Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Catching Me A Fire Youkai! ❯ Another Victim has Fallen! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Turin: Thank you for your animated reviews! Good news! You can sign up now! I've installed some… security measures…

Youko pack outside: Awoooh!

Turin: Best jaganshi repellent. Recommended! (^,^) Now, to the weirdest inspirational ever… P.S. I'm just reposting this segment which I removed because I hated it. The new stuff's at the epilogue.

* * * *

Yusuke rushed to Kurama's house the moment he heard the news. Kuwabara's out of town, but the carrot top promised that he's catching the first plane back. Meanwhile, he must check on Kurama! He read that rape victims needed counseling immediately, before they do something rash…

"Kurama! Kurama!" he shouted. He didn't wait for any reply, not that he expected any. He bashed through the door and ran to the bedroom.


He found the poor youko weeping on the floor, wearing only his under garments. He never saw Kurama so dejected and lost! He was always cool and in control of himself! Yusuke rushed to his friend.

"Are you all right?"

"Yusuke…" Kurama gasped, inhaling a lungful of air. Then more loudly, "Yusuke!"

Yusuke fell on the floor as Kurama threw all his weight on him. He patted Kurama reluctantly on the back.

"There, there," he murmured, really unsure of what to say. He carried the weeping youko back to bed. But even with the comfortable bed on his back, Kurama continued to cry. For a while, it looked like he was gonna be okay, but then his lips pouted, as if he remembered a very horrifying ordeal, then cried again.

The teenage boy could only brush Kurama's damp hair to calm him.

"Hiei, he…" he cried more loudly this time. The memory... Rubbing strawberry-flavored milk on Hiei's sculptured tummy, waiting to be eaten and licked… and Hiei sleeping through all of it! It was terrible!

If word leaks out that he, the legendary beautiful (that's part of his official title… Or so he told me) Youko Kurama was rebuffed…

"What… did he do to you?"

"It's TOO shameful!" Kurama cried and hid his face in the pillow. Yusuke berated himself for asking such a stupid question. The sheer force of Kurama's emotion was enough to make Yusuke grit his teeth. He never thought Hiei could do such a thing!

"Shhh. Shhh. Don't worry, everything's gonna be all right…"

"Nooo… it's never gonna be all right… ever…" Kurama's sobs were muffled with the pillow on his face. He's never gonna live this down. He's worse than rebuffed! He drove his lover to sleep!

"Kurama! It's not the end of the world!"

"It is! It is! It is!" Kurama cried. No one'll ever want to sleep with him again!

"Where's that bakerou?" the young detective asked, his youki already rising, raring for a certain fire demon.

"I don't know… he escaped… after… but he left his clothes and katana…" a sob escaped his lips as he struggled to control himself.

"That coward," Yusuke spat. "If he comes back, I'll kill him!"

Sob.sob.sob.sob.sob. It was all too much for the youko's weak constitution. He let out a heart-rending wail. "What am I gonna do??? My Mother would disown me! I'm a uuuuseless cuuuur!"

Of course, by Mother, he meant Inari, the Kami Sama of all foxes. But Yusuke thought he meant Shiori.

"Your Mother loves you, Kurama, you know that!" he shouted vehemently, shaking Kurama's shoulders, forcing him to look at his eyes. "And you're NOT useless!" See what that bastard jaganshi reduced Kurama to!

But Kurama wasn't listening anymore.

"You don't understand!" Kurama shouted as he crumpled to the floor. A small puddle of tears was forming. "I'm ruined!"

"You're not ruined!"

"Demo… demo…," Kurama's voice sounded so small. Yusuke's heart bled as he wrapped his arms around his friend.

"Shh.. I know, I know…" Yusuke whispered, trying to be some comfort.

"You KNOW?!"

Kurama's eyes widened. He looked at Yusuke's eyes, and saw only pity. Now a mere virgin ningen's pitying his libido and skill! It was enough to drive him to more tears.

"It's not your fault, Kurama. It's all Hiei's fault, no matter what anybody says…" he cupped Kurama's petite face to make the redhead look at him. Kurama paused in his crying and looked at him intently, hope shining in his deep emerald eyes.

"D- do you really think so?" he whimpered.

"I know so."

"Y-you mean… they'll still (make) love to me?"

Yusuke nodded. His genetic defect only eager to confirm anything to make his friend forget his sadness. Besides, he didn't hear 'make' since Kurama blurred the word, still unsure of his libido.

"Even Yomi? Raizen? Touya? Koenma?"

"Eh?…" now why did they get in the picture? "uh… uhuh…?" he nodded again.

"Even you?"

"Eh… uhuh?" at least Kurama's smiling through his tears now. But Yusuke didn't like how that eye shine's taking on a more sinister glint.

"That's…" Kurama licked his lips sensuously, "…good to hear…"

Kurama pushed his body closer to Yusuke.

"Hand me those strawberries… Please."

<<Point? There is no point… Doko wa Oniichan Hiei??>>


"Damnit,damnit, DAMNIT!" Hiei clutched the blanket tighter around his body as he jumped through his room in Mokuro's castle. He was very lucky that the portal was open that night. He did have to slash a few youkais who were unfortunate enough to see him. But… no one saw him.

Thank Gods I still have my dignity…

Imagine, Mokuro's second in command wandering around in Makai NAKED! He'll never hear the end of it!

Hastily, he closed the windows and put down the black curtains.

"I swear I brought you up better than that, jaganshi," a metallic voice muttered through the darkness.


Hiei grabbed the sheets and wrapped it around his torso. He saw a glowing eye at the far corner of the room.

"You must've had a very ROUGH day, didn't you?"

The click of the switch reverberated throughout the room, and Hiei saw Mokuro leaning on the door, holding a newspaper in her hands. With no emotion whatsoever, Mokuro turned the page around.

Makai Herald

678 post Megara

by Turin

"Hiei Raped Kurama!"
-- Reikai insider says

"I didn't know he had it in him, but I should have known! He's so quiet and moody, he must've been planning that for months! And to think that he and Kurama were so close!"

As for Kurama, he refuses to comment anything. Reikai Tantei's leader, Urameshi Yusuke is unavailable for questioning.

Hiei's eyes widened as if they weren't wide enough as he read the article.

"That's not true! I swear!" he screamed.

Mokuro simply raised her eyebrows as she surveyed him from head to foot and back.

"Your get-up clearly supports your case."

"I swear, damn it!"

"Sure fooled me. Get yourself ready."

"You don't believe me!"

But Mokuro wouldn't have any of it.

"Shut up jaganshi. Me, Yomi, you and your beloved 'foxy' are gonna have a looong talk."

>>To Be Continued (soon?)<<

Hiei: Is there any probability that you're ever gonna shut up about my love life?!

Turin: Heh. There is. If anyone could answer this question, I'd let him/ her decide the ending of this fic!

Assume that I have written 12 fanfics in all.

All, except one are blatantly Shonen-ai.

If I pick one out, what is the probability that I'll get the fanfic that is not Shonen-ai?

Bai bai!

Hiei looks blankly at the computer monitor and the weird looking box with soft buttons and a small rectangular screen.

Kurama suddenly enters the picture and looks at the calculator Hiei was staring at.

Hiei: How's this gonna help? That damn brat gave this to me. He said it's to ease my work!

Kurama: That's a remote control, Hiei. You use it to switch on the TV.

Hiei: That damn WHELP! He tricked me again!

Kurama: Yes, yes, he did! Now, you go and RUN him DOWN!

Hiei disappears in a blur of black. Kurama's lips curled in a knowing smile as he read the very easy problem on the screen. Looks like this story WILL have a very GOOD ending after all…

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