Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Whole World's Leaning On Me ❯ Erari, Yuri, and Katana ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Whole Worlds Leaning On Me

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu-Yu-Hakusho…blah blah blah

Recommended reading: Kissing Booth-Tsukitani, Weakling-Lil'Inu, Secret Guardian-SnowySilence, A Bond Of Thorns-ScarletRaven1001.

Lani: Okay! People are just to hyper, I wont say any names or point any fingers *cough cough* fox *points finger at* *cough cough* soo, I am going to have 2 girls and a boy. I still need a second boy okay! And I will introduce a boy in later chapters.

Kagome: Poor girl…its WAY past her bed time…she's a bit dizzy so sorry if this isn't a good chapter people!

Kagura: And if anyone is out of character too!

Savannah: Yea and Lani is too tired to like cause any trouble right now, so, umm…

Christyn: So gomen ne f ya wanted something funny! If ne1 would like, can u plz give Lani suggestions on what to do for her side story stuffie plz?

Raquel: Ariagato <sp?> all

Fox: Yea, and umm…Lani, you have to start the new chappie! Lani-Lani!

Sesshomaru: Shh! She's asleep! *wraps Lani up in his tail and cradles her* Start the story mutt

Inuyasha: What the hell did you call me? Don't make me kick your girly ass!


Koga: Ooh! Glad that isn't me! *grabs onto Fox who finally sighs and returns the embrace*

Kikyo: Hmm…well, uh….Kagura, do u have Lani's little black book?

Kagura: Yea….she says that *opens book* She will have the first two girls introduced now and the male later on….and that if there's little or no fluff in this that she is sorry…

*Inuyasha*: Damn Lani. Why did she fall asleep? Now we're just rambling on to you about pointless stuff. Ya know it's so annoying! It's just like we're saying blah blah blah bla-*purrs*

Christyn: *rubs his ears* Finally got him to shut up!

Kurama: Now that's sweet! Ahem, now onto the story. Hiei, will you do the honors?

Hiei: Hn.

Chapter Eight: Erari, Yuri, and Katana

Our group is currently walking thru the forest. Yuske and Kagome talking about god knows what, Inuyasha sulking ahead of them, Kuwabara and Shippo arguing about some pointless stuff, Hiei observing everything, Botan trying to escape Miroku and his wondrous hands, and Kurama and Sango talking about demons and weapons. It was all going smooth.

They were just walking along when they heard a cry. Kagome was already running ahead trying to help who or whatever the thing was. They ran into a beautiful clearing with thousands of flowers and butterflies. They saw 2 figures huddled over a third. The tallest one jumped up when she sensed our group. She had long flowing silver hair that had black streaks in it at mid waist, and was currently pulled into a very beautiful braid. Her eyes where an overly bright dark blue and had silver linings, they were cat eyes just like Inuyasha.

The young youkai as you could clearly see she was, pulled out a sword and got in defense mode. That's when Kagome ran up to her. "Excuse me, but is your friend hurt?" she asked politely as she could. The girl studied her for a moment then sniffed her.

"Are you a miko?" she asked Kagome.

"Yes, I am. And if your friend is hurt, I can heal her really easily," Kagome said.

"Katana! Help! She's hardly breathing!" yelled the other girl. She had strawberry-blonde hair, about midway down her back that was pulled into the most beautiful braid Kagome had ever seen. Her eyes were gray-blue, just like storm clouds. However, they were tinted red from her crying. When she saw Kagome, she gave her a sweet smile and beckoned her over.

The youkai identified as Katana let her thru. Kagome immediately rushed to the girls' side. She looked down and saw a very sickening sight. If you cleared away all the blood, you would be able to see a very beautiful girl. Even through all the blood, Kagome could see that the girl had shiny hair, in-between dark and light brown.

Kagome quickly dug thru her bag and found a towel and some bottled water. She cleaned the girl up while the rest of the gang started talking to Katana. When Kagome finished with that task, she wrapped all the girls' wounds up in gauze. She looked I her first aid kit and found some Motrin. "Are you awake?" Kagome asked her softly.

The girl opened an eye, revealing dark blue eyes that help a natural sadness in them, but seemed a little happy at the same time. "I need you to take this for me okay," Kagome said as she showed her the liquid Motrin. The girl nodded and Kagome helped her drink the medicine.

She turned back to the girl next to her. "She'll be okay, but she has to rest for a while. Would you like to join us for lunch? By the way, my name is Kagome," she said holding her hand out for the girl.

"Thanks so much! My name is Erari and I would love to join you for lunch. By the way, the girl you helped is named Yuri and the other girl is Katana. Thanks for all your help!" Erari replied happily, shaking Kagome's hand vigorously.

Katana and the rest of the group came over. "Why don't we stop here for lunch for now?" Kagome more commanded than asked.

"What's for lunch?" Inuyasha asked, trying to get into her pack.

"Well, let's see. I have," Kagome pulled things out of her bag as the others sat down. "Ramen, Ramen, Ramen, Ramen, sushi, Ramen, Ramen, Ramen, Chocolate, Ramen, Ramen, rice cakes and Ramen." She said, taking them all out.

"Well, hurry up wench! Cook that Ramen! I'm starving!" Inuyasha whined.

"Inuyasha! Sit!" Kagome said calmly. "Get some water first Inuyasha."

The hanyou grumbled, but did as he was told. A few minutes later he was back with a bucket of water. He placed the bucket Kagome had given him in front of her as Miroku tended to the fire.

