Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Defenseless ❯ Love-hate relationship, with no love involved ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Forgive any-- weirdness in this chapter but erm, I'm really exhausted from work and I really wanted to give you guys an update so... yeah, it might be the best chapter. I hope I'll make it up to you next time!
Disclaimer: >.> Sorry to disappoint. I didn't become a billionaire overnight so I didn't buy anime...
Chapter 5: Love-hate relationship, with no love involved
A high pitch screech bounced off the buildings, reverberating up and down the street as the motorcycle skid down, sparks flying from where the metal scratched the cement. Sachi's bike finally stopped when it collided with a parked car and, well... lets just say it wasn't pretty. The motorcycle was a wreck and now the alarm of the car was echoing loudly through the street, causing people to turn on their lights.
Quite a few turned on their lights actually because the once dark street was now getting packed with people in bathrobes, not looking quite awake. Although curiously enough, at the sight of bodies on the ground, they seemed to be fully awake and began calling each other, crowding around the two teenagers.
Oh sorry, let me back up a second. Sachi's breaks didn't work for some reason and when Sachi turned onto this street, her speed was too great. So basically, she and Kurama were sent flying off the bike. Kurama was out of it, that was clear so, any reflexes he normally would have to protect himself, were nonexistent.
Sachi tightened her grip around him with one arm while the other was-- well she didn't know, but it was straight when she collided on the street. For the first seconds when her eyes were still open, the blurred world turned and turned-- wait, that was her. Never mind! Well then she shut her eyes and ignored the burning pain in her left leg, where the bike -as it went sliding down the street- seemed to have gripped her skin and torn her flesh downward.
The neighbors frowned in disgust. There was a lot of blood... “Did someone call an ambulance?” was a murmur running through the small crowd.
A groan interrupted their joyful reunion in the middle of the night. “Is she getting up!?”
'Ow... damn.' thought a not so happy teenage girl with a head throbbing like hell. Since it was night, and her vision wasn't completely normal at this moment, Sachi didn't even notice the crowd around her and pretty boy. All she could see was-- well... basically, just Kurama laying on the ground next to her.
Trying to stand up on her left leg, a cry of pain escaped her mouth. Now that blood rushed down, her vision cleared and she noticed the neighbors, cringing at her pain and the sight of blood. “What are you staring at!?” she snapped, holding her right shoulder in pain. “Get lost!”
The neighbors obediently scurried away but stared from a distance as the girl they only knew by name picked up the unknown boy and limped towards her house. “Oh it's going to be loud now...” whispered an old lady from across the street. Other people nodded and went back in their houses, locking the doors and turning off the lights.
Hissing softly with each step she took, Sachi tried to ignore the pain coursing through her body as she dragged the unconscious Kurama inside her house, praying her “brother” wouldn't be home. So far so good, everything was dark and silent. Biting her bottom lip to keep her groans quiet, Sachi slowly got up the stairs, pain shooting through her left leg.
Once she finally pushed her door open, she dumped pretty boy on the bed -well, half of him anyway- and slumped on the ground, exhausted from the blood loss. 'Damnit... this is-- bad.' she winced as a finger barely grazed the wound on her leg. How the hell was she supposed to do anything like this!?
A soft groan diverted her attention towards the body half on her bed. He seemed to be awake... “Are you-- ok?” inquired Sachi, sitting more comfortably on the ground, folding her left leg sideways while her left hand covered her stinging right shoulder. She could feel two gashes and something pricking towards the base of her neck.
Kurama slowly opened his eyes, feeling something under his stomach but his knees being on the hard wooden floor. “... ok?” reached his ears.
He grunted, “W-what?” he pushed himself off the bed and sat against it, feeling drained of any energy.
I asked you if you were ok.”
Oh, that girl again. “Yeah I'm-- just... tired...” he replied, his neck unable to hold his head up, hence his head hit the mattress behind him.
