Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Drops ❯ Chapter V ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*********Since you guys have been so nice, I'll give you guys a special treat. An Anzu bashing chapter!!!!***********************

Anzu was walking along the shoreline and it started to rain. Anzu started to get pissed off at it. "My shirt's going to get ruined!!!" Anzu screamed, "Now Yami is going to think I'm a slut!!"(A/N: He already does!!) Then the lightning started and almost gave her a heart attack when thunder came. The rain started pouring really hard. She was traveling to the Game Shop to talk to Yami. Yami had asked her to come. She was walking along the shoreline because she found out this was a shortcut to the Game Shop when she was stalking Yami one day.

When she got there, she heard some noises in the kitchen. She then heard somebody give a little scream that sounded like it came from Yugi. When she walked to the kitchen, she almost fainted. There on the kitchen counter was Yugi and Yami making out and nearly having sex. They were very, very, very, close. Anzu did one thing on her mind. She screamed. Yugi and Yami looked up. Yugi was flushing and panting, and Yami was just smirking. "Hello, Anzu." Yami spoke up, "I have something to tell you." Anzu regained her composure. Anzu asked eagerly what it was. She hoped it was that he and Yugi making out was only a minor accident and that he was thinking about her the whole time. "Anzu, stop following me." Yami said bluntly, "You're starting to worry Yugi." Unfortunately, Yugi was still flushed and panting because Yami's hand was still was traveling around his body, mostly the lower part of the body. Anzu was dumbfounded. (A/n: So many uses for that word.) "I haven't been following you." Anzu lied. Yami just looked at her sternly and removed his hands from Yugi, which caused a small whimper from him. Anzu then decided to blurt everything out. "Yami, I want you," Anzu started, "just leave Yugi and come with me, I can give you so much more." Yami just smirked. His hands returning to Yugi's body which caused Yugi to arch at the touch. "Yugi can give me everything I need," Yami said," while you can only please people with your filthy body, leave before I mind crush you and never follow us ever again." Anzu remained where she was, she new Yami wouldn't do anything to hurt Yugi's feelings, since she was his "friend". She was mistaken.

Yami soon kissed Yugi softly on the lips and then on the neck. Yugi moaned. "May I please get rid of her, baby?" Yami whispered loud enough for Anzu to hear, "After that we could have some fun…….." Yami whispered suggestively. All Yugi did was growled in frustration. Finally he spoke, and Anzu couldn't believe what Yugi said. "Do whatever you want with her Yami," Yugi said through pants and moans, "except have sex with her." Yami just smirked. "Sex is only reserved for you baby, don't worry." Yami whispered. Yami then turned to Anzu, who looked horrified. Yami the turned back to Yugi and whispered some dirty words to him and pulled him towards him in one movement. Yugi moaned in the contact. Yami then turned back to Anzu. "Sayonara, Anzu," Yami said, "May you rot and never see us again." With that Yami mind crushed her. Her whole body disappeared with such powerful mind crush from the former pharaoh. With that Yami carried Yugi upstairs to do some unfinished………………business.


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