Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can you give me a reasone to live ❯ Remembering The Past Part 1 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is going to be split up into two parts cause the chaps are going to be really long
Disclaimer I do not own Inuyasha and Co. Or Yu Yu Hakusho
thinking ` '
talking “ ”
talking telepathically ~ ~
Youko and Kurama talking * *
^~^~^~^~^~^FLASH BACK^~^~^~^~^~^~^
@*@*@*@ POV CHANGE@*@*@*@
%#%#%#%Last time%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%
It took about ten minutes for Kagome to stop crying, and she fell asleep not to long after words. So Hiei picked her up bridal style, and carried her back home.
When Hiei arrived at home, he was surprised to see the miniature ruler sitting in the living room apparently waiting for them. He went over to the same couch he had put Kagome on before, and laid her down. Hiei then went and sat down in the chair by Kagome like he had done the week before, and looked around. Yusuke was sitting in a chair with Keiko in his lap. Kuwabara was sitting by Yukina with his arm around her waist. Botan was standing by the chair Koenma was in, and Kurama was standing next to her.
“Is that her?” Koenma asked everyone but Hiei nodded. Koenma got down from the chair, and floated over to where Kagome was lying. Then he proceeded to lightly tap her face to get her to wake up. He was rewarded by the demoness growling, and then punching him in the face. Yusuke, and Kuwabara burst out laughing but stopped when Kagome got up. She looked around trying to find a place to bolt away but it was no use. “I guess I have some explaining to do?” Kagome asked in a cold tone “Yes actually, and if you don't mind start from the beginning.”Koenma said getting up from the ground. Kagome blinked to make suer she wasn't seeing things.
“Who the hell are you?” She asked her voice taking on a deadly tone Koenma took a hesitant step back. “My name is Koenma, and I'm the ruler of Reikai. Now lets get down to business. I need to know what happened to the Shikon jewel, and its protectress.” Koenma said sitting back down in his chair. “Well first of all you are looking at its protectress. and second before you interrupt me let me tell you my story.” Kagome said while looking around.
“It all started when I was fifteen, and pulled down my families well.....” (Enter story) “Wow is all I can say but that still doesn't tell me about what happened to the jewel or the other people you were with.” Koenma said in amazement “That's because I haven't told you yet. This is what happened. It was a week before our final battle we had finally put Kikyo to rest when Sesshoumaru showed he wanted to help us destroy Naraku. Some couple days before we laid Kikyo to rest Inuyasha asked me to be his mate so every thing was working out well. We had Sesshomaru's permission to become mates, and so on so forth. That was until Naraku captured Shippou. (No she wasn't Sesshomaru's mate she became the lady of the western lands another way)
^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^Flash Back ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^
“I have to leave now little brother.” Sesshomaru said as he walked over to where Rin was sleeping. “Rin it's time to go wake up” Sesshomaru said in an out of character way as he shook the little girl's shoulder. When Rin woke up, she started babbling right away “Will Rin get to come back and see Kagome?” Rin asked going to where Ah-Un was standing waiting for her “Yes but right now we need to leave.” He said as he helped Rin get on Ah-Un then they left.
“Was that really Sesshomaru?” Sango asked in disbelief at the way he was so nice to Rin. Miroku was the first to speak seeing that everyone was still in a bit of shock “Yes I do believe that is Sesshomaru.” “Hey Shippou will you go, and get some water from the river so I can start dinner?”Kagome asked being the second one to come out of her dazed state “Suer I will be back in a minuet.” The overly hyper kit said as he bound off to get some water.
Kagome started setting every thing up once she was done she looked around for her adopted son he was no where to be found. “Inuyasha? Shippou isn't back yet, will you come help me look for him?” Kagome asked as she got up from where she had been sitting “Keh. Sango, Miroku you stay here in case Shippou gets back.” Inuyasha instructed, as he and Kagome walked off in the direction of the river. When they got there, they didn't find Shippou but they found Shippou's hair tie, and a note pinned to a tree with a dagger. Inuyasha pulled the note from the tree and started reading out loud.
Dear Hanyou, and Miko,
I have your precious kit. If you want to see him again bring the other half of the jewel to me, and I will give him back to you. But if you don't I will kill him without hesitation. You have till tomorrow morning to make up your minds.
