Mai was standing by the door. She had been waiting on Jou for a few minutes. Impatience was a dead virtue with Mai.

Jou on the other hand couldn't find two important things; one his left shoe and two his Kanan the Swordmistress card. He main worry was that he had lost his newly acquired Kanan. "Mai, where's my left shoe and the Kanan card?"

Yelling, "Dammit Jou, your left shoe is on your foot and the card is in a case on the counter." Mai had passed by the card that morning and she saw Jou put on his shoe.

Doing the anime fall, Jou picked himself up, and grabbed the card. "Thank you, I'd be lost without you." With no further delay, Mai and Jou ran to the car. Jou prayed for his life, because Mai was forcing the car to go as fast as possible.

* Anzu's Home*

"Anzu where's that skirt you said I could borrow?" Rebecca had stayed the night with Tea. She wanted to get some of Anzu's advice on her deck. But she ended up staying up late and she was rushing to get ready. She had been looking for this red skirt all morning."

"Look on the bed, under my white shirt." Unlike Rebecca Anzu had been spending her morning getting ready, she wanted to look her best for her teammate James. The two had really gotten close, just like Rebecca and Yugi.

Walking out in the skirt, Rebecca was ready for this tournament. "Let's get going, we can't be late." The two rushed out of Anzu's house.

*Tournament grounds*

Up in front of the crowd stood Noah, Mokuba, and Pegasus. Pegasus was wearing a red tuxedo, Noah was wearing a white tuxedo, and Mokuba wore black. They seemed like a Ying and a Yang symbol. Part of the partnership with Pegasus, was that he had to supply them with what ever Duel Monsters cards they needed. Pegasus had no qualms with this part of the terms. Noah was the first to speak. "Thank you for showing up I'd like to first direct your attention to Maximillion Pegasus, the partial host of this tournament."

Standing up, Pegasus to the microphone from Noah's left hand. He looked out over the crowd, his hair concealing his reacquired millennium eye. Pegasus had it returned to him by Shadi, who new that it was rightfully his. He hadn't done this since Duelist Kingdom, yet he was happy to be up here again. "please direct you attention to the vendors that line over to the left, they are selling single duel monster cards. Each one of you may purchase one, beware each and everyone is the only one. That means there is no duplicates, no extras. To better your chances of one that suites you, each pack is marked. What I mean is they state what card type and element each card is. So choose wisely, you only have one chance. Please go and purchase your card." He wanted no complaining from people about what they got.

Every one in the line wanted their chance at their destined card. "Serenity, what type are you going for?" As usual Honda was flirting with Serenity. Which didn't matter they were dating and they were on the same team.

"I'm not for sure, but I know it'll be a good card." She was still very kind and supportive. Serenity's deck showed it, the deck itself was based around what some would call weak monsters.

"Hey sis, I'm going to get a fire warrior card." Jou just couldn't wait to get his card, so he just had to announce to the world what type he would get.

Further towards the front James and Yugi stood talking, being up that far was from James picking up Yugi and running as fast as he could. "James could I…" Yugi trailed off with his question, he was embarrassed that he had forgot his money.

"Yugi do need money?" James stared down on Yugi's, nodding head, and remembered Yugi's money was in his car. "Ok I'll by the card for you." They smiled and walked up to the vendor. "I'll take on Magician Light pack and my cousin will take a Magician Dark pack." James handed the vendor the money, then the two down waiting for the gang.

One by one everybody got their pack and then began to swarm around Yugi and James. Espa, Grandpa, Mako, Bakura, Otogi, Honda, and more showed up. They all waited to open their packs until every one was their. Oddly enough Kaiba stood near the group; but it was only to get and edge on his competitors. "How do we decide who starts opening their pack first?" Yugi always had a clever way of deciding things like this, but he hadn't an idea for this.

Otogi pulled out 4 dice, "we each role these dice and we go in order by least to greatest." They each rolled the numbers went as so; (these are rolled and random) Serenity 3, Anzu 4, Honda 5, Bakura 6, Otogi 8, James 9, Yugi 10, Rebecca 12, Espa 13, Ishizu 15, Grandpa 17, Mako 19, Jou 20, Kaiba 21, Mai 24.

