Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Safety ❯ Safety ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

She ran, ran as hard and fast as she could to the only place she knew was safe. Her body was bruised and bloody from the wounds on her left arm and across her back. She stumbled a bit but she refused to fall, she needed to get away from him. The wind against her face only made her run faster, he would catch her scent and then kill her, she refused to die. How could things have turned out so wrong, so badly? Only a little more to go, only a little ways away to safety. Kagome dared not look behind her, she didn't want to see the monster her so called friend had turned out to be. Kagome rushed to the door and started to pound on it, crying out for help.
“AUNTY ATSUKO!” Kagome cried out.
The door flung open at the girl's cry. Yusuke and his team members stood in the living room as Kagome flung herself inside and threw a barrier around the house. They watched in wonder as she panted, staring out in the open door then screaming when a half-demon came charging at her. Kurama ran toward her, standing in front of her to protect her if needed, only to watch as the half-demon ran straight into her barrier getting the shock of a lifetime, which was somewhat of an understatement on both parties.
Kurama carried a shaking Kagome away from the door as Yusuke slammed it shut. Yusuke turned around and stared at the girl, she called his mother aunty but he couldn't see her. The girl's aura flared when he, Hiei and Kuwabara stepped forward toward her. They wondered why.
“Because he ran out to protect her, even if it meant his death. The girl has it engraved in her mind and in her heart, in her soul. For a while, he will be the only one she will trust. It seems that his kindness has redeemed himself to her, given him her trust.” Hiei said.

Just then Yusuke's mother walked into the home. She took one look at Kagome and screamed. They hadn't noticed it, except Kurama, but she was bloody, bruised and dirty. Kurama had taken his shirt off and dressed Kagome in it. He used his plants to help heal her and to sooth her wounds. It when his mother cried out for Kagome, madly running around to get the proper equipment to seal her wounds, that Yusuke had remembered her.
“Kurama.” Yusuke said in an unusually calm voice.
“Yes Yusuke?” Kurama asked.
“Why are your shirtless?” Yusuke asked.
Kurama wanted to roll his eyes.
“If you noticed, she wasn't wearing much of that uniform top, it was shredded pretty badly. It would be better if I was half naked instead of her.” Kurama said.
“You just want your scent on her!” Hiei said.
Kurama looked at Hiei and glared. It may have been true but he wouldn't force her into a relationship, especially if she was this shaken up. He would get to know her, give her time to heal and then slowly move into her life. He had a plan and for the first time ever, Youko was going to be patient about all of this. This was something different and Kurama couldn't help but smile.
“What happened to Kagome-chan?” Atsuko demanded.
Yusuke was debating if he should tell his mother.
“We don't know Urameshi-san. We were all talking when this young woman screamed your name. Yusuke opened the door and she ran inside. Urameshi-san, is there something you need to tell us about Kagome-san?” Kurama asked.
Atsuko was debating if she should tell the gang. Her sister had said that Kagome lived a dangerous life and that if anyone were to find out, it could mean danger for them but they were already in danger. Plus, Yusuke would be able to protect her now, use some of his possessiveness and protectiveness toward Kagome.
“She's a miko. Priestess and Guardian of the Shikon no Tama.” Atsuko said.
Hiei and Kurama's attention went straight to the young priestess. She was gripping onto Kurama's hand as she slept, her head resting against his shoulder. She held the Shikon no Tama and most prized jewel. When they were younger, they could remember the stories their parents or guardians told them about that jewel.
“Having problems fox?” Hiei asked.
Yusuke and Kuwabara then looked at Kurama, he was blushing as he held Kagome. They all thought it was a very interesting sight. Kurama never blushed, never seemed to notice girls. They stared at the young man and then at the girl in his lap, so that was why he was blushing. Her hand had fallen between them and was probably touching someplace private to him, to all men if it were their body.
“What was after her?” Kurama questioned ignoring the teasing Hiei was doing.
Yusuke stopped glaring as he thought about it. When he first opened the door, the young girl, his cousin had immediately ran inside and immediately threw up some kind of barrier. It wouldn't be the first time he had seen someone put a barrier up but hers was so strong and it was pure energy instead of demonic energy.
“It was a hanyou, inu-hanyou.” Hiei said.
Kuwabara stared at the girl, she seemed so familiar to him. That's when he remembered, a little girl who sat and played with him when he was in fifth grade, before he became a badass. She was a nice girl and was always giving, never asking for things. She helped him take care of an injured kitty and when he got sick then, then she just disappeared.
