Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Follow Fate ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What the Heart Knows
        by Japanese dreamer

Disclaimer: The anime Inuyasha is not my property. This was written purely for fun and no profit was made.

        Here I am again with my next chapter. Took me a while but i finally finished it. Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 13

        Kagome raced fast and hard to where she knew her father would be waiting. She was traveling through another dimension, black all around her, no floor, no ceiling but only doors. Endless, rows and rows of door were next to her. She could still feel a light warmth at her back. She knew that if she looked back, she would stop. She knew that was where her mother was, but she couldn't go to her, not yet, her father was still alive. As the saying goes, don't look into the light.

  Her eyes focused on the black door just at the end of the hallway. She could see the red glow through the cracks of the door and willed her feet faster.

        She slowed as she reached the door. It was much bigger up close and was made of some sort of iron, hard, smooth but hot to the touch. It was amazing that it wasn't glowing red even though behind it held the fires of hell. Kagome could literally feel the heat blow through the cracks of the door.

       Her hand touched the door's hard and smooth surface. It was hot and would burn any other person's skins. But it was nothing to Kagome.

        She didn't know where this power had come from. She hadn't even known she could posses such power, but there it was, coursing through her veins just under her skin. The hotness of the door soothed her for reasons unknown to her. She pushed the door slowly and it opened with ease. At once she felt the heat on her face, on her arms, on her legs. The unbearable heat that hell was known for. The light flooded the hallway and all other doors vanished, giving her no other choice but to go in.

        She stepped in all the way only to find when she turned back that door was gone replaced with a wall of stone. It looked like she was on a cliff of some sort. She walked over to the edge and looked over. Her eyes widened at the wide expanse below her. endless staircases spiraled around in the deep canyon. Hot bubbling lava filled the bottom. If you were to fall, there would be no surviving. Hundreds of staircases wound down to meet the lava. On the staircases were both humans and demons, walking either up the stairs or down.

        Kagome watched them as they marched on, lifelessly. Souls floated everywhere, trying desperately to find their bodies. It hurt Kagome to see the soul of children floating around, looking for a place to go.

        It didn't take Kagome long to figure how things worked. If you descended down on the stairs, you weren't given a second chance, it meant you had done horrible actions that were unforgivable. If you went up, it meant you had a second chance at life, a second chance to right yourself. On these staircases were mostly young children who had either killed or stolen to protect themselves. They would be forgiven for they had no other choice for their actions.

        Hell was not supposed to be a punishment. It's purpose was to help souls understand the wrongs they did and learn never to do them again. This was not supposed to be a place of torture or corruptness. But that was what her father had turned it into. She watched as a man was whipped and beaten with out mercy by black angels and thrown into the lava without another thought. It didn't matter if he deserved it or not.

        She watched horrified as children were pushed off stairs and corrupted adults took their places. She knew the black angels had seen but they did nothing. It was hard to think that angels, such beautiful creatures could do this. This was the hell everyone was so afraid of. This was what her father made it.

        She tore here eyes away, unable to bear to look at it anymore.

        "Is it not beautiful?" Hades smirked at his daughters obvious displeasure.

        Kagome stared at him with unbelieving eyes. How could anyone be so cruel, so corrupt as to do such things. Kagome shuddered at the thought that he was her father, that she had his blood flowing in his veins. She looked at him, his smile still in place. She could see why her mother had fallen in love, he was a master of deceit. His long black hair, his piercing black eyes, he was a god, sly, handsome, deceitful. Even the smartest person in the world could be tricked by him.

        "No, it's not beautiful."

        "Oh but isn't? I have spent centuries here. Building this hell you see. I have made it what I wanted and you are its princess."

        "I am NOT its princess! I am NOT your daughter."

        "But of course you are, you have my blood in you. It flows through your veins just as your mother's does."

        Kagome let out a laugh. "You won't escape Hades. This is like you said. This is what you made it to be. This is your work and you will have to live with it and watch it grow. I was out to kill you, but this is a so much better punishment. Having to live here forever, watching as others get second chances and knowing you will never have that chance. What better punishment could I inflict? You wanted to be a god, here is your kingdom."

        Hades pulled his hand back to strike, his anger surfacing. Never had anyone spoken to him like that. He was used to people groveling at his feet begging. His hands fisted in anger. His own daughter had laughed at him, laughed at what he was.

        "I will get out of HERE! And you will help me!"

        Kagome struggled to get up. He had slapped her in the face, which caused her to hit the stone wall. Scrapes appeared on her face but she ignored the pain.

        "I'd rather suffer and stay here in this hell for eternity rather than have you escape. Your a poor excuse for a god, disowned by everyone and everything. My mother deserved someone better than you to mate with. You never deserved her! You deserve to sit and rot here forev..." But Kagome never got to finish for her father struck her again.

        She once again met with the stone wall but she felt no pain. She slowly got up and faced him.

