Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Complicated ❯ Maze Castle ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three
Maze Castle
It had been six months since they had raided King Yama's vault. Things had gotten back to being relatively normal. Sakura had managed to establish quite a name for herself at Meiou academy. Her and Kurama enjoyed toying with the student body immensely.
Many seemed to think that Sakura Harata and Suuichi Minamino were the perfect couple. The only problem was that they would never admit that they were together. It was a subject of much amusement to see all the things the students came up with to get the two of them to admit that they were dating. They even went so far as to give them both the lead rolls in the spring play, which just happened to be a tragic love story where they had to have a romantic kiss at the end.
They had decided to have a little fun with that and give the people what they wanted. The ending kiss was definitely one to remember. It had been one of those romantic dip kisses where he had dipped her low and kissed her like there was no tomorrow, then she tragically died in his arms. It was truly beautiful.
The kids had asked both of them about it after the ending scene, both Sakura and Kurama walking off to separate sides of the stage. The girls had ambushed Sakura at right stage.
“Oh my goodness Sakura, you are the luckiest girl in the world!” One girl with shoulder length dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes exclaimed. The girl next to her nodded enthusiastically. Her hair was black and cut to her chin and her eyes where an amber brown.
“Yeah that kiss looked like it was more than just a stage kiss. They're something going on between you and Suuichi? Huh?” The blond girl nodded too.
“Yeah come on! You can tell us!” Sakura just shook her head and untied the bow holding the dress kimono she had to wear.
“It's nothing like that girls, just a friendly kiss.” Sakura stated simply before walking off the stage. The two girls stared after her in a daze.
“She just got to kiss the most wanted guy in school and she doesn't even seem fazed, like it's an everyday thing!” The brown-eyed girl said. The blond put her hands on her hips and hmphed.
“She's probably just putting on a brave face. That girl never looses her cool. I'm so jealous!” The two clung to each other dramatically as false tears began to pour from their eyes. It was very much the same story at stage left.
“Wow Suuichi that was amazing! That was nothing like we did in practice. You must have some balls pulling a stunt like that! That was one steamy kiss if I've ever seen one!” One boy with short brown hair exclaimed, clapping Kurama on the back. The boy next to him was blond and wore large glasses.
“Yeah Suuichi so tell us, what was it like kissing the most popular girl in school?!” Kurama just sighed and walked past them.
“Very much like all the others.” He stated cryptically as he turned the corner. They stared after him in bewilderment.
“What do you suppose he meant by that?” The brown haired boy threw his arm over the other boys shoulder.
“Are you kidding, Suuichi's probably kissed tons of girls!” They both sighed dejectedly.
“Yeah, Suuichi gets all the girls, huh.” They said in unison before slumping off in the same direction Kurama had wandered off to.
Sakura had been informed of her old master Genkai's little tournament to decide her successor. She and Kurama had become kind of helpers for Koenma as a rule of their probation. Sakura had agreed to help of her own free will as Koenma had cleared her of all charges, deciding that it was her right as the true owner of the starlight swords. And after reviewing the tape and seeing that she had not in fact killed any of his men, he let her go free.
Sakura however had not convinced him to let Kurama free completely. He had been sentenced to a year of probation though Sakura had managed to influence Koenma into giving him the possibility of getting out of his probation early on good behavior. Much against the protests of Sakura, Kayura and Kurama had asked that Hiei also be let out of lockdown after six months if he didn't cause any trouble, and join in Kurama's probation. Koenma had agreed, sensing that he might be of some use in the near future. Today would be the day that Hiei would be let out of lockdown. It was also the day that Yusuke completed his six-month training regiment with Genkai.
Sakura had been pleased to hear that Yusuke had defeated the demon Rando and secured himself as Genkai's successor. He would be a handful she expected but if anyone could whip that boy into shape it was Genkai. Just yesterday spirit world had received a letter from the Saint Beasts of Maze Castle, demanding that the barrier wall spirit world had erected around the city be taken down or dire consequences would be set upon living world. It was good that Yusuke was back in the fold and Hiei had been let out on surprisingly good behavior. She had been there when Koenma had received the letter.