Kagome placed all the water in the pot and let it boil. Shippo was already munching on the chocolate, while Erari was helping Yuri sit up.

There was an awkward silence while they waited. Finally Erari couldn't take it anymore and said, "Hi! I'm Erari! This is Yuri and Katana. Me and Yuri are human and Katana is a full demon. A dog demon. I ran away from home about a year ago since I didn't like my new family. When I was 4, my parents were killed by some demons. I survived on my own after that. When I was 6, a great fox demonness raised me until she too was murdered by some bird demons when I was 11. Then a human family adopted me when I was 13, after they found me in the care of some of my allies. They tried to open me up, but it just annoyed me so I ran away. Then I met Katana who had just saved Yuri and we all became friends. Then we ran into a demon, and while me and Katana where finding some food, it attacked Yuri, and we tried to help her, but didn't have anything and didn't know what to do, until you came and helped us! So thanks so much!"

Two thoughts passed thru our group's minds 1) She liked to talk a lot and 2) She was really straight forward.

"Katana here also had the same misfortune of having her family killed at a young age by some flesh eating demons. She met Yuri when she was wandering around one day and she became our big sister, since she's a month older than me and 3 months older that Yuri. And now we just wander around and do whatever we want," Erari finished. "What about you guys?"

The group each told their story except Hiei and Inuyasha who just "Hn"-ed and "Feh"-ed.

"Would you like to camp with us tonight?" Sango asked them.

Yuri turned to her and smiled a sweet but sad smile. Happiness danced in her eyes as she replied, "That would be wonderful Sango-Chan."

That night, they made a big fire to keep them warm and set up a little camp. Kagome couldn't sleep though. She moved away from the fire and sat under a tree gazing up at the stars. She always felt comforted by them. Little did she know that another person couldn't sleep either.

Kagome turned in her direction when Yuri sat down next to her. "Thank you for helping me today Kagome-Chan. It was very nice of you," Yuri said in a sad yet happy voice. "All my life, I've been sort of alone. Then I met Katana and Erari, and I was happy again. They lit up my life, ya know. Has that ever happened to you?" she asked Kagome, turning to look at her with those amazing eyes of hers.

Kagome sighed and still looked at the stars. "Yeah. The little fox over there, Shippo. He was always there for me when I needed to cry. He is so sweet, and thinks of me as his mom. He is the perfect son anyone could ever ask for. Before he started calling me mom, we were close but not really too close. Then, my heart started breaking, and he was always there for me when I cried. He is truly my son," Kagome said, eyes bright with tears. She looked at Yuri who was watching her and smiled. Yuri looked so, she just couldn't explain it.

Kagome blinked and a few tears fell. Yuri did the last thing Kagome has expected and hugged her. Usually it was Kagome always making everyone feel better and giving comfort. It was nice to receive comfort in return, and Yuri knew that well.

They embraced for a bit longer and then broke apart. "Thanks Yuri" Kagome whispered. "But we better get to sleep. If I don't get up in the morning, a certain dog eared boy will get on my case," she half sighed half laughed.

"Good-night, Kagome-Chan," Yuri said as she settled down by the fire.

"Good-night Yuri-Chan," Kagome said as she settled down under Inuyasha's tree, but also next to Yuske.

Then sleep came.

Lani: Yay! Another chapter done! Sorry it took sorever to get out! I just had to put that moment between Kagome and Yuri n there. Anyway, umm….oh yeah, sorry there was no fluff! And I need a boy people! Unless you want Botan to be with Sesshomaru…Oh yeah! Please vote for Inuyasha/Kagome or Yuske/Kagome aite!

Sesshomaru: You talk too much. I hope our child doesn't talk as much. *Places kiss on her forehead*

Koga: Sesshomaru has great ideas! *Kisses Fox on forehead* You are MY woman! This is the life!

Fox: *snuggles close to him*

Kagura: Very touching…

Kagome: *sighs* Yeah…

Christyn: Hmm..well thanks for reviewing to all people that did and please review again!

Savannah: Yup! And responses at bottom!

Yuri does NOT belong to me! She belongs to Urameshi, so ask him okay! Also, Erari is not mine either. She belongs to Fox, so ask her. And lastly, Katana belongs to Vedelle, not me! So please don't use them without their permission! Thanks.

Youkai_Hime: Hey! Thanks for the review and I'm still waiting on the info okay! Thanks again! And yes, Yuske is cute! *drools* eep! *Shoots glance at Fluffy*

Fox: Hey! I'm glad you liked Hiei's POV! I just felt I had to put it there. And I'm glad you thought it was funny! I just put it there, so I'm glad someone told me they liked it! Again thanks so much!

LKyra: Hey! Thanks for the review and the vote! I guess this probably will be a Yuske/Kagome fic. Yup, yup, yup! It would be cool huh? Hehe thanks again!

What?Why?Shutuo: Thanks! I might that one! Sorry, it just had to be a more Feudel Era thing, so I'm glad you came up with one. Yeah…hehe thanks again for the review!

Urameshi: Hey! Thanks for the review! Did I portray Yuri right? Please tell me if there's anything OOC about her okay!

Vedelle: Thanks for the person! Please tell me if she is OOC and she will have a bigger part, I promise!

Fox: Didn't I do you already??? Hmm….ah well, if I did that's all good, if not gomen for mah mistake! So, any OOC from Erari? Please tell!

Terra Secora: Hey! Thanks for the praise! And for what Kuso means too! Crap, Damn, their all the same to me! Lol, thanks again!