Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Light ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers Note: I Do Not Own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Blue Light

Chapter Five

Yusuke yawned as he opened the door, which was unlocked. He was so tired and he knew it was late. He could still hear the thunder still going through the hours.

Yusuke looked across the room to see Shizuru on the couch and Kurama standing next to the window. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, Hiei walked in with his 'don't-bother-me' look and went straight to his room. Yukina, after a few seconds, came wondering in with Keiko right behind.

"What the hell is this? A freakin' party?" Yusuke said with a growl. Kuwabara came walking through the door, hearing Yusuke and then spotting his sister.

Botan ran through the door asking, "What's going on?" She stepped in and stood next to Yusuke.

She looked up at Yusuke, who just sighed, "Why?"

"Hey," Shizuru said in the defense. "It was just me and Red. You people came in after."

Kuwabara, forgetting what his intentions were for getting back at his sister, blinked.

"What were you and Kurama doing before we got here?" Kuwabara shouted in anger. He turned around to look at Kurama, "Did you touch my sister?" He said this very, very loudly.

Kurama cheeks started to stain with crimson.

Before Kurama could answer, Shizuru got up and ran to him. With a fling of her arms around the boy, she said, "He was very hard to persuade but I managed to cox him into making mad love to me right on the floor." She said this with a straight face and her voice unwavering. She made it sound as if they really did do it.

But then, who knew if they did but the two of them...

To top it off, Shizuru leaned her face towards Kurama's and said, "He was really good." She kissed the spot where his jaw meets his neck. " He does this incredible thing that when my legs are wrapped-"

"ENOUGH!" Kuwabara cried out in infamy. "EWWWW!"

"Hey," Shizuru said evilly, "That was almost as loud as me when I was shouting Kurama's name-"

Yukina and Keiko stood looking at each other both rather confused. It was after a minute did realization hit and a blush crept across their faces.

Hiei, hearing everything Shizuru was saying, popped out from his room with a blinking look and his jaw dropped to the floor.

Yusuke stood laughing his head off while Botan blushed and tried to hide her giggles behind Yusuke.

Kuwabara stood fuming, his face burning red, his ears were radiating the same color with steam rising from them.

"SHI-ZU-RU..." He managed to mutter out through the steam.

"Thanks, Red, for the best time of my life..." Shizuru told Kurama. Kurama was so red that it looked as if somebody could boil an egg on his face.

Kurama didn't dare lift his eyes from the floor. Shizuru cooly let Kurama go but not without winking at everyone.

"Are all human women like this?" Hiei asked with rounded eyes.

Yusuke laughed, "Some. But I know one things is that they tease. They do a lot of teasing!"

Hiei shook his head in disbelief, his gaze falling to Kuwabara yelling at Shizuru. She was the only thing standing between the wrath of Kuwabara's fists to Kurama's face.

Except, Kurama could hold his own and was also more powerful than the dope.

But it would have been fun to watch Kuwabara try!

"Kuwabara, I was just kidding." Shizuru said with a shake of her head. "You couldn't even put a dent in his head, anyways. He's not only better looking than you but he's also a much better fighter."

Kuwabara's face cleared a little, though a new red-look spread from the last thing his sister said.

"I can take him," Kuwabara muttered, mostly to himself.

"Now, Shizuru. We wouldn't want you to lie." Botan sang, amusement twinkling in her eyes.

Shizuru grinned at Botan, giving her a wink. "Its all fun, Botan. All fun!" She looked at Kurama who lifted his head so his eyes met hers. "Right, Kurama?"

Kurama just blushed (again), "I-I... need to be some-somewhere..." He bumped into Yusuke before he left the room.

Everyone in the room laughed.

"Wait... this is my-" Kurama came stuttering back into the room and going into the room next to Hiei's.

This had the whole room howling all over again, holding their sides from the pain. Shizuru smiled warmly after the boy, Kuwabara stood red-faced from anger-once more-and Hiei almost cracked a smile.


"I think it's time to turn in," Shizuru said after the long laugh of the teary-eyed group, walking to the door. She yawned just as she reached the door to Kurama's door, opened it and was about to enter when Kuwabara shouted, "DON'T YOU DARE, SHIZURU!"

Shizuru blinked innocently. "Oh, I forgot that I'm going to my room tonight." She then stuck her head in the room to see Kurama standing a few ways from her. She gave him a pearly smile, "Later then? Right. Don't forget to bring whip cream!" She then closed the door and walked out the door with Kuwabara right at her heels.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT 'LATER ON? THERE IS NO WAY YOU AND KURAMA-EWWWW..." Kuwabara's shouting started to fade away.