Sakura sighed as she wandered through the halls of King Yama's castle. She was dressed very formally, she always looked formal when visiting spirit world. She wore a simple red and white floral kimono tied with an intricate white butterfly obi consisting of a red koshi-himo sash and white date-jime belt, the obi-jime tie around her middle was a soft gold and on her feet were the simple white tabi socks and straw tatami sandals. She always wore her hair up in a loose bun on the to of her head, held with two ornate red floral hair sticks.
She had been spending an awful lot of time there lately, helping her newfound friend Ayame out with collecting information. Ayame was very quiet and kept mostly to herself. Her hair was ebony and always held back in a bun at the base of her neck with two wide strands framing her face.
She had the same indigo eyes of Kayura, which comforted Sakura in some way. She was very pale, but it only added to her beauty. Ayame always wore a black Kimono tied with a red and blue sash and yellow rope and her feet were encased in the traditional white socks and straw sandals. Sakura felt oddly comfortable in the girls company so she stayed around. She kind of reminded her of an old friend…
However Sakura was alone today as she wandered through the halls. Sakura rounded the corner just in time to hear Koenma shouting at a blue ogre.
“What!” She looked in to see Koenma unfolding a letter, a very distressed look on his face.
“It came from the four saint beasts didn't it sir? What do they want?” The blue ogre asked. Koenma looked up at him fiercely.
“Immediate immigration into the living world.” Sakura gasped. That was very bold of them to request, they must have something up their sleeve.
“That's ridiculous!” The ogre exclaimed and Sakura couldn't help but agree.
“Tell Botan to capture the spy she's following and get Yusuke on this one at once!” Koenma yelled. The ogre saluted and rushed out the door, nearly bowling a startled Sakura over in his haste.
And now here she was, sitting in the park wearing her normal school uniform and waiting for Kurama so that they could begin this stupid mission. She had been vaguely aware of a certain fire apparition that had been sitting in the tree above her head for quite some time now.
“You don't have to stay up there you know Hiei.” He simply humphed and turned away, looking off into the distance.
“It's of no use, I'm afraid there's no reasoning with him.” Sakura turned to see Kurama walk up. She smiled and hopped up from her seat on the bench. She noticed the two crepes he held in his hand and her smile brightened.
“Did you get that for me?” Kurama smiled back and handed one to her.
“Your favorite, strawberry and chocolate.” Hiei scoffed and jumped down from his stoop on the tree.
“Enough of this lovey dovey crap, let's just get this stupid thing over with.” Sakura took a bite of her crepe and glanced over her shoulder at Hiei.
“I don't know why you're in such a hurry, it's not like you have anything better to do, being confined to living world and all.” Hiei just shrugged and glared at her.
“You shouldn't speak with your mouth full, it's disgusting.” Sakura grinned.
“Oh your just mad that he didn't bring you one. I know about your little soft spot for ice cream.” Hiei growled and his glare darkened if at all possible.
“That's none of your business!” Hiei yelled at her and they engaged in a vengeful staring contest.
“Now children, can't we all just get along?” Sakura backed off, chewing on her strawberry chocolate crepe. Hiei turned away.
“Hn, not worth my time anyway.” Kurama sighed and rubbed the back of his head. This was going to be a long assignment. Sakura and Hiei for the most part kept themselves away from each other as they meandered their way into a district of warehouses and through one of the doors. They walked in just in time to see Yusuke jump down into the demon world.
“Now wait! Yusuke I don't want to do that!” Botan called after him, it was no use he was already gone. The three of them walked down the stairs.
“Don't want to do what?” Sakura asked. Botan turned when she heard Sakura's voice.
“Oh good you're here! Koenma told me he had called you three in. Well now there's no time to waist. I'm afraid Kuwabara went with him and that could be rather disastrous.” Sakura's expression turned sour.
“By Kuwabara I'm assuming you mean Kazuma Kuwabara, the orange haired idiot that goes to Sarayashiki junior high?” Botan nodded.
