Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entering Another Realm ❯ Species Problem ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own, so you NO sue. Hm, am I forgetting anything? Na, let's move on.....


Species Problem

"Ever heard of knocking?" asked Kagome, as she turned bright red. "And who said you
could speak for yourself? I need more proof that some lousy words from a fox."
"Lousy?" repeated Youko, as he raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you don't believe
my words?"
"Exactly." confirmed Kagome. "Foxes are known to be sly and good at tricking people.
How do I know your not just playing around with me? Using me as a toy?"
Youko growled low in his throat, as he pushed Kagome onto the bed. "I do not kid around
with finding a life mate." Youko snarled, as he dipped his mouth into the crook of Kagome's
"Get off me." demanded Kagome, as she attempted to push Youko off. No such luck.
"Can we talk?"
"Go ahead." replied Youko, as he smirked at the girl beneath him.
"We will talk, when you remove yourself." growled out Kagome, as she shoved Youko
off. Kagome panted heavily. "I am not an item! You might like me, but I don't like you!"
"Wrong." stated Youko with a smirk. "I don't like you....."
"Humph. I knew it." snorted Kagome.
"I love you." finished Youko, ignoring Kagome's interruption. "And I know you love me
too. How can you resist me? When no other females have?"
"Your really full of yourself, you know that?" asked Kagome, as she huffed. "And really,
are females the only ones attracted to you?"
"W-what?" stuttered Youko, who was giving Kagome a weird look.
"Like for example....."trailed Kagome.
"Yes?" asked an exasperated Youko.
"Do you have any dead lovers come back to life?"
"No, I do not have a zombie love." replied Youko, who was trying not to twitch. "I don't
have any lovers that are dead for that matter."
"Ha. So you have a lot of other lovers. Two-timer. Should've expected as much from a
youkai." cut in Kagome.
"Jealous?" asked Youko.
"In your dreams." retorted Kagome.
"Don't worry, I never got to far with the other females. But your going to be a whole
different story." finished Youko.
"I didn't ask you that question." blushed Kagome, as she turned around, so Youko
wouldn't be able to see the blush. "Do you have any male lovers?"
"Huh? Youko, are you all right?" asked Kagome, as she looked behind her. Youko wasn't
there. Kagome looked to the floor and there was Youko.
"What kind of question was that!?" demanded Youko.
"Just making sure your straight, is all." replied Kagome. "I don't want someone who is
"You rather have someone who is emotionless and cold?" asked Youko.
"Not that gay....the other one! The one where a guy likes a guy." explained Kagome,
remembering Youko didn't know the other meaning for gay.
"Kagome, I, Youko Kurama, can assure you..... I love you only. Not some zombie, other
female, and most definitely not another guy." stated Youko.
"That's all nice and stuff, but your still a fox." replied Kagome.
"You have something against my species?" asked Youko.
"No." replied Kagome hurriedly. "Just foxes aren't that trustworthy. I still can't believe
your words." Youko growled in annoyance.
"KURONUE!" called Youko.
"What?" asked Kuronue, as he rubbed his ears. "Did you have to shriek like Kagome?"
"Shriek?" repeated Kagome, as she jumped off from the bed. "I. DO. NOT. SHRIEK! I
"Never mind." replied Kuronue, as he pushed Kagome into Youko's lap, who quickly
held her in place with an embrace. "What is it you want?"
"Tell the dense one here..."started Youko, earning a growl from Kagome. "That my love
for her is real and it's no joke."
"I can't do that." replied Kuronue. "How am I suppose to know if your taking this one
seriously. Can you actually settle down a bit to take a mate?"
"See?" snorted Kagome. "Not even your best friend can promise for you. So, I cannot
believe you."
"What am I suppose to do?" growled Youko. "Turn into a crow youkai?"
"Na, I don't like crows. They're creepy." replied Kagome, as Kuronue glared at Kagome.
"And please tell me, why are you hanging around me then?" asked Kuronue.
"Huh?" asked Kagome.
"Kuronue is a crow demon." replied Youko, as he smirked. "And I thought you were
intelligent. I knew I couldn't expect much from a human." (Hey, I don't really know if Kuronue
is a crow demon, but nothing I can do about that....v_v)
"Hey! I resent that! Humans are a very....um....unique species!" defended Kagome.
"Plus weak, physically and mentally." added Youko. "Unlike foxes."
"But...but...argh! Never mind!" snorted Kagome, as she turned away, refusing to admit
"Hello?" murmured Kuronue. "Aren't we forgetting someone?"
Kagome was glaring at the wall. Youko was waiting for Kagome to admit that foxes were
better than humans. Kuronue was trying to get both their attention.
Kuronue had left.
Kagome shifted.
"Fine. Fine." stated Kagome. "There is nothing wrong with foxes, other than the fact that
they steal, lie, and cheat on girls."
"What is that suppose to mean?" asked Youko, as he gave Kagome his full attention
again. "How can a female fox cheat on a girl?"
"You know what I mean! I was implying to you males! But female foxes seduce men!"
"And your race doesn't?" snorted Youko. "Who in your race, can you say, never told a
lie, stolen something, or looked at the opposite sex lustfully?"
"Argh." growled Kagome. "I'm not going to waste my time talking to you. I, still need to
find a way back home." Youko angrily left Kagome's room, going in search of Kuronue.
Kagome huffed angrily as Youko left. "How did we end up so mad at each other?"
murmured Kagome, after just staring into space for an hour. "Oh yea, it all started with me
discriminating foxes....maybe, I should apologize?"
Kagome sighed once again, as she rubbed her head, feeling a headache coming up. "What
am I suppose to do with a situation like this? Did Youko really mean what he said? If so, am I
ready to love again? Do I even love Youko? Or am I just feeling lust? Lust....ew....me...no way,
"But then, why do I keep.....mind out of the gutter." Kagome replied to herself.
"But if it wasn't lust, then it's love?" Kagome asked the wall.
"No. I'll only end up getting hurt in the process again." Kagome replied, when the wall
made no signs of answering.
"But what if my decision I made wavers under Youko's constant proclamation of love?"
Kagome asked once again.
"Then...I'll just have to get home soon. Like, right now!" stated Kagome firmly, as she
stood up from her bed.