Kurama couldn't help but feel attracted this her, even if she was several years younger than he was. She was a freshman, to what Atsuko had said and that she had many secrets she was keeping. He knew that she wouldn't want to tell them but he couldn't help but wonder what was so secretive. Kurama couldn't help but give a small smile, she was small compared to him, compared to his friends and she was light, fit well against his body. He had breathed a sigh as she moved her hand from its resting place and turn toward him.
“Yusuke.” Atsuko called out.
“What Ma?” Yusuke answered.
She rolled her eyes at him and stepped toward the group. She noticed that Kurama had hunched over Kagome, protecting her with his body from others.
“I talked to your aunty Asume. She believes that it is best if you take Kagome to her apartment and possibly stay there with her.” Atsuko said.
“Why does she live in an apartment? She's only in her third year of Junior High!” Yusuke demanded.
“It's too dangerous for her family if she were to live with them.” Atsuko said.
“What's after her? Who keeps attacking her?” Kurama asked or more so demanded.
Atsuko frowned, she didn't know if she should tell them this. Asume had told her it was up to Kagome to tell them. She knew that they would just call Koenma and scare it out of him, especially Kurama who seemed like he was going to do anything and everything to protect her and find out information about her. Atsuko sighed in frustration, she and Asume must have done something really bad in their past lives to get this kind of luck. First her niece is found to have the sacred jewel as her soul, then her son is killed, and then they miraculously heal and return to normal only to live dangerous and stressful lives.
“Yusuke, what month did you die? How many years ago?” Atsuko asked.
He looked confused.
“March, six years ago. Why?” Yusuke asked.
“You and Kagome…six years ago you died and six years ago she was attacked because she had the Shikon no Tama as her soul.” Atsuko said.
“How old is Kagome?” Kuwabara asked. “She doesn't look our age.”
“She's fifteen.” Atsuko said.
“So she was nine when all these things happened to her? When did she find out about her soul? Ma, when did Kagome move out?” Yusuke asked.
Atsuko thought about it, shook her head and sighed. There was a connection between her son and Kagome. Their fate was intertwined somehow.
“When she was five she found out. Interesting happened to her, she used to float above her bed and make things out of her miko energy. The day you woke up. Asume said that, the same time you were given back life. Kagome said it wasn't safe anymore that she had to leave. She's a lot more courageous than you would believe. The things you are protecting, these barriers…Kagome's incarnation was its creator.” Atsuko said.
~*~*~*~*~ The Next Day ~*~*~*~*~
Kurama, Kuwabara, Yusuke and Hiei packed their belongings and moved into Kagome's apartment. She had yet to wake up and that was okay, she was badly injured and it would take a demon a month to heal. The guys when they first walked into the apartment just stopped and stared. It was huge, way too large for a little girl. Atsuko had come with them to help them get settled, she told them that Kagome needed this, and that she had chosen this apartment for the single purpose that others would be living with her in the future. Guess she called it correctly.
“Here's a small problem, there are only four rooms and one belongs to Kagome.” Yusuke said.
The guys fell silent before Atsuko and Asume had taken over. When they tried to separate Kurama and Kagome, Kagome's aura would lash out. Asume rubbed her wrists and arms, they were burnt because of the purifying energy Kagome released. Atsuko shook her head and led the boys to their rooms downstairs while Asume showed Kurama the room he would be staying in. It was nice, wasn't girly like he thought it would be and it was a comfortable size. A walk in closet and a master bathroom was absolutely perfect. The guys then walked into his room as Atsuko and Asume cooked dinner for them.
“Wow, nice room.” Yusuke said.
Kurama nodded as he sat down on the bed, rubbing Kagome's head, raking his fingers through her hair as she slept. He was happy that she was like him, that she could be told about their job and that their job ran into each other.
“What's going to happen now?” Kuwabara asked.
“I don't know. I'm sure Koenma-sama knows about this so we can tell Kagome-san when she wakes up.” Kurama said.
“I can't believe Kagome-chan and I are so similar and I couldn't remember her at first. It sucks that she's in danger like this. Everything bad that has happened to us happened on the same day and time. It sucks that she had to go through this. Especially holding such responsibility and duty. She has it worse than us, she can never live a normal life.” Yusuke said.
As they sat there looking at Kagome, Botan appeared just when Kagome opened her eyes. She stared at the young girl before looking at Kurama who had this girl hiding in his chest, whimpering and shaking. Botan looked insulted but she had seen what the girl went through, hell she on several occasions had to go down to check if she were dead. Not something that she was happy about.