“You know him?” Sakura sighed irately.
“Unfortunately, I'm friends with his sister Shizuru. I never did like him all that much, he always seemed rather annoying and he always hit on me.” Botan sighed and shook her head.
“You too huh?” Sakura smiled and nodded.
The three walked over and stood around the portal. They took one glance at each other and jumped down the hole. Sakura noticed the Fugaki that were about ready to eat the detective and his friend and she glanced up at Kurama and Hiei. They both nodded and all three of them sent a tiny sphere of energy down ahead of them. As they energies clashed and sizzled, scaring away the Fugaki while they all three landed in the tree above Kuwabara.
“It seems you could use some help.” Kurama stated.
“If those nothings where too much for you we're going to have some serious trouble.” Lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the three of them. They all jumped down from the tree and landed in front of the two humans.
“Well, well, well, if it isn't the thieves.” Yusuke stated in an oddly gratifying tone.
“Hello,” Kurama said.
“Well what are you doing here?” Hiei sighed.
“Even that fool Koenma knew it would take more than human power to kill the saint beasts.” Hiei stated matter of factly.
“By aiding in this mission Koenma has assured us we can clean our slates in spirit world.” Yusuke let out a relieved laugh.
“I guess Koenma heard me complaining. But what are you doing here Sakura, I thought Koenma dropped all your charges.” Sakura smirked.
“He did, I'm just here to make sure you all don't get killed.” Sakura said simply, a confused expression crossed Yusuke's face.
“Well thanks, I think. Hey Kuwabara let me introduce you to these guy's.” Yusuke pointed to Hiei.
“That's Hiei, and his name is Kurama.” Yusuke explained.
“A pleasure.” Kurama said. Kuwabara looked at Sakura carefully.
“Hey don't I know you from somewhere? Oh yeah! You're the pretty girl that hangs out with my sister! ” Yusuke lopped him over the head.
“Her name is Sakura and she's Kurama's girlfriend. So don't try to hit on her or anything!” Kuwabara rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
“Well I don't know what's going on but it sure is nice to have a helping hand.” Hiei's eyes narrowed.
“Helping is not the right word. Koenma may regard us as equals but I do not. Once inside the castle I suggest you let us do the work. As far as I'm concerned we're babysitting.” Sakura rolled her eyes and Kurama chuckled at her side.
“Listen you puny jerk face, I'm gonna have to beat you up if you keep talking down to us that way.” Hiei turned to Kuwabara with a bored expression.
“Lets avoid fighting, you're not worth it.” Kuwabara raised his fist.
“Oh that's it!” He swung at Hiei who easily dodged and moved to stand in front of Yusuke.
“But you Detective are a different story. I plan to take my revenge on you so consider this fair warning.” Kuwabara stood up and aimed again.
“Oh you wanna ignore me huh!” He moved to strike again but Hiei stepped back, causing Kuwabara to fall on his face.
“Hiei we must face this current business before you start your own.” Kurama stated. Yusuke smirked at the shorter demon.
“Don't worry three eyes if we survive this I'll be glad to take you on.” Kuwabara rose behind him, glaring daggers at Yusuke.
“Now is this a perfect team or what.” Yusuke said before starting off toward the castle. Kuwabara growled at Hiei who just hmphed and turned away. Not too long after they arrived at the mouth of the gate.
“Well now this place is homey.” Yusuke said.
“So I guess we're just gonna walk right in.” Kuwabara said uncertainly. Kurama nodded.
“Any prize worth having requires a risk.” Kuwabara interrupted.
“I say we make `em come out here and fight us up front like we're not a bunch of sissies.” Hiei scoffed at him and shook his head.
“Your sense of strategy is amazing.” Sakura had to agree it was a stupid plan.
“Are you talkin to me runt boy!” Yusuke had had just about enough.
“Lets go!” He said irately and wandered through the gate. They all began to follow him, Kuwabara mumbling about stupid dwarfs however Sakura stood her ground. Kurama turned to her.
“Wait, Sakura, aren't you going in?” Sakura shook her head and crossed her arms.
