Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can you give me a reasone to live ❯ An Old Evil ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok everyone here is the third chapter and I would like to say thank you to all the people that have reviewed for me since I didn't get around to it last chapter so here it goes


Bloodbunny : thank you for being the first person to review my fic and I'm sorry that I left a cliffy. ^_^









Starry Dragon Knights


I do not own Inu & co. or Yu Yu Hakusho


thinking ` '

talking " "

talking telepathically ~ ~

Youko and Kurama talking * *

^~^~^~^~^~^FLASH BACK^~^~^~^~^~^~^

@*@*@*@ POV CHANGE@*@*@*@



#%#%#%#%#%##%#%#%#Last Time#%#%%#%#%#%#%#%#

"Well we will get along just fine then but dose anyone mind telling me why I'm here?"Kagome asked



Every one just looked around at one another except Hiei who was looking out the window. "Well I'm not one to wait for very long, so if no one is going to tell me why I'm here I will take my leave now." Kagome said waiting a minute to see if they would tell her what she wanted to know. Everyone in the room looked at Hiei as if to say. ` You got us into this mess now get us out.'He let out a growl that only Kurama, Yukina, and Kagome could hear then looked Kagome straight in the eyes.


"Hn we need the information you have on the Shikon jewel." Hiei said watching Kagome. Her face stayed emotionless, but her eyes and scent gave her away. The first emotion that he saw was sadness, then hurt after that anger. But what surprised Hiei the most was after she got out of her shocked state her eyes went emotionless, and she took up a defensive stance. "Who are you people really? Why do you want to know about the jewel of four souls?" Kagome asked giving warning growls.


"We mean you no harm, we just need information on the jewel so we can tell our boss." Kurama said in a soothing tone hoping against hope that he could calm the inu-youkai down, before some thing bad happened. "I have herd that before more than ounce, and I wont tell you any thing." She said giving another threatening growl making Kuwabara, Yukina, and Botan jump in fright. Hiei stood up, and narrowed his eyes at Kagome then growled at her in return. When Kurama, and Yusuke saw this they stood up so they could be ready to end a fight if one started.


"You will tell us what you know." Hiei said with a growl. "No I wont, and if you don't mind I will leave right now." Kagome said with a growl. Kagome started to walk toward the door when Hiei got straight in front of her with his katana (SP) drawn, and at her throat ready to force the information out of her. "Hiei stop!" Botan shouted. Hiei brought his katana away from Kagome's throat. She lunged at him knocking him on his back, and his katana out of his hand. Botan jumped over th back of the love seat as did Kuwabara, and Yukina. While Kurama, and Yusuke walked toward the pair of demons that were going at each other. But received growls from both when they came with in five feet of them.


Kagome was straddling Hiei's waist, and had his arms pinned at his side so he couldn't harm her in any way. "I do not appreciate being threatened after I have been told no one will harm me" Kagome said growling more death threats toward the fire apparition under her. She loosened her grip on his arms. That was all Hiei needed to turn the tables. he flipped Kagome over on her back, and had Kagome in the same position she had him before. Except he was holding her arms above her head with one of his hands, and his other was on the floor supporting his weight so he didn't crush her. "Well I don't like to deal with bitches who don't know there place." Hiei bit out "Now tell us what you know about the jewel." Hiei growled out "Fine but get off of me first." she said a very pissed but submitting way. Hiei was off of her as fast as lightning, and standing by the door incase she tried to bolt away. Kagome got up, and sent death glares at Hiei. `What do I do? I cant tell them what happened.' Kagome thought then said the only thing that came to mind "All I know is that the protectress, and her friends were able to defeat the hanyou that was after the jewel then a wish was made on it."She looked at everyone they all seemed to be satisfied with her answer except Kurama, and Hiei.


"Now if you don't mind it is 5:30 in the morning, and I have stuff too do so can I leave now?" she asked in a agitated voice. "If you don't mind I would like to talk to my boss first, before you go any where?" Botan asked in a very cheerful voice. "How long will it take for you to get a hold of your boss?"Kagome asked still throwing death glares, and growls at Hiei. "It could take a couple of days."Botan said waiting for her reaction but none really came. All Kagome said was. "Fine but where will I stay? do you trust me enough so I can go home feed my animals get some clothes, and come back?" "Suer but you will have too have some people accompany you." Botan said giving the demoness a big smile.