“Koenma-sama wishes to speak to all of you.” Botan said.
“What about Kagome-chan? I'm not just going to leave her here.” Kurama said.
Kagome looked at him then at Botan. Since Kurama didn't see her as an enemy she settled down. Kagome couldn't pinpoint her aura but it did scream death, literally.
“Hello. I'm Botan.” She said.
“Kagome. Higurashi, Kagome.” She said.
“Yes I know. It's been two weeks since your last close call. I'm actually quite surprised you are still alive Kagome. You've had so many close calls that your body shouldn't be working so properly. You had some ugly calls too, you actually died once or twice if I remember correctly.” Botan said.
Kagome flinched at Kurama's growl but it was unavoidable. She had a dangerous job and a dangerous life. She was the protector, holder and priestess of the Shikon no Tama. It was her soul as her body was born from the gods themselves. Everyone either wanted her or wanted to kill her.
“I know but things have changed Botan-sama. I'm not the little girl I once was and the Shikon no Tama has pulsed with energy from both Midoriko and the Chaotic Souls.” Kagome said.
Botan nodded and opened the portal. This was interesting news and she knew that Kurama and Yusuke would have some words with her, especially since she was so blunt about it. They could tell that it hurt Kagome and that she didn't want to think about it. The moment they stepped through the barrier, Kagome fainted. Botan cried out when she touched Kagome, her hands was burned. They all stepped away because of her flaring aura and could only watch Kurama pick her up and carry her toward Koenma. So far, he was the only person who could touch her.
“What happened?” Kurama demanded, his eyes flashing between green and gold.
The detectives, Botan and Koenma were very much afraid of Kurama. They hadn't seen Kurama's full potential when he was angry, well Hiei did and that was why he was afraid, although he never showed it. Kurama could take down half of Makai and all of Nigenkai when he was seriously angered. Good thing Kurama had control and patience before acting.
“I'm not very sure Kurama. It could be the slip through the barriers. She is the holder of the Shikon no Tama.” Koenma said.
Kurama seemed okay with that answer even if he knew that wasn't it but he could only hold Kagome in his lap. His hand rubbing her back in soothing circles, a low growl emitting from his chest and the scent of fresh roses were in the air.
“That's not the reason she fainted.” Hiei said.
Everyone looked at the fire apparition. His attention was on Kagome, the Jagan open and searching through both Kurama and Kagome. He couldn't look into one without looking into the other.
“She entered this realm without you next to her, it was like being in two separate universes and her body couldn't handle itself without Kurama's strength and aura near her. That is the reason she fainted.” Hiei said.
“How do you know this?” Yusuke asked
“Because I can't look into one mind without looking into the other.” Hiei said.
Kurama looked down at Kagome, so they were joined. That was good news, he could always protect her this way, always make sure that she was safe and happy, he could make her happy. He felt her stir and hugged her tighter to him, making sure that she was covered in his scent.
“Wh-where am I?” Kagome asked.
She looked around to see many people stare at her and shook in fear. The last time someone or many people stared at her, she was beaten. Kagome struggled against the person who held her and whimpered in fear. Where was the guy who risked his life for her? Where was he now? She gasped when she felt the arms hold her tighter and bury his face in her hair.
“It's okay. None of us are going to hurt you.” Kurama whispered.
Kagome turned around and saw the young man and relaxed. She looked at everyone and whispered to herself, a silent prayer and a blessing for those around her. She smiled at everyone and gave each of them a prayer.
“Do you remember who I am?” Yusuke asked.
He was curious, they all were curious about what she knew and what she went through. They all wanted to know what the hell was going on with her being the priestess of the Shikon no Tama and even the barriers. Yusuke looked back at his cousin and frowned, she had a glare upon her face and if he remembered right, that was never a good thing.
“Of course I remember you. Yusuke, I'm not stupid nor am I senile like Jiji-chan.” Kagome said flatly.
“Just making sure Kag-chan.” Yusuke said.
Kagome narrowed her eyes and sighed. Yusuke was always going to be the same, it was inevitable, guess being dropped or hit so many times had repercussions. Kagome snuggled into the warmth and sighed, she felt safe, something she hadn't felt in a long time. With this person with her, she didn't feel threatened and could answer the questions the pipsqueak asked.