“Uh Uh, I heard stories of maze castle, I'm not going in there.” Kuwabara growled.
“Then why'd you even come along?!” Hiei smirked.
“What's the matter, too scared?” Sakura just shrugged.
“Better scared than dead.” She stated matter of factly. Yusuke turned back around.
“Whatever just leave her here, I'm going in.” Yusuke stated, continuing on into the castle, Hiei and Kuwabara following behind. Sakura winked at Kurama and blew him a kiss before taking a seat on a rock. Kurama just sighed and turned, leaving Sakura on her rock. It wasn't too long before she heard the ceiling fall on the unsuspecting detective and his companions. Sakura smirked.
“Thought so.” She stood and drew out one of her starlight swords, where she managed to hide them was beyond anyone but her. She walked over to the edge of the gate and crouched down, her power gathering at her feet. She slammed the tip of her sword into the ground and used the propelling force, along with the force of her energy to shoot her past the four boys and onto the other side of the gate, slicing the floating purple eye as she passed.
She reached out and flipped the switch on the wall; barely managing to move out of the way as the boulder came smashing down from the ceiling. Kurama rushed out from under the gate, fearing the worst. They were all relieved to see her standing unharmed on top of the boulder. Hiei glared at the floating eye.
“Tell your masters this is their chance to beg for mercy!” The eye squalled in agony and flew away. Yusuke sighed and collapsed, his hands on his knees.
“Are you alright Urameshi?” Kuwabara asked.
“Well yeah, I just can't feel my arms right now. Hey Sakura, How'd you know about the trap?” Sakura just smirked and twirled the starlight sword in her hand and it disappeared in a blink of light. She jumped down from the boulder.
“Hn, I'm not the queen of thieves for nothing you know.” She stated, flipping her hair and walking past them off into the castle. Kurama smiled and shook his head, following after his other half, Hiei, Yusuke, and Kuwabara not far behind. They were about halfway down the second corridor when a ringing sound was heard. Kuwabara freaked and took up a fighting stance at Yusuke's pocket. Yusuke reached in and pulled out the communication mirror Botan had given him.
“What is that thing? Is it safe?” Kuwabara asked cautiously.
“It's just the communication mirror that I got from Botan.” Yusuke said, flipping it open. Botan's face appeared on the screen.
“Hello Yusuke, it's Botan here in the living world do you copy?” Kuwabara's face instantly lightened. Before Yusuke could even get a word in Kuwabara turned the mirror to face him.
“Hey there Botan. This is the brave Kuwabara reporting at your service. I'm taking very good care of Urameshi.” Botan chuckled nervously.
“I'm so glad to hear that, I've got things under control here as well, more or less. Makai insects only like to nest in depressed peoples minds. That narrows down my search a bit, I've also found another spy for the saint beasts. I just can't figure out how they're getting past the barrier. See, I think they're demons from outside the city taking orders along the wall.” Yusuke noticed the demon sneaking up behind her.
“Watch out!” He shouted, Botan simply raised her bat, knocking the demon in the head and back out.
“Don't worry, these guy's are weaklings. The real challenge is finding those Makai insects. I've only caught fifteen of those buggers and I've been searching for nearly an entire day!”
“Don't worry baby!” Yusuke crushed Kuwabara in the head.
“Fifteen, that's not much help!” Yusuke exclaimed.
“Yusuke, finding people controlled by the insects takes,” Botan paused to knock out the demon again, “Time, that's why you need to get that whistle.”
“Ok, we're trying but this castle is kinda rough.” Botan sighed exasperatedly.
“Well of course it is, no one's survived before.” With that Botan hung up. Yusuke sighed and turned to Kurama.
“Hey Kurama, what do you know about these four saint people? Botan pushed us down that hole like a couple of cows and I didn't have a chance to ask her.” Kurama shrugged.
“She wouldn't have told you much I'm afraid. Ever since the barrier wall was raised around the city, spirit world intelligence virtually forgot this place existed.” Kuwabara glared at Kurama.