Kurama then heard a soft sigh followed by a quiet chuckle. “That's reassuring. I thought you were dead for sure...” said Sachi, brushing her long black hair back over her shoulder again. “That guy-- I don't know what the hell he did to you, but I thought you were a goner for sure.”
...” Kurama's hand went up to his neck, barely touching where the demon had sucked out his blood. “What did you--?”
I sucked out the blood.” cut in Sachi, shrugging, briefly shaking her head once to clear any dizziness.
Kurama frowned, 'But it's poisoned...' except he couldn't tell her that. Well, he probably could, but with some tact. He opened his mouth to say something else when the door of the room was kicked open, nearly flying off its hinges.
You slut! What do you think you're doing bringing a bastard like him into this house!?” yelled the obviously loved struck big brother.
Sachi snorted, glaring up at him “Shut your big fat mouth asshole, this house isn't yours!” she snapped, her anger level rising quite fantastically.
The full grown adult roared and stomped across the short distance separating both of them and grabbed her by the collar, spitting in her face as he spoke. “You'll learn to behave, bitch! Or else I'll make you regret ever being born!” he punched her face while throwing her against the wall. “And clean that mess up!” he pointed to the blood stains.
A dry laughter was heard in the room, which made the loving brother twitch. “What's so funny!?”
Another laugh answered him before Sachi granted him a sneering glance, “You.” She could see a vein pop in his forehead. “You and your macho attitude. How you think this house is yours. And that I'm your slave. But lets make something clear.” she paused and glared at him full heartedly, “This is my house and nobody orders me around.”
That only made the dear brother twitch more and shake in anger. “Shut your damn mouth wench!” he roared so loud the neighbors winced in their beds.
Meanwhile, precious Kurama hadn't moved a muscle and was listening -not like he had a choice- to the intense conversation between two obviously loving siblings. Right? He chose that particular instant to wince as his wound on his stomach made him hunch over to prevent any more pain.
In one quick movement -as quick as a lousy human can be- Sachi's long hated “brother” had Kurama up by the throat and was glaring daggers at him, his fist itching to punch the hell out of him. “You-- what the hell are you doing here!?” he hollered while his right arm prepared to punch him.
As his fist rushed in the air to come in contact with Kurama's cute face, Sachi's eyes snapped wide open and before her brother's fist could hit Kurama, her face was in the way. So she got hit instead. Kurama was pushed back down, and lucky him he fell on the bed. His eyes had slightly widened and he propped himself up on his elbows to witness Sachi hit the ground in an undignified manner.
A low growl emitted from her throat as she slowly pushed herself up in a sitting position, her eyes narrowed in a death glare. “Touch him again, and you die.” she snarled in a quiet, yet threatening voice.
Now what is a brother to do? First of all, consider the options... He doesn't have an extended choice, hence he pretended to be unaffected by her threat and stormed out of the room, slamming the door to his room before shaking like a vibrating cell phone.
Are you alright?” asked Kurama as he slowly sat up on the bed, he felt dizzy for some reason and his shoulder was scraped from falling off the motorcycle, but as far as he knew, he didn't have an accident...
Sachi nodded once, slumping against the opposite wall, feeling drained of energy now. “Yeah I'll just... take a nap. Don't go out the room, and if he comes back, I'll hear him don't worry.” she slightly smiled and let her head drop on her chest. Out like a candle.
'... That sure was-- interesting... What the heck happened to her leg?' he mused quietly, frowning ever so slightly. Exhausted nonetheless by the demon's attack, and feeling himself losing more blood from his open stomach wound, Kurama imitated her in that he slumped down on her bed and soon fell prey to a deep slumber.
It must have been barely an hour later that Kurama jerked up -or more like, was forced up- by a strong grip before he felt his cheek sting bitterly, then another punch was delivered into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him in addition of that free bonus groan of pain. Damn did that “brother” know how to punch.
Kurama was knocked quite a few more times until Sachi's low growl was heard over Kurama's soft groans. “Looking to die?” she snarled lowly, standing up like a ghost, her eyes narrowed into a deep glare.