The next morning, Kurama woke up alone. For several weeks, Kurama had awakened with Kagome sleeping next to him. It had been some time since he had a good night's rest, one without the nightmares of Youko's past. Kurama made his way downstairs where Kagome was cooking and humming to herself. Since he wasn't fully awake, he walked to her hugged her and kissed her good morning before grabbing something to drink and plopping himself on the couch to wait for his team members.
Kagome stood stiff for a few seconds before she finished her morning rituals. She made sure to make a lot of food, knowing how Kuwabara and Yusuke ate and just plain guessing about Kurama and Hiei. They all had spoken during the night, making sure to understand each other and to place some amount of trust in each other as well. She gave a small smile as she remembered how well she slept. No nightmares, no bruises in the morning, no headache or muscle ache, nothing but peacefulness and safety. This would be one of the only times Kagome could remember being so happy.
“Wow Kag-chan…you're cooking just keeps getting better and better.” Yusuke said as he stuffed his mouth with food.
Kagome took a small breath, grabbed a wooden spoon and walked to Yusuke as he kept talking with his mouth full. Counting to three silently, she whacked him hard on his head. This got a lot of laughs, weird and amused looks. Yusuke glared at her and she glared back. Yusuke knew exactly why he got hit, she had a pet peeve on people talking with food in their mouths and Yusuke knew that for a fact, getting hit almost every time, sometimes just because he wanted to make her angry.
“What was that for?” Yusuke demanded.
He was given a very serious glare and a sigh.
“Stop talking with food in your mouth. It's impolite.” Kagome said.
“Yeah yeah.”
“Don't you `yeah yeah' me Yusuke-kun. You always do this and it's annoying.” Kagome said with a huff.
“But Kag-chan. You should be used to this!” Yusuke whined.
He was given another glare.
“Still it doe…” Kagome started before she collapsed.
Kurama ran toward her, cradling her limp form against his. He frowned when he noticed that she wasn't injured but then…how or why did she just faint? That would be a nice question. He looked at Hiei who was using the Jagan to look through Kagome's mind, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
“A dark priestess. The first priestess and the chaotic battle. The birth of the Shikon no Tama and the creation of herself. Marking. Pain. Blood. Death.” Hiei said.
Kurama didn't look at Hiei, only at Kagome. Something was off, something was wrong and that's when he noticed the weird bite mark. Someone had tried to claim her and because she refused the claim and because the claimer was from a powerful family, the mark drained power and caused the claimed to succumb to their weakness.
Kurama slid her yukata so that her neck and chest was exposed, completely ignoring the angry shouts from Kuwabara and Yusuke. It was that stupid inu-hanyou who tried to claim her but he didn't get her trust and acceptance so he was punishing her through the claim. He looked at Hiei who nodded at him and placed his lips to her chest, above her left breast, where her heart lay. He took a deep breath and summoned Youko out for a short while, sinking his fangs into her skin and claiming her for as his own, erasing the mark by the inu-hanyou. Luckily for him, Kagome accepted him easily, trusting him to take care of her and not to hurt her.
“WHY THE HELL DID YOU BITE HER!?!” Yusuke yelled.
“Shut up detective.” Hiei growled.
Yusuke looked at him and glared. This was his little cousin, there was a very large sense of protectiveness that flowed around him.
“The reason she fainted was because of a forced mark, claiming mark. I overran it. Instead of her holding that hanyou's mark, she holds mine.” Kurama said.
“So you forcefully bound her to you?” Yusuke demanded.
“I didn't force her, I put a claiming mark which she accepted thus turning it into a mating mark.” Kurama said.
Yusuke just stared.
“Could you fix her clothing?” Yusuke asked embarrassed.
Kurama looked down and growled, tugging Kagome's clothing back in place. He glared at everyone before walking to his room. He shook his head and muttered about instincts and how annoying they were. Taking several deep breaths, he finally grabbed a hold on Youko and shoved him back into his mind, laid Kagome down and climbed into bed. All of this inner fighting and worrying about Kagome had taken a toll on the young man.

~*~*~*~*~ Downstairs ~*~*~*~*~
“I wonder if he knows exactly what Kagome is?” Yusuke asked.
Kuwabara shrugged.
“He is Youko, kitsune youkai and his is Suuichi Minamoto, human man. Kagome is a human with no boundaries, innocent and young yet power tenfold to a normal youkai. She is born from the gods themselves and has Midoriko's soul. Many people want that, to own her but with Kurama by her side…there is no one in the world who could separate them.” Botan said.
“My Jagan can't look into one mind without looking into the other. It's like they are merging into one. This tends to happen with some mates. Very few though.” Hiei said.