“What do you know,” Kurama simply smirked.
“Let's just say that when you see their bodies you may be very surprised.” A rumbling voice echoed throughout the hallway. Sakura smirked herself.
“Terrified you mean!”
“Who said that?” Kuwabara asked, looking wildly around for the source.
“Rock and stone, the stone beast has come forth.” Sakura stated, turning to the shadow of the door behind them.
“There's a door behind you, please, take it.” The voice grumbled and the light reached out to illuminate the heavy steel door. Yusuke shoved the door open.
“Ladies first.” Sakura smiled and placed her hands behind her back, sauntering into the room with the others close behind. Yusuke grabbed a torch and threw in into the shadowed room, illuminating the form of a giant stone beast.
“Welcome trespassers.” The beast spoke. Kuwabara turned away in fright.
“Ok, I'm surprised.” He stated.
“I am Genbu of the four saint beasts. Do you have a request before you die!” The beast challenged.
“Yeah tell me how a beast is a saint, I'm lost.” Genbu ignored Yusuke's smart remark.
“This stairway is the only way to the castle tower, you can either defeat me and go up on your own or be dragged there once you've stopped breathing!” Genbu accentuated his words with the swing of his tail, creating a crater in the ground where it hit.
“Why don't you all attack me at once, then the last one left won't feel lonely.” Kuwabara stumbled back in shock.
“He's a rock Urameshi, how are we supposed to fight against a talking rock!?” He exclaimed. Kurama stepped foreword.
“I will fight him.”
“Are you sure?” Yusuke asked.
“It would be ill advised for all of us to attack without first knowing his power. Besides, I can hardly let Hiei get all the credit for this mission now can I?” Hiei Humphed and turned his head away. Kurama walked out into the ring of light.
“You want to die one by one? I can do that too.” Genbu admonished.
“Hey wouldn't we be better off trying to lure him back to that drop down ceiling or something?” Yusuke called after Kurama.
“Obviously you are underestimating Kurama.” Hiei stated. Yusuke turned to regard him.
“Do you know why I chose him to be my partner? To avoid fighting him myself. Watch, he's even more cut throat than I am when it comes to battle and unbelievably precise. His prowess only matched by that of his mate, the girl standing next to you, Lady Kayura.” Sakura smiled to herself.
“Why Hiei, I didn't know you thought so highly of me.” Kuwabara was not convinced.
“I don't know guys; he's still a talking rock.” Kurama stepped out in front of the stone beast.
“Sir, the first move is yours.” Genbu only laughed. Yusuke tensed as he noticed something.
“Hey, stone boy's doin somethin crazy with his tail!” He exclaimed, pointing behind Genbu. Kurama turned just in time to see the tail come flying at him from behind. He was not fast enough however as the stone appendage cut through Kurama's stomach. He managed to land on his feet though, never taking his eyes away from the beast. Sakura smirked.
“It was a careless mistake. Trust me, now that Kurama knows what he can do, it won't happen again.” Sakura stated simply.
“Easy for you to say, you're not the one that's wounded.” Kuwabara placed a hand on Yusuke's shoulder.
“Maybe we should help.”
“There is no need. I've been hurt, but he will not take me by surprise again.” Kurama stated confidently.
“Wait until you see the full extent of my power, then you won't be so confident!” That said, Genbu began to sink into the floor.
“He's gonna put himself into the floor!” Yusuke ground out; he was obviously overwhelmed by the extent of this demons power. Kuwabara was not much better.
“Do something Kurama!” But he didn't, he stood his ground, watching as the beast sunk his entire body into the stone floor.
“Now he could be anywhere!” Yusuke said, looking around the room.
“I can't even sense his energy!” Kuwabara exclaimed, also looking around for the vanished saint beast. Sakura's eyes narrowed at the space behind Kurama, Genbu rising out of the floor a moment later. Kurama turned, anticipating the attack.
“Same old trick.” He dodged as his fist came crashing down.
“Watch for his tail!” Yusuke shouted, noticing the appendage shoot up from the floor behind him.
