Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ All You Have... ❯ My savior ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


All you have...


"Kagome-sama looks wonderful in the blue kimono she choose!" A maid cooed as Kagome stepped away from them as they finished dressing her.

"Thank you for you praise.." She murmmered as she made to go kneel on a cushion before a low table.

"Breakfast will me served in an hour milady..." One said meekly.

Kagome just nodded.

The maids bowed lowly to her before quickly leaving her room.

As soon as she heard the door shut she sighed and let her head drop and slam on to the table.


"Ooowwwww......" She moaned thanking the heavens she was finally alone. Raising her head she didn't bother rubbing it as she easily swung it back down.

Maybe if I do this long enough she'd up and this is all just a horrible, horrible nightmare.


"Fat chance.." She muttered.

She had only been here for two days and she was already losing her sanity.









The beautiful young princess continued hitting her head on the wood, wondering how long unitl she went insane.. or if she alread had.


Youko slipped past the two guards as he ran through the palace gardens. He had gathered some information on his way here and learned the princess' room was on the highest level to the farthest right.

The silver kitsune evading passing maids and servants and scaled on to the roof. Sneaking up to the side so he leaned percariously over the edge his silver hair falling over his face. Suddenly he became aware of a solid wapping sound and the scent of a enticing jasmine and spring rain filled his senses driving him mad.

Looking in to the open window he saw a young woman sitting before a table... hitting her head against it?

Was she mad?

"You know that can't be good for your health..." He said sarcastically.

She raised her head to look at him and he took a sharp intake of breath.

'Kuronoue was right... she IS beautiful..'

Kagome bit her lip watching the handsome kitsune looking in to her window...

She frowned saying

"I know.."

He raised an eyebrow at her telling her to go on.

"This place is driving me mad..." She said annoyed propping her chin in her palm as he elbow leaned on the table. "So what are you doing here?"

He looked at her trying to figure it out. She was supposed to me a well mannerred princess with dignity, and alarmed when anything out of the ordinary happened... like a man hanging off the roof talking to her. But, no here she was talking to him like an friend and seemly bored out of her mind.

"I'm here on... buisness..." He said not wanting to alarm her.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Reeeaaalllllyyy now? Is that why your on the roof and hiding from the guards?" She said sarcastically as a grin appeared on her face.

He watched her and noted how observant she was.

"So I lied." He said coldly.

"Obviously..." She said smiling at him "Need any help getting in? I don't think that position is very comfortable..."

This time Youko was shocked. She was inviting a man that could possibly kidnap her in to her room?

He just snorted.

She rolled her eyes getting up and started pulling him inside.

Only somehow she pulled too roughly and began falling backwards, him with her.

"Eeep..!" She said as he landed on top of her.

Youko had to admit... the position was rather enjoyable...

He slowly slid off of her and saw she was blushing as he she sat up.

He looked at him and sent her a smirk. She glared at him but was still blushing red.

Therre was a small silence before she asked.

"So who are you anyways?"

Youko debated for a minute on whether or not to tell her.

"My name is Youko Kurama..."

He expected her to start screaming her head but she did the exact opposite.

She leaned forward her blue orbs filled with excitment as she said

"Really?! I've heard about you!! Are the stories really true?!?!"

He watched curiously.

"Some are.." He said slowly "Why?"

"Well.... Makai sems so grand only I've never really got to be outside with out maids and servants screaming at me to be proper or telling me to go back inside...." She made a face which madei t very hard for the cold youkai to not smile.

"Is that so?"

She nodded.

"Yes.. I've been to the human realm and it's full of adventure only i wondered what Makai was like...."

He raised an eyebrow.

"How did you get to that realm?"

She smiled.

"Thats were I went the past seventeen years!" Kagoem said grinning.

"You mean where your kidnappers took you?"

Her grin widened in to a full blown smirk as she crossed her arms over her chest proudly.

"Kidnappers? That was only a cover-up! I left on my own to leave this place.... and I think its the best time I've ever had...!"