“Souls.” Yusuke muttered.
“What?” Botan asked.
“I see their souls, the energy. Kurama's is overlapping Kagome's and she's entering his…WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!” Yusuke demanded.
“Soul mates. Only one every hundred years actually form. It would seem that Kurama is more special than we all thought.” Koenma said.
“Sir?” Botan asked.
“A soul is never without a partner. It was said that Midoriko never found her soul mate. Her soul moved on, died before its partner was found. If the souls don't find each other within the lifespan of their hosts, they will be reincarnated into another. If the souls do find their partners, their hosts never part. It's like fountain of youth thing, they shall never die. The joining of both Youko and Suuichi's souls has created the partner for Kagome of Midoriko's soul and the chaotic spirit's soul. Let's just pray that no one angers them. Not even spirit world would be able to stop the duo if they are crying for revenge.” Koenma said.
“Get out of our room Koenma-sama.” Kurama murmured.
Everyone looked at Kurama and Kagome. He was holding her against him as she slept. He looked tired and worn but had enough energy to glare at them, letting them know that he wasn't joking and that he would hurt them. Kurama's attention, well everyone's attention moved to the young girl. She whimpered and hugged Kurama tighter, burying her head in his chest before sighing.
“Leave us.” Kurama growled.
Hiei, Koenma and Botan bowed before leaving while Kuwabara and Yusuke were shoved down before being dragged away. Kurama looked at the scene with amusement before he turned his attention to his soon to be mate. The mark pulsed with both his and her emotion and it made him smile. She was the one, she would never let him be alone as he would never let her live life alone. They were one, together.
“Kurama-kun.” Kagome murmured.
“Hai?” He answered.
“Are they gone yet?” Kagome asked.
“Hai, they left.” Kurama said.
“Okay. What time is it?” Kagome asked.
“About five o'clock.” He answered.
“Oh, okay.” Kagome murmured. “AH IT'S FIVE? OHMIGOD DINNER!” She screamed.
Kurama looked in amusement as she jumped out of bed, grabbing her before she opened the door and pointed to her clothing. He watched as she blushed before changing and then running downstairs, getting a shout and strings of swearing from Yusuke for stepping on him and cry of sadness from Botan for shoving her out of the kitchen. Kurama just walked down, not caring about anything as he watched Kagome run around in the kitchen. He looked down at Yusuke who was twitching on the floor with a nice slap mark and several shoe marks on his chest and forehead. It was a very good look for him, he would remember to recommend it.
“I'll get you little cousin.” Yusuke mumbled.
Kurama watched his friends and watched his mate. She was his as he was hers. Something good did come from his existence. His thoughts were shattered when the hanyou crashed through the barriers around the house, in tow three humans.
“The dark priestess.” Hiei growled.
In the middle of the room was four people, one hanyou, a dark miko, a slayer and a houshi. Kurama looked at his mate to be and sighed. She didn't look scared nor was she even paying attention to the new group. Sometimes he wondered if she would do this just to aggravate her enemies. It was something he did when he was still Youko and it was so much fun but it wasn't him doing it, it was his mate doing this and it was annoying the hell out of him. He closed his eyes and focused on her aura, it was building but being discrete about it so no one would notice.
“Are you sure that's my reincarnation?” The dark miko asked.
“Of course.” The hanyou answered.
“I'm not her reincarnation hanyou. You of all people should know that, I don't have a trace of her scent within mine. It is solely mine and if you can't tell then you are truly weak.” Kagome said.

The hanyou growled in anger and lunged at Kagome only to run into her barrier. He growled and clawed at it, only to get purification shot at him. The dark miko tried but she couldn't, dark and pure…purity always won. The slayer tried but her weapon was shot at her, knocking her out. The houshi couldn't step any closer without being in pain. How was it that this girl has so much power.
“She isn't my reincarnation!” The dark miko screamed.
“She has the Shikon no Tama.” The hanyou snarled.
The dark miko took a step back in fear.
“True but she isn't my reincarnation. Her aura is completely different than mine.” The dark miko said.
“But you want the Shikon no Tama don't you?” The hanyou demanded.
“Of course I do. I was its guardian before I died and now that I'm back. I will be its guardian once again. I will be the one who purifies it.” The dark miko stated.
Kagome narrowed her eyes at the hanyou and dark miko. She looked at the houshi and the slayer, they were being used as pawns, and she had to free them. Kagome threw a barrier around the houshi and the slayer, causing them to cry out in pain. The mark on their skin made by the two evils was burning away.
