Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Drops ❯ Always There When You Least Suspect It ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Karenu-anime: Hey!!!! I'm back!!! Here's a tip, if you people are reading my stories and then wow, it's gone and it happens like a lot of times. Don't fret. Me, being a perfect freak, re-upload a lot of times to maintain perfect chapters.

Yami: You are way too observant for your own good.

Karenu-anime: -_- So????

Yami: -_-; never mind.

Karenu-anime: Now on with the 3rd chapter of Water Drops. If you guys haven't noticed, I'm typing really carelessly, and if I have mistakes, boo-hoo for you!!

Yami: Karenu-anime does not own Yu-Gi-Oh, but wished she did.

Karenu-anime: Now on with the story!!!

Chapter III:

It was a lonely night and Ryou couldn't sleep, not with his beloved Bakura out there (Karenu-anime: Could I get any cheesier??). He woke up and sat on his bed thinking. <<Why did he leave me?>> Ryou thought, <<Why did he go??>>. He wanted to find out. The curiosity was getting to him. He wanted to find Bakura, but he knew he wouldn't be able to find him. <<Guess tomb robbing has more ups than downs than I thought.>> he mused. Ryou hoped that he was safe from danger, since he knew that Bakura had a lot of enemies.

Unknown to him, Bakura was still watching at him. Bakura was thinking how to tell Ryou that he loved him. It was harder then he suspected. He thought that all he had to do was tell he loved him and then screw with silly. It was an understatement.

Ryou looked out and saw a person sitting on the rooftop of a very kind neighbor of his. It looked like……..Bakura?!

Quickly, Ryou opened the window and yelled Bakura. Bakura quickly shot out of his thinking phase. Bakura quickly jumped on to a nearby tree and ran. "Bakura!" Ryou yelled. Tears welled up in his eyes and looked at the night sky one last time before he fell asleep. Before he fell asleep though, he remembered a memory that seemed so long ago to him:


Ten years old Ryou jumped up and down when his father came home. "Daddy, do you know what came out of my Ring?" Ryou asked. "What?" Ryou's dad asked. "A-.." Ryou started, but a voice stopped him. <<You better not tell him who I am LITTLE HIKARI.>> Ryou shuddered. "Nothing, daddy, nothing at all." Ryou said quietly. "Oh…………" Ryou's dad mumbled. Ryou went upstairs to let his daddy rest. He quickly fell into darkness as he was pulled into the Ring.

When he was awake, he felt someone watching him. Bakura was watching him intently. Before he knew what was what Bakura had his lips on Ryou's in a bruising kiss. After that, Bakura returned Ryou back to "reality".

********************End Flashback*******************************

Ryou smiled at the memory before drifting off to endless slumber with thoughts on Bakura never leaving him…………


Karenu-anime: How was it?? Thanks so much for all those people who reviewed!! You guys are the inspiration to my stories!!!! Thank you soooooooooo much!!!!

Yugi: Review plz!!! Thanx!!!

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again!!!!!