Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Freak Show ❯ Spiritual Boost ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~Belle: I tell you what; there sure are a lot of Kikyo-haters out there!

~Kikyo: She leaves a cliffy where my `life' is in jeopardy and half the reviews are requests for my death. Am I so abhorred?

~Kagura: Get used to it, nobody likes us.

~Sesshoumaru: Oh, boo-hoo, go cry a river somewhere and drown in it.

~Belle: Sesshoumaru! That was a little harsh!

~Hiei: I thought it worked well.

~Kurama: You are all so childish. I can't believe I have to work with you.

Spiritual Boost


Kikyo glared at the human male. That child thought he could destroy her. How arrogant of him to make such an assumption. She sent a telepathic message to her soul stealers to attack him should he attempt anything.

Yusuke took aim of the offensive undead miko. If Botan had a problem with her then she obviously was evil and needed to eliminate. Besides, he didn't like the look she was giving Kagome.

Kagome moved towards Yusuke and placed her hand upon his, gently lowering to his side while shaking her head.

"Ah, come on Kagome. It's not like she's not already dead." Yusuke complained with a frown upon his face. He turned to check the reactions of the others in the group and they seemed to mirror his desire, including Inuyasha.

Kagome didn't answer, but turned back to face Kikyo, but didn't move from Yusuke's side. Inuyasha stood back silently, vowing to protect Kagome as he watched the exchange with baited breath.

Kurama's hands were full of rose pedals he had produced that were anxious to become imbedded within the clay and ash of the undead miko. His golden eyes watched Kagome's moves acutely. Why couldn't she just let Yusuke destroy the shell of a body that was holding part of her soul hostage?

Kikyo turned her cool eyes to Kagome. "He is correct. It's not like I am alive." Her dark eyes looked past Kagome for a moment, trying to make contact with Inuyasha, but he refused to meet her gaze. "Inuyasha, I do not know why you avoid looking at me."

Inuyasha looked at her then, his expression aloof. His love for Kagome would help be strong in her resolve to not fall for the traps of Kikyo. Kikyo smirked at the emotions flashing behind his molten gold eyes. "You realize that once this existence of mine is over, all the hatred and passion I have for you will return to the larger part of my soul."

Inuyasha found the trees suddenly quite fascinating and ignored the jabs Kikyo was taking at him. Kikyo directed her attention back to her reincarnation. "There are no other jewel shards."

"Naraku has the last of them?" Kagome clarified. "So they are all within the possession of my group, you, Kouga, and Naraku, since Sesshoumaru just gave me some more."

Kikyo nodded. Yusuke smiled. "Great, now that you've told us that, I guess we'll be taking those jewel shards you've got." He aimed his spirit gun once more, aimed, and fired before Kagome could stop him this time. His aim was true and he shattered the area where Kikyo's heart would have been. The undead miko screamed silently as her fake body disintegrated. Her soul catchers tried to attack the young man, but Kurama flung his rose pedals at their snake-like bodies and they perished into ash like their mistress.

Kagome flew back into the waiting arms of Miroku, who stood nearly five feet behind her as the portion of her soul that was within Kikyo returned to her. Miroku was knocked the ground but Sango moved to help prevent him from falling. However, that only resulted in her landing on top of her two dear friends.

Inuyasha's face swiveled to the remains of Kikyo to his fallen friends, back and forth. He then rushed to their side to help the three stand up. Kagome looked at him with a brief cloud of hatred in her eyes that quickly vanished. She raised her hand to his cheek as he stood over her.

Kagome cupped Inuyasha's cheek within her hand and smiled serenely at him. "Everything is alright now Yasha. I forgive you, please forgive me." Kagome leaned up to kiss his other cheek. Then blinked twice and looked at her hand as if it was a foreign appendage. She quickly retracted it and looked over at Yusuke.

Yusuke smiled unsurely at his friend and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "So, should we look for this Kouga fellow? Collect his shards then defeat Naraku?"

Kurama grabbed firmly upon Yusuke's elbow and walked him over towards Kagome. He then took hold of her hand and pulled her along beside him. Kagome's friends watched in silence, until Shippo came hurtling out of the forest towards Kurama.

"Kurama!" Shippo shouted, out of breath from his run. He could tell that Kagome had returned from the well and it took him sometime to convince Kaede to allow him find his friends. He stood upon Kurama's shoulders and playfully tugged upon his fox-ears.

Kurama calmly released his hold on Yusuke's arm, but tightened his hand that held Kagome's small hand. He used his unoccupied hand to pry the Kitsune pup off of his shoulder and away from his sensitive ears. He held Shippo by the scruff of his neck, dangling before his and Kagome's faces. "Shippo, do not pull on my ears." Kurama informed him calmly before dropping the young fox to the ground.

Shippo apologized, "I'm so sorry Youko-sama, I will never pull on your ears again. It's just I have seen Kagome do it before and she pulls on my ears sometimes. I thought it was something that families did." Shippo's emerald eyes watered, but he tried hard not to cry in front of his role model.