        "I'll kill you once and for all and then you will have no chance of escape. You will have to stay here forever. Unlike you, I don't have a time limit. You have until the next sunrise to get the jewel or your chances of escape are gone. I will kill you so that you will never have another chance to escape. There will be no other chance to escape Hades, this is your last chance and I intend to keep it from you."

        Hades anger roared to life. He would get the jewel and he would escape this hell. It didn't matter that he had to go through his own daugther. It never mattered at all. Two swords appeared in his hand, their blades red, flaming with fire. Kagome pulled out her own kodachis. Her own hands formed a red glow that transferred to her blades.

        They both got in there fighting stance, watching each other closely.

        With speed that surpassed any living creature, they charged at each other, their blades meeting with a clash that reverberated through the air. The battle had begun.

     & nbsp;  Kurama hurried through the familiar dimension that Kagome had been in not so long ago. He was running as fast as he could, willing his body to move faster. He heard the loud clash of metals, it was thunder to his ears. He ran faster ignoring his body's need to rest. He needed to get to her as fast as he could.


    &n bsp;   The others were worried sick about their missing team members. Yusuke was pacing, his nervousness obvious. Shippo got dizzy watching him, but continued watching as to distract his mind. Rin had fallen asleep, worry still marred her face. Botan was right beside her, asleep also. Koenma was doing everything he could to try to locate the two with no luck. At the same time, he was keeping the human world from going crazy.

        Sesshomaru sat near Rin, his eyes closed. He was worried but wanted no one to see it. Where were they?

        Everyone jumped at the sound that crashed through the air. The land shook softly at its sound as it reached the earth. It was too loud to be thunder could be for there was not a cloud in the sky. Somehow, they knew that the sound was from Kagome. Their fear grew in leaps and bounds.

        Sesshoumar u looked out the window, his eyes opening at the sound. His eyes widened when he saw thousands of demons racing toward the castle. Sesshoumaru's brow raised when he realized that there were at least three thousands, it clicked when he remembered that three thousand demons had disappeared. Looked like Hades wasn't playing fair. "Look out the window." he said to everyone.

        They all looked out and gasped at the hundreds of demons.

        "Look! There eyes are all red! They're being controlled."Kuwabara said.

        "That's pretty obvious nit wit." Hiei responded.

        "Shut up Shrimp!"

        "Why are they heading here?" Botan asked.

        "He's trying to kill us. He knows that we are Kagome's weakness. If she knows we are dead, she'll weaken and lose."Sesshoumaru said.

        "He's trying to get to her through us. I won't let that happen!" Yusuke said, determination laced in his words.

        The others agreed.

        "So we fight." Sesshoumaru said.

        "I'll send my demon army to help you, though I only have about thousand." Koenma said.

        "It's enough Koenma, trust me. The way I feel, those demons are going to wish they never came here." Yusuke said.

        "Let's go."

        Everywhere people were fighting. Whether it be in hell, whether it be someone trying to get to someone else, whether it be to help a friend. It was all for a greater cause.

        Kagome and Hades were fighting with equal strength. When Hades charged, she blocked. When she charged he blocked. It seemed to be an equal match. But if you looked close, Kagome was weakening. She still had not tapped in to all her power. Hades knew this and fought harder to weaken her. Gashes ran from Kagome's arms to her legs. Red blood seeped through her clothes. Hades had a few gashes of his own, but black blood flowed from his wound.

        Kurama couldn't believe how endless the hallway was. He didn't know how much of a head start Kagome had had but he could feel that she was fighting and most importantly that she was weakening. He ran harder and faster. His legs tired, but his determination was at full force. Just when his hope started to ebb, he saw the door.

        Botan, Rin, and Koenma watched helplessly as the others were fighting. Flashes of energy were seen and the wails and cries of the killed resounded through the area. Botan's eyes were filled with tears as she saw all the souls leave the bodies.

        Sesshoum aru used his claws and whip to fight off the crazed demons. He was covered in blood. He noticed Koenma's men dying faster and faster and realized that it meant Hades was gathering his energy. He hoped to any god that Kagome was okay.

        Yusuke and the others noticed this too. It only encouraged them to fight harder.

    &nbs p;   The four souls watched all the fighting and battling in silence. They couldn't believe how much blood shed there was. Midoriko looked away. She felt as if this was all her fault, but she knew that Hades would have done this even if he hadn't met her. Midoriko hated herself for involving Kagome in all of this.

        She grimaced as she saw Hades sword cut a gash on her daughter's arm. She couldn't hold in the tears when she saw her daughter fall to her knees and struggle to get up. She prayed that Kurama would get there soon .

        An arm encircled her and she looked up to see Zeus. He nodded to her and watched Kagome fight his brother.


         Hades smirked at his daughter. Licking at the blood on his sword. Soon he thought, soon he would be out of this hell. Soon he would get his revenge on his brother. And soon he would get Midoriko back, she wouldn't escape him now.


AN: Well there you go. Another chapter. Doing the fighting scene is harder than i thought. if you have any advice please share them wit me! talk to me on Aim, my sn is Jpnsedrmr22

        Bye bye! JD