Inuyasha let out a growl then he noticed that Kagome was starting to cry. Inuyasha pulled Kagome over to him, and sat down with her in his lap. Then he started making little purring, and growling noises. “I want SOB my SOB kit back!” Kagome sobbed “Sshh don't worry we will get him back.” Inuyasha soothed “We will make him pay don't worry but right now we have to get back to Miroku, and Sango so we can tell them what is going on” Inuyasha said as he picked Kagome up bridal style, and started running toward camp.
^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^End Flashback^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^
“Kagome are you ok?” Botan asked with a worried expression on her face “Hm I'm fine. Just trying to remember it has been about two, and half years since the battle.” Kagome said in an emotionless tone. Kurama looked at Kagome then to Hiei.
~Hiei Look into her mind to get the rest of the story, so we don't have to wait~
~Hn why don't you do it since your so impatient fox?~
~Because I have some consulting with Youko to do, and you're better at probing minds than I am~
~Hn fine~ With that Kurama cut the mind link
*Yes what do you want?*
*Tell me every thing you know about the shikon Jewel.* Kurama demanded
*How about not. I would rather talk about that vixen that is stand right beside you*
*No this is important we will talk about Botan later. But right now I need to know about the jewel* Kurama thought pleadingly
*Fine. The Jewel of four souls was made from the priestess Midoriko's soul. It was said that it was given to priestess named Kikyo. Well she fell in love with a half demon, and was betrayed she killed the half demon or so it was believed. Then the village burned the jewel with her body after about fifty years the jewel reappeared with Kikyo's reincarnation. The half demon was brought back to life after about three days of the jewel reappearing it was shattered into hundreds of pieces by her reincarnation. So the hanyou set out with the girl, and started collecting the shards. About a year after they started collecting the shards I came across them lets just say I got my ass kicked big time by the priestess* Youko thought hatefully at the last part
*I thought you were the best thief in Makai and you got your ass kicked by an untrained miko.* Kurama thought sending a mental smirk to Youko
*Lets just say anyone who messes with her kit will pay* Youko thought with a mental shudder
*What do you mean?* Kurama thought getting interested
*Well apparently that was all she needed for her miko powers to take over.*
*Well I have a question for you if I let you out will you promise not to attack any one, and not fuck anyone senseless...* But Kurama was interrupted when Hiei let out a whine of pain
“Hiei I locked up my memories for a reason, I don't know how you were able to get that far into my mind. But never do it again or I will purify your ass” Kagome said with a growl. Everyone was watching Kagome so intently they didn't notice that Youko had taken advantage of Kurama being distracted, and took over his body. That was till they herd him laughing. “You! You aren't suppose to be able to get out!” Kagome growled taking up a fighting stance “ Don't worry im not here to fight this time miko, I'm just here to make suer you tell the truth.” Youko said with amusement in his voice “And to listen to the rest of the story.” Kagome calmed down a little “Fine. but so you know if you try, and harm any one I will kill you.” she still didn't relax even if she sat down, she could be ready to fight in an instant if she needed to.
“We left right after we told Sango, and Miroku what happened. When we go there Naraku was standing behind a hole army of demons. and his `children' with Shippo tied up behind him...”
^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^Flash Back^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^
“MOMMY, DADDY” Shippo yelled from behind all the demons “Naraku we have brought the other half of jewel, now give us back Shippo.” Inuyasha said letting out death growls. “ You mean this whinny little runt. I don't think you want him so I will get rid of him” With that said Naraku killed Shippo by slicing his head off.”N-NOOOOOOOOOO” Kagome screamed watching Shippo's head hit the ground “Naraku you bastered” Inuyasha said lunging at him, while the other demons attacked Sango, Miroku, and Kagome.
“Kirara go and help Kagome!!” Sango yelled to a transformed Kirara, that's when she herd Miroku scream “look out!!” Sango turned around just in time to dodge an attack from Kagura (SP I don't know if that is right or not but then again I don't even pay attention to her. Lol) while throwing her boomerang, and killing a couple youkai.
Miroku was fighting a couple youkai with his staff since he couldn't use his wind tunnel because of Naraku's poisons insects. Kagome was shooting her purifying arrows through the waves of demons making them turn to ash instantly even if she didn't hit them. Inuyasha was fighting Naraku, and every so often killing a demon that got in his way.
This went on for about an hour everyone was scratched, bruised, and beaten. Not to mention having a hard time fighting. Kagome had killed Kagura with a purifying arrow, and Sango had finally managed to kill Kana but things weren't going good at all.