Kurama's expression softened. He kneeled down to meet Shippo's eye level, bringing Kagome down beside him. He ruffled the auburn hair of the youth. "Apology accepted. I suppose you are right. It is something that families do. Just ask next time, okay?"

Shippo nodded his head happily as a grin spread across his features. His emerald eyes lit up in joy as looked upon the couple he hoped would one day adopt him and treat him as their son.

Miroku walked up to Kagome and gained her attention. "Kagome-sama, how do you feel now that you have your complete soul?" Miroku's lavender eyes swept towards Inuyasha to see his reaction to the statement. He seemed unbothered as he and Yusuke were talking about something called `air-hockey.'

Sango moved towards Kagome as well. "Kagome, can I talk to you for a moment, alone?" Kagome agreed and the two women left the company of men. Sango led Kagome towards the woods, far enough for canine youkai to not be able to overhear. "This certainly changes things."

Kagome looked at her confused and cocked her head to the side. "How so?"

Sango sighed and motioned for Kagome to join her sitting on a log. "You'll want to sit, this may be something you find of interest." Kagome sat beside her friend and listened closely. "When you were here last, with Hiei, I talked to him about some very interesting things. My intention was to make Miroku jealous since he was spending so much time with that blue haired girl."

Kagome interrupted here, "But Sango, Miroku isn't interested in Botan. He's in love with you, he was asking her for advice since I obviously wasn't giving him very good advice anymore."

Sango stared at Kagome for a few moments processing the words she just heard. After she filed them away in her mind for later pondering she continued with her tale. "Hiei told me that Kurama intends to make you his mate."

Kagome nodded her head and raised her hand to show Sango her promise ring. "He gave me this as a sign of his love and protection."

Sango bit her bottom lip; she told Hiei she wouldn't share any of this. But, Kagome needed to know! "Actually, that's more along the lines of showing all other youkai that you belong to him, that you are his intended. That's why Kouga was so upset." Kagome nodded her head. She knew all this already. Sango read her actions like an open book.

"You already knew this obviously. Okay, well then. We both know of the obvious differences in aging between human and demons. However, if a demon is to mate with a human with great spiritual powers, that human's life may be extended to be the same as a powerful demon. Hiei knows of a few humans who have lives that are longer than natural, but none of them had spiritual energy on the same caliber as yours." Sango explained.

"And now that I have my complete soul, my spiritual energy is even higher." Kagome observed, following Sango's train of thought.

"Hiei had said, he was only aware of one human miko who had a life span that equaled that of a youkai. She is still alive today, in one form at least." Sango continued, her eyes landing upon the jewel shard pieces hanging around Kagome's neck.

Kagome's gaze traveled to where Sango's attention was directed. "Midoriko," she whispered. Kagome looked back up towards Sango. "Well thanks for sharing, but that doesn't really change anything. Let's get back to the others."

Sango agreed, but followed slightly behind Kagome. She knew her friend was naïve to ignore the fact that her life was about to change leaps and bounds. Soon she would no longer be the school girl that traveled back and forth through time. After the defeat of Naraku, or even before depending on the impatience of the Kitsune that was in love with her, Kagome would soon become the mate to one of the most powerful demons alive.

Kurama was waiting for Kagome anxiously. He had a feeling that Sango would reveal some of the information about Kagome's spiritual boost increasing her life, making her more suited for his life-mate. He was mildly surprised to see Kagome's expression of indifference. She was her normal cheerful self, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Which technically it wasn't since she was more normal now than usual with a complete soul.

"Kagome," Kurama addressed, his golden eyes searching her soul's windows for answers to her puzzling behavior. Another smile was his answer. "I do not believe we are suited for a battle with Naraku at the moment. Let us return to school for the remainder of the day."

Yusuke groaned at the suggestion. Inuyasha was more vocal in his protest. "Hell no! Kagome is here and we're going to look for Naraku now!" He moved to stand in front of Kagome, preventing her from joining Kurama. The fox growled in warning to the hanyou that was standing between him and his mate.

Inuyasha growled back, and Kurama realized that he had only known Kagome for a short time in comparison to the dog demon. He would be unused to having someone decide what Kagome should do other than himself. "Inuyasha, I have more say in this than you do."

"I think I have more say in this than any of you!" Kagome shouted, hands on hips fuming at the two canine demons that were talking about her as if she wasn't even present. "I think Inuyasha is right, we need to go after Naraku."

Inuyasha grinned before sticking out his tongue at the Kitsune. He shoved his hands up the sleeves of his red haori and radiated arrogance like a star.

Kurama ignored the childish antics and kept his attention focused upon his would-be-mate. "Kagome, I apologize for speaking about you in the third person. However, I feel it would be more advantageous to return to school and finish out the day before returning to here. We will come back, but I would like to include Hiei and possibly Botan on the final mission to destroy Naraku. The more allies of strength, the better our chances of winning." Kurama replied, happy as he noticed Kagome's temper drop significantly and her body relax in acceptance of his speech.