"Never mind why would I want you guys to know where I live." she said as emotionless as ever then she went and sat down in the chair Hiei usually sat in while mumbling curse words under her breath. "Well I guess we will have to go shopping then."Botan said happily. "Well before we go any where can I know about the people who are holding me prisoner?"Kagome asked icily. Everyone flinched at how cold her voice was except Hiei. "What would you like to know?" Kurama asked politely. "How did you guys all meet? Why do you have a kitsune spirit in you?"she asked letting a little of her curiosity show. That's when Yusuke spoke up "It all started when I saved a little boy from being hit by a car.- (insert story) It took about two, and a half hours for Yusuke to finish. He had told her about the dark tournament, and gave little profiles about everyone.


"Now why don't you tell us about your past."Yukina said smiling "How about not." Kagome said flatly. "But we told you ours." Yusuke piped up. "Yes I know but I never said I would tell you mine."she replied. "Well now that you know about everyone why don't we pick up Keiko, and head to the mall." Botan chimed. Everyone got up from where they were sitting in Hiei's case standing. Then started walking through the portal that Botan had opened up. Kagome was hesitant to step through the portal seeing this Hiei decide to have a little fun.


~Scared?~ Hiei thought

~No. Why do you ask?~ Kagome thought/asked

~Hn no reason just wondered why you haven't followed everyone else.~

~I'm not scared I just didn't want to go right away.~ Kagome lied

~Hn oh really then you won't mind if I do this~ Hiei thought as he pushed Kagome through the portal, and was rewarded by getting a small `eep' from the demoness as she went through. He then quickly followed


*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*At The Mall*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*


It had taken twenty minutes to get to the mall, due to Yusuke being hit with a frying pan because he had left Keiko on a date three days ago. Kagome had been so pissed off at Hiei for pushing her in to the portal she had attacked him the minute he got through. They all final arrived in one piece at the mall, everyone walked in side. "Where should we go first?"Keiko asked while looking around. "First of all I have one question before we go any where, who will be paying for all of this?"Kagome asked in a dull tone. "Koenma of course." Botan said all cheerfully. "What do you mean Koenma is going to pay for it?" Yukina, Keiko, and Kagome asked at the same time. "Being the grim reaper has its perks you know, and one of them is being able to bye what ever I want. While not having to pay for it! Ok so where should we go first?" Botan asked/stated "How about we go to Hot Topic." Kagome said before she walked off with everyone walking behind her.


When they all got there the girls started looking around, and the guys just followed them around. Kagome picked out a black shirt that said `Strange is not a crime.'in blood red letters. (I have a shirt that says that) Then she picked out another shirt that said. `You laugh because I'm different I laugh because you're all the same.' then another that said ` I'm going back to my own little wold cause people know me there.' After that she also picked out three black tank tops, and a couple pairs of black baggy jeans with an assortment of chains, and zippers on them. After they paid for the stuff they went to four other stores when Kuwabara said "I'm hungry can we please get some thing to eat now." Then right after he said that his stomach growled getting some giggles from Keiko, Yukina, and Botan. While Kagome got a disgusted look on her face, and said some thing about stupid humans.


When they got to the food court they bought two large pizzas one with pepperoni, and the other with sausage. While they ate the girls excluding Kagome chatted about the guys, clothes, and what not. While the guys excluding Hiei talked a bout the girls, and battle strategies. After about an hour of talking, and eating Kagome asked a question she had been wondering for a while. "Where will I be staying, and who will I be staying with?" she asked out of the blue. "Well you will be staying with Kurama, and Hiei."Botan finished with a big gulp when she saw the evil look Kagome was giving her. When Kurama saw this he growled at Kagome, and got strange looks from everyone. Except Hiei, and Kagome who had smirks on there faces but no one was quit suer why.


~It's about damn time fox.~ A voice in Kurama's head said

~Is that you Hiei?~ Kurama thought

~Hell no do I sound like Hiei?~ the voice said letting how agitated they were go threw the link

~Well who is it then? and what do you mean `it's about damn time'?~ Kurama thought getting angry.