Naraku had killed Kohaku (SP) for the jewel shard in his back this had caused Sango to go into a rage like state. That was till a youkai snuck up behind her, and punched a hole all the way through her back. “Sango!!” Miroku, and Kagome cried as she fell to the ground. By then Kagome was losing control of her miko powers even with the training she had received from Kaede her powers where still to strong for her to completely control. Kagome let lose a wave of power killing at least a hundred youkai, and paralyzing another couple hundred, giving Miroku enough time to run over to Sango's limp form. He picked her up and cradled her in his lap she gave him a weak smile.
“Miro..” Sango began but started to cough violently. “ Sango you need to be quit, and save your strength so after this battle is over you can get better.” Miroku said tears threatening to fall “No Miroku I need to tell you this.” cough “Because I know I'm not going too make it.” cough “Out of this battle.” cough, cough “Alive, and I just wanted you too know that I love you” Sango said her breathing becoming more labored. This made Miroku burst out crying “I love you too that's why you have to get better so when this is all over we can..” Miroku said but was cut off by Sango putting her hand to his mouth, and silencing him. “Miroku you know just as well as I that won't happen. So do me this one last favor?”Sango asked “Anything my love.” Miroku answered tears still flowing down his cheeks, and into Sango's dirty tangled hair. “Promise me after you defeat Naraku please take care of Kirara for me.” she chocked out “I will .” Miroku cried out then he kissed her. She gave him another smile but this one was genuine unlike the last one. “Thank you for always being there for me. But if you don't mind I am feeling very tiered, and would like to sleep.” Sango said while closing her eyes “Of course my love” Miroku replied as he felt her body go limp in his arms.
Kagome watched as her two best friends confessed there love for each other, while shooting at demons who would try to get near them. But one youkai slipped by, and snuck up on the crying Miroku. Before Kagome could shoot an arrow or call out, and warn him the youkai bit down into his neck where the main artery was killing him almost instantly. Both lovers fell to the blood soaked ground holding on to each other.
“NO MIROKU!!!” Kagome screamed getting the attention of Inuyasha, and Naraku. “No” Inuyasha whispered he then turned to Naraku, and started slashing at him like mad. Every time Inuyasha tried to hit Naraku he would either dodge or block. Kagome watched horrified as the two hanyous battled. Finally Naraku slipped, and Inuyasha attacked injuring the evil half demon.
Kagome kept shooting her arrows at the demons that weren't dead or had run off. She was doing pretty good till she ran out of arrows, then the last ten remaining demons rushed at her. So Kagome did the only thing she knew how to do. “INUYASHA!!” she screamed effectively getting his attention. Inuyasha dodged Naraku's last attack and ran over to Kagome killing all the youkai that dared to hurt his love. Naraku was hot on Inuyasha's heels when he got a despicable idea.
Kagome are you ok?”Inuyasha asked looking the miko over then when she looked up her eyes filled with pure fear, but it didn't seem to be directed at him but rather behind him. Inuyasha turned around just in time to see one of Naraku's tentacles coming at him from behind. Inuyasha pushed Kagome out of the way and jump avoiding a fatal blow but the tentacle went through his right shoulder.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed as she saw her precious hanyou get thrown into a tree. But she didn't have time to think about that for long because a tentacle wrapped around her, and lifted her out of the air. She tried to use her miko powers, and purify it but she just didn't have enough. She then looked over to where Inuyasha had been thrown against the tree, he was slowly getting up. “Inuyasha you have two choices you can either hand over the jewel, and I will let you, and the miko live. Or I can kill her then kill you, and then take the jewel.” Naraku said cockily thinking he had won for suer but boy was he wrong.
“I don't think so!!” screamed Koga appearing out of no where, and cutting the tentacle that was holding Kagome captive off. Kagome fell thinking she was going to hit the ground, but it never came instead she found her self in the arms of her hanyou. Inuyasha put Kagome down a good distance away from the fight where he knew she wouldn't get hurt then went to help Koga.
Inuyasha would alternate attacking Naraku, and by now the had started to win but some thing no one expected happened. After Inuyasha used the wind scar Koga went in to start punching, and kicking at Naraku. But Naraku knew that is what he was going to do so he sent a poisonous tentacle through Koga's shoulder at the last minute effectively starting to kill the wolf youkai slowly.