"Yay I get to go first." Serenity was thrilled, she wanted to show off her powerful new card. Opening her pack revealed a trap card. "Ooh, I got a card called Fate of the Weak." Kaiba was especially interested in the card, just by its name. He hated the weak, but this would just give him pleasure. Or so he thought.

"Well what does it do exactly?" Grandpa wanted to know what it could do. Unlike Kaiba, he believed in defending the weak.

Taking the card closer, she read aloud. "It says, This can be only activated when a monster with 500 attack points or less is attacked; all monsters with 500 attack points or

less on your side of the field now has 3000 attack points. (This applies even for monsters summoned after this card is activated; it stops working when this card is destroyed.)" Kaiba's eyes went wide; this made even weak monsters a match for his Blue Eyes White Dragon, even though he didn't have them. He'd definitely have to watch himself. The picture on the card showed a massive petit angel, hovering over a cowering Sengenjin.

Next Anzu opened her pack, this revealed to be a high star Angel. "I got a 7 star Angel, her name is Dancing Saint." This time Rebecca was the interested one it was powerful woman, with the stats of 2850/ 2400. She envied Anzu's immense luck, because she played a woman deck. The picture on the card was that of an angel dancing, with her wings spread. (Looks like Anzu in a set of white robes, with a pair of wings, and a halo.)

Honda wanted so badly to get a powerful card, he really needed some muscle in his deck. "Well now isn't this cool, I got a monster called Advanced Assasin. The effect reads, when this monster battles any other type of monster other than a warrior its attack points become 3000." Again Kaiba had to worry, he still hadn't located any of his Blue Eyes White Dragon, and two people had cards to match them.

It depicted a gray android, with long brown hair. It had neon green eyes and sharp fingers. Its abs and joints were a blood red.

"Open yours Bakura." Anzu really wanted to see what he got; he had always had a dark way of getting what he wanted.

Opening the pack a magic card was revealed, it was called Comedian. This was a shock for everyone, the mysterious Bakura had been given a card called Comedian this was irony at its best. Even Bakura was skeptical about what he had just gotten. "Strange but powerful, this is its magic; for each monster on your opponents side of the field you may; for each monster on your opponents side of the field you may;

Summon a level 4 or lower monster for each from your hand

Draw 1 card.

Mai thought this was an exceptionally nice card, "Wow Bakura, you have some strange luck. This card could easily win a Duel."

"You think so, thanks Mai." Bakura was definitely glad to hear Mai. He always worried if she'd been okay, after Battle City. He liked Mai, but his spirit really didn't care for her. The card showed a strange smiling fiend, in one hand held face down cards and the other held small duel monsters.

Duke had also become very interested in duel monsters. So naturally he was stoked when it came to his turn. "I'm next let's see here, mine's a Fiend with an effect. It says when this card is destroyed, you may activate anyone magic or trap card from the field, your hand, and or deck. Well that will work great." The picture was of a small fiend, in extremely large robes. Holding up was a magic and a trap card. He smiled thought how much easier it will be for him to play dice field with this card.

"James, it's your turn to reveal your secret." Kaiba's voice was his normal cold and emotionless sound. At this everyone turned to see the unnoticed Kaiba. He was leaning against a tree. He seemed quite deep in thought.

As everyone turned back, James was already reading aloud his cards text. "Hey I got a card called Dark Magician's Advocates."

Before he could continue, Jou had to know what an Advocate was. "What is an advocate?"

Mai was already mad at Jou being late and now he was being rude. So she hit him. "A mentor." He rubbed his newly bruised head.

"As I was saying, he's six stars, 2200 atk/ 1800 def, light, and has an effect. It reads; when this card is sent to the graveyard you may move 2 magic or trap cards from your graveyard to your hand. If it is returned to your deck or hand you may add one card from your deck to your hand. The deck is then shuffled." Both Granpa and Yugi were intrigued, this card was definitely deadly. Yugi was worried that James might have gotten the only Dark Magician between the two of them. The picture showed a young Dark Magician reading a book, with an older Dark Magician and his Girl over the boy.

