Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ UnDecided ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yusuke: I Still say it was your fault

Midnight_001: and I still say it is yours

::Keiko comes in:: Are you two still fighting?


Keiko: Good 'cause everyone is now reading


Midnight_001: Yo! I am terribly sorry that I haven't Updated but Hey I had to do two lab write ups in only a week.

Yusuke: See thats why I don't like to go to school at all

Keiko: Yusuke you have to go to school what will happen whn your done eith your job what are you gonna do then?

Yusuke: What I'll have right?


Keiko:: Fuming:: Yusuke you cant always rely on me !!


Midnight_001: Well okaaaaaay. Oh and thank you for you all that Reviewed you are really great. So the polls standing are

Kagome/ Kurama 7
Kagome/Hiei 4
Kagome/Sesshoumaru 2

Botan/Hiei 2
Botan/Sesshoumaru 1
Botan/Koga 1

Midnight_001: Well Onto the story!!

DISCLAIMER: Do Not own InuYasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
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~ Higurashi Shrine the next morning~

"Well here we are," said the cherry Botan. (A/n: you know it sorta irritates me that some one could be perky all the time, does she wake up in the morning and drink the perkiness?) It was about 7:30 in the morning and the team had all gathered in front of the shrine. They had to bring Keiko, Yukina, and Shizuru. Much to the displeasure of Yusuke, Hiei, and Kuwabara


"What!" cried out Keiko. "Oh no Yusuke there is no way that I'm letting you go out to meet someone that's so strong."

"But Keiko," Yusuke whined. "The guys will be there."

"I said no Yusuke," Keiko said in the tone of voice your get when your in trouble with your parents.

"Ha ha Uremeshi," Kuwabara laughed. "She's got you on a leash." Just then he got bonked on the head. Turning he saw is sister with a cigarette in her mouth with her hand raised at the back of his head prepared to hit its target again.

"And just who said that you will be going with them baby brother?" Shizuru asked in her know-it-all tone of voice.

"Shizuru," Kuwabara whined too, similar to Yusuke. "Stop calling me Baby brother. And it's part of my job to go where the boss tells us to go."

"Hmm, all I know is that means taking orders from a spoiled brat that changes to a teenager still using a pacifier. I'm coming with you."

"But Shizuru." Whiney voice again. Starting to get on her nerves.


::Sees Shizuru walking off Dusting her hands::

"Oh Kazuma!!!!," cried out Yukina. She ran and kneeled before his prone figure. She took his limp hand as she cooed to him.
Above them Hiei sat scowling at this. It was a change from his previous smirk when he had witness the ugly baka get hit by his sister. 'Just what does my sister see in that thing? '

"Don't worry Kazuma I'll be going with you too," Yukina said gently to Kuwabara.

Getting up Kuwabara stood and faced Yukina. "No Yukina there is no way I'll let you go where you might get hurt," Kuwabara declared.(A/n: You know for being an idiot most of the time he sure does have a big heart. It's amusing, small brain, big heart.) At this Hiei agreed with the ugly human. 'There is no way Yukina will go with us. Urrg stupid Reikai Prince! I will kill him for calling us too late to deal with the energy. If Yukina goes and gets hurt I will shove my Katana so far up his A-'

"HIEI!" shouted Yusuke. He watch as the fire apparition almost let down his composure, but regained control before he did and glared at Yusuke. "Hey what's up? I've called you twice now." Yusuke had wanted to laugh that Hiei had been daydreaming 'cause it was the first time it had actually happened but he knew that Hiei would probably beat him up so he contained his laughter. Unfortunately Kuwabara had not thought of such things and was laughing his head off while Yukina who was still beside him giggled a bit.

Kurama, Botan, and Shizuru shook their head 'cause they already knew what was about to happen. It was amusing that Hiei had indeed been daydreaming off somewhere but they were not stupid enough to laugh at him.

"Hn. Nothing that concerns you baka," Hiei ground out. 'How dare he make a fool of myself and in front of the ugly baka and my sister.' In a second Kuwabara and Yusuke had two large bumps on there head and Hiei was in the tree smirking.

Kurama sighed. "Okay we are as late as it is already lets go."

Everyone agreed for they knew that the girls would not change their mind when they were determine to do something. (A/n: Yeah! Girl Power) Together they made their way across town.

~*~One Hour Later~*~

"Are we there yet?" both Yusuke and Kuwabara Asked. By this time everyone, except Yukina being such a sweet girl is, was thoroughly ticked off. Hiei was about to cut them up into little pieces like he tried to a block after they left Kurama's house. But since he wasn't allowed to kill humans they got away with x shaped scars on their checks. Botan had hit them on the head to make them Shut nine blocks ago, Shizuru had got back at them by putting out her cigarettes in their hair and shouted out that her 'Precious ' baby brother loves cute little kittens then walked on with the rest laughing except Hiei but then he had a smirk on his face so I guess that counts as laughing, leaving an embarrassed and red faced Kuwabara and a giggling Yukina. Keiko had left three large bumps on Yusuke's head but couldn't do much to Kuwabara 'cause she thought that what Shizuru had done was already enough.

So just as Hiei was about to swing Botan hastily called out "We're here!!"

~End Flashback~

"Yes," Yusuke shouted with Kuwabara and promptly dropped on the ground to rub their sore legs. The breeze caressed their cheeks as they took a breath of air. They all looked up as they saw that the shrine was just up the steps. It was an impressive sight with the sun at the tip of the shrine.

"URRRGGG!! Don't tell me we have to climb up those stairs too," Yusuke whined. 'Damn this stupid shrine had to just had to have stairs. These stupid people need to have escalators. What are they still living in the Feudal Era or something?'

Kurama and Hiei gave each other a look. They both sensed the presence of a demon and of something stronger but not a demon but nor was it completely human either.