“That's it!!” Inuyasha yelled as he started to attack Naraku furiously. Naraku saw that Inuyasha wasn't thinking clearly, and was able to wound him twice. Then he saw his opening to give him a fatal blow, and did so. When Kagome saw this she snapped, her miko powers took over. Her eyes turned black, and her power rose to an extreme high. This made the evil hanyou stop in his tracks.
YOU HAVE BEEN ALOUD TO LIVE TO LONG!!” Kagome screamed as the power around her created a barrier while black, and red sparks started to fly every where. “YOU ARE A VIAL DISGUSTING CREATURE THAT HAS HURT TOO MANY PEOPLE, AND FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE YOU HURT YOU WILL FEEL THERE PAIN !!” Kagome yelled as what looked to be a black soul stealer appeared wrapped around her.
Naraku was scared shitless by the enraged Miko in front of him. He tried to run but a black barrier appeared around the area trapping him in. “YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY FROM ME NARAKU!!” Kagome yelled as the black soul stealer flew towards him. “FIRST YOU WILL PAY FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED THE PRIESTESS KIKYO.” With that the black soul stealer ripped out a little of his black soul causing him a tremendous amount of pain. Naraku did the only thing he could, he sent a tentacle at Kagome but all she did was stand there. Then when the tentacle came with in five feet of her it disintegrated.
I WONT HAVE ANY OF THAT NOW, LOOKS LIKE I WILL HAVE TO TEACH YOU A LESSON.” Kagome said mockingly as a deep red energy ball appeared in her hand. She hurled it a Naraku taking off one of his arms. Naraku screamed out in agony. “NOW YOU WILL PAY FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED SANGO, MIROKU, AND SHIPPO!!” Kagome yelled as the soul stealer ripped out three more pieces of his soul. “NOW YOU WILL PAY FOR THE PAIN YOU CAUSED ME, INUYASHA, AND ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE YOU HAVE HURT!!” Kagome screamed with tears coming to her eyes.
Once all of Naraku's soul had been ripped out her miko powers began to dissipate, she then went over, and took the other half of the jewel out of Naraku's cold dead hand. fussing it with her half. Kagome walked over to Inuyasha's dead body she knelled down over his body, and started to cry.
After about ten minutes of just crying Kagome got up, and started to dig graves for her friends. First she buried Shippo because his body was the lightest to carry. Then she saw Kirara, and went to pick her up. But found she was just hurt, and unconscious. This made Kagome a little happier but then she looked around, and saw that she still had to burry Sango, Miroku, Koga, and Inuyasha.
It took her a hour, and a half but she finally got them all buried she said a prayer for them then passed out by the fire neko.
(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)Kagome's Dream(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)
Kagome looked around but all she saw was white, that is till she saw a figure in red off in the distance walking towards her. When the figure got close enough for her to see, she flung her self at the person. “Inuyasha.” Kagome cried while hugging him. Inuyasha gave her a hug back.
“It's ok Kagome im here.” He soothed but then Kagome jerked away. “How can you be here you died I saw you die I even buried your body.” she said backing up a couple of feet. “You're right I did die in fact I am dead. But they are letting me talk to you which reminds me I don't have a lot of time so listen up.” Inuyasha said sitting down, and beckoning Kagome to come sit with him. She did with a little hesitation. “Kagome I want you to do one last favor for me please move on.” Inuyasha said while looking Kagome in the eyes
“But why I will never find anyone I could love as much as you.” Kagome said coming close to tears at his request. “Yes you will it might take you a while to find him but he is waiting for you.” Inuyasha said pulling Kagome into his lap. “How do you know I will meet this guy?” Kagome asked curiosity obvious in her voice. “Everyone has gotten to see your future well a little bit any was. Which brings me around to something very important.” Inuyasha looked at her to make suer she was listening. “Kagome some time in the future something evil is going to come after you. I don't know when, and I don't know who but what I do know is you have to be ready to fight.” Inuyasha said with a very serious look on his face.
“What am I suppose to do about it? I cant even fight against a youkai with out you having to come, and save me.” Kagome asked “Like I said I don't know you will have to figure out what to do by your self. But now I must go.” Inuyasha said getting up, and pulling Kagome up with him. “But I don't want you to go.” Kagome said as she started to cry. “I don't want to go either but I have to.” Inuyasha said in a low voice “Fine if you must go then go already.” Kagome said as she tilted her head down so that her bangs were covering her eyes. It broke Inuyasha's heart to see Kagome cry.