Yugi really wanted another Dark Magician support card, so he was hoping to pull something useful. As he opened the top, he could read "Dark Magician's Brethren." He let out a "Yes… I got a Dark Magician's Brethren." Laughing at this out burst, everybody listened to hear what it can do. "It says that when this card is summoned, you may special summon a card with Dark Magician in its name from your hand. I'm gonna be able to do summon a Dark Magician so much easier." Yugi was smiling, laughing; he was like a little kid with candy.

Before Rebecca could open her, Noah spoke again. "Please, everyone the tournament will soon start. Please will the main duelist teams come with me and everyone else goes to their respective homes, and place on your VR sets." Beginning to separate, the group each went their separate ways. Yugi, Rebecca, James, Tea, Jou, Mai, Mako, Espa, Kaiba, and Ishizu were the ones from the group to follow Noah. Also Rex, Weevil, Panic, and Bandit Keith followed Noah.

Just before they got too far, Grandpa had thought about Kaiba's recent loss, and called him back. "Kaiba, please come here." Kaiba mentally cursed at Solomon.

"What old man." He was a little annoyed by this hold up.

"Use my Blue Eyes, I don't need it." He tried to hand it to Kaiba.

Pushing it away Kaiba was too stubborn and declined. "No, I'll get mine back." He then took off and caught the group. Noah, Mokuba, and Pegasus quietly led the group. The trio had to think about many different aspects of the tournament. Who the favorites were, who had promise, which didn't. They were walking down a pure metal hall. It had no rust, or dirt, just random graffiti. All of the graffiti had to do with duel monsters. The largest was a Dark Magician and a Blue Eyes. Everybody had slowed and stared at these works of art. Before they realized it, they had been led into a giant metal room.

"Now we will randomly select two duelists, for our preliminary match. This means nothing; it is just to give everyone a show." Mokuba was smiling; he wanted to see if Kaiba would duel. "Pick!" The machine had begun to work, it was humming. Extending his left hand, Mokuba caught the first ball. On it was a Flame Swordsman. "Well Jou you have been picked, shall we see your opponent."

Jou was so excited; he wanted a duel so badly. He had just won a large tournament recently, so he was just a little big headed.

"Pick!" Mokuba called out to the machine again. Jou wanted it to be Kaiba so badly, he was ready for him. This time the ball that fell had a Dark Magician, with Yugi's name under it. "We now get to witness Yugi and Jou once again duel each other." To platforms plummeted towards the ground, they suddenly stopped sending dust every where.

The two stepped, giving no extra thought, on to their respective platforms, and then they were whisked into the air. Close at their heals, was the rest of the dueling spectators. Each of them had a nice chair to sit in. Pegasus even had wine next to him and a glass of it in his right hand. Mokuba on the other hand had a bucket of popcorn and a large Dr. Pepper. Then James had a bag of starburst in one and and skittles in the other. They would witness this duel in style.

They ascended about a yard of the top of the building, there were cameras flying around them. Noah had wanted everyone to see this duel. "Please each of you choose your deck master." Noah was speaking loud and clear.

Jou had to really think, "Um, I'm not going to choose Flame Swordsman he'll expect that." The thing was Yugi had that same thought. "Think Jou what would be a good monster… Goblin Attack Force." Yelling out, Jou revealed his Deck Master, "I will use Goblin Attack Force as my Deck Master." After being place, an army of goblins ran out next to Jou. They were all wearing purple sleeveless shirts and leather armor.

"I to have chosen, I will take Gaia the Fierce Knight as my Deck Master." An armor clad knight, came charging out onto the field on a purple horse.

Noah again yelled to the duelist, "Please reveal your bottom card." With no questions they each did. Jou's card was a magic card, but Yugi's was Kuriboh. "Yugi, you may start this duel."