"I don't think she took to your love for her very well." stated Kuronue.
"Your telling me." replied Youko. "But why doesn't she want me? What's wrong with
me? I'm perfect. I doubt she'd find anybody better than me."
"Never mind, your way to full of yourself. Anyway, maybe you should check up on her."
murmured Kuronue. "She has been talking to herself for almost an hour now. That....isn't


"I'm so frustrated." muttered Kagome. "Maybe I should ‘sit' down. ‘Sit'ting usually help
calm the nerves. Oh, who am I kidding? Just ‘sit'ting here won't solve a thing. I still conclude
this as Inuyasha's fault. So, even though, I'm not sure if you'll feel this, but.....SIT! SIT! SIT!
Kuronue had just opened Kagome's door, when she yelled sit. Kuronue fell to the ground.
"Oops. Sorry Kuronue." murmured Kagome. "You don't happen to have prayer beads on you,
"No." replied Kuronue.
"Then, why did you sit?"
"I was just surprised." replied Kuronue, hiding his embarrassment.
"Oh." replied Kagome.


~In Feudal Japan~

Kouga was having a cussing contest with Inuyasha. "How could you do that!" yelled
Kouga. "What happened to Kagome?"
"The bitch left." growled Inuyasha, as he held Kikyou close to him.
"For that zombie?!" yelled Kouga.
"Who you calling a zombie?" defended Inuyasha, as he drew Tetsusaiga. "I'm gonna kick
your ass, wolf-breath."
Inuyasha charged at Kouga, and the two fought. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kikyou
watched from the sidelines. The battle went on for half an hour, when Inuyasha was going to
make the final blow with the kaze no kizu.....
Kouga growled, as Sango and Miroku tried to stop Inuyasha. They weren't going to make
it in time.......Inuyasha brought down his infamous sword.
Nothing happened. When the dust cleared, everyone found Inuyasha is a crater. Followed
by crashing another five feet deeper. Making it a 6-feet deep Inuyasha grave. (Kagome said
sit 6 times, making it 6 feet.) "Miroku, we might need a new epitaph." stated Shippo.
"Couldn't we use the last one?" asked Miroku, as he peered into the hole.


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