Botan took a look around the place and saw a sign and shouted out. "Oh look they even give out tours, that should help us."

"Yeah but it says that it starts and 8'o clock, that's in thirty minutes," grumbled Yuske.

"Why don't we just go up and wait, that way we can take everything in," said Kurama.

"Do we have to?" Yusuke asked like a baby.

"I am afraid so Yusuke," Kurama said to try to soothe his friend before he did something stupid. With a Loud grumble Yusuke and Kuwabara got up again and everyone went up the stairs.

"Hn," was all that came out of Hiei before he leaped through the trees Like a blur. Up the stairs they saw that Hiei was up the branches in a large and old tree. So there they waited when they heard a shout.

With everyone up the stairs they saw the Shrine and a house also. It was very lovely everything was in the right place to make the picture perfect.

"Would you hurry up I'll be late for school," shouted a little boy with red hair, who was comming from the house. "I should have gone with uncle Sota, mom your making me late!"

"Get the bike out and move it to the front, I'll be there!" was the answered shout from the house. The little boy grumbled and went to a shack and surprisingly enough he came out with a Suzuki Hayabusa GSXR1300 and pushed the bike with ease to the front.

"Wow for a little guy he sure is strong," said Kuwabara watching the little boy who had to be at least six of seven. The others stood silently watching the boy as he put the foot stand down and turned to us. There he stood looking as a young woman came running out of the house. She was dressed in a black low ride black jeans and a white V-necked tee shirt. She stopped and looked at us. It was as if she were looking into our souls. She then opened her mouth to speak when the little boy cried to hurry up. She turned and went to the little boy put on her helmet and got on, when she was sure that the boy was safely on she revved the bike to life and rode down the ramp that was beside the stairs turned left and throttled the bike more as she sped off.

"Whoa," muttered Yuske. "I have got to meet her"
"Yusuke! What do mean you want to see her?" shouted Keiko feeling a bit jealous. (A/n:you know you do actually feel really insecure when your boyfriend looks at some one else. Green Eyed monster!)

"Keiko I mean that I wan to uh you know," Yusuke trailed off lamely. He then proceeded to get into an argument with Keiko about what he wanted.

"Did you see the way she was looking at us?" asked Kuwabara. "I thought she was reading my mind." Kurama nodded silently agreeing with him.

"Hello there!" came a voice from the doorway. We all turned to see a friendly old man at the door way waving at us. We looked at each other then stood and went to the old man. "What do I owe the pleasure of having you come to the shrine today?" the old man said politely. "Or have you come to talk to Kagome, if you have she has already left."

The group wondered at this. Why would the man assume they came for her?

"Oh no," said Kurama in a polite tone. After thinking for a sec he asked "Why do you think that we would like to talk to Kagome?"

"Oh, he he well those that do want to see her are usually for her to get better," the old man laughed nervously. "Well why are you here then if not to see Kagome?"

"We just came to get a tour for a project in history class we are doing."

"Ah," said the old man in understanding. "Well you have come to the right place if your looking at history, but I'm afraid you have to wait for my granddaughter to come back from dropping her son off from school. Since she is the rightful heir to the shrine. You see my daughter and I will be leaving today to the city, but I can give you a few minutes of my time. What kind of history are you looking for?"

Hastily looking at each other we shrugged. "Why don't you tell us the history of this shrine?"

The old mans eyes lit up in delight, he nodded excitedly. "Yes, well," he said in an excited tone. "This shrine had been in the family for many centuries." He started leading us around. "Built in Feudal Japan,"

Coming around to the back they all saw two white dogs. One was playing around and the other lay watching from the shade of the tree. Both looked at them, then stood and watched them attentively.

The old man smiled. "These are Kagome's pets. They like to play with no one but her and Shippou, her son."

"Isn't she sorta young to be a mother?" Kuwabara asked. The old man looked at him sharply. "Are you accusing her of something?"

"N-no, he he, uh just wondering?" Kuwabara said a bit sheepishly.

"Hn, baka," muttered Hiei. The old man obviously cared about his granddaughter and was very protective of her.

Yuske hit him on the head. "What are you trying to get us kicked off?" Then they all heard someone shout. "Papa were are you?" The man sighed in disappointment. "Well come along."

They followed him around but not before Hiei and Kurama looked at the two white dogs a little more. At the front of the house stood a middle age lady next to a car. "Well, hello your taking a tour of the house?"

"Yes, ma'am," said Kuwabara. The lady took all of us in. Yuske and Keiko arguing about being polite, Kuwabara snickering at this and getting hit on the head by Shizuru then being comforted by Yukina, Kurama and Botan smiling politely, and Hiei scowling at the way the Kuwabara was in his mind too close to his sister.

'They are a strange bunch. Hmm they must have something to do with Kagome' she thought. "Well Kagome should be here soon to give you the rest of the tour." Father and daughter got in the car and left.

"They sure left in a hurry," said Botan. At that moment they heard a motorcycle and turned to see the girl come up the ramp to stop in front of the shack. She got off and walked the bike in. Coming out she walked calmly to us. "Hello, I'm Kagome." she said in a polite voice. "May I ask who you all are?"

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Midnight_001: Kay! I know Lame but the next chappie will be Kagome's point of view from the same morning and some of her reflections since she had came back. Also I was wondering if you wanted me to do another crossover with something else. 'Cause Naraku is gone but he has his soul out there so give me your thoughts in your reviews also I guess that I should warn you I will only be able to update in a week from the last update cause I have a lot of word to do. Hey I have my math with Juniors and social studies with the Sophomores. It's hard to keep up with them. So keep on pollin until I say to stop

Kay bye and keep on updating and Give Me a Title "UNDECIDED" is not the real Title. ^_^