~It's me Kagome. Stop playing dumb you know damn well what I meant when I said `it's about damn time'. But if you like I could spell it out to you. it is about damn time you started showing your feelings for Botan, even if it was just a small growl cause I was scaring her.~ Kagome thought getting cocky.

~What are you talking about?~ Kurama thought trying to play dumb

~Don't act stupid. I know all about the feelings you have for Botan, cause me, and Youko had a long talk while you were daydreaming.~She thought starting to get annoyed, and disconnecting the link


`Why can't he just tell Botan how much he cares for her' Kagome thought to her self

`Why are you so cold, and uncaring?' a voice asked in Kagome's head

`Who the hell are you?' Kagome asked the voice

`I'm you sort of. I'm the conscience you locked away about two years ago. Now answer my question why are you so cold, and uncaring?' her conscience asked/told her

`That's just how I am. Now go away, and leave me alone.' Kagome thought getting really annoyed

`No I will not go away. Since you are so cold, and uncaring that means you probably don't take orders from anyone. Not to mention don't give a damn about what they think. But what I don't understand is why you are being so submissive to that ever so cute fire apparition over there.' her conscience said. If Kagome hadn't learned from the best on how to keep her emotions hidden she would have fallen out of her chair in shock.

`As much as I like to listen to you me whatever you are rant, and rave you just went to far I'm ending this conversation now. Bye!' Kagome thought as she pushed he conscience in to a little box with millions of locks on it.


Kagome came out of her stupor to find that Keiko, and Botan had been trying to get her attention for a while. "Hn" was all Kagome said Keiko took that as I didn't hear what you said, and repeated the question. "Do you want to go with us back to Kurama's, and Hiei's place or do you want to stay here." Kagome looked around there were a lot of people in the mall, and more just kept coming in since she wasn't much of a people person she left with everyone else.


It had been a week all ready, and Koenma hadn't been able to see her. The girls were going to go get Keiko so they were going to the mall again to pick up paint, and what not for the gust room since Kagome hated what it looked like. Her exact words were "Hell no if I have to stay here my room will not look like this!"so that brings us to where we are now.


When they got to Keiko's house it was a disaster pictures were smashed chairs tables were over turned. Botan pulled out her communicator, and called the guys over while Kagome searched the house. There was a familiar but sickening smell every where. When Kagome got to Keiko's room there was a note pinned to the door by a dagger that had Kieko's blood on it. She ripped the note off the door and started reading.


Dear Miko or is it Lady of the Western Lands,

I have taken your stupid human friend, just like I took your pup last time. I will give you your friend back, and no harm will come to you or any of your other friends if you give me the jewel. I just hope you haven't made a wish on it like I think you have for all of your friends's sake, because if you have they will all die. Then you will have to watch them scream, and suffer like last time.




Kagome let out an agonizing howlish sound that brought all of the spirit detectives flying up the stairs what they saw shocked them to no end. Kagome punched the wall putting a hole in it her black hair was now blood red. Her claws, and fangs were also longer, and deadlier. Then she looked her eyes were black, and they seemed to be looking straight in to there souls. "No one is to follow me. I will bring Keiko back by myself is this understood?" Kagome asked in an icy voice when they all nodded she ran off. "What happened here, and where is Keiko!"Yusuke all but yelled "I don't know but whatever happened has caused Kagome to go in to blood lust." Kurama said picking up the piece of paper Kagome dropped. Then he read it over and got a horrified look on his face. "Hiei follow Kagome you will be the only one able to keep up with her we will catch up later. Botan take this note to Koenma have him find all he can about this demon."Kurama ordered "What is going on Kurama?" Botan asked "I will tell you later but right now we have to leave if we are to help Keiko, and stop Kagome from hurting any one."Kurama yelled over his shoulder while running down the stairs with Yusuke And Kuwabara hot on his heels.


*@*@*@*@*@*@*Kagome's POV*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*


When we arrived at Keiko's the house was a disaster I couldn't believe it, and a feeling I had not felt in a long time grabbed hold of me it was fear. I ran through the house looking for any signs of who had been there, there was a scent but I couldn't place it for some reason. that is until I went up stairs, and found a note pinned to Keiko's bed room door. I read over the note twice to make suer I wasn't just reading things. But there it was his name `Naraku' I thought as I let out an agonizing howlish sound. Then everyone came running upstairs. I looked at them `I can't let them get hurt not like last time.' "No one will follow me I will bring Keiko back by myself is this understood."I commanded sounding cold, and harsh. `Naraku I don't know how you came back but I will kill you, and make sure you never come back again.' I thought then I saw every one nodded there heads, and I took off following Naraku's horrible scent. I had run about ten miles out of town when I came across a cave deep in the forest. I involuntarily shook from the look of the cave as painful memories came flooding back enough to bring me to my knees. I was so rapped up in my memories that I narrowly dodged a lightning attack that was directed at me.


