Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Dark Paradise ❯ Introductions are made!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dark Paradise

Chapter Two: Introductions are made!!!

It was a normal Wednesday at school. You was sitting at your desk carving obscene quotes into the fake wood while trying to pay attention to the lecture the history teacher was giving the class. Normally you didn't mind the lectures, but today it seemed like he was going to go on forever. It had also started to rain outside making the day seem even more drearier then it should have been. You sighed and stabbed your knife into the desk, letting your head fall down on your notebook. It made a small audible thud drawing attention from the teacher.
"Miss (Last Name)!" the teacher barked out. Your head popped up off your desk and you glared at him. You think about flipping him off but thought better of it for the moment. "How long did the Wars of the Roses last?"
"Twenty years to be precise. Though some historians believe it to be a couple more years. The battles started between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists trying to get a hold of the throne. Though there were other houses in line to the throne, too. In the end Henry Tudor, from which I believe came from the Lancastrians side married a Yorkist taking the throne, uniting the houses, and ending the war. Though it could be he was from the Yorkist side. I can't recall," you said smirking in the process. You loved being a smart ass sometimes.
The teacher glared at you, and you swear you thought you heard a small growl come out of his throat. Though it was probably you. Some of the kids at school say your paranoid about the school trying to brainwash the student body and are trying to get you. As the saying goes though `You aren't paranoid if they really are out to get you.' You mean what else are pep assemblies for if not to brainwash the students into believing in "school spirit".
You rolled your eyes and finally flipped him off. Damn, you thought, that felt good to get that out of my system. Just then a knock came from the door before he could say anything else to you. You snickered and proceeded to vandalize school property some more when four boys walked in and the principal.
"Class, these are the new foreign exchange students. I'd like you to welcome them nicely and show them around if they need help," the principal said quickly and left the classroom. Was it just you or did you hear her emphasize the word nicely. Oh well you had other things to worry about. Like remembering that you was hosting two of the new foreign exchange students. It hit you then, and you could describe it as two words. Oh SHIT! You had totally forgotten about the new kids. Thank god you cleaned the guest rooms out the week before.
It took you a few seconds to realize the teacher was talking.

"Students I would like to introduce to you the new students, but since I have to see the principal they will introduce themselves to you," the teacher said. You swore you saw a few more hairs graying and some of them fall out from his already bald head. You snickered and leaned back in your chair.
The first one walked up. He was pretty tall and ugly with red hair. "Hello, I'm he mighty Kazuma Kuwabara," he said and you snorted.

"Get a life!" you yelled at him, chucking a history book at his head. Hopes of the book smashing his face in and making him a little less uglier died as it hit his shoulder. He yelped in pain as his friends snickered at him and you smirked.
"I'm Yusuke Urameshi, and who are you?" Another tall guy asked. He had slicked back black hair that kinda reminded you of Draco's from Harry Potter, and brown eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Not that its any of your fucking business, but since I'm feeling nice today I'll tell you. My name is (Your name)." He smiled and nodded to you and another one of the foreign exchange students came up. Another one of his friends you presumed.
"I'm Hiei Jaganshi," said a hard looking guy that looked like if you looked at him wrong he would punch your face in. He was a little taller then you. 5'8" it looked around with tall spiky gravity defying black hair with a star burst of white in the middle. His eyes where red and cold. You stared at him straight in the eye. Tension built up in the classroom and whatever little noise there had been had ceased to be as the other students felt the tension rise. It was like a contest of the wills and you were not about to be the one to look away first. Turned out both of you looked away at the same time. His "supposed" friends grinned at each other and the last one came up.
He was tall, too. Somewhere around six feet. He had long beautiful red hair the color of roses and green eyes. You thought if you hadn't been so stubborn at trying not to like them you would have just dropped dead by the sight of him. "My name is Shuuichi Minamono. It is a pleasure to meet you all," he said in a well cultured voice. You could tell he was a hell of a lot smarter then the rest of the group.
With all said and done they looked for seats. With your luck it turned out that the only seats available at the moment had been in the back. Next to you. They all walked back here talking softly to themselves. Shuuchii took the seat to your left, Hiei slipped in the seat on your right before Kuwabara could grab it, and Yusuke and Kuwabara sat in the remaining to seats.
"So, you are the one Hiei and I will be staying with the rest of the year," Shuuchii said trying to start up small talk.

You looked at him and said, "Hn." He laughed at that. That laugh was smooth as velvet. It rolled over your skin and sent goose bumps up your spin. If you could bottle up that laugh you could sell it as candy. It reminded you of your dad's laugh when he and your mother would retire for the night. A bedroom laugh. Something meant to be seductive, though you doubted he even knew the effect if had on people. You rolled your eyes at him and put the knife you had on your desk away.
"What lunch do you have?" you asked him trying to be polite.

"I'm not sure yet. Nobody has told us how to figure that out," Shuuchii said taking out his schedule and handing it to you. You looked at his schedule and clucked your tongue at it. You had most of your classes together, but not all.

"You have lunch with me. Since we have C lunch together and fifth hour together you can eat with me and my friends if you would like," you said mentally slapping yourself for your stupidity.

"I would love that," he replied, "but the rest of the gang has the same schedule as I do. Is it okay if they sit with us, too?" He gave you an award winning smile. Semi full red lips parted to reveal perfectly straight white teeth.

"Sure why not," you forced a smile, but mentally you were groaning.
You bent over and started putting your notebooks, folders, and shit in your messenger bag. It was dark red. The color of dried blood. You had decorated it with safety pins, buttons, permanent markers, and patches. One of you favorite buttons was a Democratic party button that said ABB on it. It stood for Anyone But Bush. You supported it all the way. Though you still wasn't old enough to vote. Damn congress sometimes. You also had some nifty Linkin Park, Korn, Disturbed, and Marilyn Manson patches on there. You hoisted the bag onto you desk and looked at the clock.
You mentally counted down the seconds til the bell rang. You were off by five. You said good-bye to your new friends and ran off down the hall way to the freshman unit to wait on you friends Andy and Shalleta. They arrived not to shortly after you did and you did your morning routine.You exchanged notes, talked some, and headed off to class.
The rest of the classes went by slowly with nothing interesting going on except talk of the new foreign exchange students. You had totally forgotten how fast gossip went around the school. Mainly you slept through the classes as you did nothing as usual and waited for what was going to be a very interesting fourth hour in a very long time. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

A/N: So I hoped you all liked that. Sorry for the spelling errors. I will fix them in time. In the meantime I hope you guys continue to read. Sorry if your not punk. You will lighten up in the next chapter though. You and Kurama won't get together immediately. I hate that in a story. We all know that Kurama wouldn't move that fast into a relationship. Also sorry if you are not in the democratic party. And I know that Hiei is shorter then he is in the story, but it will be explained later on in the story. At least I don't think so. Anyway have fun and review!