Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Scars ❯ Prolouge: End of the begining ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha … And for latter chapters I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Harry Potter… Oh well. ~_~ All I do own is the crazy, messed up plot where they are mashed together.
A/N: The title will change as soon as I can think of a better one; truthfully I only called it this because I wanted to post. If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate some help.
Here's the full summary: She lost everything to Naraku; her love, friends, family. Now forced to start a new life with a group of children from the feudal Era, she finds that all that they had worked for may have been for naught. Now in a new setting, with a new goal, new friends and a new twist to her enemy, she must fight once again. IY,YYH,HP Xover.
She dragged herself out of the well, carefully holding a kitsune kit in her arms. She was a bloody mess. Her long black hair was matted with the sticky substance that soaked her red and white miko's garb and seeped through the several wounds that marred her young body. There was a set of five long scratches running down the length of her pretty face, the blood of which mingled with the tears that flowed from her deep blue eyes. The kit in her arms was not in much better condition. He was out cold, his stomach fairly bisected by a deep, maybe fatal, wound.
She had barely made it out of the well before collapsing; she twisted with the last of her energy to make sure her body would shield the kit from the hard floor. Then she just laid there, all the fight gone from her. The strength that had fuelled the frantic flight to the well was gone, leaving her completely drained. Her eyes drifted closed, and what little was left of her Miko powers receded into her body, trying to conserve as much energy as possible.
She had only laid there for a few minutes before a young boy's head popped over the edge of the well. His chocolate brown eyes were worried as he looked at the older girl. “Rin, Kanna. I think we should get out now. Something's wrong with Kagome-neesan.” He whispered, looking back down into the well. He climbed the rest of the way out, and then helped two younger girls make it over the edge. The younger of the two ran over to the older girl and fell to her knees.
“Kagome-neechan! Kagome-neechan! What's wrong Kagome-neechan?!” Then she saw the red-headed fox kit in Kagome's arms and gasped. “Kagome-neechan! What happened to Shippou-chan?! Rin's so scared!”
Kagome smiled weakly and opened her eyes. “Shhhh… Rin, its okay. Shippou and I will be fine.” She raised her voice slightly, though she still sounded weak. “Kohaku? Please Kohaku, I need your help. I don't think I can stand on my own.”
The boy, Kohaku, knelt by her side and took the least cut-up of her arms, hooking it over his shoulders. “Do you want me to take Shippou?” He asked quietly as he slowly rose to his feet, Kagome following.
“No! I- I will hold him. It's okay…” Despite the condition she was in, the prospect of Shippou being taken away from her alarmed her, even if it was a friend. Especially when he was in the condition he was in.
Kohaku looked at her in wonder. “You know, sometimes you remind me of a youkai. You act like a female youkai would with a child you consider your own. Anyway, what happened? Why did we have to run? And why are you and Shippou so badly injured?”
“Betrayal, that's what happened.” She answered in a bitter whisper, pain clouding her eyes. “Inuyasha, he…He chose the Clay Pot over me. He chose Kikyou! And that's after he said he loved me and only me! And guess what… She wants her soul back. Not only that, but he doesn't care that he has to kill me to get it! And when Shippou tried to help me, Inuyasha attacked him too. He doesn't care! He… He laughed… ” She fell to her knees with an agonized cry. Her shocking blue eyes glimmered with tears through her raven's wing black hair as she looked up at the younger teen that was worriedly bending over her. “I-I can't do this. I just can't! It hurts too much.”
Kohaku knelt beside her and wrapped his strong arms around her, careful of her wounds. He buried his face in her neck, tears escaping from his own eyes. “Please Kagome! You're not alone. We need you! Rin, Kanna, and I, and especially Shippou; we all really, really need you! Don't leave us alone. Not here in a place we know nothing about…” He ended in a helpless whisper.
Kagome gently detangled him from her body, a sad smile gracing her face. She stroked his dark brown hair, trying to soothe him. “Kohaku, I promise I won't leave you. I guess I have something to live for after all. Let's go, okay? I think my mom will like you a lot.”
They were about halfway to the shrine-house why Shippou stirred, whimpering. Kanna stopped, and for the first time in days spoke. “Something's wrong.” Her soulless black eyes seemed almost frightened. “It feels like…father.” Just then a shrill scream pierced the air. Rin, who had run ahead to the house, was stopped at the front door, looking in. She was visibly trembling, whimpers falling from her partially opened mouth.
Kagome, with strength she didn't know she had, ran to the crying girl. She too stopped when she saw what was lying on the floor behind the door. “Oka-san?” Her eyes wide, she enveloped the little girl in her arms, turning her face into her chest. She couldn't let a child continue to see the scene that was laid out before them. Her mother was barely recognizable; she was butchered and covered in her own blood from head to toe.
As soon as Kohaku came up behind them, unsure of what was going on, Kagome passed Rin to him. Then she ran into the house, franticly searching every room for signs of the rest of her family. “Jii-chan?! Souta?! Are you there?! Where are you?! Please, Jii-chan, Souta; please answer me!” As she ran from room to room, she found each empty of any and all life. Her tears returned twice fold, and after she searched the last unyielding room, which was her own, she fell to her knees once again and let loose all of the emotional pain and loss that she had encountered within the past few days.
“Kagome?” A small, weak voice called to her from her closet. “Kagome, is that you?”
“Souta!” Kagome ran to the closet and yanked it open. She caught her little brother as he fell from the top shelf and hugged him tight. “Oh, Souta, I thought you were dead! What happened Souta?”
“Kagome, I was so scared!” The little boy cried into his older sister's bloody top. “Some scary men came and cut Oka-san up. Then they took Jii-chan away! They didn't get me only because I hid in your closet, but then I got stuck and couldn't get out! And they smashed Buyo into a wall!!” He sniffled and held out the dead cat's body. “And he won't wake up!!!”
Kagome took the proffered body and gently placed it on the floor. “Its okay, Souta. We'll pull through this… Together.”