“Leave hanyou. You have no right coming here. The Shikon no Tama can never be tainted, by your hands or anyone else's. The jewel has been purified and can no longer cause the damage it had years ago.” Kagome said.
“Then you made a wish!” The dark miko demanded.
Kagome just laughed, giggling at first before it blew to being body shaking.
“There is no wish in the world that is pure enough to heal the jewel. You are nothing more than dirt and bone, even as a human you were never pure enough to purify the tainted stone. The jewel is nothing but a mass of miasma. A wish would taint it and open the doors to the chaotic being that lives within the jewel.” Kagome said.
“You lie.” The dark miko stated.
“I do not lie. The jewel is my soul. It has been purified and there is nothing neither you nor anyone else can do about it. Be glad that I have patience. You have all of two years to live with your hanyou, then you will be returned to your former state. If something or someone is to kill you, then that is all the time you have.” Kagome said.

The hanyou was furious, slashing at the barrier only to be thrown back. Kagome was getting angry, Kurama understood that. She had told them exactly what was happening and had even prolonged the dead miko's life and they still were attacking her.
“Listen to me hanyou. If you dare to attack the people under my protection, which means everyone, I will purify you and send you to the pits of hell. Heed my words I am not the small child you once had control of. Do not think that I won't destroy, I have no problem with that.” Kagome said darkly.
The hanyou grabbed his miko and left. Swearing that he would be back to kill Kagome and anyone who stands by her side. Kagome sighed and sat down, pouting. Because of this, the dinner was ruined. She looked at the two humans, once in the control of the dark miko and the hanyou, walking toward them and giving them back the life that was stolen from them. She glanced at Kurama who stopped when her eyes were on him.
“You are free. Go live the lives you once lived. Happiness shall follow you, no evil can touch you now.” Kagome said.
“Thank you for your kindness miko-sama.” The houshi said as he carried his wife away.
Kagome nodded and watched as they walked away. She turned to Kurama who smiled at her. He knew why she was pouting and it was just too cute. Yusuke was laughing, Botan looked away to hide her smile and Hiei was amused.
“It's not funny.” Kagome whined. “It was almost done too.”
Yusuke threw an arm across Kagome's shoulder and smiled. He laughed but couldn't help but feel happy that she was safe. It must really suck that she could never live a normal life and that she would have to deal with people like that. If he could, Yusuke would wish for peace for his cousin.
“Come Kagome-chan, rest.” Kurama said.
Kagome nodded and walked to her mate. They smiled at each other before Kagome hugged him around the waist and sighed in happiness. There were so many things that she would never understand and love was one of them. She had never felt love before and she hadn't felt so accepted since her family's first experience with demons. It was all about her fighting to remain at peace. They walked to their room and lay down. Kagome yawned and smiled, cuddling into Kurama's chest.
“I'm proud of you Kagome-chan.” Kurama said.
Kagome nodded. She squealed when Kurama flipped them over. Her breath got caught in her throat as he stared down at her. His brilliant green eyes locking with her unique gray blue eyes as his hands tugged on her shirt, ripping it off her body. She gasped at the roughness he showed her clothing. Kagome understood him though, men were after her and she was open game until she was mated, completely. Her nimble fingers moved to undress him. She heard chuckles and looked up, Kurama looked amused.
“Don't be nervous. You know I won't hurt you.” Kurama said. “This is your time, your first time.”
Kagome nodded and lay there, letting him control the situation. She smiled and giggled when his lips trailed down her throat, licking the hollow of her neck and bathing it with his tongue. Kagome sighed and gasped as his hands molded themselves onto her breasts, massaging them as his fingers tugged and pinched her nipples. Kagome's hand drove into his hair, massaging his head and holding it to her body. Kurama smiled as his lips moved down her chest, his lips molding around her nipple as his teeth gently tugged at it. The sharp gasps that Kagome released only made him harder.
He could feel the pleasure her body was going through, the trembles she made and the noises she made told him everything. Everything about her made him realize how lucky he was. Kurama was glad that she was just as affect with his body as he was with hers. It was amazing, her body, her taste, her spirit, the look on her face…it was all for him.
Kagome gasped when Kurama's lips followed a path down her body. She let out a strangled shout as he let out hot wisps of air on her womanhood. She thrusts her nimble fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp as his mouth did the most devilish things to her body. She knew that something was going to happen, her body kept getting hotter and hotter as something coiled in her womb. Her body arched and she voiced out breathy screams and high-pitched whines.