“He's getting attacked from both sides!” Sakura smirked.
“Amateur.” Yusuke turned to her in confusion.
“Sakura?” she nodded to the fight at hand.
“Just watch.” She stated. Yusuke turned back to the fight. Kurama gracefully dodged both attacks, landing elegantly on the balls of his feet. But Genbu was gone. Kuwabara looked about the room.
“Where'd that freak go now?” As if to answer, a hand shot up from in front of Kurama, Him barely dodging again as the tail came shooting past him. A harsh laugh echoed from the walls.
“You'll never defeat me by just running away.” Kurama couldn't have agreed more.
“Yes Genbu, I believe your right.” He reached into his long red hair and produced a single red rose. Sakura smiled.
“A flower?” Yusuke asked, slightly caught off guard.
“Now that's weird. If he's trying to win the beast over I don't think that's a good idea.” A vein began to protrude on Sakura's forehead; she desperately wanted to knock the human senseless.
“It's no ordinary flower.” As Kurama said this the petals of the rose began to unravel, spiraling out to form a long green whip, petals flying about the room.
“Well, everything's coming up roses.” Yusuke stated, watching the petals float around the room.
“It smells girly, I don't think I like it.” Sakura snorted softly, girly. If he only knew how wrong he was.
“Oh sure I suppose he should be a tough guy like you and be obsessed with kittens.” Yusuke stated sarcastically.
“Shut up!” Kuwabara shouted only causing Yusuke to snicker.
“You still don't understand your problem. What good will that fancy whip do if you can't tell where I am?” Genbu stated confidently.
“Yes, not being able to find you is a problem.” Kurama simply smirked.
“Hardly a significant one.” Sakura humphed.
“You just can't be scared can you? Well I'll soon change that!” Genbu was beginning to get scared, you could hear it in his voice. Kurama lunged for the ceiling.
“Found you!” Genbu dove from the ceiling at Kurama who skilful slashed at the stone beast with his whip. Hiei smirked off on the sidelines.
“It's over, the thorns on Kurama's whip can slice through any substance, including solid stone.” Genbu fell to pieces behind the fox.
“Uh! How did you find me?” Kurama sighed.
“Your smell, after filling the room with the roses sweet aroma, your putrid odor was easy for me to find.” Yusuke laughed.
“Well that's no fair, why is it that none of my fights could end that quick?” Kuwabara was equally joyful.
“You beat him in one blow! Now that's what I call a whip!” Hiei humphed.
“You idiots, it only looked easy because Kurama was the one fighting. If you would have fought, you would have died in under a minuet.” Kuwabara moved to yell at Hiei but Sakura's voice stopped him.
“Fools, you think a saint beast is defeated that easily?” Hiei turned to regard the bat.
“What are you taking about, he's clearly beaten.” Sakura just shook her head.
“Really now Hiei, I thought you were a Jaganshi?” He glared at her fiercely, his tone biting.
“Watch it woman! I have no qualms with killing females.” Sakura sighed in boredom.
“Still so much to learn.” Kurama glanced over his shoulder.
“It seems Sakura is right, my fight is not yet over.” The all looked to see the broken parts of Genbu spring up and begin to reassemble. He laughed manically.
“Whose beat? Not me!” Kuwabara began to tremble.
“Uh guy's, I think he's putting himself back together!” He exclaimed.
“You can disassemble me all you like, I'll come back together every time. Actually it makes for a very nice attack!” Genbu stated as his parts began to fly at Kurama. He brandished his whip once more, slicing Genbu into even more small pieces.
“Right in the head,” Yusuke exclaimed, “Lets see him come back now!”
“Want to try again.” Genbu laughed, reassembling himself yet again.
“Ok, that was luck.” Yusuke's voice wavered slightly.
“Lets end this. How'd you like to be stoned to death!?” Tiny stones flew at Kurama, cutting his body in several places.
“What the hells he doing he's going to get killed!” Kurama reached out for something, clutching whatever it was tight in his grasp.
“Your not even fighting back now, those blows must have made you insane!” Kurama simply chuckled at the beast's ignorance.