He picked up his opening hand consisting of; Numerous Healer, Chain Destruction, Retrained Celtic Guardian, Fairy's Hand Mirror, Des Feral Imp, and Summoned Skull. "I Retrained summon Celtic Guardian in attack mode and place two cards face down." Yugi had wanted to start out with a strong defensive monster.

"My move," Jou's hand Kanan the Swordmistress, Shield and Sword, Zombyra the Dark, Drop Off, Monster Reborn, Recycle. "I summon Kanan the Swordmistriss in attack mode." Out of the card came a green armored, red headed, woman holding a shield and a sword. She was floating just barely of the ground. "Now I set one card and play Shield and Sword." The Retrained Celtic Guardian's attack strength dropped by two hundred, while all Kanan did was switch hands in which they were holding the shield and sword. "Now Kanan, attack Yugi's weakened Retrained Celtic Guardian." Kanan swiftly floated over to the Guardian; with one swing of her sword he was gone. The sword also pierced Yugi's chest, he coughed as his life points dropped to 7800.

"I draw…" Yugi was readily cut off by Jou.

"Reveal, Drop Off that card goes to the graveyard." Jou was dancing inside.

"I place one monster face down." Yugi had a plan now.

Jou draws and begins to laugh. "In the next turn, I'm going to place one of the most powerful duel monsters that exist, starting with the card I just drew." Jou was staring at the card he bought, his Master Flame Champion. "But for know I'll just summon Zombrya the Dark in attack mode, ending my turn."

Yugi then drew his next card; it was the pot of greed. "I play Pot of Greed." A green pot appears, turning around it was smiling. Yugi drew two cards; now his hand was Card Destruction, Chain Destruction, Summon Skull, and Pixie Knight. "Now I play Card Destruction, all our cards in our hand goes to graveyard." Yugi's new hand Bistro Butcher, Des Koala, waboku, and Magician of Faith. "I set another monster and another card face down."

Jou's new hand consisted of ;( including the card he just drew) scapegoat, Unfriendly amazon, Salamandra, and eternal rest. "I summon Unfriendly Amazon, and then I'll have Zombrya attack your left facedown card." (Des Feral Imp) A bone like warrior, with skin tight blue clothing appears behind the hidden imp. Wrapping its cape around the card, the Des feral imp explodes.

"Thank you, know I can add one card from my graveyard to my deck, and I choose my Summoned Skull. Yugi draws his next card, it reveals it self as Banner of Courage. "Now I play Bistro Butcher in attack mode and then play banner of courage. The violet purple goblin came out of his card; he had a sword in his left hand. On his right was a bronze hook. He wore red clothing, with a red chef's hat.

"Now my butcher, attack his Zombrya, with your Hook and Slash." The butcher walked over to the warrior, he swung his hook into his arm. He then took a mighty sweep to his neck, above his shoulder blade. This time Jou's life points dropped to 7900.

"Now Yugi, I'll draw three cards thanks to your butcher." Jou's hand now was scapegoat,

Salamandra, eternal rest, Flame swordsman, Fire Kraken, Token Thanksgiving.

"I'll summon Flame Swordsman with Salamandra, and then I'll set two cards." Jou really wasn't sure about Yugi's face down cards.

Picking up his next card Yugi wasn't disappointed. "I summon Magician of Faith getting back my Card Destruction, which I'll play." Both duelist placing their hands in the graveyard, they draw new cards. Yugi's hand: Ready for Interception, Monster Reborn, and Mirror Force. Jou's hand: Giant Trunade, Stray Lambs, Graverobber, and Little Swordsman of Aile. (face down token thanksgiving scapegoat)

"Now I will set 2 more cards and have my Bistro Butcher attack Kanan." Yugi's Butcher merely just slashed the Mistress with its claw, dropping Jou's life points to 7300.

Drawing three cards Jou's turn began. "First I will play Giant Trunade, then I will summon Little Swordsman of Aile, and play four more cards face down." A little boy dressed in brown monk's robes, rode onto the field on a giant lizard. He carried a crooked sword.