There was nothing better than her, her nectar tasted exquisite as well. He could live to do this everyday. He smirked against her womanhood at her body's response. With one last nip, her body released more of her inner nectar because of her orgasm and Kagome herself let go his name. Kurama crawled back up her body and kissed her deeply, letting her feel his body.
“Do you want this?” Kurama asked.

Kagome just nodded her head. She couldn't form words at the moment.
“This will hurt.” Kurama said softly.
Kagome brought her hand to cup his cheek, her fingers caressing his skin.
“I know but I trust you. Your love for me will override the initial pain.” Kagome said.
Kurama dipped his head and gave her a kiss, his mouth going down her neck to toward his mark. He slowly entered her body, cringing that she was already crying out in pain. It appeased him that she was so tight, a virgin, and that she had waited…for him. With a muttered sorry, he lunged forward, breaking the barrier of her innocence while at the same time, remarking her. He winced at her cry of pain but knowing that this, the consummation, would be the last time he would hurt her.
It felt like she was being ripped from the inside out. Kurama was most definitely well endowed and as sure as she was about loving it in the future, at the moment…it wasn't her most favorite part on his body. Kagome arched her back as she cried, holding onto Kurama as if he were a lifeline, which to her…he was.
“Are you okay?” Kurama asked.
It had been a while and she still held a death grip on him.
“Yes. It feels different.” Kagome whispered. “Please love me.”
“Always.” Kurama whispered.
He gently rocked against her and was rewarded a cry of pleasure. He gripped her hands, placing them near her head, his mouth was caressing hers and worshipping her neck and chest. He stared at her, loving the fact that her body was humming in pure pleasure, gasps and moans escaping her sensual mouth as he rocked inside of her. He smiled as she opened her eyes, pure love, pure devotion, pure everything was pouring from them. There were no words between them for they both knew.
It took everyone to keep Yusuke downstairs. They all heard Kagome's screams and either turned red from embarrassment or anger…except for Hiei. Yusuke was scowling and muttering that he was going to kill Kurama for touching his cousin but happy that Kagome was happy as well, she sure sounded like it anyway. Several hours had passed and they could still hear the couple and it was starting to get annoying. Yusuke wondered if it was a demon thing, he and Keiko had been sexually involved for almost a year and a half and it still hadn't lasted that long.
“It is a demon thing.” Hiei said.
“Oh, how much longer?” Yusuke asked.
“Depends. Foxes are known for their stamina but since Kagome is human. I doubt it will last that much longer.” Hiei said.
How was it that demons could talk about this stuff like it was a common topic? He was all stuttering and blushing because of it and he was a fucking well known fighter.
Both Kagome and Kurama basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Kagome sighed and curled up against Kurama, who was completely sated. With Kagome at his side, there was nothing he could not do. He knew that they would have to deal with hell, especially with Hiei's teasing, Yusuke's threats and of course Koenma and Botan. Botan was in love with him and knew that he didn't feel the same, Koenma was just immature and was against stuff like this, he didn't want distracts with missions. Not that it mattered anyway, both himself and Hiei were spending their last month during their community service. He really wanted to settle down too, start dating and enjoying life in the body of a human. It didn't turn out that way but it was good all the same.
“Kurama?” Kagome whispered.
“Yes?” He answered.
“How is everyone else going to deal with this? I'm pretty sure they heard us.” Kagome muttered.
“I don't know how, the best we can. I'm sure they heard us as well, you are quite loud my dear miko.” Kurama teased.
Kagome ducked her head and muttered a few phrases, phrases she probably got from her cousin. She was tired and she was sore but for some reason, it didn't bother her at all. She leaned up and kissed him, sighing as he kissed her back with just as much passion.
“I'm tired.” Kagome muttered.
Kurama laughed.
“You would be. It was your first time as mine as a human.” Kurama said.
Kagome nodded and snuggled into him. They drifted into a deep sleep, their auras were mixing together, sending a wave of peace to the other occupants in the house and protecting them. He knew that there were people who did not agree with them being together because of their own selfish intents but truthfully, he didn't care. He was safe and he was happy, he found his mate and would never be without her.
The next morning, everyone stared at them. Kagome was in the kitchen cooking as usual but this time Kurama was there with her, helping her chop or stir, sometimes getting her off task. Yusuke had accepted this and had a new level of respect for Kurama. He knew exactly how difficult his cousin was, she was just so stubborn at times not that he could say anything. They talked, Kurama would stay with Kagome in the apartment and she would come with them on missions.