He watched the girl grinning happily in new respect. So, she had managed to escape this place before huh? One more time wouldn't hurt..

"So what is your name princess?" He said saying the last part sarcastically getting a dirty look from her.

"My name is Kagome and if you call me princess again I'll beat you to a bloody pulp..." She said a faint growl in her voice.

He just smirked at her.

"So do you really want to see Makai?"

She looked at him her eyes first showing surprise and then happiness.

"Yes! If I stay here for another day I'll go mad!!"

"Okay then you can come with me.. only you'll have to pull another 'kidnap' again.." He said grining.

She challenged it with her own.

"No problem.. just give me a minute to get ready.." She said standing up heading for her closet. Then as an afterthought said "Oh and could you turn around? I'm going to change.."

He complied to her wish but begrudgingly.

He could hear her shifting behind him and the sound of silk being dropped on to the ground. Youko unable to restrain his curiousity sneaked a small peek and felt his eyes widened slightly.

'Goddess....' was the only thought that ran through his head before he quickly turned his gaze back to the wall, seemingly captivated by it.

A few more minutes passed before Kagome voice said "Okay I'm done you can turn around now..."

He listened and stood and turned his gaze to her. What he saw was a starling but deffinately good, change. She had changedo ut of her fancy kimono to a rather tight outfit. It was a long sleeved sapphire blue shirt which showed most of her stomach. She wore pants like his own only they were pure black instead of white like his. She wore slippers and had her black hair pulled back in to a high horsetail.

Youko grinned as he walked around her in circles as she stayed still waiting for him to finish.

He stopped before her smirking.

"Not bad.."

"Gee... thanks..." She said dryly.

He stopped and asked seriously

"So are you ready?"

She nodded the mood catching on.

"Yes.. follow mt lead okay?"

Now this was a new concept for the legendary badit for he was used to leading instead of following but was nodded anyways.

She pulled a mask on to her face (A/N: think Sango here people) and walked ot her door. Casting one last glance at him she asked.



She turend back and pulled hte door open and darted out in to the halls followed by him. They ran at dangerously high speeds appearing to be nothing more that blurs. They reached a large gate leading to the courtyard and Youko frowned wondering how she was going to get past them.

Without hesitation Kagome leapt forward and kicked the first guard across the face in a high kick then hitting the other in the neck leaving both unconcious. She stood before the door shouts of maids already drawing attention.

Damnit Kagome.. what are you up to?!! He thought.

She clasped her hands together and glared at the door and muttered something. Her hands glowed blue and she rested then against the door. The huge gate shattered in to tiny slivers showing in to the courtyard alarming several people. Although the two foxes didn't take any notice as they darted out in to the clean air. Leaping up the castle walls the stood on the edge looking back at their handy work.

A large group of gurds and samurai stood below them snarling and hissing.

Then Kagome spoke in a serious voice even tempting to Youko.

"Stupid men! You should pay less attention to us and instead your dear princess! While you were chasing us our men took her out the other way with no problem!! We're taking her with us and if you don't want her hurt then you won't follow us!!"

Then without second thought they turned and leapt off the wall heading out in to the clear landscape of Makai.

After a good half hour of running they slowed about to come to a stop when all of a sudden something threw itself at him.

This something being Kagome.

"We did it!" She said her arms still thrown around his neck "It worked!"

Youko was stunned for a minute before hesitantly hugging her back her mood contagious. She pulled away from him her eyes sparkling and her lips curved up in a pure esctatic smile for she had removed her mask sometime ago.

He grinned back at her and said

"So it did..."

She hugged him again saying

"Thank you Youko!!"

He just nodded but then she did yet ANOTHER thing surprising.

She turned and kissed him on the cheek before bouncing away only blushing slightly as she practically was still running around in circles cheering.

Youko watched the pure young woman dancing some forgein dance where his eyes were glued to her swaying hips.

Maybe this would be fun to have her around for a while...


Okay thats it for now....*mutters* bad Youko! Bad Youko having dirty thoughts about Kagome...*shakes head and immediately brightens up* well bye for now!!!! ^_^