"Don't listen to him Kagome! He just wants to make sure his grades don't drop. Let him go back, you and I can stay here and start looking for Naraku." Yusuke suggested intent on not returning to the modern era just yet.

"Fine, Yusuke, you can stay here. Kagome and I will return with the others later tonight." Kurama answered he moved to stand beside Kagome and wrapped his arm around her waist. He then pulled out of his hair a dandelion seed. He blew on it slightly and dropped it to the ground. It expanded in size and the top flattened. He stood upon the seed with Kagome secured in his arms and extended his youki to send this seed flying in the wind in the direction of the well.

Miroku watched in fascination at the apparatus that took to the sky carrying away Kagome and Kurama. He turned his attention to Inuyasha who was watching them vanish with sadness. "That's pretty similar to Sesshoumaru's red cloud of ki isn't it?"

Inuyasha nodded his head. "Yeah, well Sesshoumaru and Youko were friends growing up so they probably learned how to do that around the same time." Inuyasha answered. He turned back to Yusuke who was examining Sango's boomerang as she explained how it worked.

"I can't believe Kagome hangs out with you now." Inuyasha told the teen. Yusuke smirked, "She must be getting smarter since she doesn't hang around you much anymore."

Inuyasha growled dangerously at the remark before he calmed, a snappy comeback coming to mind. "Yeah she is getting smarter, too bad for you that means she left you at my disposal for the next few hours." Yusuke gulped at the thinly veiled threat. He hoped that Kurama and Kagome returned soon!


Kurama and Kagome landed upon the lip of the well. He kept his grip around her waist tight as they jumped into the Bone Eater's Well, traveling across half a millennium of time. After climbing out of the well, Kagome looked at Kurama skeptically. She reached up to tug on one of his ears; much like Shippo had done earlier.

"It's going to look suspicious if you go to school with long silver hair, ears, and a cute white tail." Kagome giggled as she reached to playfully wrap his tail around her wrist. Kurama smirked at her before removing his tail from her wrist to wrap around her waist.

"Let's go, enjoy this while it lasts, I'm about to go human on you." Kurama shut his eyes tightly as he focused on calming down his youki. Like Inuyasha with the Tetsusaiga, Kurama needed to seal Youko and show his human attributes of Shuuichi Minamino.

Kagome sighed in disappointment when the furry tail disappeared from her waist. Kurama smirked at her reaction he winked seductively and said, "Worry not, love, it will return for those cold nights."

Kagome did well to hide her blush. "So how do you intend on getting back to school? Are we walking?" Kagome asked. Kurama's grin turned mischievous as he pulled a pair of keys from his pocket and dangled them before her nose.

"Yusuke was so distracted with his show down with the undead miko he didn't notice a certain Kitsune thief helping himself to his car keys." Kurama explained. Kagome shook her head at her boyfriend. He was a little too excited about stealing his friend's keys. It wasn't that he was a bad driver, its just, well, he didn't exactly have a license.

Kagome looked down at her watch and frowned. "By the time we get to school it will be the middle of sixth period," she informed him. She couldn't believe they were only in the past for less than two hours!

Kurama pulled Kagome's wrist towards his own eyes to examine the time once more. He completely missed Calculus II, hopefully he'd be able to catch up. Sixth period was advanced physics so it wouldn't be too hard catching up in that subject. "I'm sure Professor Tasuki will let us find refuge in his classroom until our automotive class."

Kagome looked at him skeptically. "How do you know he won't be busy with a class?"

"He may be, but he'll let us find sanctity within his office at least. Let's just say that he's an old friend of my boss' father good friend." Kurama explained as he recalled the tale about the friendship between Koenma's father and Tasuki's god Suzaku.

Kagome stared at him blankly. "Riiiiiiight, and she sells sea-shell by the sea-shore."

Kurama stared back at her, mirroring her previous blank stare perfectly. "What?"

"That's about how much sense your statement made to me." Kagome answered as Kurama opened the passenger door for her. Kurama thought over his previous words as he walked to his own door. Perhaps it was confusing explaining his connection with Tasuki. That wasn't important though. The important thing was that Kagome's soul was complete and hopefully that meant that she would soon be able to be his mate. Assuming her family and his family wouldn't be too upset with them moving to Mikai.


~Souta: You're making my sister move to another dimension!

~Belle: Oh come on, it's not like you see her anyway. Another dimension, 500 years in the past, what's the difference to you?

~Inuyasha: Keh, I'm going to agree with the runt here. Why must you make Kagome live in another world?

~Belle: But Yasha, it's not like you won't be able to visit. You are a demon after all, mostly.

~Inuyasha: I still say `Keh.' That's besides the point. And this story sucks because once again I DON'T GET KAGOME!!!!