The brother, or neighbor as we should correctly name him, glared at her before throwing Kurama against the wall -again!- and letting him fall on the bed one more time... “I warned you,” hissed the teenage girl, her fists clenched tightly, “you'll die.” she said simply, a smirk forming on her face.
The neighbor snorted, a cackle being heard before his obnoxiously loud laughter filled the room. “Hahaha! A slimy little cockroach like you-- kill me?” and his fit of laughter doubled. Obviously, he had planned his reply, or at least prepared his annoying laugh because none of it seemed natural. His muscles betrayed him anyway, they were tense and rigid.
So you don't mind my smashing your nose in your brain, do you?” innocently smiled Sachi who, in the blink of an eye, was standing right in front of him. He was at least a head taller than her, but she looked pretty confident no matter what.
Ah ha! A twitch! A nervous twitch! “Fine. Be a slut. I don't care.” snapped the neighbor before hurrying out of the room and out of the house this time. Who knew where the heck he was headed. It was midnight! Probably a club to pick out a naive chick. But Sachi didn't care at all. Not right now at least, she had her peace.
How's your leg?” inquired Kurama in a soft voice, his eyes showing concern.
Sachi shrugged, sitting down against the bed. He could tell she was holding in pain, and apparently she was biting her lip to do so. “I could tend to it, you know.”
Nah, that's ok. Don't bother.”
Bother? But you can't do anything like that! And if you let it stay in this condition, you'll get an infection.”
And they'll probably have to cut out my leg.” laughed the black haired teenager. “Yeah yeah, whatever. My bike's dead so I don't give a damn.”
... Dead?”
Oh yeah.” chuckled Sachi, “I guess I didn't tell you... We had a bike accident.”
'O...k... That explains the leg. And my shoulder.' thought Kurama, glancing down at the sitting girl. “... Is that how your leg got hurt?” A nod answered him and he sighed softly. “At least it's not a concussion.”
Well you never know... I do have a headache, now that you mention it.” smiled Sachi, rubbing her temples briefly.
Kurama had to restrain himself from doing an anime fall. She could have a concussion but didn't say anything!? What kind of idiot-- I mean, careless teenager would do that!? ... Her apparently. “Ok well, I'm dead beat. See you in a.m.” she yawned and, once again, her head fell forward and rested on her folded up right knee.
Kurama blinked and looked at her strangely. 'She sure is-- unique.' he thought, trying to pinpoint what made her the way she was. He felt it again before, when her “brother” had come into the room. Her anger level had peaked up almost instantly. It was truly amazing but also frightening. What made her that way?
He hunched forward again, his wound on his stomach itching and burning. What the heck!? Could it be the poison the demon left? 'I thought-- she sucked it out?' he thought before blacking out on the bed, and this time with no interruption.
Whee, reviews accumulate. o.o ^-^ Thank you all! I'm very flattered and touched! *bows* And err-- I hope this chapter was up to your level of standards because... it felt a bit crappy to me. But that's just me.
midnight fox: Hehe whee! First reviewer! I was waiting for a review this morning before going to work... ^-^;; I'm happy now and I gotta get to work! Wah! I'll bbl and finish responding to this... And I am back and I don't know why I ever wrote this since you're reading this straight through... o.O I'm weird. >_> Ahem! I shall now continue writing!
kahuffstix: ^^;; Who said anything about killing? >_> :P Glad you liked it! I felt like writing but then I noticed I reached the end of the forth page so I decided to just end it there...
ginryu: ^^ Thanks! o.o What an interesting friend you must have... lol, no offense intended!
bee bee: Oh I see... :P ^^ Well then, I'm glad most people like her! Tee hee... Actually I didn't really think about her at all, I just kinda-- wrote. o.O Well I knew she was in a gang and all but most of the stuff was made up. ^^;; Ahem, anyway... just keep writing, just keep writing--