After what seemed like forever but was only about twenty seconds Kagome looked up to see Inuyasha still standing there looking at her. Kagome looked into Inuyasha's captivating gold eyes not even noticing or caring at how close the were getting till there lips touched. Inuyasha ran his tongue over Kagome's bottom lip asking for entrance she quickly complied. He then deepened the kiss putting all the love he had for her in it after a bout a minute they broke apart for air.
“I have to go now.” Inuyasha stated as he started to back away from Kagome. “Ok If you must then do so.” Kagome said sadness evident in her voice. After she told him it was ok to go Inuyasha started to walk away but stopped, and turned around for a minute. “Oh, and Shippo Sango, Miroku, and Koga wanted me to tell you they all love you. And will be watching over you.” Inuyasha said as he gave her a smile then disappeared.
(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)End Of Kagome's Dream(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)
When Kagome woke up she fond her self in a large room, and in a queen size bed. The room was gorgeous the walls were a soft pastel yellow. With the wall behind her bed having soft blue, and pink butterflies painted all over it. There where three huge windows that ran the length of the walls to her left that had white curtains that blew as a lite breeze came in to the room. To her right there where two doors neither of which she knew where they led. Then on the other side of the room in front of her was a closet, and a dresser. At the foot of the bed slept Kirara.
About a minute or so of more looking a one of the doors flew open, and running in came a little black haired girl that Kagome recognized as Rin immediately. Then came a white haired man that she recognized as Sesshomaru. “I see you are finally awake Kagome.” Sesshomaru said in his usual cold, and emotionless voice. “How did I...” Kagome started to say but was interrupted by Sesshomaru. “I will tell you everything later but right now I want you to change out of that skimpy outfit, and into a proper kimono. Then come down to my study so we can talk over some very important matters.” with that said Sesshomaru walked out of the room.
Kagome walked over to the closet, and opened the door. She looked at all the kimonos(I do not know what a kimono really looks like so please forgive me if I mess something up ^_^*) she finally decided on a red kimo with black flower prints on it, and a black sash. After she got changed Kagome left the room, and made her way down the various hall ways till she came to Sesshomaru's study. Kagome knocked on the door then she herd a voice tell her to enter.
When Kagome walked in she saw Sesshomaru sitting behind a desk in the middle of a large room that had tall book shelves lining the walls “ Good I see you are finally here take a seat Kagome.” Sesshomaru said as he quickly glanced up from what he was working on. Kagome quickly took a seat by the desk “You said you needed to talk to me?” Kagome asked curiosity getting the better of her. “Yes I did. The Shikon jewel is now complete, and since you are it's protector you must decide what to do with it.” Kagome looked sad. “I have no use for the jewel, but you are right I am the jewels protector so I must do something with it what do you suppose I do?” Kagome asked hopeing that he would have the answer. “Well frankly I don't know what to do about the jewel as I said it is your decision, but you should take in what will happen now that you have the Shikon no Tama. Like the fact that demons will come after it as long as it still exists. The demons will also be very powerful, and dangerous.” Sesshomaru stated as he started to flip through more papers on his desk.
Kagome started to think about the jewel, and the future of it. ` The jewel is cursed, and so is it's protector I've seen that much so far. Lots of youkai will come after as long as it is still in existence. I know I will not be strong enough to protect the jewel by my self, and hell I will die long before the demons who seek the jewel will. Who knows how long till the next protector comes a long. By then it may be to late, and some power hungry mad youkai will have taken over the world, and universe. So that really leaves me with one choice I will have tho become a demon.' with that last thought Kagome looked back at Sesshomaru.
“Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked quietly “Yes.” he replied “Would you be willing to train an inu youkai?” She asked nervously. “It depends. Why do you ask Kagome?” Seshomaru asked letting some curiosity show in his eyes. “Well because if you would I know what wish I want to make on the jewel.” Kagome said sheepishly “And what would that be?” Sesshomaru asked looking straight at her with curiosity filled eyes but other wise his face still emotionless. “I want to become any inu youkai so I can get rid of the jewel once and for all.”Kagome said while looking to see what his reaction would be.
yes I know it is a cliffy so before you guys try to kill me im just braking this into two parts, and will have th second part up as soon as I can that's it.
Kuro out