Hiei shook his head, "I will never understand you humans." Hiei raised a brow, "Especially the women. I'm going to sleep." Hiei then disappeared into his own room.

Keiko gave Yusuke a look, "I'm going to my room now. I'm a bit tired." She kept eyeing Yusuke, who wasn't catching on.

Botan rolled her eyes and sighed at Yusuke's bluntness.

"Well, I'm also tired. Lets walk back," Yukina told Keiko.

Keiko sighed and then glared at Yusuke. "Yes, we have a long way to walk."

Yusuke shrugged, "Night." He then jumped over the couch and flopped down on it.

"Coming, Botan?" Yukina asked softly.

Botan watched Keiko glare fiery daggers before she huffed and walked out of the room.

"I'll be up in a few." Botan assured the girl.

"Okay," Yukina then leaned in to whisper, "Don't walk back alone! The halls are dark."

"Thank you but I'll be up real quick. Don't worry!" Botan exclaimed cheerfully.

Yukina nodded and then walked off with the still very angry Keiko.

Yusuke lay on the couch, hands behind his head, and eyes closed. In his mind, images of glowing hands reaching out to him. He could see the tears flowing from dark eyes and a light radiating from a heart...

"Yusuke!" Botan's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Yusuke opened one eye, his eyes focusing on Botan. "Isn't it past your bed time, huh Botan?"

"Did you not notice Keiko trying to get you to walk with her to her room?" Botan scowled, ignoring his last comment.

Yusuke snorted, "No."

Botan's eyes narrowed. "Yusuke Urameshi! How can you just sit around while you and the one you love drift apart?"

Yusuke grinned, opening his eyes. "Don't worry, Botan. You and me will be just fine." He winked at Botan.

Botan sighed, sitting down on the edge of the couch next to Yusuke. She turned her head to him, "Look, Yusuke. You know who I'm talking about and It's not me. Love isn't something that you should take lightly." Botan rested a hand on Yusuke's chest, her pink eyes showering down with concern.

"You worry too much, Botan." Yusuke grinned at the blue-haired maiden.

Botan raised a brow, "Can I not care about the hopeless love-life of my good friend, Yusuke?"

"Yusuke," Yusuke laughed out loud. "Is just fine." His laughter started to fade as his eyes met Botan's pink's.

"What?" Botan said, mimicking what she said earlier that day.

Yusuke forced his eyes down to Botan's hand but it just made him more agitated so he sat up. This caused Yusuke to bump Botan off the couch. With quickness and ease, Yusuke grabbed Botan by the arm and pulled her up-

So that she sat in his lap.

"Good catch," Botan turned her head over her shoulder at Yusuke and smiled at him. Yusuke felt his face heat at their position. Botan's hands lay on his thighs, her whole backside pressed against him, and her hair smelled like the wind and soft roses.

It was driving him crazy!

"Botan-" Yusuke couldn't concentrate.

To his dismay, Botan didn't make the situation any better. "This reminds me of when I caught Koenma with one of the ferry girls, well, of course he was in his teen form but all in all- it was still very funny!"

"Botan-" Yusuke growled under his breath.

The scent was getting to him.

"Now what was that girls name?" Botan put a finger to her mouth in thought.

"Botan..." Yusuke said again, dazed as he felt himself nosing into her hair.

"Oh well!" Botan said with a laugh and a shrug. "I had a good laugh!" She leaned backward a little more.

Yusuke couldn't take it anymore, "BOTAN!" He shouted.

Botan blinked, looking over her shoulder again. "Oh! I forgot! I'm sorry Yusuke. I must be heavy." She sat up, the warmth disappearing from their bodies.

Just take away the 'y' and add 'enly' and that should sum it up alright, Yusuke thought to himself as he stared at Botan. He then gave himself a mental slap; Botan was just a friend with a very beautiful face and a out-of-this world body.

After this mental check, Yusuke's breathing became normal and he could look Botan straight.

"Well, I'll be off to my room-" Botan started to head off when Yusuke grabbed her arm.

"I'll walk you there." Yusuke said.

"That's alright. I'll be fine." Botan told him.

"Nope. I'm walking you."

"Yusuke, I said I'll be fine."

"Remember what Yukina said!"

Botan threw up her hands, walking out the door, "I give up! You might as well or we'll be at this till mourning!"