“Yes I'm sure of it, now your laughing at nothing!” Laughs erupted from everywhere; even Sakura was chuckling behind her hand.
“I've heard of brass balls before but come on!” Yusuke exclaimed.
“Yeah I'd like to see him use the toilet!” Kuwabara busted out.
“What did you do to me?!” Kurama raised his hand from behind his back producing a glowing red stone.
“I took this.” Sakura's eyes widened and she smiled, shaking her head at the foolishness of it all.
“Clever, tails, very clever.” She leaned back against a pillar, her arms crossed over her chest.
“What's that?”
“I believe this is the equivalent of the hypothalamus portion of your brain. It regulates all the functions of your body including the process of putting you back together. It seems to relay an energy signal when you separate, making it very easy to find.” Genbu was beginning to sweat.
“You can't do this! Give it back to me.” Kurama tossed the stone in the air, slicing through it with his rose whip. Genbu exploded in a cloud of dust.
“I don't think he liked that!” Kuwabara said.
“Good work Kurama!” Kurama grunted and grabbed his stomach, collapsing to the floor. They all rushed over to their fallen comrade.
“Are you ok?” Yusuke asked. Hiei looked on with troubled eyes.
“If Kurama is injured, were going to have some problems.” Kurama glanced up at the spirit detective.
“I'm sorry Yusuke.” Yusuke just smiled.
“Nah, you've earned yourself a break anyway.” Kuwabara nodded.
“Yeah, I'll handle the next one.” Sakura noticed Kayura pushing at her mind and she regressed, letting Kayura take over. She walked over, pushing the big oaf out of the way.
“Oh move over.” Kuwabara began mumbling about stupid girls but Kayura obviously wasn't paying attention. She looked down at Kurama and sighed.
“There you go again lover boy, always getting yourself cut open.” Kurama smiled meekly.
“You know me.” Kayura smiled and shook her head.
“Yeah well it's times like this I sometimes wish I didn't. Let me see.” She knelt down to examine his wound, running her finger through the cut.
“Ew! She just stuck her finger in his cut!” Kuwabara exclaimed, cringing away. Kayura sighed in relief.
“Looks like you missed the organs yet again. Just need to seal the cut and it should heal up rather nicely.” Kayura said lifting her finger up and blowing on it. It began to glow a faint yellow and she lowered it to his wound, running slowly over the cut. Kurama didn't even flinch.
“What are you doing?” Yusuke asked, examining her actions.
“Cauterizing the wound.” Yusuke looked disgusted.
“Yeouch! That's gonna leave one nasty scar.” Kayura simply shook her head.
“My cauterizations are virtually painless, and they leave no signs of any visible scars. Kind of like stitches without the threads.” Kayura explained. Kuwabara looked at her suspiciously.
“What are you some kind of doctor?” Kayura rolled her eyes.
“You could say that. You don't get by in my line of work without having to stitch a limb or two back on ever so often. And with our gang of bandits it was more often than not. I can't tell you how many times I had to heal this stupid fox. There were times I wondered if he hurt himself on purpose, just to get a chance to have my hands all over him.” Kayura said, smiling and wrinkling her nose cutely at Kurama who just shook his head, not denying it.
“Why would he need to do that? I thought you two were mates or whatever.” Yusuke asked.
“We weren't always Yusuke. There was a time when I despised this spirit fox. He was quite infatuated with me though. I always found it quite funny, he and my brother were best friends. There were often times when Kuronue would tell me stories about Kurama's exploits with adoring young apparitions. Nothing much has changed, he's still quite the ladies man. He could have any girl he wanted and yet, the only one he wanted was the one he couldn't have. Not only was I his best friends sister, but I hated him. I thought him to be the most egotistical, womanizing prick I had ever laid eyes on, and I had laid eyes on quite a few egotistical, womanizing pricks. The stories my brother told me did not help his cause at all. Eventually he and my brother found out about my healing abilities and recruited me into their band of thieves. It didn't take long for me to pick up a few trades and I proved myself quite a valuable asset, only seeming to fuel Kurama's desire for me more.” Kayura tossed a sidelong glance in her lover's direction and he met her with a smoldering gaze. Hiei couldn't help but notice and as secretively as he could he delved into Kayura's memories.