"I don't know why master Naraku sent me to deal with you, you are much to weak." the arrogant demon said to me as he used lightning to attack me again. I dodged easily this time, and got behind him then sliced his head from his body. After I cleaned my claws off I ran inside ` I have no time to mess around with these dumb demons' I thought as a familiar presents made it's self known. It was Hiei but I didn't care all I wanted was to kill, and keep on killing even though my conscience was telling me to get a hold of my senses and stop.


I had beaten ten youkai before I got to where they were holding Keiko prisoner. What I saw just made me stop in my tracks right there in the middle of the cave stood Naraku with a bloody, and beaten Keiko tied up behind him. That's when I lunged at Naraku, and took his head only to find it was a doll. Part of me had known it was a doll but the other part just wanted blood, and didn't care. I let out another agonizing howlish sound then walked over to Keiko, and healed her then I felt Hiei he was right behind me. I turned around, and looked at him. He had his emotionless mask on but something about him calmed me a little. `I can't let anyone else get hurt.' I thought, and took off running to hide.


*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@Hiei's POV*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*


I saw her kill all the youkai till we got to the very back of the cave. Standing there was a youkai dressed in a baboon pelt with a beaten, and bloody Keiko behind him. Kagome attacked the youkai, and killed it but it was only a doll. Then she let out an agonizing howlish sound then went over an healed Keiko. I moved so that I was directly behind Kagome she seemed to calm a bit then she looked at me and bolted away.


~Fox I found Keiko she is in a cave ten miles away from the city.~ I thought

~Ok where Is Kagome?~ Kurama thought

~She bolted away.~I thought

~Do you know where to?~He asked

~Hn yes.~ I though

~Well go get her then~Kurama ordered

~Hn Fine~ I thought then closed the link and took off to my secret hiding place Kagome had found some time that week..


*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*Author POV*@*@*@*@*@*@*@*


Hiei ran through the forest past his house to a park six blocks away. He walked through the park till he came to some really high trees, and bushes. He pushed some aside, and found a cave entrance. He walked in the cave was lit with it's own little power source there were a hole bunch of trees, and demon plants from Makai along with some different animals it looked like a rain forest just in an inclosure but the prettiest thing of all was the water fall. Hiei looked around for Kagome. He found her sitting buy the pond where the water fall ended she was crying all of her tears turned in to black, and blue stones while others where swirled in between the two colors. He looked at her face it gave away no emotion what so ever all that told you she was crying were the little whimpering noises, and the tear stones.


`She is crying why? Why do I care? Damn bitch for making me care for her.'Hiei thought as he walked closer to Kagome "Stop crying we all have our problems, and sob stories." Hiei said in a bored tone. Kagome looked at him this time showing two emotions pain, and anger "DID YOU EVER *Sob* HAVE TO WATCH YOUR SOON TO BE MATE *Sob* PUP, AND YOUR BROTHERS, AND SISTER KILLED RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!" she yelled/cried at him. He kneeled right in front of her so he could look into her eyes, and what he saw tore him to pieces. All he could see was sadness, and pain. all he wanted to do was help her "No I didn't have to watch my soon to be mate or pup or brothers or sister get killed. But I have had bad things like that happen to me." Hiei said starting to make little growling, and purring noises to calm her down just like he did for hi sister when she was little. Kagome launched her self at Hiei, and started crying on his shoulder. Hiei did the only thing he could he wrapped his arms around her in a protective manner and started to rock her back and forth like a child. It took about ten minutes for Kagome to stop crying, and she fell asleep not to long after words. So Hiei picked her up bridal style, and carried her back home.





hope you guys liked this chapter. See I kept my promise it took a while but I updated before Easter brake is up and now I want ypu to do some thing for me read and review


well that' it Kuro out