Yusuke grinned, following the blue-haired ferry. "That wouldn't be such a bad thing..."

Botan rolled her eyes. "Boys have such one track minds."

"Hey!" Yusuke said justificative. "Shizuru seems to have a one track mind."

Botan shook her head with a laugh. "Well, then I mean I don't have one."

Yusuke couldn't resist the urge, "Now I know you've always wondered how I look naked." He had the satisfaction of seeing Botan's cheeks fluster up and her head turning away from him.

Yusuke smirked. "I thought so."

Botan looked at Yusuke with a grin. "How do you know its you I"m blushing over?"

Yusuke blinked. "What do you mean its not me?" Yusuke pretended to be hurt, "I feel so unloved."

"You are." Botan said with a grin.

Yusuke and Botan reached her room. Yusuke leaned on the door frame, looking down at Botan with a smile.

Botan looked up at him as well, her lips in a warm smile.

"Don't forget about what I said, okay Yusuke?" Botan poked Yusuke in the arm playfully.

Yusuke crossed his arms across his chest. "I got it."

Botan nodded and before she opened the door, Yusuke stopped Botan by placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Botan," Yusuke started.

"Yes?" Botan said with a turn of her head.

Yusuke paused then said, "Um, good night."

Botan smiled a beautiful smile that had Yusuke right back to being dazed and thinking about roses.

"Good night, Yusuke." Botan then went into her room.

Genkai sat on the rooftop under the same shaft from that mourning. She sat across from a Kiyoshi, Yusuke's inner spirit demon.

"You are much like your counterpart though your shy and tamed." Genkai told the bird.

Kiyoshi simply cawed, flapping it wings as if he were agreeing with her.

Genkai smiled, "And I see you actually listen rather than ignore me like your opposite number."

Kiyoshi's form began to glow a dark blue color, which started to fade off into a light blue.

Genkai shook her head. "Its not time yet, phoenix." Her eyes gazed off into the night, the moon becoming hidden behind dark, gray clouds and purple rain.

Keiko awoke with a start, bolting straight out of her bed and breathing hard. She ran to the living room to see Yukina running from her own room in the same state. Shizuru walked into the living room with a blank expression and a pack of cigarettes in one hand and a lighter in the other.

"I won't be going to sleep for awhile." Shizuru growled.

"Did you have the same dream?" Keiko asked Shizuru.

Shizuru placed her lighter on the coffee table across the sofa she sat on. She shook the pack of cigarettes against the palm of her hand. "Maybe. I dreamt I was flying with a black haired man-I must add that he was a beautiful black haired man-and that he held me in his arms, cried, and told me he loved me."

Keiko and Yukina exchanged knowing looks with each other.

"I had the same dream." Keiko exclaimed.

Yukina nodded, "So did I."

They sat in silence.

"Where's Botan?" Keiko asked after a minute passed.

Yukina jumped up, "I hope she got here okay!" She ran to Botan's room and knocked on it. Botan came to the door with her robe on, a pale look set on her face.

"Did you have that dream, Botan?" Yukina asked.

Botan eyes were wandering to Yukina, down, up and then back to Yukina. "Y-Yeah... something like that." Yukina wrapped an arm around Botan and they walked to the living room. Keiko sat on the one-man couch with her head propped up with her fists. Shizuru placed her pack next to her lighter, Yukina sat next to the girl while Botan sat on the floor between the table and the other one-man seat.

"I was fighting some girl with red-hair. We were flying and I was shooting energy beams from my fingers and she was doing the same." Keiko said with a soft voice. "But I saw the young black-haired man. I even saw the color of his eyes..."

Keiko looked up at her companions, "They were brown. A glossy, deep brown."

Yukina drew her arms to her chest. "I heard him shout my name I think but I didn't hear it clearly. The red-haired girl was a demon; I could tell because she wore her jealous and anger and rage in her blue-eyes. It's a demons curse."

Shizuru spoke up after her, "I started falling and then caught by this man. He held me as he cried. All could do was read his lips because no words escaped them. It was like watching a foreign movie with no subtitles."

Shizuru crossed her legs, her eyes drifting across to the window behind Botan. She added, "But I heard him say that he loved me." She said ever so slowly.

"I told him I loved him, too." Botan said softly.

"I told him I loved him, too..." Botan repeated, her hands gripping the front of her robes.

Botan looked up with tears flowing down endlessly, Keiko sat weeping, Yukina's orbs of crystal tears fell all around her and Shizuru sat, her tears hiding behind closed eyes.

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Island Sweetheart