Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Foxes Love ❯ I Love You Too ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hi Sorry I haven't updated but my computer would let me on the login page than I got sick but whatever. I'm updating so BE HAPPY!!!!! I would also want to thank my wonderful reviewers for reviewing and staying for this long. I love you all.
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Chapter 7: I Love You Too

Hiei sat there for a second shocked. Kurama went to pull away but Hiei kissed back.

When that happened Hiei lost all thought.....the fox no...his fox loved him. He never thought it was possible, Hiei the forbiddeb child lov4ed and was loved back.

Hiei finally pulled away, "Baka Kitsune I love you too."

Kurama's eyes lit up and he smiled his wonderful smile. "Why didn't you think that I loved you?" Hiei asked snuggling up next to Kurama.

"Well, You always said that you were the forbidden child but I never believed that. You never really showed you cared about me except in battle. You would always call me baka kitsune and to be honest I started to believe it." Kurama took a deep breath.

Hiei staired at Kurama he never expected him to be so honest.

"Just because I called you baka kitsune didn't mean you were or are one. I'm just not good at expressing my feelings...and I was hoping maybe you could help." Hiei said looking up at his fox.

Yes, that's what Hiei loved calling Kurama his. 'My fox, all mine no one elses. Hmm....I never thought that it was this much fun having someone you really love in your life.' Hiei thought.

"Koi (lover) what's wrong?" Kurama's soft voice reached his ears. "Nothing just thinking about how good it feels to call you my fox." Hiei said and Kurama blushed.

Hiei chuckled and kissed Kurama's neck. Kurama giggled and pushed Hiei playfully. Hiei made a hurt look, "You don't like that.. I thought you did."

Kurama smiled evilly, "Of course I do but I don't trust myself." Hiei blushed a deep red realizing Yoko must of been part of that.

"What my little firefly something wrong?" Kurama whispered nto Hiei's ear making the small fire demon shiver.

"Your more like Yoko everyday. What did he do to the old fox I knew?" He asked running his fingers through Kurama's hair.

Kurama was taken back by this, "What do you mean? You don't like the new me?"

Hiei grinned getting Kurama right where he wanted him, "I never said that I didn't like it. I was just wondering why Yoko seemed to take you over."

Kurama never really noticed untill now that Yoko had seemed to appear alot more often. 'Maybe Hiei's right. Yoko has seemed to be appearing alot more often. Probably because my human body can't with stand him for long.' Kurama thought.

Kurama pulled Hiei down as he layed down, "I think your right my human body can't with stand his power and he's slowly taking over."

Hiei smiled, "That means you'll have to move to Makai and don't worry I'll be with you the whole time." Kurama kissed Hiei one last time and they fell asleep.

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Well, how was it? Good? Bad? Terrible? I wanna know and don't worry I'm writing the final chapter right now. Love Ya all.