"Now I will have my Little Swordsman attack Magician of Faith and my Flame Swordsman will attack your Butcher." The lizard crawled over to the Magician, the boy on its back swung down with his sword destroying her. Flame Swordsman's sword burst wildly with a flame produced by Salamandra. Began walking, slowly picking up speed, until he burst into a battle charge. Just like the little swordsman had done to the magician. Sharp pain coursed through Yugi's body, then his life points dropped by 700. His life points are now at 7100.

"Well played Jou, you've definitely improved." Yugi wanted a little conversation.

"Thank you, but I have so much more to use." Jou wanted to win this match and it was starting to look that way.

Picking up his next card, Yugi studied his hand; Ready for Interception, Monster Reborn, Mirror Force, Numerous Healer, Fairy's hand mirror, A Feint Plan. "First I will play Monster Reborn on Magician of Faith and then I will set 5 cards face down."

Jou was sure Yugi had a trap for him, so he thought carefully through his moves. "First I activate my face down card stray lambs." Two lambs came to the field, the first was pink, and the second was white. "Now I tribute them to power up my little swordsman and he will attack you magician of faith."

"Wrong Jou, first I activate ready for Intercepting placing Magician of Faith in face down defense position." Yugi stopped for Jou's reaction.

A little annoyed, Jou yelled. "What's your point Yuge, it will still be annihilated?"

"Now I activate my other trap Feint Plan, which stops all your monsters from attacking my face down cards for one turn." Yugi definitely wanted to keep his Magician.

Grumbling, "Fine I'll end my turn."

"Ok first I will summon Magician of Faith, getting back my monster reborn." A young mage came out, she was holding a staff. At the top was a large moon crest, in which the Monster Reborn jewel appeared like a spirit. It floated to Yugi's hand, just has he fished out Monster Reborn.

"Next I will play monster reborn, to summon Master Flame Champion in attack mode." On the field stepped a giant, who ranked amongst Exodia and Gate Guardian. His body was built like a Hino Kagu Tsuchi. He wore shogun armor and carried a large katana. (Similar to Tetsaiga from Inuyasha, but bigger.)

"Damn, my turn I'll draw." He drew Legendary Fisherman, his hand; Legendary Fisherman, Adhesion Trap Hole. (Facedown; Scapegoat, Token Thanksgiving, Graverobber.) "I'm done for now."

"My turn, I draw." Yugi drew nothing of importance, but he was stopped by Jou.

He seemed terrified by his mistake. "oh no, I forgot to switch my little swordsman to defense position."

"Now, Master Flame Champion attack his little swordsman of Aile." Taking his sword, the champion plunged his sword to the ground, send a fissure towards the boy.

"Well Yuge, now I tribute Unfriendly Amazon to boost his attack, then activate scapegoat, and tribute all four tokens." The swordsman's sword began to glow, it was sucking up the souls of the Amazon and the tokens. The fissure drew near, but was closed by the boy's power. As he fell, the swordsman swung at the Champion taking him down in one swing. Yugi to was hit by the power, his life points dropped down to 5600."

From down below Pegasus called up to the two. "I'm sorry boys, we'd love to see how this pans out, but time's up." Jou and Yugi only watched as their monsters faded to nothing, Jou had almost won. On the ground Yugi walked away, as if he was in a trance. He almost lost because he underestimated Jou. Pegasus found it odd that neither of the two used their deck master's abilities.

Grabbing him by the shoulder, Kaiba squeezes to get his attention. "Yugi, wake up, Jou isn't as bad as he once was. But he's still nothing compared to you and me, don't dwell on it. Just beat him the next time and don't pull that childish shit." He walked away, angered by Yugi's poor display of dueling. He was tired of Yugi holding Jou's hand, Jou needed to stand on his one two damn feet.

If you readers would be so kind as to send me what you have gotten in packs of cards. I need to know what all nine cards are and the set that they came from. Just one pack will be fine, but if you have information on a couple feel free to email it to me at James_Khaos1162@msn.com this is for my next chapter.