Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Demon Doors ❯ Water in Hell ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A keen ear twitched as it caught the faint sound of someone yelling. The figure brushed her thick hair out of dark blue eyes as she strained to hear the voice again. Silence was all she heard, but a strange and ominous feeling over came her as she got to her feet and proceeded into the hallway. She had forgotten about Hiei for a few moments as she followed the sound curiously, pursuing the noise she could barely hear. The tone lead her to the dark stone steps and Mukuro gradually slowed to a stop as she realized where the sound was coming from. Why the hell did they make the dungeons sound proof! Mukuro leaped to the 6th stair as she hurried to Hiei’s rescue. ‘Dirty Ningen,’ Mukuro though as she darted toward the door, ‘probably escaped. I knew he was nothing but trouble.’


Shuichi’s panicked thoughts were abruptly interrupted as someone burst through the doors in response to his calls. The savior’s eyes did not catch his as she entered the room. They were instead drawn immediately to the coughing demon that was pounding the floor furiously. The woman rushed immediately to his side and helped him up as he continued to couch and gasp for air. Shuichi thought for a moment that she would not even notice him, but as she quickly turned to whisk Hiei off, their eyes met. Shuichi’s full of fear and hers full of hate. She glared at him for a mere fraction of a second, but it felt as if it were more than a minute before the eyes turned back to Hiei and resumed their caring tenderness.
Shuichi sank to the floor and emptied his lungs of the small amount of air they still held. He was relieved, but also afraid; the woman seemed to care for Hiei, but Shuichi sensed a darkness deep in her soul that it seemed not even she was aware of.


Mukuro cursed as herself as she bandaged the wounds of her unconscious patient. How could she have been so stupid, she should have never left Hiei’s side, should have never let him run off. Mukuro gritted her teeth and snarled as she remembered the look of the redhead ningen. He was afraid; afraid of what? If anything, shouldn’t a prisoner be happy if his torturer is dying? Unless… what did Hiei do down there every day? He was down in the dungeon more than he was anywhere else, but it seemed the prisoner wasn’t even scratched. Mukuro’s eyes narrowed as she made up her mind to bring justice to her castle. She called a nurse over to watch Hiei as he slept, then proceeded back toward the dungeon, the scene of the crimes. Mukuro smirked as she saw the human moping in the corner of his cell and couldn’t help but smile evilly as she thought of everything that she could possibly do. Her expression changed to a serious one as she approached the bars and yelled in to her prisoner. “What have you done to my Hiei?” she yelled, an accusing glare boring into the prisoner’s soul.
Shuichi looked up and matched her angry stare, “I have done nothing,” he said, a cold chill in his voice that took Mukuro by surprise. She shook it off as she grabbed the keys and started to unlock Shuichi’s cell.
“Well, we’ll see if you still say that afterwards.” A criminal expression distorted the woman’s face as she unchained her prisoner from the wall and lead him down the windowless hallway to a ominously dark room.
Shuichi couldn’t see an inch in front of his face once the woman had closed the door and his eyes strained to adjust to the darkness. He could clearly hear the shuffling of his menace’s boots on the hard floor and was shoved unexpectedly up against a cold wall. The woman had both her cold hands on the back of his neck and with his hands bound in front of him, he couldn’t react as his soft pale face was pressed roughly against the rough concrete wall.
“You know what you’ve done,” the woman growled as she exerted more force than she wanted to. Shuichi grunted, his cheek was becoming numb and he could think of nothing to do but sit in silence till he could figure out what the woman wanted. Her hold on him was released, and Shuichi fell to the floor struggling to hear what the woman was doing. Shuffling noises told him she had walked across the room and abruptly Shuichi was blinded by a dim red light. His eyes adjusted quickly, had they not, he would have missed the woman’s escape into the adjacent room. She closed the door quickly, and Shuichi was shrouded in darkness once more, again all he could do was sit and wait for something to happen. He managed to stagger to his feet and feel his way around the room, but it wasn’t long before the red light blinded him again and he heard the woman’s voice.
“You seem a bit confused,” Mukuro said, smiling as she looked at the red head through the night goggles. She felt powerful; she was able to see, with a weapon in her hand, whilst the troublemaker sat in darkness and confusion, with nothing but fear.
Shuichi’s breathing quickened as he sensed Mukuro’s confidence. He let go of the wall, ready for anything she would throw at him, and yet did not see the sharp throng of leather that shot itself at him, slashing him across the neck and jaw.
“There’s lots more where that came from,” Mukuro muttered, laughing to herself as she saw the ningen stagger backward, not noticing the blood that ran down his face. The whip struck out again, this time toward his chest. The strong looking fabric shredded and more blood pouring from his wounds. Mukuro laughed again and smiled to herself. Torturing someone who could steal Hiei away from her was almost as much fun is sharing passion with Hiei himself.
Shuichi found the wall again, and panting, leaned against it, for it was his drop of water in this hell. Mukuro advanced toward him, taking long steps and she stood behind him, her face close to his. She moved to whisper in his ear, “Hiei shall never see you alive again.” She reached for his arm but he moved to strike and she caught his ribs. Mukuro snarled and dug her nails into his side, tearing at the open wound and ripping the flesh from his body. Shuichi let out a loud scream, as he now felt all the pain from the quick wounds inflicted before. A hot sear of lightning was flowing through his veins and he could feel the blaze move up the incision across his chest toward his heart. Mukuro laughed louder as he screamed then smiled and quickly released her grip. Shuichi fell to the floor and Mukuro smiled, a masochist-like air hung around her as she turned to retreat back to the red room.