“So what are we going to do about the hanyou and the dead miko?” Kuwabara asked.
Kagome looked thoughtful before she smiled.
“Absolutely nothing.” Kagome answered. “The barriers are stronger now, all those who could pass through by degree from Enma-sama would have to get a new passport.”
Kurama looked at his mate.
“What?” He asked.
“I can answer that.” Koenma said as he popped up. “I must congratulate you Kurama and Kagome-sama. Your mating has strengthened the barriers between the worlds and has even created peace between the spirit world and the demon world.”
Kurama looked at Kagome who was promptly blushing.
“Thank you.” Kurama said. He hugged Kagome tighter against his body. His hands going a little further than her stomach, he couldn't wait until she was bearing his kits. He could actually see her, swollen from pregnancy. Oh yeah, he was seriously going to make sure she was.
“I would like to thank you personally. My father and myself can relax more now that we don't have cases full of demons running amok around the human world.” Koenma said.
Yusuke looked at Koenma. “What do we do now?”
Koenma just laughed. “The barriers are strong now but later they will as always fall slightly. Demons are always looking for a way to get a quick lay. You should be thankful Yusuke; your cousin is a very generous woman. She has granted you and your friend's life before death. Never to age, never to leave the world, you are the human world's sole protectors.”
Yusuke looked at Kagome who just shrugged. He had no idea she had power like that.
“I didn't have that kind of power, only now after my mating with Kurama. Our souls are at peace. If you focus on us, you can't tell where one starts and the other ends, as such is soul mates.” Kagome said.
Yusuke closed his eyes and focused on his baby cousin before they snapped open and stared at the two of them.
“Why do you look so surprised Yusuke? When you and Keiko mated, it was the same thing.” Kurama said. “You didn't focus on your own energy, only in the heat of battle. As is Yukina and Kuwabara. He may be a human but he has the spirit energy of a demon. You, Yusuke are a demon, half anyway.”
Hiei looked at Kurama and Kagome. He knew something was off, he could feel it.
“You are correct Hiei. Something is off, they are not yet complete.” Koenma said.
Everyone stared at Hiei and it annoyed him. He looked and saw Kurama and Kagome looking at him, their hands open to him. He just stared at them.
“We are not yet complete Hiei as you are not yet complete. We have our mate but you have not accepted yours.” Kagome said. “Allow us to show you the way.”
Hiei looked at Kagome before he surrendered, closing his eyes and gripping onto her and Kurama's hands. He saw everything, from when Kurama was born and then Suuichi as he saw when Kagome was born, her soul torn as it fought itself. Then he saw Botan. They had to be kidding, there was no way his soul could be complete with that bubbly of joy.
“You fight against us Hiei. You have no need to. Claim your mate, complete us.” Kagome said.
Botan had seen the same things Hiei saw and blushed. Her body grew hotter and hotter as she thought of him. Hiei looked at the ferry girl in wonder, she was his mate? They must all be laughing at him in some way. Hiei looked at Kagome, into her eyes and nodded. They spoke the truth, he knew she wouldn't lie to him but seeing it in her eyes made it more real.
“Very well.” Hiei said.

Kagome smiled at him and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She then walked over to Botan and did the same. Kurama placed his hand on their forehead and nodded.
“Blessed.” They said.
“This is fucked up!” Yusuke said.
“But isn't it just great?” Kagome asked. “You now get to have all the sex your adolescent body wants.”
Kurama laughed as Yusuke blushed.
“What about you?” Yusuke teased.
“I'm getting everything I want, you don't have to worry about me. My mate can easily please me and give me what I want. Keiko is a lot more demanding than I am.” Kagome said. “I don't rule in our bed.”
“Too much information Kagome.” Yusuke muttered.
“You asked.” Kagome countered. “If you don't want the information, ask the right questions or don't ask at all. Either way Yusuke, you know these things will be open.”
“Just great.” Yusuke muttered.
Kagome smiled. She looked around; Hiei and Botan were nowhere in sight. Kagome gasped when she felt it. A small smile appeared on her face. Complete, she was finally complete.
It has been several months since their group had managed to form an unbreakable bond. As Kurama promised himself, Kagome was heavy with child. Yusuke had a bet running, something he wished he hadn't done. Kagome kicked his ass and made him have kitchen duty. There were moments in the house where everyone had to leave. Kurama had an insatiable hunger for his mate and she had no problem feeding that hunger.