Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Doesnt It Feel Like Christmas? ❯ Dont Be Greedy, Feed the Needy ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

That night, Zinnia sat on the couch happily ate one of the ginger bread cookies that her and Kurama had made that morning. She was so excited. Tomorrow was christmas! She hoped that all of her friends would like the gifts that she got them. She even got presents for her mother and relatives. She had already mailed them yesterday. So the gifts should arrive at their houses by tomorrow morning. She hoped. Kurama taped some misltoe onto the ceiling so it dangled freely in the air. He did this so hopefully Mitari and Zinnia would be caught under it at the same time. Hiei was sitting next to his sister eating up a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream. "Zinnia, perhaps you should call your mother to say Merry Christmas."said Kurama lighting 2 candles on the coffee table. Zinnia smiled.

"Okay!"she reached into the pocket of her green baggy pants. She pulled the inside of the pocket out. Nothing. She reached inside the other one. Nothing there either. Just then, it hit her. "Kurama! I left my cell phone at the church!"she said jumping up off the couch. "I have to go get it!" Kurama looked out the window.

"Right now?"he asked. "But its snowing pretty hard.". Zinnia tied on her red bandana and the red sweater around her waist. She then wrapped a red scarf around her neck.

"Dont worry, Kurama! I'll be fine."she assured. Kurama smiled.

"Okay, just be back soon, okay?"Zinnia nodded.

"Okay!"she said as she left out the door. And Kurama was right. It was snowing pretty hard. She was gonna have to hurry. It was already dark outside. So she broke into a run. At this rate she could reach the church in no longer than 10 minutes. The sky was a beautiful navy blue color and there were several pretty shimmering stars. The neighborhood was heavily decorated with christmas lights of several different colors. Some even flashed on and off. It was a great sight to see. She hoped that no one had taken her cell phone. Her mother gave it to her last christmas. She couldnt believe that she had left her cell phone at the church. The last time she remembered seeing it was when she turned it off at the church service before she sang for everyone. Perhaps, if she was lucky, someone would have put it in the lost in found or something. Now she was starting to leave the suburb area and was among traffic. It was amazing to see how packed the roads were on Christmas Eve Night. People must be doing a alot of last minute shopping. Zinnia was sure glad she got all her christmas shopping out of the way already. Strong winds began to swirl through the atmosphere. Zinnia shivered a little bit. "It's cold...."she said aloud to herself. She suddenly came crashing down to earth as she slipped on some ice. She fell on her face. "Ow......."she moaned. She wasnt hurt too bad though. She slowly stood up and brushed the snow off her face. The strong wind blew making her face extra cold from the wetness from the snow. She wiped her face witht he end of her scarf. "I have to be more careful."she thought to herself before breaking back into a run. Up ahead she could see the church. It even had pretty green and red christmas lights on it. The church double doors were open to welcome any wanderer who stumbled upon it. She slowly walked up to the church and entered through the doors. It was quite warm inside. She removed her scarf. Zinnia figured that it would only make sense to first check the lost and found box. She walked down the aisle to the front of the church room. All the benches were empty except for about 3 or 4 people who's heads were bowed silently praying. She peeked inside the small box sitting next to the keyboard. Sure enough, her cell phone was inside. How lucky! She happily took it out and shoved it in her pocket. She then turned her attention to a woman gazing inside the large box in which toys were donated for poor children. She had the distinguished smell of......baked beans on her. Zinnia's nose wiggled as she watched her. Her clothes were kinda old and raggedy and her long hair looked like it had seen better days. She stared for a long time.......before leaving in tears. Zinnia watched the woman leave confused. "How could anyone cry on christmas?"she thought to herself. She stumbled over to the donation box and looked inside. The box was completely empty. Not a single toy left. The wolf demon stared at the empty box. "oh......"..........a tear ran down her cheek.

Later, Zinnia stealthy looked into the window of a small, trashed looking house. There was the woman from the church, a little boy, and a little girl.The house had no decorations or anything. The small family all sat on a beaten up couch eating out of a single can of baked beans. This family was...................poor. It looked like they were now exchaning presents. "I got this for you, mommy."said the little girl handing her mother a present......wrapped in aluminum foil. The woman slowly took her gift. "Thank you, sweetheart."she said before opening....or perhaps I should say unwrapping the present. It was a flat rock with red finger paint on it that read 'I luv u mommy.' Zinnia let out a low, sorrowful whimper. Next, the little boy gave his mother a gift. His was an envelope. "Thank you, sweetie."said the mother before slowly opening the envelope. Inside was simply pocket change. She carefully counted it. "3 dollars and 38 cents."she said aloud. The little boy nodded.

"It's my life savings. I want you to have it, mommy."he explained. Zinnia turned away and ran off in tears.

"I cant stay here anymore!"she cried.