Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entering Another Realm ❯ Escape At Night ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha.

Thanks for telling my Kuronue is a bat and not a crow. But for the sake of my lazy ass, we'll
keep Kuronue as a crow for my sake. ^_^ Hope you don't mind.


Escape At Night

~Kagome's POV~

This is my chance! I thought that kitsune would never fall sleep! I hate to leave without
saying anything, but I have to get home. I've been thinking for many night and I concluded that if
the well can bring me to Makai, then it should be able to bring me back. But then, the well before
now, was a link between past and present. So, what is it linking now? Makai to...? Argh! I'm
confusing myself now!
I decided thinking is the worst thing ever invented. Though, on second thought, I don't
think it was invented. But that isn't the point, the point is that thinking hurts your head and it
doesn't even work....well, at least it doesn't work for me. I'm a bit sad for leaving Kuronue, but I
can't really put a finger on what I am feeling for leaving Youko. It doesn't matter, does it? He's a
demon, I'm a human. Now I'm discriminating him for his origin as a demon...what's wrong with
me? I never discriminated anyone for their origins before.
‘Your in denial....' whispered a soothing voice as I slipped out into the darkness, leaving
the protection of Youko's fortress. What the heck? I'm in denial of what? Stupid voices, making
no sense whatsoever. It wasn't a hard thing getting past Youko's plants as they now recognize me
and are quite friendly towards me. I was out of his fortress after a few more minutes. Thankfully
Youko doesn't use guards to watch his fortress, instead trusting his plants to guard it. Not that
it's a bad idea, the plants are really reliable...it's just very convenient for me.
I know I am doing something reckless again, so what will doing one more reckless thing
matter? I walked quickly towards the direction of the well...at least, I hope that's the direction of
the well. Can't really blame me, all the trees look exactly the same.
Now I turn left, no, right. Or was it left? I hate forked paths! I felt demonic presences
coming towards me. I can tell the demons weren't even bothering to hide their presence..one of
the demon's is exceptionally strong. I felt myself tense as a trickle of fear crept into me.
"What is a human doing in Makai?" demanded a voice filled with authority.
"Who are you?" I demanded, trying to cover up my fear.
"I am one of the Makai lords and I can't allow a human to run freely here." stated said
demon as he stepped out from the shadows followed by a few other demons. "And this forest will
be your grave. You may devour her." ordered the demon lord as two of the lesser demons leaped
out at me.
"AHHH!" I yelled, closing my eyes waiting for the inevitable. No pain. I opened my eyes
to find a familiar kitsune standing proudly in front of me. His trademark thorn whip in hand, the
two demons who was going to attack me can be found scattered around the forest floor in tiny
pieces. Ew, disgusting.
"It would help greatly if you never try that disappearing act on me again." stated Youko
as I hung my head in guilt.
"Sorry." I mumbled.
"Youko Kurama." came the calm voice of the demon lord, as the lesser demons backed
away. "What pleasure do I owe of your appearance this time?"
"Lord Jiro, nice to see you too." snorted Youko with a less than friendly glare.
"When did the notorious Makai thief start protecting ningen females?" question Lord
Jiro. "Has Youko Kurama become weak? I wouldn't be surprised."
"Don't get all arrogant, Chihuahua." stated Youko calmly. "I am no weaker than our last
confrontation. Thanks for your worry though, but it would be nice if you leave my future mate
"YOU WILL SHOW ME RESPECT!!!"roared Lord Jiro, insulted at being called a
Chihuahua, even though he does look like a Chihuahua.
I sputtered as I tried to comprehend what Youko just said. The arrogant kitsune just self-
claimed that he was my future mate. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind later. I then turned
my gaze to Lord Jiro. Now that Youko mentioned it, he does kinda look like a Chihuahua. I
blinked my eye for only second to find myself staring at the scene of Youko and Lord Jiro
clashing with a sword and a whip.
I felt hostile youki rise to a suffocating degree. Black energy crackled around us as the
lesser demons backed away in fear. With every passing second and clash of weapons, I felt their
youki increase to a higher level. I would never have imagined Youko Kurama was this powerful.
All this time when we were sparring for fun, he didn't even use a quarter of his power. How
shameful. I am a totally weak miko.
I felt myself take a sharp intake of breath when Lord Jiro's sword found it's way into
Youko's shoulder. This is all my fault. Youko's isn't at his full strength, that was also the reason
he fell asleep today. Now he is against a Makai lord without enough energy! And all because of
If this kept on, Youko will die. Another slash of Lord Jiro sword, which nearly hit
Youko's heart sent me into panic mode.

~Youko's POV~

I could feel fatigue coursing through me, but I refused to give up. If I lost, Kagome would
be in serious danger. Why did she chose to run away tonight of all nights? The night that I had
spent the whole day fighting another powerful demon? I ignored the pain in my shoulder and
chest as brought my whip down on the makai lord.
The thorn on my whip causing a deep gash across his chest. Right before my eyes, I
watched as the deep gash heal itself. I could feel the panic and worry emitting from Kagome
behind me. Despite the situation I was in, I smiled. She does care for me.


~Feudal Japan~

Kouga angrily. "Dog-breath, what did you do? Where's her village? Tell me!" demanded Kouga
as anger rolled off from him in giant waves.
"She'll come back when she wants." snorted Inuyasha, tetsusaiga in hand and Kikyou safely
on his back. Without warning, Inuyasha leaped off. Kouga was surprised for a brief second
before angrily storming off after Inuyasha and his bitch.
"Things are getting worst by the minute." murmured Sango. "Kagome, you have to come
back to us. Wherever you are. Please." Miroku and Shippo nodded in agreement.
"Things are getting chaotic without Lady Kagome." stated Miroku. "Kouga is out of
control. Shippo is constantly crying. Sango is sad. Sesshoumaru's visit are more frequent, as it is
easy to kick Inuyasha's ass."
"Who cares?" snorted Sango at the comment. "Sesshoumaru can kill him for all I care."
"Now, now, Sango. Inuyasha no matter what, will always remain our friend." soothed
"He is no friend of mine. If your with that mutt, you can leave me and Shippo alone."
argued Sango. Miroku chose to keep his mouth shut at that, as he propped himself against a tree.
"Is Kagome coming back?" whispered Shippo.
"I hope so. For everyone's sake, I hope so." prayed Sango.


~Kagome's POV~

"YOUKO!" I screamed when Lord Jiro kept on regenerating. I quickly focused all power
into trying to discover the source of his regenerating abilities. I saw a flicker of something as I
zoned in on it. My eyes widened in shock. "Youko, aim for his butt!" I yelled, knowing fully well
that Youko must think I'm going insane.
"What?!" yelled back Youko, who's blood was flowing freely from multiple, deadly
wounds. I saw Lord Jiro falter for a second when I told Youko to aim for his butt before
composing himself again with determination to finish killing off Youko soon.
"Just do it!" I yelled. I could feel my breath catch in my throat as the makai lord thrust
his sword into Youko's heart. I felt myself running towards Youko at top speed as he fell. Even
though he was able to prevent the attack from hitting his heart, it was still too close to the heart
for comfort. Lord Jiro was preparing to make the last blow and time seemed to slow for me.


Okay, done with the chapter. ^_^ Hope you liked it.