“It all came to the forefront one night after a particularly violent raid. I had come to admire Kurama's grace and beauty. I was only female; how could I not notice? I had found myself becoming infatuated with him as well. Confused at the things I had noticed. Kurama was in fact not the man I had previously thought him to be. I had mistaken his methodical nature for egotism and I had never in all my time with the band of thieves seen him lay a hand on, or even speak to a woman in any manner that would be considered vulgar or indecent. It had me calling into question all my previous beliefs about the king of thieves. Had I been wrong in assuming that he had let his fame go to his head? Was I the one who had been judging his faults all along? I wasn't sure.”
“He had carelessly wounded himself again, though this time it was rather bad. I had suspected for some time that he had been causing himself these injuries for the sole purpose of wanting to visit me. I had refused to speak to him outside a doctor patient capacity so any opportunity he had to get me to talk to him he took. It annoyed me to no end. He had managed to trick me into spending the day with him a few weeks prior to that particular incident, I suppose he considered it our first date. Eventually I ended up opening up to him, stopped treating him like a patient and actually talked to him like a person. I was pleasantly surprised at what a fine conversationalist he was. But it was short lived. My brother found us talking and practically ordered me back to my room. I suppose he wanted to speak with Kurama alone.” Kayura glanced sharply at Hiei and his eyes widened before rolling back in his head, his mouth going slack. He was obviously experiencing something rather vividly and Kayura smirked.
“Let me tell you, that was a fun conversation. I had never seen Kuronue that angry.” Kurama said, shuddering slightly at the memory. Kayura smiled at him.
“Well what did you expect darling, you were attempting to court his little sister. I also got quite the tongue-lashing. But I'm afraid he was too late, the seed had already been sown. It only needed the right spark to bloom into what it truly was meant to be, and that spark came the night of that raid. To his credit, Kuronue had managed to keep Kurama and I apart after that day. Any time they would go on a hunt he would catch Kurama trying to put himself in situations to become critically injured so that Kuronue would have no choice but to send him to me. But he underestimated my brother's intelligence and he managed to intercept Kurama's plans before he had time to develop them.” Kayura sighed. In the far corner of her mind she vaguely registered an adamant glare from a certain fire apparition but she pushed it aside.
“Kurama was becoming rather frustrated with my brother's attempts at keeping us apart and his anger got the better of him the night of the raid. He had already tried his hand at injuring himself, which Kuronue intercepted of course, however my brother had not seen the demon with the sword sneak up and slice through Kurama's back, very nearly missing his spine. Kuronue knew he had no choice and he rushed Kurama to me immediately, foolishly leaving the two of us alone. The injury was not as serious as I had thought, upon closer examination I found that he had moved in a manner so that the blade had only sliced his skin. I easily mended that then went off on him for being so careless. He was infuriated that I would use our limited time together yelling at him about his short comings.” Kayura laughed. Yusuke stared at her, rather engrossed in her story.
“So what happened?” Kayura sighed enigmatically.
“We made love. It seemed like the right thing to do at the moment. Kuronue didn't think so however when he found us the next morning. Man was that ever a pleasant experience. But Kuronue knew he had failed and there was nothing he could do but accept it and move on. Things settled down quite a bit after that, much to the gratitude of everyone I'm sure.” Kurama nodded, a small smile on his lips.
“Yes, and I finally got to stop hurting myself for an excuse to come see you. I think you enjoyed that as well.” Kayura crossed her arms and smirked at him.
“You still got your fair share of injuries but they were a lot fewer and far between. Besides, we found a better use for our past time.” Yusuke closed his eyes tightly and shook his head to clear the images.
“Ok, TMI, can we just get going now?” Kayura shrugged.
“Whatever.” She shrugged, regressing back and letting Sakura take over and they made their way up the stone steps.